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"For the love of money is the root of all evil..."
 I Timothy 6:10

What Conspiracy?

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The recognition that the Illuminati actually exist is often belittled by those who have fallen deeply under the spell of popular opinion. This has led to some utterly erroneous statements such as "no one has documented the existence of this particular group".

The fact of the matter is that nothing could be further from the truth.

Numerous mainstream sources, including the Encarta World English Dictionary and The Columbia Encyclopedia, plainly document the existence of this nefarious organization. An online version of The Catholic Encyclopedia is readily available and the use of it is free of charge. It would take less than a minute to hit their website, type the word 'illuminati' into the search text box and access a highly detailed account of Adam Weishaupt and The Ancient Illuminated Seers of Bavaria, or as they later became known as, The Order of the Illuminati.

So why do people deny the existence of the Illuminati and sling around the label 'conspiracy theory' as if it were synonomous with 'complete lunacy'? To understand this one must first know who the conspirators really are and, secondly, how they have warped our sensibilities such that we no longer believe that which is right before our very eyes.

Who are the Illuminati?

The Illuminati, simply put, are the inner core and the highest order of an international group of immensely wealthy financiers. Those who are part of this inner core are strong proponents of the ideals of the Enlightment --including rationalism and deism-- and embrace, at the root of their belief system, Luciferianism. They are engaged in secret plot to impose a new international order upon all of mankind which will replace the Divine order of Yahweh, the Eternal One Who created heaven and earth. The culmination of this plan, often termed The New World Order, will abolish all sovereign nations and states and, likewise, will eliminate any devotion to such. In the place of nationalism, a socialist dictatorship will be set up with a one-world central government, a one-world religion and a one-world leader. This one-world leader and one-world government will be the same as that which is prophesied in chapter 13 of The Book of the Revelation in the Holy Bible.

The New World Order is being introduced, in an incremental and subliminal fashion, to the earth's inhabitants, even at this very moment, and the methods that are employed to this end are heinous and diabolical. The greatest obstacle to the Illuminati's plot is the mass mind and, in their eyes, its tenacious grip on a binding moral code rooted in religious fundamentalism. They regard religion as a form of oppression which blinds society and prevents it from progressing toward an advanced state. For this reason, this grand conspiracy �right from the very start� anticipated an enormous task, i.e. the assassination of any profound belief in Yahweh or, more simply, the death of God. Hence the undertaking of the plot had to be committed to an intergenerational execution which would be effected over several centuries, slowly but steadily moving towards its completion. The inheritance of the plot from one generation to the next also serves to conceal its existence in that its ultimate length from start to finish exceeds the lifespan of a single man. The Illuminati's existence and actions, therefore, effectively fly above the radar of the common bottom-feeding proletariat who rarely thinks beyond the immediate necessities of his life or beyond his carnal desire. Utmost secrecy is, indeed, one of the Illuminati's greatest guiding lights and any knowledge of their cabal or its actions is kept, at all costs, from the volatile and meddlesome mind of John Q. Public.

Although the Illuminati, via the Freemasons, date back to the Knights Templar of the 11th century crusades, the modern expression of the order has its beginnings with a group of wealthy international financiers of the late 18th century, headed by a man named Mayer Amschel Bauer. According to William Guy Carr in his book Pawns In The Game, Bauer, who eventually adopted the name Rothschild, summoned a group of the twelve influential and wealthy men to meet in his goldsmith shop in Frankfurt in 1773. There they agreed to pool their resources to finance and launch a world revolutionary movement. To bring about this revolution, the cabal dedicated themselves to gain ultimate control of the wealth, the natural resources, and the manpower of the entire world. The acquisition of these would then be used to create adverse social conditions by manipulating the economy and by funding both sides of great wars. Essentially, their goal was to covertly induce the world to beat itself into submission.

To set the plan in motion, Rothschild approached Adam Weishaupt, a Jesuit professor of canon law of mid-late 18th century Bavaria, to act as figurehead for the group. Weishaupt, since his youth, had been turning away from his Catholic roots and, along with studying occultism and mystery religions, was becoming increasingly rationalistic with his worldview and philosophy. This made him a perfect candidate to organize a secret society to suit the needs of what was now known as the House of Rothschild. At their behest, he organized the modern expression of their group and their world revolutionary plan. Thus, in 1776 the Ancient Illuminated Seers of Bavaria was founded which later became the Order of the Illuminati.

