Carby Relationship Recap
We all know Carby had problems, but then again what good relationship doesn't?
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Maura Tierney   
Abby Lockhart
Noah Wyle         
John Carter

Relationship Recap
"Dear Abby"
Screen Caps

  The main problem was that Carter and Abby were in love with each other, two years before anything happened. In those two years they fell in love with each other, but then put each other on pedestals. During those two years, they began to think that if the relationship ever worked out, it would be better than all the other relationships they had ever had..... and in the beginning it was. But once they got into the relationship, they realized that even though they had had two years to think it over, it wasn't going to be anywhere near as easy as they wanted it to be.
   Carter's problem was that he had never really been in a serious relationship. The first time he asked Abby to marry him, he was serious. He really meant it. But when Abby's mom talked to him about marrying Abby, that scared him and put him back at square one: scared of commitment. That is when the relationship went down hill....... that is when they stopped talking. If Carter had been able to keep talking to Abby, sharing with her, then they would probably still be together today. But instead of working on the relationship, he ran. He ran away from everything; Abby, and his Gamma's death. He ran to the Congo...and Kem (hiss)! Right now Carter is still trying to find himself and figure out who he really is and what he wants. In time this will hopefully pass, and Carter will return to the old Carter we know and love with Abby at his side.
   Abby's problem is that she didn't think she deserved Carter. She also had communication issues. She had a really hard childhood, and as a result she learned how to close herself off to the world. She never really got closure from the break up. When Carter broke up with her, he only did it through a letter. They never talked face to face about the relationship being over, one day they were together, then suddenly they weren't. I think Abby is still waiting for the day that Carter will deny the letter completely and say that they are still together, because after all that they went through, the letter provided little closure for either of them.
   And now, or soon at least maybe they will both realize that they still love one another and our favorite couple will be united once again!

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