Cindy's Website
For Sanity and Vanity ~
Past Challenges
Janet's Veg Challenge
Cinco De Mayo Cooking
Recipes 1
Recipes 2
Recipes 3
Recipes 4
Extra Baggage Recipes
Low Fat CookingTips
A LowFat Thanksgiving
Daily Journal (food and exercise)
Desk Workout~
Other Stuff:
SIMON Webpages
My Photo Album
Other Interests and Articles:
Here I hope to list a few of my personal thoughts on whatever litters my mind.

My Little Sister and My Big Mouth
Walk this Way - Oh Mom of Mine
Olympic Feats of Parenting!
My articles, read em and reap (the benefits)

The Feds on my TAIL-gate party
Moykeet & Other fine delicacies (new)
Reindeer Feet (new)
Beans and More - You gotta see this.
Chickens Go Mooooo?
The NUTTY Chick
Olympic Parenting

Ediet Articles (Published):
Mom's A Walkin!

Green Ketchup Confessions

Bless My Hips

Tooth Fairies & Dino - Cakes? and what other creatures lurk in our breakfasts?

Exercise To Benefit You & Your Kids! Special For eDiets "But Mom, I can't walk that fast!" This is my most often heard complaint ....

How To Pack Healthy, Tasty Bag Lunches Special For eDiets The lunches provided by my children's schools don't exactly make their taste buds tingle.

Cookout With The Kids & Lose Weight! Special For eDiets Firing up the grill is a summer favorite of my family.

Kitchen whiz Cindy Lineberry has already done her homework. Here's your chance to steal her healthy choices and ensure a fun time for you, your kids and your diet!

Home Cooking The Kids -- And Your Hips -- Will Both Love! Hey working moms! Are you fed up with the daily struggle of putting a healthy dinner on the table -
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