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PLEASE NOTE: These articles by Svali were posted at CentrExNews, which unfortunately shut down in mid-September, 2003. The original source for them is or you could do a search at for 'Svali'.

The Illuminati: How the Cult Programs People

by: Svali

Chapter Seven: Military Programming

I want to devote an entire chapter to military programming, and how it is done. Why? As noted in chapter three, the Illuminati are emphasizing the importance of military training more and more, as part of their plan for eventual takeover. All children in the current generation are undergoing some form of military training as part of this plan.

Military training is begun quite young. It is often started by three years of age with simple exercises. The children are taken by their parents to a training area, which may be a large inside auditorium, or a remote area outside where training maneuvers are done. Tents are set up, with command centers for the different commanding officers and military trainers.

The children are taught to march in time, keeping a straight line. They are punished by being kicked, shocked with a cattle prod, or beaten with a baton if they move out of place. They will be dressed in small uniforms in imitation of the adults.

The adults will have ranks, badges and insignia indicating their level of achievement in the cult hierarchy and military. Badges and medals are given out to indicate the person's level of training and tests passed. Commanding officers are often brutal and will teach even the youngest children with harsh measures.

The children will be forced to march long distances, which increase as they get older, in any weather. They are forced to learn to cross obstacles. They will be given "fake" guns, with blanks, when they are young. These guns are perfect replicas of real guns, but fire blanks. The children are taught to load and fire all manner of firearms, both real and fake, under close adult supervision. They will spend hours learning to aim, sight, and fire these guns at targets. At first the targets are bulls eyes, but as the children get older the targets will be similar to police cut outs of humans. The children are taught to aim for the head or the heart. Later, they will graduate to realistic manikins. This is conditioning them to kill a human being.

They will be shown violent films of warfare, much more explicit and graphic than normal movies in group classes. Killing techniques will be shown in slow motion. The motif "kill or be killed" will be ground in over and over. The trainer will ask the children what mistakes the people who were killed made. Being killed is considered weakness; being a killer is considered strength.

The children will be forced, by age seven or eight, to crawl on their bellies with simulated blanks firing overhead. They are not told these are blanks and they are extremely painful if the child is hit in the back or buttocks. They quickly learn to keep down under fire. Battle conditions will be simulated as the children go through years of "boot camp" training.

They will be rewarded with merit badges for doing well, such as completing an obstacle course, or staying cool under fire. In other words, the cult creates a microcosm of real military training for their children and youth. Nazi concentration camps will be simulated, with guards and prisoners. The "guards" are usually older children or youth who have done well. The "prisoners" are younger children or those being punished for not performing well in maneuvers. There is intense pressure to want the guard role and not be a prisoner, since prisoners are locked up, beaten, kicked, and laughed at.

Hunting and tracking games where the prisoners are given a half hour lead are frequent. These may also involve the use of specially trained dogs taught to knock the quarry down but not kill them. Older children are taught to handle the dogs, and use them. Youth are taught to help the adults train the dogs.

Teens may be rewarded by becoming "youth leaders" who are allowed to plan the weeks activities. The military training will closely follow the principles of Nazi military and S.S. training. The trainers often speak in German to the children, who must learn the language. All C.O.s and high ranking adults speak in German during these exercises. They may also speak in French, since linguistic ability is encouraged in the Illuminati.

Exercises for older youth will include games where groups compete against each other, and the older teen leads, with the help of an adult advisor. Groups that win are rewarded, groups that lose are punished. The youth are taught to leave behind the weak, or slow members. Unfit members are shot or killed, and the youth leader learns to do these tasks. They are taught to bring their unit through simulated battles with other units, and cool, cognitive logic under these conditions is rewarded. The goal is to creative cognitive leaders inside the military systems, who are dissociated from emotions under the stress of battle conditions.

The youth and their followers are taught and trained in all manner of crowd control. They will see special films, that address all possible responses to a military takeover, and the crowds' response. These situations are then acted out during exercises, and the older Youth leaders and their units are expected to deal with the different responses. The "crowd" is coached by their trainers to act in different ways.

The ultimate goal of all of this is to create an organized army of children, youth, and adults, who will know exactly what to do during the coming takeover of the world. The training that I described is going on not only in the U.S., but in every country in the world. Top training centers are located in Germany, Belgium, France, and Russia. Military trainers are often sent to these countries, to learn new techniques, then sent back to their home countries.

What to do: It is important to realize that military alters inside are extremely hierarchical. They will often be ranked inside, with lower "foot soldiers" accountable to inside alters with increasing rank. Usually, the higher the military rank, the higher the alter will be inside the system. A soldier with no rank may not have much knowledge about, or pull, inside the system. Its only job is to blindly obey others, after years of conditioning to do this.

Ranking officers inside will often be modeled after outside perpetrators, officers, or trainers. An internal General will often have much more knowledge than lower ranks, and should be befriended, as they can help with therapy.

It will take time, effort, and patience for both the survivor and the therapist to get to know these military officers. They are often abrupt, arrogant, and extremely hostile to therapy. They are often strongly loyal to the cult and proud of their badges, awards, and achievements that were earned through years of traumatization and hard work. They will often be reluctant to give this up, for the perceived "loss" engendered by leaving the cult.

They will also have strong programming surrounding them, including "honor/dishonor" suicidal programming (the brave, honorable soldier will die rather than betray his group, etc.). It is important to deal with the suicidal programming and intense limbic conditioning that many of these alters have been subjected to, while at the same time reasoning with the higher ranking members.

They will have photographic memory and recall of all aspects of military history. Giving them safe, appropriate, physical outlets in the daytime can let them vent off steam. These are very physically conditioned alters, who enjoy running, walking, target practice with guns and knives. Letting them go hiking (with a safe support person), practice outdoor skills, can be helpful.

Acknowledging their importance to the survivor, and the trauma they underwent, respecting their loyalty, bravery, and appealing to their sense of honor to help the system stay safe (these alters often have a highly developed, although misguided, sense of honor) can help. Internal commendation for bravery, even an internal awards ceremony (they are used to this) for the parts that have decided to leave the cult, and protect the body, can be performed. They are used to praise and recognition for work well done, and need this motivation. They were used to getting this from the cult, but the survivor can turn the locus of control internally, instead of externally, to break bonds with the cult.

Military protectors can change their job to keeping the body safe, away from perpetrators. They can be a system's greatest asset, as they are great at "kicking butt", and are not easily frightened. They may be able to tell outside perpetrators to leave the survivor alone, and protect the survivor from outside accessing.

Allowing them to vent their feelings in therapy, in journaling, in pictures, and in collages can also help. Although higher ranking officers internally are often very dissociated from their feelings, they can begin to empathize with the others below them, who took their pain, and the brunt of the brutal, punitive experiences. They have to be willing to acknowledge that they were abused at some point, that they were deceived and used. Finding the youngest alters they were split from will help with this process. With time and good internal communication, as well as patience from both the therapist and survivor, military alters can become one of the strongest assets and allies in staying cult free.

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