
Public Policy

Public Policy expresses the will of the people; the use of public funding must be predicated on these guidelines.

Excerpts I quote from State and Federal Statutes on my Site Selection page furnish a program - as seen in architectural practice - for the design of cities that are compatible with our democratic system of government and the use of public funding must be predicated on these guidelines.

For instance, "new centers of population" in the interest of public health, safety and welfare prohibits the continuous growth of any one city beyond an economically and socially optimum size city of about 100,000 persons. The "orderly and systematic growth of cities" prohibits unplanned helter-skelter, haphazard urban sprawl that prevails in the traditional wasteful and destructive practices of building cities.

KYMAK/AIA Business Trust

Re: Site Plannning and Design -

For the investor under viz.: Regulation D Offerings.


See -


In a Business Trust* The Settlor Beneficiary has one of two powers and must have no conflicts of interest; this matter has yet to be determined but possibly an Ecumenical Council or perhaps either both a Citizens Council and/or the Chamber of Commerce with Schools and Libraries to promote principles of American Democracy would be the Settlor Beneficiary having one of two powers: either to appoint the trustees or dissolve the trust. Coupons issued to the County are taken to the designated Bank to be redeemed at 20% or one fifth (1:5) of face value to be paid to the local Chapter of the Architect's AIA. The remainder goes to form a Business Trust by the Bank to manage Business affairs - this is to be Nationwide, in each and every County.


Here is the essence of the contract I have proposed:


Job description: Site Selection (for orderly development via KYMAK agency)

Location: Mobile County, Alabama Amount: $10M/10 years/200K population (SARPC (regional)) = 300K = $15M)

Estimated value = 0.1%/cost of construction or $50/person, or $50/acre or 50% or more of Savings

and/or Benefits derived = $100/person estimate


Distribution (Working drawings)

Fixed Costs 34%=$340/yr/10/years:

10% Tithes + 10% KYMAK agent + 5% Benefits + 9% Contingency

Variable Costs 66%=$660K/yr/10 years

10% Architect One + 10% Architect Two + 10% Architect Three + 10% Legal and Accounting + 6% contingency + other expenses + Reserve 20%


Non-AIA contributors may receive coupons for the value of their work.



Site Selection 

Site Development

Site Maintenance

Value together estimated at 1% of cost of construction.



Savings & Benefits: (Present and Future)

1. Costs of Construction, in Time + Materials + Machinery

2. Condemnation procedures eliminated or reduced.

3. Social: Aesthetics reduce crime and mental illness:

       a. Public Health & Safety (Savings and Benefits)

       b. Outdoor built environment (Benefits)

4. Site Maintainance by Architects of Buildings & Grounds continues in perpetuity.



In exchange for KYMAK stock coupon, ____________ become the Settlor Beneficiary of the KYMAK/AIA Business Trust (TBA).

Interested AIA members arrange meetings for discussion and critique, if not already done.

KYMAK agent at large, plus Architects residing in the same District as each Commissioner are appointed.

Payment of fixed costs of 34% is made to KYMAK agent architect from the KYMAK/AIA Business Trust, if not already paid.

Payment from variable costs of  66% is made to chosen Architects & to Legal and Accounting by Trustees only after fixed cost are paid.

Remainder is held in the Business Trust for other expenses & reserve. Retainers for other Consultants can be paid from this fund.

Architects after thorough and careful observation duly recommend and prepare detailed drawings and specifications for selected sites. eg. See: -

Intellectual Property Usage - Usage of KYMAK preliminary drawings without preparation of working drawings and specifications with supervision of construction by Architects can be deemed an act of moral turpitude or a crime. See: - See pg.45 in book, Letters to Clients, FLW

Architects - who are highly educated and rigidly trained in the principals of building - function as coordinators of the building process. Anyone else who tells the engineer or others involved in the process how or what to do is assuming the role of the architect... Neither the Client or their representative nor anyone should presume to get between the architect and others involved in the process but may freely consult with the architect... This will assure the benefits of having an architect but will deny the pleasure of playing architect to those who may tend to be so inclined; that is, to be presumptuous. Ibid pg.82... It is to be deemed a matter of public health, safety and welfare.

Site Planning ~ As "the reality of a building is the space within", so the reality of a city is the space within and between them...


In the Cause of Architecture




Also see

Letter to County Attorney 

Date 10/22/10 (resuming 7/16/14) ~ update:8/24/17 ~ modified 1/24/18 re: "Specifications"