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The new Dragonball Z game is realesed to come out in May. I can't wait!

The rest of the Buu saga won't air until Fall.

Next 2 tapes of the Buu saga Due in April.

Dragonball is airing on Cartoon Network at 5:00pm EST.

Welcome to the clothes guide, where you can see some of the outfits the charecters in DBZ wear. Normal sites have a pic of them, sometimes all the outfits they wear, and then describe what it looks like. Well, here at USS, we take it one step further. We not only have a pic of one of thier outfits, tell somewhat what the outfit looks like, but also give reasons to why the charecter wears that. Yes, we explain why. They are all thought up by me, Gohan-guy, they may not be true, and are just guesses, but very good guesses. So now enjoy the guide.


Well, Goku's outfit is very easy to explain. He wears the shirt Master Roshi gave to him, but has weighted clothing on too. The blue shirt is weighted, along with the wristbands and boots. He takes them off to fight Raditz and gets much stronger and faster. At some points in the show, he has a symbol. It usually means the name of the person who trained him. Later, in the Android saga, he gets rid of it completely.


This armor was made by Bulma to be like Saiyan armor. While not exact, they do share some similarities. The gloves, the boots, those are the same. Actually, the boots are different befoe the Cell games, they don't have those yellow tips like he does during it. The armor is easier to move, but also not as protective. Personally, I like this armor better then his old armor.


This outfit is just like Piccollo's. After training in the Time Chamber, he asks Piccollo if he can have an outfit like his. Piccollo was his first trainer. Piccollo smiles, and gives him the outfit. Just about everything is like Piccollo's except the colors. Gohan fights Cell in the outfit, and then, to my knowledge, never wears it again.


Well, it's pretty easy, it's just what Nameks wear. The cape and the cap are weighted, which make can make him stronger just by walking around, sort of. The outfit itself is loose, good for moving around fighting in. But I'm not quite sure about the little pointy boots though. I guess it's just another way to make him move faster, I'm not sure. He wears the outfit basically through the whole DBZ, except when he takes driving lessons.


This outfit is from the Cell saga. In it, he changes outfits. Before, he only wore the orange shirt and pants, and not the same boots either. But in the Cell saga, he wears an outfit very much like Goku's. I'm not sure if the blue shirt is weighted, but I bet it is. He does change his outfit again in the Great Saiyman Saga through the Buu saga. He wears a Red T-shirt with Tan pants and white belt. I'm not quite sure why though, maybe to symbolize he's grown up or something, I'm really not sure.


Well, it's pretty obvious why Trunks wears this. He wants to impress his father, and be like him. The armor is just like Vegeta's. His mother made it, so he might not want to make her think he doesn't like it by not wearing it, that's another possibility. Also, maybe just for protection, I can't really be sure with Trunks, but if I had to pick one, I'd guess it's to be like his father. His armor is white, with tan bands that go over his shoulders and hold it. Underneath the armor is blue uh, I'm not quite sure what it is, but it's skintight.


Well, Chichi's is pretty easy too. Well, it's a purple apron, she's mom, not much to explain. Her outfit was made like that just simply because she's a mom now, so Toriyama wanted her to look the part, I guess. Now if we're talking in the series, why Chichi dresses like that, same reason, she's a mom, and she wants to look the part. She has her hair up in a bun, and wears bracelets on her writs. That's about it for Chichi.

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