The Illuminati were discovered and officially disbanded in 1785 by the Bavarian government but in reality they just went underground and survive until this very day. The name Illuminati is loosely translated as 'bearer of light' and cult members are thought to 'enlightened ones'. Initially the Illuminati were meant to be a class of hardcore and superior Freemasons but this idea was cast aside and Weishaupt sought instead to establish a new society altogether. The prototype of the group, however, was based on the Freemasonic model, its dedication to secrecy and its heirarchical structure where that which is known at the top is forbidden, under the penalty of death, to be revealed to the 'lower order'. Weishaupt also 'infiltrated' a Masonic lodge in 1777 and endeavoured to 'render Freemasonry as subservient as possible to his aims'. That he was successful at this was proven at the international convention of Freemasons held at Wilhelmsbad in 1782 where almost all the members clamoured to join what was now touted as 'Illuminated Freemasonry' which was supposedly the only 'pure' Freemasonry. However, since the art of Illuminism lay in enlisting dupes as well as adepts, they were few who knew the real purpose of the order or were members of the inner circle.

Modus Operandi

These self appointed 'enlightened' ones of the inner circle, or areopagites, along with their access to exhorbitant wealth, social standing and political power, regarded themselves as destined to rule all of mankind and saw the average man as one who failed to understand the necessity of taking extreme measures to achieve the common good. According to Rothschild, individual rights and freedoms were an 'abstract idea' that needed to be subdued in order to give full reign to that which was regarded as the real law: force. Law was really force in disguise and the prevailing philosophy was not the law of civilisation but rather the law of the jungle. Hence came the conclusion, "By the laws of nature right lies in force." And since all was dependent on the power of gold then he who possessed the world's gold defined the law by exerting force through economic pressures.

To this end, great wars were started and the opposing sides were funded in order to bring all the fighting parties to the brink of financial ruin. At the same time, the true victors, the creditors and the armaments manufacturers �which were always firmly in the hands of the conspirators� reaped great profits for themselves. This gross impropriety, as well as the spilling the blood of many heroic individuals, patriots and saints, was not thought of by the conspirators as morally reprehensible. Rather, in the minds of the Illuminati, the ends justified the means. Preparing the masses for ultimate subordination by inducing them to squander much of their precious resources and by sapping their morale, and emotional and physical strength through arranged conflict was thought of as a necessary evil. In this manner, the masses, rendered desperate, feeble and impressionable and at the mercy of the most rich and powerful, were properly primed. The grand conspirators then stepped in on cue and proposed the implementation of world bodies such as the League of Nations (post-World War I) and the United Nations (post-World War II) which subliminally but very affirmatively indoctrinated the population with the new philosophy. And that new philosophy dictated that mankind �originally ruled by the Eternal One, Yahweh, and then subsequently ruled by various sovereign nations� had fallen into a hopeless state of disrepair and needed to, as a matter of sheer survival, submit to the New World Order.

The Hegelian Dialectic and World War III

Initially, the theory expounded by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel in the early 19th century exemplified a process by where all social movements came about as a result of a struggle between two opposing ideals. The theory described a process that started with an original ideal or 'thesis' which subsequently incited rise of its opposite ideal or 'antithesis' and the resulting struggle or 'dialogue' between the two then produced the new succeeding ideal or 'synthesis'. Formulaically then this may be represented as THESIS + ANTITHESIS = SYNTHESIS. From this theory emerged the diabolical possibility that, instead of letting the process emerge as a natural sociological progression, the two opposing ideals could be purposely nurtured and propelled towards each other with the goal of producing a premeditated synthesis. It is this preplanned Hegelian Dialectic which is largely responsible for the 20th century push towards an international order. The Illuminati, through their ready access to exhorbitant wealth, support the rise of the Western capitalist system or THESIS (the good guys) while simultaneously supporting the rise of the idealogical opposite, i.e. fascism, communism, Islamic fundamentalism, anti-Americanism, etcetera or ANTITHESIS (the bad guys). The exhausting struggle between the two coerces the masses to reject both in favour of internationalism or the New World Order which is the desired premeditated SYNTHESIS. The resulting international order subtily replaces the Divine order of the Holy Creator of heaven and Earth, Yahweh.

