Seasons 6, 7 & 8
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~Season 6~
Be Still My Heart:
Carter: Ya know, there are warmer places to be alone.  There's the furnace in the basement and the incubators in the NICU.
Abby: I'd like to see you in an incubator in the NICU.
Carter: I'm happy to try.
Abby: All those years as an OB nurse, 98% of what you see is pure joy.  It's the happiest day of most peoples lives. And, um, the tragedy is horrible...'cause it's a life cut short.  The mom...the baby...
Carter: Sure
Abby: Today was the first day I saw an old person die and I guess I'm just not used to it.
Carter: Well, you want the good news or the bad news?
Abby: Give me the bad.
Carter: You never get used to it. The good news is you ever get used to it. At least I haven't. So you may have come up here to be alone...but you're not.
Abby: (smiles and looks away for a second) So, they're having a Valentine's Day party, do you think they started without us?
Carter: (laughing) I certainly hope not.  Heads will roll.

May Day:
(Once everyone leaves, Carter stays behind and closes the trauma room doors.  He walks over to the sink and prepares to inject himself with drugs. As the needle is in, Abby suddenly walks in.)
Abby: Did I leave his chart in here?
(Carter is scared by Abby's entrance. He is afraid Abby will see him injecting himself so he turns away.)
Carter: Is it over on the meter stand?
Abby: Uh, no.
(Abby did notice that Carter injected himself with the drugs and that the needle is still in his wrist. She is very shocked by this but doesn't let Carter know that she sees him.)
Carter: Just cleaning up.
Abby: Yep.
Carter: There it is.
Abby: What?
Carter: The chart. It's over there.
Abby: Thanks.
(Carter leaves the sink and walks over to the other side of the trauma room, trying to change the subject.)
Carter: Oh, look at this, a needle stick waiting to happen.
Abby: Can't be too careful.
Carter: That's right. Hey, make sure they do a head, abdomen, and pelvis on that guy.
Abby: Sure.
Carter: And come find me, hunt me down. Let me know how he does.
Abby: Okay.
Carter: Thanks.
Abby: Yep.
Carter: Thank You
(Abby leaves and Carter leans against the wall, mad at himself that he practically got caught using drugs.)

Mark: Carter, hold on.
Carter: (looking innocent) What's up?
Mark: I think you know.
Carter: (changing the subject) Awe, look at that.  The guy leaves like a millimeter of coffee in the bottom of the pot.
Mark: Abby saw you.
Carter: (looking away) Saw me what?
Mark: Abby?
Abby: I saw you inject the Fentynol into your wrist.
Carter: (looking shocked) What!?!
Abby: In the trauma room when you said you were cleaning up.
Carter: I was cleaning up.
Kerry: John? I have the chart here and you dropped 200 of Fentynol into the syringe.
Carter: What is this?
Kerry: You gave 150 mikes to the patient.
Carter: Okay hold on, slow down. This is a mistake.
Kerry: You stopped after three cc's.
Carter: Yeah, Haleh gave him a bunch of it recently, you were there.
Kerry: What happened to the rest of the Fentynol?
Carter: I don't know. I must have wasted it down the sink.
Kerry: Somebody's supposed to witness you doing that.
Carter: Come on! Come on, we do that all the time.
Kerry: We have protocol for the disposal of narcotics.
Carter: Okay. Fine. Whatever. That doesn't mean that I injected it. (Looks at Kerry and Mark in disbelief, then at Abby) Abby...if you think you saw something, why...why wouldn't you come talk to me?
Kerry: It's appropriate for Abby to come to us.
Carter: Not when she's wrong...
Mark: Carter, you still on pain medication?
Carter: Why? What?
Mark: For your back.
Carter: Yeah, why? A little, why?
Mark: How much is a little?
Carter: Well, that's between me and my doctor isnt it?
Mark: So you're not overmedicating.
Carter: You think I'm a drug addict? Hmm? Do you honestly think I'm a drug addict? That I'm what sneaking around injecting whatever narcotics I can find? (laughing) You guys know me! This is ridiculous!
Mark: So you deny this?
Carter:Yes, I deny it. Abby, I, uh, think you're seeing things. Maybe you're on drugs...(sarcastically) Yeah I think I saw you with a needle once.
Mark: Okay Carter. If this is a misunderstanding I apologize.
Carter: This is a misunderstanding.
Mark: You know why we had to ask you.
Carter: (shakes his head no) Can I go back to work now? (Mark shakes his head yes) Thank you. (Carter walks to the door) And thank you Abby. I really appreciate that. (Leaves very mad)
Kerry: He's lying Mark.
Mark: I know.

Abby: Hey, Dr. Carter.  I didn't know what to do, so I asked Dr. Greene.  I'm sorry.  And I know I don't know you very well but I think you're a good doctor and I know that you've been through a lot in a short time and I'm sure I couldn't handle it myself.  But, I felt I had to tell them.
Carter: Feel better? 'Cause I have work to do.

~Season 7~
Sand and Water:
Carter: Hey.
Abby: Hey. You back already?
Carter: No, not for another week.
Abby: What, are you just hanging out?
Carter: Conversion meeting at nine.
Abby: You look much better.
Carter: Thank you. Yeah, I like your hair.
Abby: Thank you.
Carter: Some nice scrubs.  You picking up some extra shifts?
Abby: No, I was suspended.
Carter: Oh. You didn't kill anybody, did you?
Abby: No.  But I wanted to. My ex-husband was supposed to pay my tuition.  He didn't pay it so, uh...
Carter: Ouch.
Abby: I'm on the bench for awhile.  But it certainly didn't seem like that today. (Waitress hands Abby her coffee) Oh, thank you.
Carter: Hey, I got that.  Would you put that on my bill please?
Abby: It's okay.
Carter: Hey, it's a cup of coffee. Sit down.  It's the least I can do after acting like a complete jerk.
Abby: When?
Carter: Three months ago. You know, you might've saved my life. If you hadn't stopped me when you did, I could be dead now.  I'm working on my steps here.
Abby: You're up to nine already?
Carter: Well more or less.
Abby: I forgive you.
Carter: Long day?
Abby: Yeah. Twenty-two week old preemie survived nine hours. I just finished the death kit.
Carter: Wow.
Abby: Yeah. I don't know why I do this. Sometimes I think I should just go be an accountant or something.
Carter: Hmm. That's an option
Abby: Yeah, if I could balance a checkbook. Aren't you gonna ask?
Carter: What?
Abby: What I was doing there this morning.
Carter: You only go for one reason. I figured I'd keep going and eventually you'd stand up and share.
Abby: It's not that interesting. I'm a drunk.
Carter: How long have you been sober?
Abby: Almost five years.
Carter: So you could sponsor somebody.
Abby: Yeah I guess..
Carter: Have you?
Abby: No.
Carter: 'Cause I'm supposed to find a sponsor.
Abby: Don't look at me.
Carter: No?
Abby: I'm barely holding my own life together right now, trust me.
Carter: 'Cause it would be great to have somebody at the hospital. And since you did sort of start me on my road to recovery...
Abby: And men and women aren't supposed to sponsor each other.
Carter: Don't worry about.
Abby: Thanks.
Carter: Come on.  You're not gonna make me ask a total stranger are you? The only person I met at the meeting was the coffee guy.
Abby: Okay, okay. I will work the steps with you until you find a permanent sponsor.
Carter: Fair enough.
Abby: I'll start by setting a good example. (snubs out cigarette) Besides, I don't think coffe and cigarettes are gonna do it for me tonight.
Carter: No?
Abby: No I'm getting a hot fudge sundae.
Carter: Mmm
Abby: Would you like one?
Carter: Mmm-mmm. (shakes head no) I got enough vices.
Abby: No, I think part of the rules should be that you have to splurge with me.
Carter: (laughs) Is that how it works?
(She nods and camera switches to outside Doc Magoo's with Carter and Abby inside still talking.)

