
13 Sep 1827 - Nov 1905

Father: Adam B. CARRITHERS
Mother: Elizabeth MILLER

Family 1 : Mary Eleanor STOUT
  1. +Eugene Stout CARRITHERS
  2.  Martha Elizabeth CARRITHERS
  3. +Mary Adam CARRITHERS

                       _James CAROTHERS ____
| (1782 - ....) m 1814|
|                     |_Mary PORTER ________
|--Adam Porter CARRITHERS 
|  (1827 - 1905)
|                      _John MILLER ________
|                     |                     
|_Elizabeth MILLER ___|
  (1787 - 1845) m 1814|
                      |_Ruth BAILEY ________


[39] Source: The Record of the CARRITHERS FAMILY
compiled and arranged by
Mary Adam Carrithers Lawrence,
Shelbyville, Kentucky.

Adam Porter Carrithers attended the school in Spencer County, Kentucky, and later the shelbyville Academy, an Episcopal School. It was where the Shelby Graded School is now. Mr. Waller was the head.

The Shelby News, Shelbyville, Kentucky.
November 23, 1905

"End comes to Mr. Adam P. Carraithers, one of Shelby County's most prominent citizens/ Widely known and esteemed.
After Several months illness from Cistitis, Mr. Adam P. Cararithers, one of the best known men in Shelby County, died at 3:45 O'clock Sunday morning at his home south of Shelbyville. He had been in failing health for more than a year, but his condition did not become alarming until the first of September, when he was forced to take to his bed. The decline was gradual from that date until last Friday, when a change for the worse manifested itself and he failed rapidly until the end Sunday morning.
Mr. Cararithers was born September 16, 1827, in Alleghany Ckounty, Pennsylvania, in 1797 and settled in Louisville when that city was still a hamlet. Mr. Carrithers was reared on a farm and all his life followed Agricultural pursuits. He moved to Shelbyville in 1855 and purchased the farm adjoining the city, where he resided at the time of his death.
For many years Mr. Carrithers was president of the old Shelby Railroad and has been prominently identified with local institutions for the last half century. A gentleman of the old school, honoraable in all things and as gentle as a woman, Mr. Carrithers was one of the most lovable characters in Shelby county, and his worth was appreciated by his many friends. His death is a severe loss to the citizenship of the county ;and State.
Mr Carrithers was married to Miss Mary E. Stout, of this county, in October 1855, their golden wedding anniversary occurring less than a month before his death. Besides his widow, he is survived by three children, one son, Eugens S. Carritahers, of Greely, Colorado, Miss Bettie Carrithers and Mrs. Graham Lawrence, of this place. He also leave two brothers, Messrs. Joseph Carraithers and Isaac Carrithers of Spencer County. The funeral Services were conducted Tuesday afternoonat two o'clock at his late residence by Rev. O.J. Chandler, pastor of the Centenary Methodist church. The burial was in Grove Hill Cemetery.

At a meeting of the Shelbyville Cemetery Board, held November 20, 1905, the following resolutions were adopted. First, in the dispensation of Providence we are called upon to record the death of Mr. Adam Carrithers, who has for many years been a director of the Shoilbyville Cemetery Company. Second, in making this record, we recommend his Christian character and honest dealings in the affairs of life as worthy of example, and can truthfully say we have lost a good director, the community a faithful citizen, his church a Christian worker, his wife a kind and indulgent husband and his children a loving father. Thire, We commit his spirit to the keeping of Him, whom he had faithfully served throughout life. Fourth, that the above resolutions be spread on our minutes, be published and a copy sent to his family.
J.A. Middelton, W. T. Thomas--Emmett Harbison, Committee.


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Martha Elizabeth CARRITHERS

6 Dec 1858 - Unknown

Father: Adam Porter CARRITHERS
Mother: Mary Eleanor STOUT

                           _Adam B. CARRITHERS _+
                          | (1782 - ....) m 1814
 _Adam Porter CARRITHERS _|
| (1827 - 1905) m 1855    |
|                         |_Elizabeth MILLER ___+
|                           (1787 - 1845) m 1814
|--Martha Elizabeth CARRITHERS 
|  (1858 - ....)
|                          _Joseph STOUT _______
|                         |                     
|_Mary Eleanor STOUT _____|
   m 1855                 |
                          |_Mary VEECH _________



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Unknown - Unknown

Father: James Davis CARRITHERS
Mother: Eliza A. FREEMAN

                           _William CARRITHERS _+
                          | (1807 - 1886) m 1830
 _James Davis CARRITHERS _|
|                         |
|                         |_Hannah DAVIS _______
|                           (1807 - 1830) m 1830
|                          _____________________
|                         |                     
|_Eliza A. FREEMAN _______|



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Mary Quest DALE

Unknown - Unknown

Father: Reuben Judiah DALE
Mother: Nancy Jame REASOR

                       _DeLancy DALE _______+
                      | (1811 - 1887) m 1834
 _Reuben Judiah DALE _|
| (1840 - ....)       |
|                     |_Ruth CARRITHERS ____+
|                       (1815 - 1891) m 1834
|--Mary Quest DALE 
|                      _____________________
|                     |                     
|_Nancy Jame REASOR __|



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Tommy Jean HENSON

____ - ____

Family 1 : Donald Fred THRELKELD



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Unknown - Unknown

Family 1 : Charles MOORE
  1.  Lena MOORE



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