It is rarely understood by antiwar demonstrators passionately marching in the streets that the tendency to move away from ultra-nationalism nudges one further away from all forms of sovereignty, and more specifically, the original Thesis and the ultimate Sovereign, the Holy Creator of heaven and earth, Yahweh. Seeing American ultra-nationalism in action leads one away from a fundamentalist point of view since any extreme now appears to be part of the problem as opposed to part of the solution. Illuminati agenturs have always dwelled at the heart of the peace movement promoting ecumenicalism and interfaith. Since the late 60s-early 70s these have been held up like a glorious banner and we have been heavily propagandized into the notion that everybody 'getting along' supersedes everything else. The famous soft drink ad where it was suggested to "teach the world to sing in perfect harmony" is a prime example of this kind of propaganda. But in reality interfaith is an abominable lie and a gross compromise since it is impossible that all religions are true. The real truth is faith in Yahweh, the Holy Creator of heaven and earth. It is this truth that is largely ignored by the peace movement.

Having thus prepared the mass mind to move away from the Holy Spirit, the next step is to remove once and for all the authority of nationalism. If it can be proven to the world that an ultra-nationalistic value system is greatly in error and has no place in an 'advanced' civilisation then a great many minds would be changed. Hence, the Illuminati must engineer the rise of America, the last remaining superpower, as this ultra-nationalistic value system intent on playing Globocop and then likewise engineer its downfall to galvanize upon the minds of the masses that this kind of system cannot possibly work and is an antiquated notion. The Illuminati is basically setting up America to take a fall in order to teach the world a lesson. Islamic fundamentalism is just a decoy. The real target of the New World Order is America and its foreign policy which is rapidly becoming an ideal which represents the epitome of ultra-nationalism in the modern world.

This final great performance of the Hegelian Dialectic will bring forth World War III, global anarchy, global economic crash, exhaustion, famine and general despair followed by anarchy and death. Then the Illuminati will make their appearance, set up the one-world government (ten kings, Revelation 17) and propping up their new world leader posing falsely as the Messiah, they will impose the New World Order. In this manner, the coming one-world government and its one-world leader undoubtedly represent the rise of the Antichrist.

Hence America �not because of any lofty ideals of combatting terrorism but because she has been programmed to� will become increasingly belligerent and will continue to stumble around the globe like a drunken warrior on a rampage inspired by its seemingly new found ability to override the collective will of the United Nations.

This is why the American government worked so hard to go to war with Iraq in spite of the tremendously volatile situation in the Middle East. Key members of the Bush administration —including Bush himself— have been specially selected by the Illuminati to bring about this war. Through their tentacles in occultic groups like the Order of the Skull & Bones and the Freemasons, as well as other 'above-ground' organisations, the Illuminati cast these individuals into positions of power in the American government in order that they may carry on the grand conspiracy.

It is important to understand the real deal behind current US foreign policy. All the sabre rattling and cowboy mentality coming from George W. Bush is a product of a neo-conservative think tank called the Project for a New American Century (PNAC). This organisation, which was started by such Bush adminstration heavyweights like Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld, Richard Perle, and others, plainly admits that their goal is 'to promote American global leadership'. Further verification of this can be found in a PNAC white paper entitled Rebuilding America's Defenses. This paper came out in September 2000 (predating Bush's inauguration as president) and is liberally peppered with phrases like 'American peace', 'American preeminence' and 'Pax Americana'. It also makes unabashed declarations such as:

"At present the United States faces no global rival. America's grand strategy should aim to preserve and extend this advantageous position as far into the future as possible."

That major war in the Middle East was actually planned in advance is not speculation but fact. Rebuilding America's Defenses states, in no uncertain terms, that one of its four key missions is to "fight and decisively win multiple, simultaneous major theater wars". It then further goes on to explain that unresolved conflict with Iraq provided only 'immediate justification' while the need to have a substantial American force in the Gulf region transcends the regime of Saddam Hussein. Hence, regardless of whether the so-called Butcher of Baghdad was in power or not, American neoconservatives were determined to establish a formidable military force in the Gulf region that would 'fight and decisively win a major theater war'. It is small wonder then that, following the debacle of the recent war in Iraq and the complete failure to turn up any weapons of mass destruction (the original justification for the war), chief UN weapons inspector Hans Blix said: "There is evidence this war was planned well in advance".