Benton Backwards:
(Carter is shooting baskets outside the hospital when Abby walks out.)
Abby: Out for fresh air?
Carter: ETA is any minute.
Abby: Ah, they're finally letting you work on traumas?
Carter: Provided I only handle two patients at a time.
Abby: Really?
Carter: Weaver's rules.
Abby: Ah, play by 'em or die by 'em.
Carter: (laughs) Thanks. (tosses her the ball)
Abby: She didn't exaclty ask me if I wanted to be assigned to the ER. (shoots the ball) What are you supposed to do while you wait for labs?
Carter: Catch up on medical journals.
Abby: That sucks.
(Ambulance arrives)
Carter: Showtime.

The Visit:
(After the AA meeting)
Abby: (smiling) You were doing a crossword.
Carter: I was listening! You know, this isn't my first meeting. I had months of this in rehab.
Abby: When was the last time you shared?
Carter: I'll get up tomorrow.
Abby: There are other meetings, you know.
Carter: No, you're right. I'll get up and share tomorrow.

Abby: I used to go to one at St. Michaels, it seemed like it had a lot more addicts.
Carter: I like this one, it's convenient.
Abby: No no, I just thought you might feel more comfortable around NA people.
Carter: I go to meetings, I take my meds, I pee in cups when they ask me to, if you want me to get up and share tomorrow, I'll do that too. I'll do it tomorrow.

(At their bench by the river)
Abby: She sold cosmetics, but she used to get fired all the time.
Carter: What about your dad?
Abby: He split when I was seven, couldn't take it. She's an artist and when I was little and she was manic, it was fun, because we would do stuff like um, camp out in the living room, actually really camp out, with tents and stuff. (Carter smiles) We painted the walls of the living room once, the whole landscape, and then suddenly everything would change, she would start screaming and crying. Eric took the brunt of that, he was much more of a rebel than I was.
Carter: Eric is your brother?
Abby: Yeah. She was living near him in Florida. He's in the Air Force. He's an air traffic controler.
Carter: Really?
Abby: (nods) Yes. And then she would get depressed and just go to bed for weeks. So by the age of ten, I had figured out how to scam meals off the neighbors, so Eric and I could eat.
Carter: You could get her some help, you know. You could get her on Lithium, or Depakote...
Abby: No, she won't take the drugs, she likes it, when she's manic. I can't do this again. (Carter shakes his head and they share a look.)
Abby: I'm not strong enough.

The Dance We Do:
(Abby is in the ambulance bay with a coffee after Maggie has a breakdown in the ER. Carter comes out to talk to her.)
Carter: Hey!
Abby: Hey.
Carter: Where did you go? I was looking all over for you.
Abby: I took a walk, got a cup of coffee.
Carter: You didn't get my page?
Abby: I knew what it was about.
Carter: Yeah, Legaspi was trying to find a bed for your mom and uh, she just took off.
Abby: I figured. Thanks.
Carter: I thought maybe you would want to check your apartment.
Abby; She's not there.
Carter: You checked?
Abby: No. Uh, this is the end of the cycle. Our cycle. She disappears, and then for months I don't know where she is or what she's doing or if she's alive, and then eventually she'll turn up somewhere, and I'll have to deal with her.
Carter: I'm sorry.
Abby: Don't be. I knew how it would end when she showed up. (Carter nods) It's the dance we do. You get lost in it for a little while, but it always ends the same.
Carter: Do you...
(Luka walks out interrupting.)
Luka: You ready?
Abby: Yeah.
Luka: I forgot to tell Weaver, enzymes are pending on Mr. Alben in four.
Carter: I'll tell her.
Luka: Thanks.
Abby: Goodnight Carter.
(He nods with a sad smile and watches them walk away. Luka with his arm around Abby.)

The Greatest of Gifts:
(After working a long shift and then being Deb's labor coach, Carter is back down in the ER going on no sleep when he takes two Vicodin. He quickly goes into the bathroom, throws them up, and fishes the pills out of the toilet. He then walks up to Abby, who is working on a patient in the hallway.)
Carter: I need to talk to you.
Abby: Okay, just a second.
Carter: Now.
(She follows him into the drug lock-up.)
Abby: What?
Carter: I took two Vicodin. Then I panicked, and ran to the bathroom, I stuck my fingers down my throat...
Abby: You vomited them up? (He puts the pills in her hand) How'd you sign them out?
Carter: I didn't. I didn't. This biker comes in with a full bottle.
Abby: Okay, well good, you didn't actually...
Carter: I don't even know what I was thinking. I don't know what I was thinking. I didn't want to take anything. I didn't plan on taking anything. I just saw them and I...
Abby: It's okay. It's okay. (pause, they stare at each other) Are you going to tell Weaver?
Carter: I can't.
Abby: I think you have to.
Carter: Well, then I'm done. I mean, best-case scenario, I'm back in Atlanta. I mean, does it count, it was never in my system!
Abby: Alright, I'm off in ten minutes, let's go to a meeting.
Carter: I just started.
Abby: Well, you're sick. You threw up. Go tell Weaver you have to go home.
Carter: You gotta be on death's door before Weaver'll let you go home.
Abby: (firmly) Well, go convince her.
(Carter walks out.)

Rock, Paper, Scissors:
Abby: John, how'd it go last night?
Carter: With what?
Abby: Weaver, did you tell her?
Carter: Right, uh, I think I'm gonna wait, until after my performance evaluation.
Abby: When's that?
Carter: Sometime today.
Abby: You're procrastinating.
Carter: You're nagging.
Abby: No, I'm being your sponsor.
Carter: Which is different than being my mother, don't you think?
Abby: Okay...

(Abby is in the hallway on the phone calling Radiology.)
Abby: Hi, it's Abby in the ER. Yeah, I can hold.
(Carter walks by, and Abby touches his arm to stop him.)
Abby: How'd it go?
Carter: The evaluation? It went very well.
Aby: And?
Carter: What?
Aby: (shakes her head) Forget it.
Carter: Well I didn't get a chance. You interrupted with a big trauma. (He turns and walks away.)
Abby: Forget it!
(Luka walks up)
Luka: What's going on?
Abby: With what?
Luka: With you and Carter.
Abby: Nothing.
Luka: It seemed like you were fighting.
Abby: We were. I would tell you, but it's a privacy thing. HIs, not mine.
Luka: Okay.

