Amber Filk Songs

  The Bastards Filk
  Amber Rent


  Princess Cordelia
  Delphine du Vallonarette
  Il Diavolo
  Henry, the Ghost King
  Jenever do'aroun S'jaiteh
  Lahire, the Count
  Morwen dan Ailill
  Dr. Raven Altieri
  Renaldo Mondavi
  Septima Aurelianus
  Sterling the Stupendous
  Victoria Windhaven
  Vivien Greywood
  Xander Windhaven
  Defunct Characters


  Amber Trumps
  Amber Filk Songs
  Amber Humor


  Flames and Mirrors

  Index Stock


    To songs from Rent by Jonathon Larsen

    Warning: This is really, really weird. It's Alternate Universe, silly, there's language and there's some homosexuality. But it's funny...


    Eric: December 24th, 9 p.m. Amber standard time
    From here on in I shoot whoever blinks.
    See if I can avoid getting hit
    Enough of this "truce" shit.
    First I Trump Corwin, leading the riflemen he brought from Shadow last year.

    Corwin: I'm taking a break.

    Eric: So we hear. [Rolls his eyes] He's just coming back from centuries of withdrawal.

    Corwin: Are you talking to me?

    Eric: Not at all. Are you ready? Hold that rifle steady! Show the enemy you're still a Prince of Amber!

    Corwin: Just give me one clear shot.

    Eric: A Trump call.

    Corwin: I'll wait.

    Eric: I screen. What I'd give for an answering machine.


    Flora: I think I hear shots - I don't even know if this is getting through - Eric, are you there, are you screening your calls, it's Flora. I wanted to call and say we love you, and we'll miss you tomorrow. Random and the kid are here, send their love - oh! I hope you like the hand grenades. Just don't leave the pins in when you throw them out - oh, and Eric, we're sorry to hear that Brand betrayed you, I say c'est la vie. So let him be a maniac - you can always kill him over tea. Love, Flora.


    Eric: Show the enemy you're still a Prince of Amber!

    Corwin: Just give me one clear shot.

    Eric: A Trump call.

    Corwin: Jesus. [moves to put hand on Eric's shoulder]

    Eric: I screen.

    Deirdre: Chaosites roasting….

    Eric and Corwin: Deirdre!

    Deirdre: I'm downstairs. Corwin got to be king?

    Eric: No, it's me.

    Deirdre: I'll bring the tree.

    Eric: A wild night is now preordained.

    Deirdre: [sees a huge knot of Chaos troops around the tree] I may be detained. [breaks contact]

    Eric: What's she mean? [takes another Trump call] What do you mean, detained?

    Oberon: … Ho ho ho.

    Eric and Corwin: Dad! (Shit!)

    Oberon: Kids, I'm on my way.

    Eric and Corwin: Great. (Fuck!)

    Oberon: I need the Jewel.

    Eric: What jewel?

    Oberon: [long look] The Jewel of Judgment I lent you.

    Corwin: Lent us? You helped us retrieve it.

    Eric: When you rode with Corwin.

    Corwin: When you were Ganelon. Remember? I liked you.

    Oberon: How could I forget? You, me, Random and then Brand. How is our little friend?

    Eric: He's attacking tonight.

    Oberon: I know. Still believing his bullshit lies?

    Corwin: Two days ago I got wise.

    Oberon: You think you can handle him?

    Eric: [nastily] I'm gonna burn out his eyes.

    Corwin: [joking about Eric] He's in love.

    Oberon: [back to business] Can you handle Brand?

    Eric: Well, no.

    Oberon: Why is that?

    Eric and Corwin: Mandor.

    Oberon: [sighs] The Jewel, my children, at noon. Or I will have to kill you. Be there in a few.

    Eric: The next wave comes….


    Eric: How can you formulate a faith when you've been stepped-on, lied to and finally betrayed?
    Black roads, mad codes, 'I'll be back' notes and now one more load:
    Give up the Jewel…. Trust!

    Corwin: How do you fight to win when new troops come in a generation a day?
    Fighting hour on hour, where is the power you once had to command the fray?

