Inside this issue:
Port Charles Street
Weekly Recap in PC
Fan Q&A by Ash
Chris and Eve Column
Chris Column
Eve Column
Member Interview
Rant and Rave
 Performer of the Week
Chris and Eve Flashback
Trivia  Scramblers
Down and Out In Port Charles
Member of the Month
Claud's Web Spot
A View from A Watcher's POV
Polls Spoilers
Captions Pic
Fanfic segment
**Special Edition Gallery**
Staff Writers
To Last Week's Edition

by Tona

Isn't it strange?  Chris has been a rarity in Port Charles over the last few months.  We only got to see him in a storyline with Livvie and Jack, but even then, his appearances were few and far between.  I was beginning to wonder if Chris hadn't gone the way of Courtney and merely vanished into the night.  Isn't it funny how things change?  No sooner did the all 
powerful Sweeps period appear than we see Chris.....and in scenes with whom?  None other than our beloved Eve.  These two "friends" don't speak for almost a year, but now he's her bestest most reliable pal in all the world.  Hmmm, ratings ploy?  Yeah, I think so.  It's a pattern that's been developed on Port Charles.  We barely get our loveable duo together for months, but if the Nielsen numbers are being scrutinized, you'd better believe they'll be pasting Chris & Eve on our television screens.  And why you might ask?  The answer is quite simple.  You sell what works.  You sell 
what people want.  You've no doubt heard the old cliche, "If you build it, they will come."   Well, we'll tweak it just a tad for PC purposes:  If you show it, they will watch.  The big it here, ladies and gentleman, is Chemistry.  Lucy and Kevin have it, Jamal and Alison have it, Frank and Karen have it......and you'd better believe that Chris & Eve have it.  The 
chemistry between Chris & Eve is palpable.  So much so in fact, that you wonder just when the moment will arrive when these two will stop all the teasing and fun and games.  The powers that be at ABC know what we want to watch.  That's why they're toying with us.  They like to give us a little, then take away.  And why?  Because they want us to keep coming back for more.  We, the viewers, are incredible gluttons for punishment as we keep watching and watching, keeping that little hope alive that one day we'll tune in to see our couple heating up the screen with more than just their 
subtle innuendo and emotional overtones.  Sometimes, a tiny hope gives life to a power that cannot be denied.  As the days go on, we nurture our hopes and we hold out for the day when Chris & Eve will be allowed to be more than just a sporadic ratings gem....and will become the Soap Gold Mine that PC has been looking for.

Nolan Quote 

But now that Eve is facing turmoil with Ian, will Chris prey on the affections of his only friend?  As North says, "I don't think he'd slip her a mickey or anything, but if Eve was up for it, yeah, he'd be all over her." --SOD May 8th, 2001

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