Carter: Hey, you taking off?
Abby: Yeah.
Carter: I know a guy playing in a blues club later, if you're interested.
Abby: No, I think I'm gonna go home.
Carter: Well maybe tomorrow. He's gonna be here all week.
Abby: Hey - I need to talk to you, about this Weaver thing.
Carter: Look, nothing really happened, I threw them up.
Abby: Carter...
Carter: I know I'm fine, you know I'm fine, Weaver thinks I'm fine, so why give her any reason not to?
Abby: I don't know. Maybe you can take that up with your next sponsor.
Carter: What?
Abby: I don't want to be your sponsor anymore.
Carter: Whoa. Where is that coming from?
Abby: I care about you,  and I care about your recovery, but I can't keep saying the same thing over and over, because it's hard enough for me to do it myself.
Carter: You serious?
Abby: Yeah.
Carter: Fine. I'll get another sponsor.
Abby: Okay. I'll see you tomorrow.

Mars Attacks:

Abby: Great. Fat and colorful.
Carter: At least you got something to do.
Abby: I'll trade you. Jabba the Hutt for the UID.
Carter: I said I was bored, not

Thy Will Be Done:

(Carter and Abby are treating a clown in trauma.)
Carter: So...what are you doing tonight?
Abby: I've got an appointment with my couch.
Carter: Well, I'd hate to come between you and your couch, but how does dinner and dancing at the history museum sound?
Abby: Dancing? At the museum?
Carter: Yeah, it's an, um, benefit for an after-school program.
Abby: Ah, charity date.
Carter: Yeah, my grandparents...um...host this annual event and - I have to go.  But, I would think of it as a favor...
Abby: (smiling) Do I owe you a favor?
Carter: (laughing, cocks his head to the side) At the very least it's a free meal.
(The clown's condition gets worse and Carter tells Abby to go get Weaver.)
Abby: Dr. Weaver, this clown is crashing!
(Carter and Abby are at admit after the trauma.)
Carter: So...what do you think about tonight?
Abby: I think it's the least I could do. No one should be alone after killing a clown.
Dave: You killed a clown?
Carter: No.
Abby: You didn't save him.

(Abby is getting ready in her apartment and listening to "Hanging By A Moment" by Lifehouse on the radio. There's a knock at the door and Abby goes to answer it.)
Carter: Hi.
Abby: You're wearing a tuxedo. You didn't say it was formal.
Carter: Yeah, it's formal.
Abby: Heh, you tricked me.
Carter: Doesn't really matter. You look terrific.
Abby: Yeah, well, we don't match though.
Carter: I could go change.
Abby: I don't even know if I own a dress.
Carter: Wanna go buy one?
Abby: (pauses) No. Can you just wait a minute?
(She leaves him at the door.)
Carter: You mad at me?
Abby: Yes. You get a haircut?
Carter: (runs a hand through his hair and grins) Yeah.
(Abby's changing and Carter is waiting. He picks up a photo frame to look at the picture closer.)
Carter: Who is this with you at the beach?
Abby: Eric, my brother.
(Carter catches a glimpse of her in her black bra, changing (her back to him) and quickly steps back putting the fram down and busies himself with a vase of dead flowers.)
Carter: You know, I never got the whole concept behind dried flowers. I mean, they're dead. (Takes the flowers out of the vase and replaces them with his fresh ones.)
Abby: They're dead as soon as you cut them.
Carter: (eyeing his flowers) Yeah, but they look nicer.
Abby: Dead ones look nice too.
(He looks at the vase and removes his fresh ones, putting her dead ones back again.)
Carter: Right, right. No, I was just wondering.
(Carter is trying to find a place to put his flowers.)
Abby: Wondering what?
Carter: Wondering...why not just buy the fresh flowers?
Abby: Because there's something sad and dark about the dried ones.
Carter: (Still looking) Oh yeah? You like sad and dark?
(Carter finally finds somewhere to put his flowers and places them at the back of a shelf.)
Abby: Yeah.
(Abby comes out wearing a pink satin dress.)
Carter: (about the flowers) Just give those a couple of days. (He looks at Abby and smiles) Wow.  You found something. It looks nice.
Abby: (looking doubtful) It's a bridesmaids dress.
Carter: It works on you.
Abby: (grinning self-consciously) You're lying.
Carter: No, honestly, I don't think anyone would know that.  It looks like...um...it was made for you.
Abby: OK, now I know you're lying.  Let's just go.
(They step outside and she sees a limo on the curb.)
Carter: What? Did you want to take the El?
Abby: You're not going to take me to the airport and tell me, oh by the way, this party is in Paris?
Carter: (laughing) No. We stay in Chicago, I promise.

(In the limo, both looking around nervously.)
Abby: (smiles and points to the roof of the car) Three seperate light settings.
Carter: That's an essential necessity.
(Awkward silence.)
Carter: So...I talked to Luka.
Abby: Me too.
Carter: He didn't seem to mind about tonight.
Abby: No. He doesn't get jealous. Ever.
(Awkward pause)
Abby: Do you know all the years I've been here I've never been to the, um...
Carter: Natural History Museum? Oh, that's criminal. They've got dinosaurs, cavemen...
Abby: (smiling) Dinosaurs and dancing?
Carter: (laughs) Yeah. My grandparents like spectacles. It's not going to be that big of a deal though. A few people.
(They get to the museum and step out of the limo. More limos around them are pulling up and there are photographers.)
Abby: (laughing) You are so dead.
Carter: (grins) It's kind of a scene.
Abby: Kind of?
Carter: I told you. They like spectacle.
Abby: Did you grow up on these kinds of things?
Carter: Yeah. This is par for the course. If you hate it we can leave in half an hour.
Abby: (smiling) I won't hate it.

(They walk into the museum and you see a dinosaur skeleton.)
Abby: (looking up at the dinosaur) Woah.
Carter: (taking her arm) They're the bouncers. I know them.
Abby: (smiling) Oh yeah?
Carter: Bark is much worse than their bite.
Abby: I can see how they keep people in line
(They are standing on the side of the main hall, full of dancing people.)
Abby: Friends from the auction?
Carter: (looks embarassed) Last family event I was at, the daughter of the host, she, um...(laughs) Never mind.
Abby: No come one, tell me.
Carter: You ever take dance classes?
Abby: No. Have you?
Carter: Yeah. Actually, I have a few moves.
Abby: Mmhmm. I'm sure you do.
Carter: Care to give it a whirl?
Abby: Hmm, I don't know.
Carter: C'mon.
Abby: (shakes her head smiling) No.
Carter: Come one. (He leads her out to the dance floor.) Just follow me.
Abby: I'm not sure that I can.
Carter: I got you.
(They dance)
Abby: I feel like I'm back at my spring formal in high school.  I went with this guy, Seth, but really I had this crush on this guy Tim.
Carter: I'm feeling for Seth.
Abby: Well, when he went to the bathroom Tim asked me if I wanted to go outside and smoke a cigarette, and, um, we never went back inside.
Carter: Oh, that's cruel.
Abby: I know.
Carter: Is that when you started smoking?
Abby: I guess so.  See.  It's all Tim Stillman's fault.

(They return from dancing, grinning and with their hands clasped.)
Carter: See, you were great.
Abby: I had a good partner.
Carter: If we really get motivated we can enter a contest.
Abby: (laughs) I think that might be too much of a good thing.