By citing roots in The Defense Policy Guidance (DPG) of 1992, Rebuilding America's Defenses goes on to reveal that the neo-Roman plan to institute American hegemony has been in the making for over a decade. This DPG likewise provided 'a blueprint for maintaining U.S. preeminence, precluding the rise of a great power rival, and shaping the international security order in line with American principles and interests.'

Here it may be misunderstood that American global leadership is meant to be the 'new world order' but, once again, since the art of illuminism lays in enlisting dupes as well as adepts, then the geopolitics must be understood along these lines. The key is recognizing in just how well the 'new American order' is being received by the rest of the planet. It is incredibly significant that, a mere 18 months after an international outpouring of sympathy for America on account of the 9/11 attacks, an online poll run by Time magazine in early 2003 told a different story. This poll saw a whopping 82% of the votes (as of January 19, 2003) now condemning this same America as the greatest danger to world peace in the coming year. Trailing far behind in this poll was Iraq in second place and North Korea in third, both designated by the Bush administration as members of the 'axis of evil'.

Another much more comprehensive report by the Pews Research Center (PRC) released December 4th, 2002 uncovered similar results. The introduction and summary of What the World Thinks in 2002 opens with a section entitled 'Global Gloom and Growing Anti-Americanism'. The first paragraph reads:

Despite an initial outpouring of public sympathy for America following the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks, discontent with the United States has grown around the world over the past two years. Images of the U.S. have been tarnished in all types of nations: among longtime NATO allies, in developing countries, in Eastern Europe and, most dramatically, in Muslim societies.

Since 2000, favorability ratings for the U.S. have fallen in 19 of the 27 countries where trend benchmarks are available...

In June 2003, the PRC released another report called Views of a Changing World 2003: War With Iraq Further Divides Global Publics which likewise paints a negative image of America foreign policy, describes the bottom having fallen out of support for America in most of the Muslim world and more significantly finds that a majority in five out of seven NATO countries polled support a more independent relationship with the U.S. on diplomatic and security affairs.

Hence, there is no doubt that America's unilateralism, which has twice already attempted to swat a fly with a sledgehammer and missed, i.e. Osama Bin Laden and Saddam Hussein, is fueling a harsh storm of dissent. The big mess that America left in Afghanistan is now repeating itself in Iraq. Pentagon advisors recently warned that the 'window of opportunity' is closing on creating stability in Iraq and, in the face of continuing chaos, the risk of having the broader population of Iraqis turn against US occupation is only months away.

In spite of all this, Bush's sabre is continuing to rattle in the direction of Syria and Iran (but suspiciously tiptoeing around North Korea). It is quite apparent that the Bush administration's war on terrorism is becoming hugely and rapidly unpopular and yet they blunder onward seemingly oblivious to increased opposition the world over. The whole thing stinks of conspiracy.

In reality, by the hidden hand of the Illuminati, the US is being covertly saddled with a warmongering defense policy that is doomed to fail and which has so far led to two heavy-handed and reactionary military campaigns backed by faulty intelligence and spurious justifications. The only thing these two wars have really done well is manufacture a negative world reaction. This reaction, in turn, serves as moral grounds upon which the Illuminati will base a great power rival; the very rival that the American neocons say they are attempting to preclude.

Classic Illuminati methods are in effect here where not only a great war is being pre-arranged but also where a conspiracy exists within a conspiracy. The US government is set up to follow a covert agenda, i.e. the Pax Americana defense policy, while fronting it as the 'war on terrorism.' Meanwhile, the Illuminati is one layer behind that following its own covert agenda of creating the New World Order by setting up America to lock horns with a new great power rival (quite possibly a European Union defense force) in World War III. In this manner, the Illuminati avoids detection by concealing itself behind numerous layers of deceit. Much of the US government is, in effect, 'honeycombed' within its own conspiratorial cell acting as an Illuminati dupe unaware that it is being tricked into serving a higher purpose. Thus should John Q. Public begin to suspect an ulterior motive behind the war on terrorism (as is currently happening), his finger naturally points at the Bush administration, the PNAC defense policy, US corporate aspirations to control the world's oil, links between US state and big business, and the like. Although this is what truly motivates the Bush administration, the real puppeteers remain hidden away behind a much grander plot.

