Nine-Rune Ceremonial Casting Method

A magical number around the world, nine is also 
the number of the worlds in Norse Mythology. This 
nine-rune ceremonial casting method gives an overall 
view of your spiritual path, or the path of the person 
you are doing the reading for, presenting possible out-
comes and influencing factors. With this casting also, 
it's a good idea to take a picture or draw a rough 
sketch of it, if you can, after the runecasting, so 
you can study it further.
 Begin by turning your mind toward the spiritual 
path you are on, and where you would like to find 
yourself, spiritually, within the next few years. 
While thinking about your spiritual path, mix the 
runes and then pull nine from the pouch. Pass these 
nine runes from hand to hand, at least three times, 
pondering your spiritual path. Place the runes between 
both of your hands and take a few moments to focus 
on your spiritual path. Next, gently toss the nine 
runes onto the casting cloth, along the rig, in a 
single row.
 Take a minute to study the runes, pull off any that 
land facedown or off the cloth. Then proceed to read 
the runes that remain. These key runes correspond 
directly to your spiritual path and the circumstances 
that led you to it. Those that lie toward the center 
are the most immediately relevant, while those lying 
around the edges of the cloth have a less direct 
bearing on your spirituality. When runes touch or are 
grouped close together, they can represent complimentary
energies. Runes that fall on opposite sides of the cloth 
may represent opposing influences.
 It is your choice as how to interpret the runes and 
determine what the various positions and patterns in 
a runecasting mean, but once you have come up with a 
few general rules that work for you, stick with them. 
The best thing you can do is to look at the patterns 
and relationships that appear in the runecasting and 
see what interpretations make sense to you.

Ceremonial Runecasting

The Stol

Ceremonial Rune Cloth

The Mearomot

Procedure For Ceremonial Runecasting

Ceremonial Casting Upon The Nine Worlds

Ceremonial Casting With Rune-Tines

Ceremonial Runecasting With Sticks

Rune Layouts

The Runes


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