(After seeing Richard and his new girlfriend Alexis, they are now in the limo, with the window rolled down and Abby's got her head out the window.)
Abby: So typical for him to cry poor and then show up at this fancy party...and do you think she was even pretty?
Carter: (sighs) I don't think I'm gonna answer that.
Aby: I don't see it.
Carter: I think this is silly.
Abby: It's a blue BMW.
Cater: What if they took her car?
Abby: What do you think she would drive?
Carter: A Lexus? Hah! Get it? Alexis? No? What if you find it, what are you going to do, key it?
Abby: No. Maybe I'll just slash the tires.
Carter: I think that would be overkill.
Abby: Oh! Stop! Stop!! There it is!
(Abby opens the door and they get out. Abby crouches down in front of Richard's car.)
Abby: Do you have a pen?
Carter: Yeah, why?
Abby: I'm being restrained. I'm just letting the air out of the tires.
Carter: How many tires?
Abby: Two's fair.
Carter: One's fair.
Abby: Fine. Pen. Please?
(She starts letting the air out of a tire and Carter sighs, playing lookout. Abby slips and falls against the car and Carter, setting the alram off.)
Carter: (laughing) What do we do now?
Abby: (laughing) I think we have to run.
(Carter picks her up and laughing they get into the limo.)

(They watch Richard's car get towed away from a distance.)
Abby: Poor guy doesn't even have Triple A.
Carter: So he has to pay for this.
Abby: Maybe Alexis will chip in.
Carter: (entering the limo) She looks about ready to call a cab to me. I'd say we have successfully ruined their evening. Mission accomplished.
(A pause)
Abby: Now I feel kinda bad.
Carter: Why?
Abby: Because it kinda ruined our night too.
Carter: Ruined? How?
Abby: (grinning) Besides the vandalism?
Carter: (laughing) Yeah.
Abby: The fact that we're freezing to death.  The fact that we never even saw your grandmother...
Carter: Oh, she knows I was there, that's enough.
Abby: OK then. I guess nothing.
( Pause as they look at each other.)
Carter: I had an OK time.
Abby: Me too.

Survival of the Fittest:
(Abby is in the drug lock-up and Carter stops by when he sees her there.)
Carter: Hey Abby, can you update the tetnus on my foot lac?
Abby: (not looking at him) Sure, why not?
Carter: (pausing) You okay?
Abby: Oh yeah, I'm peachy.
Carter: What's wrong?
Abby: I don't know, maybe I'm still getting over a break-up.
(Abby moves out of the drug lock-up and Carter meets her around the corner, following behind her.)
Carter: You talked to Rena. (he laughs awkwardly) I'm sorry I panicked. Um what - what did you say to her?
(Abby starts to stock a cabinet.)
Abby: Nothing.
Carter: No really.
Abby: Really. Against my better judgement and everything that I hold sacred in life I covered for you, so you owe me.
Carter: Thank you.
Abby; Mmhmm, sure. Also, I told her I dumped you.
Carter: (laughs) You dumped me? (pauses a second) She believe you?
Abby: Course she did, why wouldn't she?
Carter: Well, it's just...you'd never dump me.
Abby: (smiling) I would dump you like a bad habit.
Carter: Oh no. I definitely think I'd dump you first.
Abby: (grinning) In your dreams maybe.
Carter: Oh I would dump you.
Abby: Wouldn't.
Carter: You're talking crazy now.

Sailing Away:

(Carter is trying to guess what Rena has boked for them. They are in sports clothing walking up to County.)
Abby: Hey guys.
Carter: Hey.
Rena: Hey.
Carter: You on swing?
Abby: Yeah, I only have an hour left. (To Rena) You bring your dog to work?
Rena: No we're just picking something up.
Abby: What's his nam?
Rena: Norman.
Abby: Hello Norman.
Carter: Don't let him get too close to your leg.
Rena: John!
Carter: What? There's nothing to be ashamed of, he's a guy.
Rena: He's getting fixed.
Abby: Oh God.
Carter: What?
Abby: That car.
Carter: What about it?
Abby: Read the license plate.
Rena: Man O Med?
Abby: That's Richard.
Carter: Ah.
Rena: Who's Richard.

(Abby is on a phone. Carter walks up with Norman.)
Abby: You have nothing in coach? Okay, well what if I fly into...into Oklahoma City?
Carter: Hi.
Abby: (looks up at Carter) Hi.
Carter: What did Richard want?
Abby: My mother bottomed out 40 miles outside of Tulsa. And of all the people the motel owner had to call Richard.
Some woman: Hey!
Carter: Did you talk to her?
Abby: She's not picking up the phone and she won't come out of the room, so...
Carter: Mmhmm...
Some woman: Hey your dog!
(Carter turns to see Norman eating out of a trash bin. He goes to clear it up. Rena walks up.)
Rena: John!
Carter: Norman, Norman drop that!
Rena: You brought him inside?
Carter: Yeah we had to take a little bathroom break.
Rena: Is that gonna hurt him?
Carter: No, no worse than the chili.
Rena: (to Norman) No, no!
(Abby watches, still on the phone.)
Rena: Good boy, come one. (Walking down the hallway with Norman and Carter.)
Carter: Did you get the tickets?
Rena: Yeah, all set. (Carter looks back at Abby as they walk past.) So am I gonna have to call you a cab, or are you gonna make it back?
Carter: You know what, I'll meet you outside.
Rena: What's wrong?
Carter: Nothing. (stops) I just want to change the bag on that thing. Give me five minutes? Or you can start wunning. I'll give you a head start.
Rena: I'll wait. (She goes out with the dog and Carter walks up to Abby.)
Abby: (into the phone) Well, how many people are going to Oklahoma tonight? No. Thank you. (she puts down the phone.)
Carter: You okay?
Abby: I can't get a flight.
Carter: You tried direct to Tulsa?
Abby: I can't get anywhere close, there's not even a connection opening. What are you doing? (Carter is dialing the phone.)
Carter: I have a really good travel agent. She can always find something somewhere. Wanna fly out tonight? (into phone) Hi, Katie Wichard please. (back to Abby) Open return?
(Abby starts to nod her head but then shakes her head.)
Abby: No I have to drive her back.
Carter: Why?
Abby: Because she can't fly, she can't handle flying.
Carter: You're gonna drive her all the way back to Chicago by yourself? (Abby nods) Luka going with you? (She shakes her head no) (Carter pauses) Hey Katie, it's John Carter. Good, yeah. Anyway, could you find me two one-way tickets to Tulsa? Tonight.
(Carter and Abby look at each other.)

(Carter and Abby are in Oklahoma on the phone with their respective significant others, but you can only hear what they are saying making it sound like a conversation between Carter and Abby.)
Carter: Somebody needed to come. We needed to start her on her medication.
Abby: How long does it usually take to reach therapeutic levels?
Carter: Sometime tomorrow night. It's ten hours to Chicago.
Abby: I know! I'll take her to my house, and I'm trying to get her to Psych intake on Monday.
Carter: Well, are you working Monday?
Abby: No, I'll switch shifts.
Carter: Well, what about Monday night?
Abby: (Getting up and seeing the bed behind her is empty.) Luka, I'm gonna have to call you back.
Carter: Why!?!
Abby: I'll call you back!