    Eric: And we're hungry and frozen.

    Corwin: Some life we have chosen.

    Together: How we gonna say
    How we gonna say
    How we gonna say
    Who we trust?

    Eric: We can't trust Dad.

    Corwin: How can you break the siege when there's nothing to eat
    And it feels like no one's coming for you?

    Eric: How can you inspire your men when your ammo's run thin
    And what can you do?

    Corwin: You start up a new batch

    Eric: With jewel rouge

    Corwin: From my stash.

    Together: How we gonna say
    How we gonna say
    How we gonna say
    Who we trust?

    Mandor: Don't screen it, Brand
    It's me, Mandor.
    Your friendly neighborhood Logrus Master - hey hey hey!
    Did you eat? -Don't change the subject, my dear.
    But darling, you haven't eaten all day.
    You won't throw up. You won't throw up!
    The Primal Pattern? You didn't blow it up, exactly. You just erased one teeny tiny part -
    You're not calling Martin!

    Deirdre: How do you stay on top when without a stop it's hack, hack, hack?
    "Welcome back to town" - Oh, I should lie down. My head's spinning round and
    everything's going black!

    Corwin: Where is she?

    Deirdre: Getting dizzy.

    Corwin and Eric: How we gonna say
    How we gonna say
    How we gonna say
    Who we trust?

    Oberon: (on Trump) Julian, baby, you sound mad.
    I don't believe those two after everything I've done.
    Ever since I left I'm a joke - they'll see I can still kick their asses and then some.
    Forces are gathering
    Forces are gathering
    Can't turn away
    Forces are gathering

    Deirdre: (at the same time as Oberon) Ughhhh ugghh ugghh
    I can't think!
    Ugghh ugghh ughh
    I need a drink.

    Eric: (at same time) Flaming arrows ignite the air in torrents of fire!

    Mandor: Brand, I'm not your damned apprentice.

    Corwin: The rifle fire crackles and pops, shooting sparks as it hits.

    Mandor: Would never be your damned apprentice.

    Eric: Zoom in as they burn Garnath to the ground.

    Mandor: Hello?

    Eric and Corwin: And feel the heat of the searing wind.

    Mandor: Hello?

    Jasra: Hello? Brand? Your sortie didn't work? Okay, all right, I'll go.

    Jasra and half the company: How can you leave the past behind when it keeps finding ways to get to your heart?
    It reaches way down deep and tears you inside out 'til you're torn apart -

    Corwin and the other half of company: How can you connect in an age where girlfriends, fathers, brothers, your home country betray?

    All: What binds the fabric together when the raging shifting winds of chaos come ripping this way?

    Oberon: Draw some lines in the sand and then make a stand.

    Corwin: Use your sword to defend

    Eric: Right up to the end

    All: When they act tough you call their bluff

    Eric and Corwin: How we gonna say
    W/half company: How we gonna say
    W/other half: How we gonna say

    All: Who we trust?
    Don't trust Caine.
    Don't trust Brand.
    Trust, trust, trust, trust, trust
    We're not gonna trust Dad.

    Eric and Corwin: 'Cause everything is trust!


    Chaosite: Christmas bells are ringing
    Christmas bells are ringing
    Christmas bells are ringing
    Somewhere else - not here.

    [Deirdre fights Chaosites, kills them]

    Dara: You okay, honey?

    Deirdre: I'm afraid so.

    Dara: That was kind of funny.

    Deirdre: Yeah. Thought he was tough
    'Til I torched his ass - [somebody sneaking up behind her attacks, but Dara kills him]
    Well, I missed a sleaze. Thanks.

    Dara: Hell, it's Christmas Eve. I'm Dara.

    Deirdre: Dara? Indeed. A darling of the first degree.
    Friends call me Deirdre. Of Amber.

    Dara: Nice tree. Let's get a bandage for your knee. I'll change.
    I've a meeting with Oberon, nine-thirty. Yes, this girl is strongly allied to the king come home from shadow to pull the strings.

    Deirdre: As am I.

