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Last Updated: 08 October 2002

Presumptive Diagnostic

75% Inflammation of the Ischial Bursas and local tissues and organs in general. Also consider the keywords Ischial Tendonitis, tendon attachment problems similar to a Tennis Elbow Syndrome, Sitting Pain, etc.

25% Neuropathy of the terminal branches of the Pudendal Nerve and possibly other local nerves.

See here picture of injury location and effective treatment so far.

Let me call you and quickly guide you through this page

Note that as time and knowledge of the problem progresses, the focus of the diagnostic changes as well, thus some of the posted information is now simply just cluttering the page. Facilitate me to call you over the phone. I shall give you a verbal, to the point clarification and quickly guide you through the most relevant points in this page.

I am looking for Doctor in Canada, Romania or else if you suggest

I am simply looking for a doctor with experience and willingness to treat an Ischial Bursitis. French doctors (who suggested the above diagnostic) said this kind of treatment should be no problem to get here at home in Canada, but for some reasons we have here a terrible shortage of doctors, I get appointments 6 months down the road if any, and when I finally get there, they tell me is nothing they can do, and resume themselves to paper work alone and no real action. This leads to delay and makes the problem chronic.

A good telephone consultation for which I will cover the cost would be highly recommended before going the expense of long distance travel.

See here an example of the kind of specialty I think would properly address the problem that I recently discovered in Madrid

After unsuccessfully trying the current home country Canada, then recently Pudendal Nerve specialists in France, I am now hoping to find help in Romania. 


Technicalities about How this web is created and maintained

Note: I am quite dissatisfied with the way the material is presented, and even more I would have preferred not to be in the position to need to do it, but since it tries to serve the practical purpose of helping us get better, I have to go ahead with it just the way it is. 

Note: Each page and phase represents a historical report of my understanding of the problem.

I will not update them unless there is a serious error in it, and as well provided I get the chance from a time and capability perspective to do it.

I am also aware that the structuring, titles, links etc can be done better, but I really want to keep this page informative yet efficient from a time and effort perspective from my side.

xxx items to solve

Site is under (permanent) construction. 
I had very limited time to fine tune this page, but the essential idea is here.

The page may have bugs, but you can brose it as far as I could test it.

Please let me know (on Pudendal Group?) what you think about it! Adrian.


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