Abby: (about Rena) Do you want me to talk to her?
Carter: (shakes head) What would you say?
Abby: That I asked you to come with me to help with my mother.
Carter: You didn't ask me to come with you.
Abby: Just get back and send her some flowers.  I'm sure it'll be fine.
Carter: I don't think so.
Abby: She's young .  If you're gonna get involved with a teenager you have to expect a little drama.
Carter: We broke up.
Abby: You broke up?
Carter: She broke up.
Abby: When?
Carter: Last night.
Abby: She broke up with you over a basketball game?
Carter: Over you.
Abby: That's silly.  What does she think? That we're having an illicit affair or something?
Carter: No. (Pause) Just that I have a crush on you. (another pause)  Whatever. It's not like the relationship didn't have it's obstacles.
Abby: Yeah but I wouldn't want you to break up because of me...
Carter: Face it.  You're a home wrecker.
(Abby looks at Carter.)

(Driving to Abby's, "Hanging By A Moment" by Lifehouse is playing on the car radio and both are smiling.)
Abby: You did not.
Carter: I did.
Abby: You did not?
Carter: (laughing) Why would I make that up?
Abby: You got a perm?
Carter: (pauses, looks at Abby) Twice.
Abby: Twice! (laughs)
Carter: What! It was junior high school.  That was the style.
Abby: I don't know what planet you grew up on but I do not remember perms on boys ever being popular.
Carter: Yes it was.
Abby: No way.
Carter: Jamie Bodlar liked it.
Abby: I have to see pictures.
Carter: I think I burned them all.
Abby: (laughing) Twice!? So that means you thought it looked good the first time.
Carter: (laughing) As far as youthful transgressions go I think it scores pretty low on the scale.
Abby: If you say so.
(They pull up to Abby's house.)
Carter: She still out? (glances at Maggie)
Abby: Yeah.
Carter: Well, I think you'll be alright by yourself from here.
Abby: I should be. (pauses. They look at each other.) I want to thank you again for doing this. (Carter shakes his head) You didn't have to.
Carter: I'd never seen Oklahoma before...
Abby: No. (shakes her head and they look at each other) I mean it.
(Carter nods and smiles.)
Carter: I'll help you inside.

(Abby is coming out of a trauma room.)
Carter: She make it?
Abby: No, Scary. This guy is on a rampage.
Carter: They didn't catch him yet?
Abby: I don't know. They're going to his house.
Carter: So much violence, huh?
Abby: (pauses) When were you going to tell me?
Carter: Tell you what?
Abby: (reaches into pocket) Heard a rumor.
Carter: Oh yeah? Good one?
Abby: (shows him a note. He takes it.) Doctor Rosen called. You know, from the emergency department at Northwestern.
Carter: (looks at message) You took the message.
Abby: Yeah. He wanted to set up an appointment.
Carter: Just looking at options.
Abby: You're leaving?
Carter: (shrugging) I still have to make up three months of my residency.
Abby: Well, after that?
Carter: I don't know. I'm not even being considered for Chief Resident. (laughs dryly) I have to write this...damn peer review for Chen. They're not even talking to me about an attending position. Sometimes you've just gotta read the writing on that wall.
Abby: Well, have you talked to Weaver about an attending position?
Carter: No.
Abby: Why not?
Carter: Because if she wanted me she would have asked me about it.
Abby: Maybe she doesn't think you're interested.
Carter: Maybe I'm not.

(By the river, Abby is sitting on the bench, Carter is leaning on the rail.)
Abby: Is that a record number of gunshot wounds for one shift?
Carter: By the same guys, absolutely.
Abby: (referring to a young patient who was diagnosed with cancer.) He has a good chance. Like you said, you found it early.
Carter: No, it's more that he has to go through it alone. You know as if having cancer as a kid wasn't bad enough.
Abby: He could get passed over for Chief Resident. (Carter goes and sits next to her.)
Carter: That's true. Or he could get kicked out of med school and be forced to work as an ER nurse.
Abby: I was not kicked out.
Carter: Oh really? What would you call it?
Abby: Suspended for being a dead beat. (pause) Do you know he offered to pay my tuition?
Carter: Who?
Abby: Luka. (pauses) And I know he means well, it's just frustratingfor me sometimes because I have to explain my every feeling to him and normally when you're with someone for a while they get to know your moods, but he doesn't do that...
Carter: Don't talk to me about Luka. I'm not your girlfriend and I shouldn't really even be here with you now.
Abby: Why not?
Carter: I don't want to wish bad things for you and Luka.  And I don't want to sit on the sidelines waiting for you two to break up.  And I don't want to be your friend.  It may be convenient for you, but it's not doing much for me.
(Carter looks at her for a long time before getting up and walking away. She watches him go.)

~Season 8~
Four Corners:

Abby: Nice suit, who died?
Carter: My grandfather
(Abby looks at him shocked, and Carter nods.)
Abby: I'm sorry, I didn't know. (Pauses as Carter talks on the phone)  When did he die?
Carter: Monday.
Abby: Wow, you okay?
(Carter gives her a fake smile.)
Abby: I'm off at four, if you wanna go get coffee or something.
Carter: (shakes his head) I've got 200 people back at the house.
Abby: There's coffee there, isn't there?
Carter: I wouldn't ask yu to subject yourself to that. (in the phone) Dr. Wiseman? It's Dr. Carter. You have a patient down here. Holly Evans who was suposed to be admitted last night. She's alone, she's afraid. And there was nobody around for almost 20 hours. (takes a look at his watch) No! Just pull your thumb out and admit your patient!
(After visiting Holly, Carter walks towards the ER doors and. Abby follows him.)
Carter: Get her on another gram of oxidant and clear liquid diet. Call me in half an hour if someone from Peds doesn't come down here.
Abby: I don't want to bother you anymore...
Carter: No, no, no, call me.
Abby: Exactly what do you not want me to subject myself to?
(Carter looks at her, not able to say anything...and then Weaver comes up between them.)
Abby: Dr. Weaver.
Kerry: Abby, John. (She walks past them.)
Carter: Things are just a little tense.
Abby: I can imagine.
Carter: So I'll see you later.

(Carter is looking at a picture of him and Bobby, when the butler comes in.)
Butler: Dr. Carter? Your friend is here.
(Carter frowns, confused and then half-smiles as he sees who it is.)
Abby: Holly got her bed.
Carter: Yeah? Did Wiseman come down?
Abby: Yeah, a few minutes after you called. Amazing what a little "pull your thumb out" can do.
Carter: Did you eat something?
Abby: No, I couldn't decide between smoked tongue pate and the white fish mouse.
Carter: We must have run out of pigs in a blanket.
Abby: Well, someone should really talk to your caterer.
(They sit down on a bench next to a birdbath which has half of it chipped off.)
Abby: You're going to have some dirty birds.
Carter: Grandpa liked to drive the power lawn mower around.
Abby: Into the birdbath?
Carter: Not on purpose. He was having a fatal MI at the time.
(Abby looks at him surprised and can't help herself...she laughs.)
Abby: Oh God...I'm sorry.
Carter: Everybody's gotta die somehow.  Not a bad way to go really.  Sunny day...out on the mower (Abby can't stop laughing, and he smiles.).  Don't, don't laugh.
Abby: Then stop it! Oh, God.
(She stops laughing and they are both quiet for a minute.)
Abby: I hope it's okay that I came here. I'm not usually a funeral crasher.
Carter: Figured this would be a good one?
Abby: ...and I felt bad.  That something like your grandfather dying could have happened and you didn't feel like you could talk about it. (She looks down at the ground.)