There are strong indications that the PNAC white paper, Rebuilding America's Defenses, had an imbedded Illuminati trigger which when pulled would put the whole operation into full effect, i.e., start the 'war on terrorism'. In Part V of this paper, it plainly states:

Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event � like a new Pearl Harbor.

Hence, the adherents to this defense policy were subliminally primed to anticipate 'some catastrophic event' in order to 'catalyze' public opinion in favour of waging major theater wars that would otherwise be politically unthinkable. And this catastrophic event, of course, was the suicide hijackings on September 11th, 2001 and the subsequent collapse of the World Trade Center towers in New York City. The going theory here is that the Bush administration knew about the attacks in advance but failed to avert them creating the necessary pretext to wage war. But since the Illuminati demand much tighter control over the shapes of things to come then waiting around for hardline Islamic fundamentalists to conjure up a terrorist attack suitable to their needs was simply out of the question. A much more likely explanation is that the Illuminati themselves planned the terrorist attacks of September 11th which essentially pushed the go button on their whole agenda. This then created 'plausible deniability' in the Bush camp as they acted upon the imbedded trigger in the PNAC document, i.e., some catastrophic and catalyzing event, and thus started the ball rolling (let's roll). Their heavy handed war on terrorism then produces a negative world reaction (already happening), the subsequent rise of great power rival (soon to come) and ultimately World War III.

 'The Hidden Hand'
by Erbin Blyte © 2003
'The Hidden Hand' by Erbin Blyte © 2003

The final outcome of this third world war will be that America, which has become the new Great Babylon (and even occupies the land upon which ancient Babylon stood, see Revelation 17: 5), will fall. Following this cataclysmic struggle —which will most certainly involve the dropping of nuclear warheads— the earth's inhabitants, exhausted, terrorized and desperate for a solution, will offer up little resistance when the Supreme World Council, a.k.a. the Illuminati, finally comes out of hiding and replaces the UN with a new one-world government which will be run by their new specially appointed one-world leader.

And thus will enter the New World Order.

Sex and Violence

The Illuminati are firmly in control of all the major media sources and have long ago learned how to finetune the mass intellect to suit their needs. Part and parcel of the subliminal push towards the Satanic New World Order is the induction of the public mind towards an increasing debased and corrupted sense of morality. This propaganda ensures that Mr. and Mrs. Average Citizen are not too conservatively-minded or too morally bound to accept the concept of surrendering all sovereignty to a one world government. The path to Luciferianism is a bumpy one indeed and all ties to what will eventually be touted as 'antiquated' ideals of a gracious God who will fix things if only we behave or any pious concerns about what is right or wrong must be eliminated. To this end, various mind controls were put into effect to loosen the lid on Pandora's box and let hedonism and social chaos begin to run amok. The forbidden fruit was proffered and Adam, thinking himself becoming a modern man, began to gobble it down.

For example, in Western nations, the institution of marriage was gradually deteriorated since the 1950s by the introduction of the concepts of legal abortion, contraception, living out of wedlock, and free love. It is a well known fact now that marriages are commonly doomed to fail and 40-50% divorce rates have become the norm. With marriage undermined, the mass mind was quietly pushed towards the idea that committing to any kind of sacred agreement was inhibiting and undesirable. Thus prepared, the Illuminati, who also own all of the major mass media, then relentlessly began to bombard the general public with increasingly daring images of sex and violence leading people to accept pornography and gangsterism as mere amusements rather than complete debauchery. It is estimated that the average American child spends more time in front of the television set than in school and will have witnessed over 200,000 acts of violence by the time he or she reaches the age of eighteen.