    Dara: Oh! We'll get along fine. Get our orders, have a bite, make a night - I'm flush.

    Deirdre: But my brothers are waiting…

    Dara: You're cute when you blush. The more the merry…. Ho ho ho. And I do not take 'no.'


    Eric: I don't suppose you'd like to mind-rape Brand with the Trumps tonight. Or come to dinner.

    Corwin: Brother, you're freaking me out.

    Eric: Pussy. Take some Midol. (aside) As for Corwin, his girlfriend Lorraine ran off with some thieving dick who killed her and stole her jewelry. (to Corwin) I'll check up on you later. Change your mind. You have to get out of this castle.



    Corwin: [accepting a Trump call] What'd you forget?

    Bleys: Got a light?

    Corwin: I thought you were - you're- you're wounded!

    Bleys: It's nothing - A scratch on the ribs
    And I took a little shot in the leg.
    Would you light my cigarette?
    What are you staring at?

    Corwin: Nothing
    I heard of the Triumvirates-
    You worked with Brand, then?
    [Bleys staggers] Can you make it?

    Bleys: That asshole tried to kill me yesterday-
    At least my cloak caught most of it-
    Anyway- what?

    Corwin: Nothing. You smile at the damnedest things-

    Bleys: I've always smiled at those things.
    You kidding?

    Corwin: Hey, Bleys. You need a doctor.

    Bleys: Just light the cig.
    Enough about my leg.
    Would you light my cigarette?

    Corwin: Well?

    Bleys: Yeah? Ow.

    Corwin: Oh the match- it

    Bleys: Slipped, huh? I liked it between my-

    Corwin: Fingers? It figures.
    Ah well, good night. [ passes his hand over the Trump. A few minutes later, Bleys calls him back.]
    Need a match again?

    Bleys: No, I think I could use your help.

    Corwin: You know, you could always come to our aid
    Your men would get paid-
    Tap your cigarette.

    Bleys: [does] I mean it. [holds up Trump]
    I found this when I walked through the door, on the floor-
    Is it really Dwor-

    Corwin: Dwor-? [mouth drops open]

    Bleys: They say he was a jackass, but a genius.
    Is it true?

    Corwin: What?

    Bleys: You met him, right?

    Corwin: Oh, no- I mean, I did- but he's just-
    You need a doctor.

    Bleys: What are you, my mother?

    Corwin: Don't be such an ass. Come on through, we'll talk some more on this-

    Bleys: Can you come out to me instead? I've got things to do- against Brand.
    Help me, bro?

    Corwin: Nah. I gotta fight this siege.

    Bleys: It's not worth it.

    Corwin: I didn't realize you were such a cynic.

    Bleys: You could light the cigarette
    Oh won't you light the cigarette?

    Corwin: Why don't you forget that Trump?
    We need you at the siege.

    Bleys: I want to, but I can't help just now.
    I've got to move against Brand.

    Corwin: I tried to move against Brand.
    Got stabbed in the ribs like that.

    Bleys: It's just a scratch, I told you.

    Corwin: You're getting pale.

    Bleys: It's kind of cold.

    Corwin: Uh-huh you need to see a doctor.

    Bleys: Would you drop it, Corwin?

    Corwin: [sigh] Uh huh

    Bleys: That's good.

    Corwin: As for - um

    Bleys: Dworkin?

    Corwin: He's mad as a hatter.

    Bleys: You could light my cigarette.
    Now, what'd you do with my cigarette?

    Corwin: [ smoking it ] It's a good brand.

    Bleys: Perish the thought. Thank God for the Jewel.

    Corwin: Brother, don't talk about the Jewel. I hear Dad's coming here just for it.

    Bleys: Bah humbug. Bah humbug.

    Corwin: Your hands- [ they're shaking ]

    Bleys: Yours too. You that scared of our father?

    Corwin: Not a chance. Just tired.

    Bleys: Yeah right. You're such a liar.

    Corwin: Whatever.