The Longer You Stay:

(Carter is at the hospital, well past the time his shift should have ended. Abby is outside the restaurant where Nicole works, smoking and waiting for Luka.)
Abby: Hello?
Carter: Having fun?
Abby: Carter?
Carter: Are you out having a good time?
Abby: No, not exactly.  What are you doing?
Carter: I  am setting a wrist on an LS Diva.
Abby: You're working?
Carter: Someone talked me into coming bacl into the ER and begging Weaver and I got sucked back into the ER vortex.
Abby: (grinning) I didn't tell you to talk to her tonight.

Blood, Sugar, Sex, Magic:

(Abby hears Luka's voice and backs up into and exam room, to find Carter already there.)
Carter: Who are you hiding from?
Abby: (Jumps, then smiles when she sees him.) You giving yourself a pedicure?
Carter: I think I stepped on a piece of glass...
Abby: Let me see.
Carter: Oww!
Abby: Yeah, you got something in there. Want me to try to get it out?
Carter: Please.
Abby: (pause) Luka and I broke up a few days ago.
Carter: Ahhh, um, why?
Abby: I think both of us realized the relationship wasn't working a long time ago but neither one of us wanted to be the one to call it.
Carter: So...it was amicable?
Abby: (smiling) I wouldn't say that.
Carter: I'm sorry. (pause)  Is that why you're avoiding him?
Abby: Partly. I had to go over to his place this morning...
Haleh: Chen needs you in Trauma One.
Abby: What about your foot?
Carter: You're going to have to find another excuse to hide out in here.

Abby: Hey! Can I get you a cane?
Carter: I've heard that women find helplessness charming.
Abby: In puppies, maybe.
Carter: You still avoiding Luka?
Abby: No. Well. yeah, sort of. It's complicated.
Carter: Most breakups are.
Abby: Sit down.
Abby: Well, not that way. This morning I had to go over to his place to get one of my sweaters and I smashed his fish tank.
Carter: Why?
Abby: Not on purpose!
Carter: Oh, did you replace it?
Abby: No not yet. I haven't even told him.
Carter: Too broken to fix?
Abby: It's more like a crack.
Carter: Ow!
Abby: Want some lidocaine?
Carter: No, just do it.
Abby: (gets the piece of glass out and holds it up.) That's one big piece of glass.
Carter: You really should replace it, otherwise he's gonna think you're a little...vindictive.
Abby: It wasn't like that.
Carter: Oh, I know.
Abby: I'm getting another one.
Carter: I think that's a great idea.
Abby: I just need some help...getting it into his apartment.
Carter: (laughs) Don't even...
Abby: Come on! I can't lift it up by myself. We could get there, we could replace it before he gets home.
Carter: You can tell Luka what happened and the two of you can fix it together, without me.
Abby: May I remind you, I just removed a thorn from your paw. Please?
Carter: Alright, I'll think about it.
Abby: (smiling) I owe you one.

(They are standing outside Luak's apartment building, Carter is holding the huge fish tank, looking sweaty, and Abby is searching for her key.)
Abby: Don't break it.
Carter: You owe me so big for this!
Abby: Oh my God!
Carter: What's wrong?
Abby: I left the keys in the apartment.
Carter: That's it, mission aborted.
Abby: Wait, hold it!  Wait. He sleeps with the window open.
Carter: Wouldn't it make more sense just to leave this out front?
Abby:What so someone can steal it?
Carter: Who steals a fish tank? Come to think of it, who breaks a fish tank?
Abby: I told you, it was an accident. Okay, that's Luka's. Can you give me a boost up there?
Carter: Ha! No!
Abby: Just bend over.
Carter: You could at least buy me dinner first.
(Abby laughs)
Carter:I have a bad back, you know.
Abby: (smiling) What are you implying?
Carter: (laughing) I'm just saying, what if somebody sees us?
Abby: Alright, just relax.  Are you ready?
Carter: Yep.
Abby: Okay.
(He lifts her and she grabs the railing with both arms.)
Abby: It's stuck
(Carter sees that the fish tank in about to fall, and he leaves her hanging.)
Abby: Carter!

(Talking about one of Luka's dead fish after replacing the fish tank.)
Abby: Think we can resuscitate him?
Carter: I think he's been down too long.
Abby: Think we should flush him? (She tries to hand it to Carter.)
Carter: Think Luka will miss him? (He pushes it back.)
Abby: Maybe he'll think one of the other fish ate him. (Abby hands it back.)
Carter: They're not piranha. (He takes the net and dumps the fish back in the tank.)
Abby: I was never good with pets. I used to like those little turtles you could get at the pet shop.
Carter: Don't they carry salmonella?
Abby: I don't know. They didn't live very long, especially if you painted them with nail polish.
Carter: Can we get out of here now?
Abby: Yeah, I just have to wipe the place down for prints.
(Carter smiles and hands her her purse. They bend down to pick up the broken fish tank and the doorbell rings insistently.)
Abby: (whispering) Should I get it?
Carter: (shaking his head) No! (puts his finger to his lips)
Abby: (creeping towards the door) SSHH!( Carter puts his head down in exasperation. Abby looks out the peephole to see two policemen.)

Abby: What are you doing? Ordering pizza?
Carter: I'm calling my lawyer.
Abby: They haven't charged us with anything!
Carter: We're sitting in the back of a police car.
Abby: What are they going to do, arrest us for aquatic mischief?
Carter: I hope you're this funny in handcuffs?
Abby: I am!
(They turn around to see Luka walking up.)
Carter: Oh, here we go.
Abby: He looks pissed.
Carter: You think he's gonnna press charges?
Abby: I don't know, we did kill his fish.
Carter: We?
Abby: Oh, he's really pissed.
Carter: I'm making my phone call now.
Police Officer: Alright, Bonnie and Clyde, I'm gonna cut you loose. Stay out of trouble.
Abby: Think we should say something to him?
Carter: I think you should say something to him.
Abby: Maybe tomorrow.

Abby: You were never arrested. or brought home by the police or anything like that?
Carter: No, you?
Abby: Well, not for anything serious.
Carter: What, no counterfeiting, no grand theft auto?
Abby: Actually, I did get in trouble for taking this guys car.
Carter: You stole a car?
Abby: Barely. It was a Gremlin. And I was only borrowing it anyway.
Carter: What, no high speed chases involved?
Abby: Well, a short one. But it was an emergency. We had to get Wham tickets.
Carter: Now that's a crime.
Abby: Do you wanna come in for coffee or something?
Carter : Nah, I gotta get up early.
Abby: Okay. Well, thanks for helping me.
Carter: You can find yourseld another wing man next time.
Abby: That's too bad, 'cause I had my eye on this liquor store around the corner.
Carter: (shaking finger) You heard what the cop said, stay out of trouble.
Abby: (stands by doorway, looking into each others eyes) SorryI almost got you arrested.
Carter: I'll, I'll see ya tomorrow.
Abby: Alright, goodnight.
Carter: You're gonna tell Luka this was all your idea, right?
Abby: Yes. Don't worry, I'm not gonna drop a dime on you, Carter.

