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Founded 1904

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Kongzi 孔子


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创办人 Founder

Cheong Fatt Tze (Chang Bishi) was born in China in 1840. As he came from a poor family, he started working at an early age as a cowherd back in his village. In 1856, civil war had broken out in China between the Chinese and the English, known as the Second opium War 1856-1862. The people had experienced hardship and suffering during the war. As a result Cheong Fatt Tze migrated to South-East Asia together with other coastal Chinese families to seek their fortune. 

Initially, he had worked as a shopkeeper in Indonesia. After his marriage, he established a trading company with the help of his father-in-law. Gradually, he began to accumulate his wealth through hard work and perseverance.

In 1877, he began to expand his business from Jakarta to Medan. His business was mainly based on agricultural products such as rubber, coffee and tea. But he had diversified his business to the financial sector by acquiring a bank. This move had made him a wealthy man.

In 1886, he decided to expand his business to Penang, Malaysia, by setting up a company here. As his business grew, he owned three ships which plied between Penang and Sumatra. In the course of his work, he occasionally resided in Penang and he owned a mansion in Leith Street, which stands to this day.

Even though he has established himself in South-East Asia, he has not forgotten about his homeland in China. As a patriot, he had invested in China to prevent foreign domination of China’s economy.

In 1890, in recognition for his hard work and contribution, he was appointed the Chinese Consul, based in Penang. Eventually, this office was shifted to Singapore, as during that time, Singapore was established as a well-known trading port in South-East Asia. As the Chinese Consul, he worked tirelessly for the interests of Overseas Chinese residents through diplomatic channels with the British authorities.

In 1899, he was summoned back to China twice by the Emperor of China and instructed to present a national development plan, which was well received by the Qing Dynasty Government. As a result, he was promoted to be the Minister for agriculture, industries, roads and mines for the provinces of Fujian and Guangdong. Later he was instructed to conduct a study of trade and education in Penang and Singapore. Subsequently, the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce was established.

As Singapore and Penang were the English colony at that time, many Chinese preferred to enrol in English schools, Cheong was concerned that they might forget their mother-tongue eventually. He, therefore, donated a large sum of money to build the Ying Sing School in Singapore and Chung Hwa School in Penang. This was to encourage the Chinese to study in these schools, and to provide them an opportunity to learn their mother-tongue.

In 1912, the Republican overthrew the Qing Dynasty Government and took over the administration of China. Cheong was appointed as a member of the Legislative Assembly so that he could be actively involved with politics. He was also appointed as the Chairman of the Chinese national Chamber of Commerce, which was well received by all parties.

In 1915, he was sent to the United States to study all aspects of industrialization of that nation. During his journey, when he stopped over in Hong Kong, he was awarded a Ph.D in Law.

Cheong Fatt Tze passed away in Indonesia in 1916. His body was sent back to China to be buried. On its final journey through Penang, Singapore and Hong Kong, the overseas Chinese were greatly saddened by the loss of this great personality. The Chinese government sent a high-ranking official to his funeral and ordered the National Archives to record his life in historical documents so that his contributions would always be remembered. 



Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion at Leith Street. The mansion won the Inaugural Unesco Asia-Pacific Heritage Conservation Award 2000.  

More about Cheong Fatt Tze and his Blue Mansion :- 
Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion
Cheong Fatt Tze: The Man and The Mansion with Timothy Tye
Changyu Group Co., Ltd., Yantai, China. The largest winemaking enterprise in China and Asia.
Penang Heritage Trust



本校创办人 - 先贤张弼士传略



   张先贤名振勋,号弼士,又名肇燮,广东大埔人也。公元1840年(清道光二十年 )生于中国,幼时家贫。1856年,张氏年十七岁,随伴南来,居印尼吧城。逐于二十六岁那年,独资创办裕和公司于吧城,垦殖荒地 ,种植稻米椰子。印尼乃天赋之国 ,地沃物饶,张氏经数年奋斗,已稍有资产。

   光绪中叶 ,来马来西亚文冬及槟榔屿创立基业 ,并在槟榔屿定居。今日尚屹立于本屿莲花河一座古色古香之巨宅,即其住所也。


   绪十六年(1890), 氏奉派为中国驻槟榔屿首任领事,后迁新加坡领事。在职期间,屡与当地英政府折冲尊俎,尽力保护华侨商民。 

   绪二十五年(1899),奉召回国,光绪皇帝召见二次,奏陈兴革大计,深受 嘉奖,赐给头品顶戴,补授太仆寺正卿,督办闽广农工路圹大臣,奉命考察南洋商务兼槟榔屿管学大臣。 




   校为纪念此位丰功伟绩之创办人,乃在本校小学内供奉其雕像,数十年来供人瞻仰,以表扬其对本校之伟大贡献,以供后人追思 ,并示不忘


张弼士故居 - 摘自光华日报
Cheong Fatt Tze Mansion
Cheong Fatt Tze: The Man and The Mansion with Timothy Tye
槟城古迹信托会 Penang Heritage Trust
烟台张裕集团有限公司 - 中国乃至亚洲最大的葡萄酒生产经营企业

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