    Bleys: You call me… you call me… when you're free. [ cuts off contact. ]


    Sawall: Well, Mandor, we're off. I tried you at Mandorways and they said you were inscribing a Pattern or something…

    Suhuy: Remind him that the Courts of Chaos need his sorcerous aid too.

    Sawall: Call Despil for our itinerary or Carmen at the Pit
    Or Trump me at the ways of Sawall in a pinch.
    We'll be at the spa for New Years
    Unless King Swayvill changes his mind.

    Suhuy: The meetings.

    Sawall: Oh, yes, Mandor. Suhuy's Logrus meetings begins on the tenth.
    We'll need you - alone - by the sixth.

    Suhuy: Gramble!

    Sawall: You hear that? It's three weeks away and he's already nervous.

    Suhuy: I am not!

    Sawall: For Suhuy's sake, Mandor, don't bring Amberites this time -
    And wear your best.
    Oh, and Mandor, have a merry-

    Suhuy: And a bride!


    Eric: Enter Princess Deirdre, manipulative genius, warrior, vagabond and anarchist, who once ran naked through the Parthenon.

    Eric and Deirdre: Bustelo, Marlboro, banana by the bunch
    A box of Captain Crunch will taste so good!

    Deirdre: And firearms!

    Eric: Look, it's Mrs. Claus!

    Deirdre: (bows) Hold your applause.

    Corwin: Oh, hi.

    Deirdre: "Oh hi" after seven months?

    Corwin: Sorry.

    Deirdre: (opening a bottle) This boy could use some Stoli.

    Eric, Corwin and Deirdre: Oh, holy night…

    Corwin: You made it through the fray?

    Deirdre: They attacked me for my resemblance to Amber's royal family
    So I broke one's back and I killed a few then ran up here to join you.
    Still haven't lifted the siege?

    Corwin: We were waiting for you, doncha know?

    Deirdre: Well, tonight's the night. We'll have to fight to put a stop to Brand's little show.

    Corwin and Eric: How, though?

    Deirdre: Gentlemen, our benefactor on this Christmas Eve
    Whose usefulness is only matched by beauty I believe
    A new member of the Royal City's avant garde
    Dara Helgram Sawall!

    Dara: [enter Dara, in Santa drag] Today for you - tomorrow for me
    Today for you - tomorrow for me

    Deirdre: And you should see her fight

    Corwin: You work for Oberon, right?

    Dara: I was going on my way through Arden today
    When the Lord of Amber happened to come my way
    He said, "Dara, be a dear. Haven't slept in a year.
    I need your help to make my son's yappy dogs disappear.
    These stormhounds annoy me- they won't shut up
    I believe if you change your form those pups
    Will breathe their very last killer breaths
    I'm certain those curs will run themselves to death."
    Today for you - tomorrow for me
    Today for you - tomorrow for me
    I said I'd do it for free if he could give his guarantee
    He'd see that his people would sue for peace
    Now who could foretell that it would go so well?
    For sure as I am here those dogs are now in doggy hell.
    For it happened the stormhounds, barking and snapping
    After days on end of running and yapping
    Like Gerard's intent when he thought you were bad news
    Swan-dove over Kolvir in pursuit of a ruse.
    Today for you - tomorrow for me
    Today for you - tomorrow for me
    Then back to the fight where I met my knight
    Where she was kicking some ass in the pale moonlight
    Well I took her to the King for some liquor and cigs
    And I bandaged her wounds and set her aright
    Sing it!
    Today for you - tomorrow for me
    Today for you - tomorrow for me
    Today for you - tomorrow for me
    Today for you - tomorrow for me.


    Julian: Hey, you scum - yes you, of course
    I'll flay you alive if you touch that horse.

    Eric: That attitude toward the troops is exactly what Brand is trying to foster tonight.

    Oberon: Brand is attempting to alter the primal state.

    Julian: Not my attitude.

    Eric: That's vintage Julian
    The man without a heart
    And the ideals of a statue.

    Julian: And the master of that bauble there has the right to do with it as he sees fit.

    Deirdre: Why don't you just seize it?

    Oberon: The Jewel.

    Eric: You're wasting your time.