Never Say Never:

Abby: Be a sport, do the pelvic.
Carter: I think that might just put me over the edge.
Abby: Into what, celibacy?
Carter: Into taking it.
Abby: You're not taking it.
Carter: I think I'm taking it.
Abby: You like it here too much.
Carter: Abby, I don't have a job here.
Abby: Weaver offered you shifts.
Carter: I can do shift work anywhere. Northwestern. It's a ten year track, clinical faculty position...
Abby: You want to be a professor now?
Carter: It's better job security.
Abby: Like you're in it for the money?  And my money says they have yeast infections at Northwestern too.
Carter: (laughs) Well, I'll let you know.
Abby: If you really wanted it, wouldn't you have taken it by now?
Carter: I'm gonna have to ley them know. They've clocked it.
Abby: Clocked what?
Carter: I have to let them know by Friday.
Abby: Tomorrow's Friday.
Carter: I know
(Later, Abby and Carter walk out of the room after treating the spider guy, and Abby continues trying to convince him to stay.)
Abby: See, look, you've got this down, why would you want to leave it?
Carter: (laughs) Yeah right.
(Talking about yeast infection patient.)
Abby: She's pregnant.
Carter Ha! What!?
Abby: Yep, I guess there really is someone for everyone.

Start All Over Again:
(Susan and Carter are talking and Abby walks up.)
Abby: Carter!
Carter: Yep?
Abby: That kid Mooney, saw my patient...
Carter: Oh, How'd he do?
Abby: What did you tell him about Nitro?
Carter; Basics. Three sprays.
Abby: Three sprays, that's right. Bam, bam, bam.
Carter: All at once? (she nods) No, no, you're supposed to give them every five minutes.
Abby: Yeah, I think you left that part out.
Susan: How's his pressure?
Abby: Zero over zero, he's dead.
(Susan and Carter look at each other, shocked. Abby rolls her eyes.)
Abby: I'm kidding.
Carter: Ha ha.
Abby: (hands him the chart) I pulled him through. Keep a short leash on your students, huh?

Supplies and Demands:

Susan: So, what's the deal with you and the nurse?
Carter: Who?
Susan: Abby.
Carter: We're friends...Actually, it's little undefined with me and Abby.  She just broke up with Luka.
Susan: Ahh, I get it.
Carter: What?
Susan: You don't want to be the rebound guy.
Carter: Not exactly...

Carter: What's your problem?
Abby: (looks over the desk as he struggles to stand up) Nothing.
Carter: (stands up) Still fighting?
Abby: No...Luka has a new project.
Carter: Oh, like what? Coin collecting?
Abby: Nicole. That cookie girl. She works here now.
Carter: (looking down) Why do you care?
Abby: Well, I don't.
(Carter stares at her without saying anything.)
Abby: What? I don't.
Carter: Okay
Abby: I...
(He walks away. Abby watches.)

Carter: I would never touch Luka's cookies.

(It's night time, Carter and Abby are walking to their spot by the river, talking about an acupuncture treatment Carter had.)
Abby: You gonna do it again?
Carter: Seriously, I think it worked.
Abby: Needles in your back?
Carter: Yeah, it was a bonus.
Abby: (laughs) I didn't know you were a masochist.
Carter: Whatever works.
Abby: Maybe I should go home and get my whip.
Carter: Yeah, you do that. (laughs) You almost off?
Abby: About 15 minutes ago.
Carter: What are you still hanging around for?
Abby: And miss this late night stroll...
(They lean on the railing.)
Carter: (Twidling his fingers.) It's starting to get a little chilly out here.
Abby: (changing the subject) I got asked out by a firman today.
Carter: Really?
Abby: Mmhmm.
Carter: Ankle guy?
Abby: Yeah. (She looks at him.) Hard to believe?
Carter: (shakes his head) No.
Abby: He was good looking.
Carter: Big?
Abby: Yeah. Funny.
Carter: (looks back down at his hands) Invite me to the nuptials.
(Abby, taken aback a bit by his words, pauses and thinks about what she's about to say.)
Abby: (turns to him) Alright, you gotta help me out here. (Carter looks at her) I don't know what to do. (smiles questionably) Rub your back? I'm just not exactly sure what I'm supposed to do here.
Carter: (sounding a little defensive) Well, Im not exaclty sure how I'm supposed to comment on your love life.
Abby: I said no because I was waiting for something to happen...with us.
Carter: (surprised) You've been waiting?
Abby: Yeah.
Carter: You weren't doing much to move it forward.
Abby: No, you gave me an ultimatum. You stood right there and gave me and ultimatum and I did what you asked and you've done nothing.
Carter: What did I ask you to do?
Abby: I broke up with Luka.
Carter: (takes in air) First of all, you didn't break up with Luka for me.
Abby: I didn't?
Carter: No, second of all, you didn't break up with Luka.
Abby: (dryly laughs) I'm pretty sure I did.
Carter: Well then...why do you care so much about what he does, or what he thinks, or who he helps, or what he thinks about you...
Abby: I dated the guy for a year, there's gonna be some history.
Carter: (lowers is voice) Maybe too much history.
Abby: Well, yeah, I had a life before John Carter.
(Carter gives a short bitter laugh.)
Abby: If you want someone with no history, you're going to have to find yourself a virgin.
Carter: (looks up) No. I'll settle for someone who isn't hung up on somebody else.
Abby: (pauses) You don't have to settle for anything Carter.
(Abby walks away. Carter watches her leave. Then he throws his head back in frustration.)

Beyond Repair:
(Carter and Susan are in the lounge eating. Abby walks in just in time to see Carter kiss Susan. She rolls her eyes and goes to he locker. Susan leaves.)
Carter: I'm sorry about that.
Abby: What?
Carter: I should have said something to you sooner, it just sort of snuck up on me.
Abby: (glareing at him) I hate it when that happens.
Carter: It's really more about friendship than anything else.
Abby: Really? Never seen you kiss Frank like that.
Carter: Abby...
Abby: Don't sweat it Carter.

(Carter's shift is over and he's at his locker getting ready to leave after seeing Sobricki. Abby comes in to talk to him.)
Abby: Hey. Umm. Lewis discharged Sobricki, and his wife asked me to give you this.
Carter: Guess you couldn't protect me from her either, huh?
Abby: Yeah, I'm sorry about that, I just -
Carter: Don't worry. Forget it.
Abby: Are you off already?
Carter: Half-shift.
Abby: I'm off in half an hour if you wanna get something to eat.
Carter: I should go home.
Abby: Or maybe just...coffee and pie? I had a pretty crappy day myself.
Carter: Gamma just got out of the convalescent hospital, I should go home and check on her.
Abby: Are you gonna be okay?
Carter: (slamming his locker) Yep, I'll be fine. Thank you for asking.
Abby: Anytime.

