Inside this issue:
Port Charles Street
Weekly Recap in PC
Fan Q&A by Ash
Chris and Eve Column
Chris Column
Eve Column
Member Interview
Rant and Rave
 Performer of the Week
Chris and Eve Flashback
Trivia  Scramblers
Down and Out In Port Charles
Member of the Month
Claud's Web Spot
A View from A Watcher's POV
Polls Spoilers
Captions Pic
Fanfic segment
**Special Edition Gallery**
Staff Writers
To Last Week's Edition

Member Interview

Welcome to the Fan Q&A for the Eve and Chris Cheerleaders.  Each week we will be doing an interview with the members to get to know them a little better. This week Mark is in the hot seat in our third official fan interview as she speaks her mind about Eve, Chris and Port Charles. Mark has been a very loyal member always offering up help and she is also a staff member.  She's a very loyal PC fan and now it's her turn to be in the hotseat. It's great to have you on board .

1.  In your opinion, what has been the "peak" era of Port Charles?  What events defined that era?As much as it has left a bad taste, it would have to be the General Homicide Murders.  It dealt with all of the characters and made sure (at the beginning) to include all of the ground covered by our players since Day One.  We had Julie going from the back seat damsel to front row centre master diva.   It helped to define certain characters like Frank, Eve, and Chris.  Although Grace and Jake were necessary expenses along the way, it was a defining moment for the show.  Unfortunately, I would have saved this kind of story for Year 4 or 5, since the transition into other stories after this haven't played out very well.  Borrow a page from Another World when it comes to stomping out Public Enemy #1!

2.  If you had the opportunity to speak with the current PTB, what would you say to them?  Would you give them advice and if so, what would that advice be? Please, let me come watch you guys at work, and perhaps talk to me as a fan
and as a writer about some ideas that could be bandied about.  Also, take the P out of Plot and stretch it into a C for Character.  The ABC shows are character driven shows (depending on your writers & producers), so rely less on plot devices and allow the characters to tell the story.  What works on one side of town, can also work here!

3.  What is your biggest complaint about the current state of PC?  What would you do the change it?Are you kidding:  the biggest complaint here is uneven storytelling through underplaying!   This isn't paint by numbers, most great artists work with their canvas, not paint certain sections at a time.  If I were running the show, I would build or tap into big stories happening around me.  Tell a story that begins in PC or that will move through PC from PV or Llanview.  Even tap into Corinth, you know people still live there you know!  Also, I would keep about 5 writers:  two working on the main story and the other three hammer it to what we see on screen.  This little show doesn't need 11 writers.  What do you think we are, the DAYS OF OUR LIVES?

4.  What is the thing you enjoy most about PC now?  Why does it appeal to you? TIME IN A BOTTLE is not the Ian and Eve sugar shack I thought it was going to be.   The movement towards Frank and Karen is very interesting, and how this will be woven back into the story of Eve and Ian.  TINAB is moving much better than FATE.  Frequency was one of my 4 favorite films of 2000.  It's nice to see that I wasn't the only one who took a very plain, textbook sci-fi-esque premise into the thriller it became!  Maybe Book 3 will be a parody of 1990's Dead Again!

5.  What about PC appealed to you enough that you became a fan of the show?  What kept you coming back for more? As a fan of GH (for at that time, 14 years), I wanted to see something more and when ABC announced it was pulling back the curtain and broaden the canvas of Daytime's hottest address.  The thought of expansion along with new and old players is that kept me tuned in as well as a few strolls into well established GH-lore helped to seal my pledge of viewing.

6.  Are there any social issues that you feel should be explored on PC and if so, which characters do you think should bring the issue to life? The Daytime biz has been shifting from the serious stuff as of late, and the show needs to jump in at the right time when it comes to a social issue. Ariana's Family story is very compelling as immigration from the world's hotspots to North America is ripped from the headlines.  The cultural implications in her assault also added to the story.   Medical issues are also very interesting to explore, but artistic exploitation of social issues should focus on new social intolerences like domestic terrorism or sexual preference.  Old ideas never die, but some new ones are worth being thrown on the fire.  I hope I'm making sense here.

7.  Are there any current/former daytime actors that you would like to see on Port Charles?  What characters would you like them to be involved with?  I think Noelle Beck should mount a comeback to Daytime in the form of Trisha Alden.  It would certainly add some new dynamics to the show.  Perhaps Chris could woo his way towards her deep pockets.   Or Kevin could sit through her therapeutic sessions!   Or Dorian Lord-Hayes could anchor herself in old Port Chuck and stir things up as a rogue medical consultant.  Maybe send us Todd Manning to stir up another Thornhart!

8.  How do you feel about the ABC Crossovers?  Would you like to see characters from PC on other ABC shows?  Which characters/shows?  Are there any ABC characters you would like to see come to PC? LOVE ABC CROSSOVERS!   AMC and PC/GH are just beginning to recognize each other's existence.  Mostly it's been a PC/GH and OLTL exchange of players, or AMC/OLTL exchanges.   Chris & Eve on a road trip to Llanview or Pine Valley or Jackson Montgomery as a lawyer for someone in PC or Enchantment Cosmetics/Jax Cometics/ and Deception get into a knock-down drag out fight over models.   I can just see Erica, Lucy, and Laura in a big cat fight.  Lucy and Laura over Scotty and Laura and Erica in an Erica/Ceara revival (when Genie Francis played Ceara Connor on AMC in the late 80s/early 90s).

9.  If you create a role for yourself on Port Charles, who would you be?  What would your story be? I would be Lucy's assistant, Don.  Help Lucy execute her plans of course.  Maybe get involved in a little mayhem on the side or something.  If I'm writing, you never know what's going to happen!
10.  For being in the hot seat you get to be a keeper.  What would you like to be keeper of? Keeper of all the DL56 royalties of course.

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