    Corwin: We won't.

    Eric: And Amber won't fall. This is my call.

    Oberon: There is one way you won't have to die.

    Corwin: I knew it!

    Oberon: Next door is the home of the Primal Pattern
    And as soon as the Pattern's restored
    Our dreams can become a reality -
    You'll see boys
    You'll see boys
    The City of Substance reborn in unmatchable splendor
    I'll give you back the Jewel, and on paper guarantee
    That one of you can be King - if you'll do me one small favor.

    Eric: What?

    Oberon: Stop Brand from erasing the Pattern.

    Eric: Why not just get Benedict or kill him yourself?

    Oberon: I could, and he's on standby, but I'd rather not shed more blood by the Pattern.

    Corwin: You can't stop Brand without spilling blood - you might as well go fight this whole war on your own.

    Oberon: You want to write songs and be king? You need somewhere to do it -
    Consider all we battled for, think twice before you undo it
    You'll see boys
    You'll see boys
    You'll see the beauty of a system that lets us defeat Brand without risk
    With the bauble in my hands I can hold Brand where he stands
    Just jail him then and we'll have it made.
    You'll see.

    Julian: Or you'll die. [they leave]

    Corwin: That boy could use some Prozac.

    Eric: Or heavy drugs.

    Dara: Or group hugs.

    Deirdre: That reminds me.
    We have a detour to make tonight
    Anyone who wants to can come along.

    Dara: Brand Support is for people dealing with Brand. You don't have to stay too long.

    Eric: First I have an army to brief.

    Dara: Corwin?

    Corwin: I'm morbid, drunk and bitter you'll find.

    Eric: Behave.

    Dara: He'll catch up later he's just got other things on his mind. You'll see, guys.

    Eric and Deirdre: (to Corwin) We'll see, guys.

    Corwin: (to Eric) Let it be, guy.

    Deirdre: (throwing an arm around Dara) Don't like guys.

    Dara: Just like me.

    All: We'll see.


    Mandor: Jasra?

    Jasra: Hi.

    Mandor: I should have known he'd call you.

    Jasra: That's our Brand. But can I help since I'm here?

    Mandor: Not much to do, I fear.

    Jasra: Great. Well, nice to have -

    Mandor: Wait. Help me with the Gate.
    The Logrus can't be played - the Broken Pattern-

    Jasra: There's another way. Use the Fount of Power - works anywhere. Anywhere.

    Mandor: All except the Pit.
    (pause) This is weird.

    Jasra: It's weird.

    Mandor: Very weird.

    Jasra: Fuckin' weird.

    Mandor: I'm so mad that I don't know what to do.
    Allying with Brand, drawing lines in the sand, then to top it all off, he calls you.

    Jasra: Feel like going insane, got a fire in your brain, and you're thinking you used to have it planned?

    Mandor: As a matter of fact -

    Jasra: Honey, I know this act
    It's called the Tango de Brand.

    Both: The Tango de Brand
    It's a dark dizzy merry-go-round

    Jasra: As he keeps you dangling

    Mandor: You're wrong

    Jasra: Your heart he is mangling

    Mandor: It's different with me.

    Jasra: And you toss and you turn 'cause his cold eyes can burn
    Yet you yearn and you learn to make do.

    Mandor: I begin to understand…

    Both: The Tango de Brand.

    Jasra: Has he ever pouted his lips and called you "Pookie?"

    Mandor: Never.

    Jasra: Have you ever doubted a kiss or two?

    Mandor: This is spooky.
    Did you swoon when he walked through the door?

    Jasra: Every time, so be cautious.

    Mandor: Did he snarl over little things?

    Jasra: More than snarl.

    Mandor: I'm getting nauseous.

    Jasra: It's hard to get these flows right.

    Mandor: You should try it with Logrus.

    To be continued...

Copyrights & Credits

    Rent is by Jonathan Larson, I own no copyrights. This is all for fun only.
    Designed by
    Images © Index Stock
    Textures © The Blooming Effect and Hybrid Genesis
    Brushes © and and

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