Welcome to Dracodagon's Hellfire And Other Cool Stuff. The personal website of Rob Macabre. Something I put together to appeal to any like-minded individuals out there. Now you may ask yourself, "'Ey! Jus' who da' $#@% is Rob Macabre anyway?!?", right? I'm a thirty-something artist, tattooist, sometimes writer and every-now-and-then musician who lives in a nice old house in Vancouver with my sweetheart, the Lady Jane Macabre and our 3 pussy cats, Cronos, Persephone & Berlioz. I spend my days working a Joe-guy job that I hate (never mind what it is...) while I sloooowly break into the tattooing business. I've been at it awhile, but there's still much to be learned and becoming a tattooist isn't as easy as filling out a job-application. During evenings and weekends I hone my artistic skills and do a lot of reading -- mostly research for the website and lyrics 'n stuff. I also try to catch up on Occult studies whenever I can and occasionally dabble in music by playing bass (usually to Celtic Frost or Hellhammer). Mainly though, I'm an artist and have been one ever since I could pick up a pencil. I tend to like using fine-tipped drawing pens, etc. as you'll see in my artwork section. I've done record, CD and "7 covers, band logos, various work for fanzines, t-shirts, and dabbled
in comics every now and then. As mentioned, I'm also a tattooist and have been for over 7 years. Just not professional  yet. The photos you'll see are of the tattoos I've done between 1997 - 2001. I've done more and better pieces since then, so stay tuned for more photos in the future. My sweetie, Lady Jane, is also an artist. She draws, paints, sculpts, sews and makes excellent leather-wear. You name it (or have a picture of it) and she can make it! Be sure to check out her page  when its up and running.
So there you have it! I may add more to it later with more tattoo and music stuff but that all depends on whether or not this takes off. It may be too offensive for the extremely religious or ultra-sensitive types out there. But I didn't put this together for those people, just the ones who, like myself,  like these things.OK, I think I've blabbered on long enough! Whatta ya say? DARE YE ENTER OR NO?
This is my favourite pic of Jane; here she's wearing a sexy outfit she made herself and my bullet belt. Sweeeet!
Special Thanks And Eternal Gratitude To These People:
Yahoo Geocities, My Lady Jane for all the help and valuable suggestions, Nurple Animated Gifs, Mike's Animated Gifs, HairyHamster.com, Bizarre Magazine, Geoff Wheeler, Chris Stanley, BLASPHEMY, Jay Collins of Kaos Kult Productions, Robin Bougie and Rebecca Dart, Terry, Sheri, 'Manners, Kris, Allll-Vin!, my mom, my dad, Betty, Slickety Jim's Restaurant (best grub in town, yaw!), Bill Berard, Gerry Buhl, Sven, whoever else I forgot. Cheers to all 'a ya's!
Lady Jane wearing a leather collar she made.
Lady Jane looking commanding yet yummy and inviting. Ooooo BABY! Hurt me! Rooowrrr!
...And now for something completely different:
Dutch Pannekoeks (pronounced 'ponn-ah-cooks', NOT 'pann-ko-eks') from a real Dutchman.
You'll need: a large cooking bowl, all-purpose cooking flour, butter or margarine (butter tastes better), salt, baking powder, whatever kind of milk you like, a hand-mixer or whisk, a spatula, a ladel, a measuring cup and a well-greased skillet or frying pan (always use butter, oil makes the pannekoeks taste funny).  First, preheat the frying pan to medium while making the batter so the pan's good and hot when you're ready. Next, consider how many people you're cooking for. A single serving consists of 1 egg, 1 cup of flour, a single pinch of baking powder and a single pinch of salt, with however much milk is needed. This makes roughly 3-4 pannekoeks, so add ingredients to bowl accordingly. When adding the milk, do it gradually while mixing. You'll know you've got enough when there's no lumps showing up in the batter. It should appear thick yet fluid and somewhat yellowy. Adding more milk makes  them thinner, while more flour, thicker. When your batter is to your liking, ladel some up and add batter to the heated pan. Quickly pick up frying pan and tilt it to allow batter to encircle the entire surface of the pan. Make sure it covers all the surface area liberally. Cooking time is roughly 2-3 minutes. Check to see if the surface of the pannekoeks have any shine to them. Surface sheen indicates uncooked batter, so wait until all shiny spots have dulled. To get them a delicious golden brown, wait around another 30 seconds or so for the mouth-watering tell-tale aroma and flip the pannekoek. If the outer edges are golden brown, you're on your way to making a perfect pannekoek! The cooking time for the reverse side is usually about a minute to a minute and a half. When you've completely cooked your pannekoek, keep it warm by putting it in a steam-tray if you have one. If you don't have one, try putting it (or them) between two large dinner plates. This will keep them nice and toasty until your ready to chow down. As to what to top them with, that all depends on your tastes. Anything goes! Meats, cheeses, whipping cream, powdered sugar, or even just good ol' maple syrup will do nicely. Lady Jane and I prefer to eat 'em with yogurt and fresh fruit. French-style yogurt with mangos, strawberries, and bananas are EXCELLENT! One last tip: FOR ROLLING A PROPER PANNEKOEK--Take the top prong of a fork and gently insert it just below the outer edge of the pannekoek and quickly but carefully roll it until it looks kinda like a burrito (or a really big blunt, Mon!). Make sure you've got a good hold with your fork first or you'll completely mangle it. Also make sure you don't put too many toppings into it before rolling or it'll just become a big mess when you try to eat it. Its always best to lay a single thin line of topping down the center before rolling. And there you have it! Dutch Pannekoeks from a recipe taught to me by a real Dutchman; my dad! ENJOY!
In Memory of Gabby;
Our Heavy Metal Kitty
~ Feb. 2002 - July 2004 ~
R.I.P. The Cobalt,
Best Damn Punk Dive EVER!
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