Other media-oriented mind controls are also in effect. The abolition of family values is being subtily accomplished through prime-time television programs that portray dysfunctional families as fun and entertaining. Alongside this, a dog-eat-dog mindset is established by getting the general population addicted to video games, which almost exclusively promote death and destruction as a viable means to an end. Hollywood is increasingly turning towards science-fiction and occultic themes in order to corrupt and ridicule belief in Yahweh. Thus the proletariat is primped, primed and prepared to adapt to any extreme and, in fact, no longer even perceives extremes since he lives in a society where all is permissible. He is the modern man liberated from any restraints. A modern man, especially according to the Western ideal, is now lauded for being fat, drinking excessively, cheating on his wife, getting in a street fight, driving a gas-guzzling and air polluting SUV, climbing the ladder of success by any means necessary, and having no clearly defined religious beliefs. This is generally regarded as 'normal' and 'well-adjusted'. Conversely, any man who adheres to a diet of health food, is a tea-totaller, is celibate, participates in peace marches, rides a bike, cares about the underprivileged and believes in Yahweh, the Holy Creator of heaven and earth, is generally taken for a weak and effeminate radical. Such is the desire of the Illuminati to gradually marginalise that which is saintly and glorify that which is demonic. In this sense, a spiritual vacuum is created where the mass mind, effectively turned away from faith in the Eternal One, Yahweh, finds itself wandering lost, anxious for an ideal which the conspirators then conveniently step in to provide.

Levels of understanding

Modern man exists at numerous different levels of understanding. These levels of understanding are layered one on top of the other such that those at the very lowest levels see the upper levels of understanding as so radically different that it appears as sheer insanity when they first encounter them. It can be likened to a people which has lived in a valley all of their lives and are suddenly confronted one day with the stories of the fantastic sights offered by the panoramic view that can be enjoyed by climbing one of the mountains that surround the valley. At the summit of one of these mountains they are told that one may behold a vast ocean in the distance or a great city or a desert or any number of things that were never formerly believed to exist. Hence, when confronted by stories of these things, the valley dwellers regard the one who has seen them as completely insane. The real problem, however, is simply that those who dwell in the valley find it much easier to remain there in the company of ignorance than to spend time training and getting in shape and then stepping forward and �risking great ridicule� make the tremendous effort to climb a mountain and see for themselves.

It is at such heights that the real truth exists and only a precious few, who are willing to think outside the box and then persevere many trials and hardships, and literally climb spiritual mountains, attain said truth.

The digression of mankind's perception of reality through the ages can be likened to that of a pride of lions living and roaming free on the African plain which is then captured and confronted with living in a cage in a zoo. At first the lions rebel against their new confined existence, raging and roaring night and day, longing to return to the freedom that they once enjoyed. But after many years of living in relative ease and comfort being fed regularly without having to deal with the harsh reality of daily survival on the open African plain, the lions quickly forget about their origins. Soon they accept their new caged existence as the extent of all life has to offer. To them now, there is absolutely nothing beyond the concrete and glass that confines them.

Eventually, then when a new lion is captured fresh out of the African wilderness and placed in the zoo with the others who had been thus caged for many years, he is regarded as an anomaly. The new lion reacts, like the others before him, by raging and roaring about the cage that confines him. But the others, having become so accustomed to the cage that they no longer even perceive it as a cage are astonished at what they hear the new lion saying. And so they respond, 'What cage? We don't see a cage. These walls and barriers that we live within are not meant to confine us. They are for our protection. Without it we would perish. What is this fantastic story of yours that we are being contained and controlled by some great 'zookeeper', as you call him, who is exploiting our existence for large sums of gold? The one who gives us food everyday is our friend. He likes us and that is his only motivation and nothing more. And besides we are many and you're just one. How dare you confront our common authority. We have a system here that defines what life is and how to regard it. You must respect this system because it is the height of civilized order. This system is called 'democracy'. And, based on that, we have listened to your story, we've taken a vote and have now come to a decison. And that decision is: YOU ARE A COMPLETE NUTBAR. Sorry. So it's probably best if you just keep your mouth shut and go with the flow because we got a good thing going here and we don't want you ruining it with these crazy stories of yours."

And so likewise in our present society, everybody believes what everybody believes. The truth becomes defined by democratic opinion. The emperor may be stark naked but if the 'moral majority' decides that he is wearing clothes then presto!... The emperor is wearing clothes and that's the end of it. Anybody who says different is no longer regarded as 'normal' or as an upstanding member of society. But Ghandi once beautifully defined the immutable quality of the truth regardless of how many believed in it when he said, 'Even if you are a minority of one, the truth is still the truth.'

