Inside this issue:
Port Charles Street
Weekly Recap in PC
Fan Q&A by Ash
Chris and Eve Column
Chris Column
Eve Column
Member Interview
Rant and Rave
 Performer of the Week
Chris and Eve Flashback
Trivia  Scramblers
Down and Out In Port Charles
Member of the Month
Claud's Web Spot
A View from A Watcher's POV
Polls Spoilers
Captions Pic
Fanfic segment
**Special Edition Gallery**
Staff Writers
To Last Week's Edition


Down and Out in Port Charles

(Each week Katie will run through the hits and misses that go through Port Charles with her highlights and views of the show)

Miss-- Body parts anyone? Come and get your body parts! Anyone needing a body part to solve a love problem come and get it! Sorry but after watching this past week's episodes that's what keeps  playing through my head. First we have Karen who barely knows Arianna juggling a career, a brand-new relationship, an alcoholic mother, and trying to stay clean herself deciding that gee love is so rare I'll just give Arianna part of my liver and Eve can go sleep with Ian! What a great idea! Forget her addiction, forget that this is major surgery hey love is great lets do it! As well as Eve who has a career and who's only real motivation in getting tested is to make herself feel good and get Ian back. Now before I go any further please let me say that I totally agree with organ donation I think it's a completely generous and wonderful gift. I myself have signed the back of my drivers license and if anything ever happened to me I'd be proud to have my body parts used to save others. Also while I'm alive if a really close family friend or a relative needed something such as a kidney, blood, bone marrow or a section of my liver I’d almost certainly do it if I could.  Here is my problem with what we are seeing on the show. First off the whole process is being played down. Karen and Eve are acting as if this is as simple as a blood transfusion or something. Oh how simple Ill just give her part of my liver and wahoo!  Now I'm no expert but that donating part of your body such as a liver is pretty serious stuff. It requires major surgery where they literally cut off part of a vital organ. This has got to be a rather dangerous, and time consuming thing. Then there is a long and I assume painful recovery time. I'm sorry Eve mentioning that Karen might be laid up for a few days does not paint that picture.  The way the writers have played it down is totally irresponsible, and disrespectful to anyone who has ever had a transplant, needs a transplant or has donated to someone. A story like this should educate not make light of a serious issue. Now lets move on to the second part of the problem. The reasons they are doing this are absolutely pathetic. I'm sorry but no one in their right minds would do this to help a couple stay together or get a man back and no doctor would allow them to if they new that was their reasoning. There is to much physical pain and emotional strain to do that. Further more to have a trained doctor making so light of it  is just plain ignorant. I wonder if these writers really think donating is this easy? If they do they are highly naive. 

HIT--Ahh love how sweet it is. For the fans of Frank and Karen this was a magical and wonderful week indeed. We finally got to see our couple make love and OH BABY! Was it ever worth the wait. Hearing them declare their love for each other and falling into each other was simply breath taking. Their love making scenes left my breathless and the scenes after words of them in bed talking were so sweet. This couple has romance down no doubt about that. I hope Frank finds Karen fast so we can be treated to some more F&K in the after noon <g>.

Till next week enjoy PC
Katie :-)

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