A River in Egypt:
Carter: You okay? You look a little...
Abby: Don't say it.
Carter: ...tired.
Abby: That seems to be the general consensus.
Carter: Too much clubbing?
Abby: Well, I was up most of the night.
Carter: Really?
Abby: Not for fun.
Carter: Well, I don't know, but I think I saw Frank a little drag-ass this morning too.
Abby: Caught me. I was up all night slapping Frank's ass raw.
Carter: Raw huh?
Abby: You haven't seen him sit down today, have you?
Carter: Come to think of it...Hey Frank, have you sat down today?
Frank: What?
Abby: Nothing.
Carter: You alittle sore today?
Frank: No, why?

It's All In Your Head:
Carter: (to Abby as Luka drives away in his new car) Nice car, did he get the leopard print interior? (smiles) You off?
Abby: Not until 10.
Carter: What did you do to deserve that?
Abby: I asked. This way I'm never home when my neighbor is.
Carter: He's out on bail?
Abby: (nods) um. (Carter shakes his head increduously) Till the trila. Then I can get my life back
Carter: How's his wife?
Abby: She's good. Safe.
Carter: How are you? How's the eye? (he touches her bruise)
Abby: Good. I think my good Samaritan days are over though.
Carter: You probably saved her life. (pauses) Steady midnights, that can be tough. You getting enough sleep? Yeah? Eating okay? Feeling depressed, or anxious?
Abby: (smiles) I have to get back to work. (starts walking away)
Carter: Call if you wanna talk.
Abby: (turning around) I'm good.
Carter: Coffee and pie on me if you change your mind.

I know it looks weird but updates are in progress...check back soon!

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Secrets and Lie
Gallant: Dr. Carter?
Carter: What?
Gallant: What does your dad do?
Carter: Oh-
Susan: Spends the family trust fund.
Carter: He manages several of my families investment funds. Sits on some corporate boards.
Gallant: Family investment funds?
Susan: Carter's loaded.
Gallant: Really? (Susan nods) How loaded?
Susan: Think Bill Gates.
Carter: Not that rich.
Susan: Okay, Paul Allen then.
Abby: How much are you worth Carter?
Carter: Me, personally? Almost nothing.
Abby: Okay, your family then. (She gets up and moves to a chair closer to him.)
Carter: I have no idea.
Abby: Guess.
Carter: I don't know. A lot.
Abby: Fifty million. (Carter laughs at her guess)
Susan: 100 million? (Carter smiles. Susan glances at them. Carter rolls his eyes
Abby: 200 million? 500 million?
Carter: Honestly, I don't know.
Abby: Oh my God, I knew you were rich; I didn't know you were that rich!
Carter: Gamma's money.
Abby: How old are you, thirty?
Carter: Thirty-one.
Abby: How did you manage to last this long without some girl marrying you?
Carter: (laughs) We come with built in gold-digger alrams. My grandmother installs them at birth.
Susan: And I haven't set it off? You better have that thing checked.
Carter: It's embarrassing really. You know, everyone assumes when you grow up with money, everything's great.
Susan: Yeah, it must have been hard growing up in the mansion. Was Gamma too cheap to heat the pool? (Luka and Abby laugh.)
Carter: Money isn't everything Susan.
Susan: It's easy for you to say.
Luka: We never had much, we always struggled, but we were happy.
Susan: Yeah, same here! I never knew we didn't have money. I always had everything I needed. Presents at Christmas, clothing, food...
Abby: 700 million?
Carter: Hey, I didn't ask to be born into this.
(Carter and Abby share a long look but are interrupted by a knock on the door.)

Carter: I got it! (opens the closet door he has been trying to break into.)
Gallant: Great. Now we're felons.
Carter: Oh cool!
Susan: What?
Carter: There's a bunch of fencing gear in here. I used to fence in school.
Susan: Of course you did.
Luka: I fence.
Susan: (laughing) Fencing...
Abby: Are you gonna eat this cracker?
Susan: No. You really only see ten patients a day?
Luka: I learned when I was acting.
Abby: When were you an actor?
Luka: College.
Carter: I should warn you, I'm good.
Luka: Okay.
Carter: En garde.
Abby: They really say that?
(Luka and Carter start fencing.)
Abby: Do you think they're trying to impress us?
Susan: If they are, it's not working.
(Carter and Luka continue fencing.)
Abby: They really are a couple of freaks.
Susan: (laughing) And to think you slept with both of them!
Abby: I never slept with Carter. Did he tell you that?
Susan: I thought you had.
Abby: No. That was a rumor Carter started.
Susan: Oh, God, that is low!
Abby: I thought so.
Susan: I haven't slept with Carter either.
Abby: (surprised) How long have you guys been going out?
Susan: Couple of months.
Abby: Well, that definitely violates the second date rule.
Susan: What second date rule?
Abby: My friend has this theory that you should sleep with the guy by the second date because if the sex isn't good you shouldn't waste your time with someone you don't have any chemistry with.
Susan: Hmm, well I don't know if Carter and I have chemistry or not. There have been some of those almost-spark moments.
Abby: I think it's either there or it's not. You can't force it, believe me. I've tried.
Susan: I think part of the problem with Carter and me is you. He denies it, but he's not very convincing. Why didn't you two happen?
Abby: Timing.
(Luka and Carter get little more violent and Carter grabs his wrist in pain.)
Susan: Oww!
Luka: You okay?
Carter: Yeah.
Luka: If you're hurt we should stop.
Carter: Nope. (sheakes his head) Come on. Come on, let's go.
Abby: This is not going to end well.
Susan: Hey, aren't you guys tired yet?
(The guys continue fighting. Carter hacks at Luka's side/back, Luka retaliates and hacks at Carter's face. They end up on the ground fighting. Gallant pulls Carter off Luka. Abby runs in the middle to keep them from fighting again.)
Luka: You maniac!
Carter: You started it!
Luka: Look at this! Look at this!
Carter: You went for my face!
Luka: After you hacked at my side!
(Susan and Carter go sit down at one side of the room, Abby and Luka at the other.)
Abby: I thought fencing was a finesse sport.
Carter: (As Susan looks at the cut on Carter's face.) Ouch!!
Susan: Don't be a baby.
Carter: Crazy bastard. He was trying to kill me.
Susan: It looked like it was mutual.
Carter: Am I going to need stitches?
Susan: (laughs) No, you barely need a Band-Aid. I didn't know you had a temper.
(Carter stares over at Abby helping Luka.)
Susan: I can ask Abby to come over and check you out if you'd prefer.
Carter: (pause, he was really listening to her.) What?...That man is a menace. (holds his fingers about an inch apart) That, and I could have lost my eye.
(Susan leans over and kisses him.)
Carter: (surpised) What was that for?
Susan: Just checking.
Carter: For what?
Susan: Second date rule.
Carter: What?
(Carter shakes his head and turns his attention back to watching Abby help Luka, and Susan purses her lips, thinking.)

Susan: She's pretty great.
Carter: Who?
Susan: Abby. I didn't really know her before, I didn't think I'd like her, but I do.
Carter: You wanna get something to eat, I'm starving.
Susan: You know, you really made a fool out of yourself today.
Carter: What?
Susan: If you're worried about Abby living with Luka, don't be, I don't think anything's going on.
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Maura Tierney   
    Abby Lockhart
Noah Wyle       
John Carter

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"Dear Abby" Letter
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