And so true that is. And hence so go the levels of understanding which can be loosely defined as follows:

Level 1 - Those who rarely think beyond the immediate necessities of life or beyond carnal desires.

Level 2 - Those who are still enslaved by their carnal desires but are reasonably well informed of current and world events via mainstream media sources (of which the Illuminati have total control).

Level 3 - Those who begin to rise above just feeding their carnal desires because they inform themselves about the world through alternative media sources. To them the system is corrupt because of excessive corporate power, capitalism, greed, racism and religious conflict.

Level 4 - Those who rise above believing that there is simply a corrupt system in place because of failed idealogies and recognize that conspiracies actually exist in local and national governments and in cartels of big business that maintain specific covert agendas that keep this corrupt system in place. Most radical activists who are willing to demonstrate in the streets to support various causes find themselves at this level. They chain themselves to trees, they burn flags, walk in peace marches, etcetera. This is highly commendable but unfortunately alot of souls get stuck here thinking that they represent the vanguard of revolutionary thought.

Level 5 - Those who understand that many of the conspiracies that exist in local and national governments and in cartels of big business are merely a network of conspiracies operating worldwide serving a much larger and grand conspiracy perpetrated by the inner core of a group of wealthy international financiers. People at this level sometimes recognize the name of this group as the Illuminati. But more often than not they focus on the name of the plot -New World Order- instead of those behind the plot. In either case, at this level, it is believed that the conspiracy operates on a secular basis; the perpetrators are merely megalomaniacs akin to the villains in a James Bond movie and the conspiracy can be stopped if only enough people are informed of its existence and take action against it.

Level 6 - Those who understand that the grand conspiracy is clearly the work of the Illuminati, who, at the inner core, are ardent Luciferians engaging in occultic rituals and worshipping powers which they believe aid them in their nefarious plot. Thier ultimate intent is the overthrow of all religion which they regard as the arch enemy of an advanced civilisation. People at this level understand that things exist apart from the physical reality on a spiritual level. They believe in Yahweh, the Eternal One Who originally created heaven and earth and intrinsically know that the Illuminati's plan to take over the world, will succeed (albeit temporarily). There is no stopping it. They also understand that the Illuminati are themselves governed by Satan who will eventually incarnate the one world leader raised up by the Illuminati plan after which he will be defeated by the second coming of the Messiah Who will cast them alive into the lake of fire (see Revelation 19: 20.)

Level 7 -        ?   ?   ?

And there it is. It only remains to ascertain at which level the description leaves one completely incredulous to define what level of understanding one has attained. Most people should be able to at least imagine, although not necessarily reach, a level 3 understanding. At levels 4, 5, and 6, however the slope suddenly gets increasingly steeper and the incline becomes rife with dangerous rocky outcrops that must be negotiated with great care and understanding in order to keep moving successfully towards the summit. And the only way to do this is to let go of any excess baggage. (Matthew 19:24 ~ And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.)

The trappings of the pampered valley life must be left behind.

The Eye in the Pyramid

The Great Seal of the United States - 
(The eye-in-the-pyramid)The Great Seal of the United States as depicted on the back of the American dollar bill displays a luminescent eye at the apex of a pyramid. This illustration has several symbolic meanings, the most blatant of which is the heirarchical Illuminati plan to rule the world. The broad base at the bottom represents the lower order poverty-stricken masses who remain oblivious to their utter subservience to the levels above them. The average proletariat perceives the government as a civic minded machine that serves him and is under his control through a democratic system. According to him, there is no level above this. He believes the wealthy elite are governed by the laws of the land just as much as he is.

Meanwhile the eye encased by the tiny glowing pyramid at the top of the illustration represents the higher order wealthy elite; the 'enlightened ones' or the Illuminati who deem themselves as destined to rule over all the lower orders. To them, the government is nothing but a puppet and a front to conceal themselves from the lower orders. Since, in their eyes, wealth rules the world through force then the government is not a machine that serves the lower order but rather a machine that serves the higher order in order to allow them to subdue the lower order. The conspirators are the ones who are really in control; they are the true government concealed by many layers of secrecy.

