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Last Updated: 16 October 2002

Phase 4

September 10, 2002

This page is in draft stage, still under construction!!!


Multidisciplinary Report


Pr_Robert_Multidisciplinary_xxAdrian_20020808_123000_Rev_B_0.5web.jpg (244760 bytes)


In translation the Multidisciplinary Report states that operation is not appropriate, if ever considered later on it should be performed via the perineal approach, as the injury is really external and in a different place, is not an internal entrapment, but rather a local external inflammation, bursitis, tendonitis with neuropathy of the terminal nerve branches (but no internal entrapment of the major branches).


Injection 3-rd by Dr Bensignor


Adrian_3rd_Injection_Bensignor_xxadrian_20021015_132643_rev_B.jpg (287000 bytes)

Text of Picture Annotations:

Injection entered here and went up approximately as indicated, towards the pubis (? - accurate details on the path of the injection must be obtained from the doctor himself). 
Ischial Tuberosity must be about here, unfortunately was not marked at the time of picture shooting.


Dr Bensignor used some sort of  X-Ray equipment and the tip of a pair of scissors to locate the desired place of safe injection in relation to the major local bones, also inserted one finger through the rectum and guided the needle somehow in the space between his finger and the bone (also considering the X-Ray and scissor image). As usually with Dr Bensignor the injection was completed with no misshapenness or hurting pain, GREAT SKILL, way to go Dr Bensignor! 

He did not perform this kind of injection in a long time (as it was not needed), however he said when he finished the medical school he used to perform such injections to paraplegic people three times a week, so they can pee, etc. 

As with the other two previous injections, this 3-rd one also induced sensations of activation in or very near the trouble area, however unfortunately it did not create any long term benefits, also did not cause any harm on the long run, which once again confirms the skill of Dr Bensignor (whom I highly recommend to anyone who needs such involved injections, is very, very good at what he is doing and nice to talk with).


Final round of conversation with French doctors


Before leaving I insisted to get another last opinion from the French Group of doctors.
I went to Pr Robert asking him as an anatomist to palpate my pain area (as he did not do that at the multidisciplinary appointment) and he said that while he is Anatomist and performs the surgery, when it comes to palpation Labat is the master and he knows the Anatomy just as well.

So I went to Dr Labat and he was kind to receive me as well. However this was really "last minute" 1 hour before my train was leaving for Germany. 

I asked him to express in percentage how much Tendonitis, how much Bursitis and how much Neuropathy I have, as suggested in my multidisciplinary report.

He held my legs in certain position and asked me to work my muscles against him. I had no (relevant) additional pain, so he concluded 0% Tendonitis.
He palpated through the rectum until he found indeed a trigger point which he announced "this is the Pudendal nerve". However, at least where he was compressing was kind of internal and I would say somewhat away from the pain area I have.
Then he just pushed against the Ischial Tuberosities, especially in-between the legs on the arched bone. I got (and always get) instantaneous severe pain (some doctors, but not all, know how and where to push, some really find right away the trigger point, in my view this are really doctors of good skill).


Note that Bone scan performed in Canada was interpreted as normal, but so was (wrongly?) excluded the Bursitis as well (and we now learn that actually it could be some "incipient" form of bursitis). They used Ultrasound Imaging. From not seeing the bursas filled with liquid to conclude there is no inflammation and no bursitis at all it appears from the today's perspective to be the wrong conclusion to draw.




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