The pyramid is also reminiscent of ancient Egyptian mystery religion which engaged in occultic rituals to transport deceased Pharaohs up a twelve step 'stairway-to-heaven'. At the culmination of the ritual, the spirit Pharaoh stepped into the 'eye of Horus' and ascended into the afterlife. This 'eye of Horus' is, in fact, the eye of Satan who has deceived the masses throughout time memorial to worship him through various false gods. The Illuminati are themselves deceived by Satan and think of themselves as divine rulers who have risen above 'lower-order' disciples of Christ. They regard the lower order as unable to rise above their fundamentalist beliefs to receive the 'light' of rationalism. The conspirators have abandoned the grace of Yahweh and the Messiah He sent and have taken matters into their own hands. They have been deceived by Satan into believing they can save themselves and the world through the power of reason and a modernist power structure. They worship the creation �themselves� instead of the Creator. And using subliminal mind controls, like the symbol of the eye-in-the-pyramid on the American dollar bill, they indoctrinate a great many others into accepting that which is, essentially, a heirarchical pagan idolatry. This system channels all power, wealth and glory to the creation, man and his false sense of self-importance, instead of to the Creator, Yahweh, the Eternal One from Whom all things came and to Whom all things belong. In this manner, Satan will attempt to permanently separate Yahweh's greatest creation, man, from his original Creator.

The cult of Luciferianism is a reversal of what is. Luciferians believe that man's reasoning power is the true ruler of the people and that this has been swept aside by apostates who choose instead to worship the original Creator, Yahweh. Luciferians believe that religion is the 'opiate of the masses' and is a dangerous demon that has led them astray from the light of rationalization. Hence, in their eyes, Lucifer is the god of reason and is the true god while Yahweh is the true devil. This doctrine which has been gradually introduced to the masses little by little (for too much revelation at one time would create an uproar) is how the Illuminati have inched the mass mind away from Divine worship and into a society based on apostasy. This is how they can openly place an occultic symbol on the American dollar bill and then put next to it the words, 'IN GOD WE TRUST' and arouse little suspicion. John Q. Public's sense of what is holy and divine has now been so hopelessly diluted with images of self-righteousness and vainglory that he no longer sees that which is set right before his very eyes.

Such is one of the many abominable delights of the Illuminati; audacity and the ability to place in plain sight that which was formerly detestable and atrocious.

*        *        *

And such are the thick layers of deceit and secrecy behind which the Illuminati remain hidden, just as the puppeteer remains hidden from his audience. They put on a show for the proletariat masses who are, in turn, so thrilled and chilled by the the dizzying pace of modern life that they never bother to peer behind the scenes to see who's pulling the strings. They are unaware of the puppeteer and his hidden agenda and hence are unaware that they are being lured into a trap of gargantuan proportions. They are even unaware that this is a possibility.

They are, in sum, the unaware who are unaware that they are unaware.

~ Matthew Bell, September 2003

Despite assumptions by some sources that the Illuminati was a 'short-lived' movement or that they were thoroughly defeated after being discovered and outlawed by the Bavarian government in 1785, Winston Churchill had this to say about them in 1920:

"From the days of Spartacus - Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, to those of Trotsky, Bela-Kuhn, Rosa Luxembourg and Emma Goldman, this world-wide conspiracy has been steadily growing. This conspiracy played a definitely recognizable role in the tragedy for the French Revolution. It has been the main-spring of every subversive movement in the 19th Century; and now at last this band of extraordinary personalities from the underworld of the great cities of Europe and America have gripped the Russian people by the hair of their heads, and have become practically the undisputed masters of that enormous empire."

Illustrated Sunday Herald, February 8th, 1920


A First Hand Account That The Illuminati Still Exist ~

Read this astonishing interview with an ex-Illuminist who outlines in great detail systems of mind control and ritual abuse used by the Illuminati to train agents to bring about the New World Order:

Interview with an Ex-Illuminati Programmer/Trainer


Thirst for Justice: A Satanic Plot for a One World Government

Final Warning: A History of the New World Order (massive resource)

America Pearl Harboured

The Project for a New American Century (PNAC): Cheney's Monstrous Scheme

Global Gloom and Growing Anti-Americanism (Pews Global Attitude survey 2002)

The Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins (MUST READ)

Elite Sets the Stage for World War Three by Henry Makow

Historical References

Illuminati ~ Encylopedia Britannica

Illuminati ~ Catholic Encylopedia

Illuminati ~ Columbia Encylopedia

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