Inside this issue:
Port Charles Street
Weekly Recap in PC
Fan Q&A by Ash
Chris and Eve Column
Chris Column
Eve Column
Member Interview
Rant and Rave
 Performer of the Week
Chris and Eve Flashback
Trivia  Scramblers
Down and Out In Port Charles
Member of the Month
Claud's Web Spot
A View from A Watcher's POV
Polls Spoilers
Captions Pic
Fanfic segment
**Special Edition Gallery**
Staff Writers
To Last Week's Edition

A View from a Watcher's POV'
Sorry folks, I missed you last week.  Bad timing and all that.  So what do I talk about this week?  As predicted from my armchair, Cookie did turn out to be a young Rhonda, and that the young man she was seeking was Scotty, and that Frank’s efforts, although noble, could wind up destroying everyone’s life and turn into one big MotherF%*$#&^king
<mailto:MotherF%25*$%23@%5Eking>  disaster.  Karen was right!  Like the movie Frequency, Frank now has to come up with a way to get Karen back.  Hopefully Old Nellie will be able boot up and help Frank out.  Then again, this is a year for sunspots, and somehow that’s related to the Aurora Borealis, which if everyone tunes in correctly, Karen might come back.  If not, we could end up watching a lot of Edge of Night reruns!  If technology can’t help Frank, there is one person in town who can!

Chris and Eve continue (as to what I think) to grow closer.  Although they brought up Julie again (who is having a wonderful time by the way as Rachel on the WB’s Gilmore Girls Thu Night 8E/7C – well-written show, gotta stick
that jibe in!), and that seems to help us think that Chris isn’t so bad after all, that he can be noble and human!   Hopefully, Eve will listen to logic, and not fate, to stick it out with Chris.   However, according to Mr. North, who spoke in 01 May 2001 Soap Opera Digest about the question:  “Will Chris & Eve ever get together?”  Mr. North replied, “For Chris & Eve to get together, there’s going to have to be a change from good friends to something more.  That doesn’t happen overnight.”   Well, Mr. North, et al, from my armchair, it’s been many a moon since Chris and Eve first appeared
on the screen, and if there’s any constant on PC, it’s been Eve and Chris’ friendship (and lack thereof).  It’s important that these two characters share more and more screen time together in the weeks ahead to prove to all viewers that Chris is the only person that Eve can rely on.  Not Frank (yuck!), not Lucy, or Kevin, or Joe (Joe who?) nor anyone else.  Did I leave anyone out?  Oh yes, that crazy Scanlon boy talking about a Karen Wexler… who was that anyway… where was I?  Oh yes, Chris and Eve, friends first, spouses second, and lovers (at) last!   Maybe when the Chief helps Frank, he’ll take his buddy Ian and push him into some other vortex… namely one called Llanview!

Its awards time again, and with two weeks to go, it’s time for my annual picks.  Annual you say?  How come you’ve never mentioned them before? Because there’s never been a forum like this before.  Here are some highlight picks:
Best Show:
ALL MY CHILDREN.  If basing their campaign on Y2K, then their chances are very slim.  Last year was a dismal year for AMC during the middle stretch. People know what I mean too as the would be dream story (Alex is Anna) fell flat very early.  The build up was interesting, but writer transition and an actor’s pregnancy didn’t help matters, it took a good story and made it flat.  Flat for AMC viewers, and flat for potential GH viewers who might want to check out AMC.  Held up by a trip down memory lane and the party, along with Bianca’s arrival and revelation, this show could pull off some magic!   However, youth-oriented storylines, which seems to be frowned upon by Daytime’s aging demo graphs, could also be a turn off to Academy voters.

AS THE WORLD TURNS.  This show has seen almost as many changes in the production office in the last 10 years as  sister show Guiding Light, and former cousin, Another World.  For this show, it’s been a long ten years.  That’s right, ten years since ATWT last won a best show Emmy, stealing the thunder from the then heavy favourite, Y&R.  Boasting with stories featuring people aged 30 and over, this show just might win it again, not to mention, there’s a nod in every category!

GENERAL HOSPITAL.   The most winningest show of the last 10 years, and perhaps the most popular in the biz, could make it #6 as they begin the new Millennium.  Like the Kids, GH could face a voting backlash due to the kids, especially the yucky Lucky story.  But, with late additions of Jensen Buchanan and Kin Shriner, plus working on an old and compelling story that won’t go away, combined with well-defined characters (and actors who can play them), GH could again be the Academy’s choice.

THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS.  This show, which has spent over 10 years as #1, is also shopping for a best show Title.  The Powers at CBS have been restless, from my POV for 8 years, since this show last won the prize, losing year after year to someone from ABC (mainly that gang from Port Charles).  Is it Y&R’s year?  Could be.  With actors lined up to win, maybe the show could too, but, this has happened before to the Y&R.
Who’s missing in this category?
                One Life to Live
                Port Charles
Best Actor:
David Canary (ADAM/STUART, AMC).  Perhaps the best role on daytime, Canary’s work has been overlooked greatly since 1986, when he last won for the characters.  Mr. Canary is due this year for the trophy, but again he might
be overlooked in favour of the other mogul-esque characters of daytime. 

Tom Eplin (JAKE, ATWT).  No other actor deserves this award more than Mr. Eplin.  Jake McKinnon is one of those roles that just start out and stay a favourite.  Now playing the character after 15 years, it’s time to award this producer, publisher, and con artist character with a true prize:  Emmy!

Jon Hensley (HOLDEN, ATWT).  Hensley, like Eplin, is a hero from bygone 1980s flashy storylines converted into the 21st century leading man.  Hensley has paid his dues, like Eplin, and is equally deserving.  Will he win?  No.  Eplin’s devoted following from Another World is just too much to overlook.  However, attached with leading lady nominee, Martha Byrne, Hensley could pull this one off.

John McCook (ERIC, B&B).  A very good actor, but unfortunately, this is an off year for the show, which seemingly played all of their cards last year.

Peter Bergman (JACK, Y&R).  Bergman’s won this award twice, and is also one of the most successful recasts in the biz (Berman replaced playboy Terry Lester, who invented the role, and was wildly adored for it but never won the Emmy!).  Bergman’s Jack almost makes the Abbott Heir seem human at times, and would be my choice to win, but then again, that boy from Bay City keeps popping up!
Who’s not here?
                Stefano, DAYS
                Kevin, PC
                Kale Browne, OLTL
                Vincent Irizarry, AMC
Julia Barr (BROOKE, AMC).  An out of place nomination, during a year that didn’t feature this crusader on the canvas in an interesting storyline. Although reliving the loss of her firstborn child always plays at our heartstrings, Ms. Barr’s hopes for a prize can come if people and voters are watching the show as of late!

Susan Lucci (ERICA, AMC).  A good year for LaKane and LaLucci.  Ms. Lucci’s chances are far greater than Barr’s since Lucci has a chance to be a mother again, which is how she pulled of 1999’s win!   With a successful stint on Broadway, and no cheap movies of the week plaguing her, the TV mother of daytime’s first closeted and then outed gay female character, could win her second attempt at first prize.  After all, this is the daughter of Erica Kane!

Marcy Walker (LIZA, AMC).  Yes, another one of Adam Chandler’s ex-wives or is she wife again.. anyway, Walker’s chances are good heading into the competition.  Again, Walker’s campaign like Barr’s and Lucci’s is based around motherhood, and could prove interesting as the character she plays had to defend and divorce her husband, played by leading man nominee, David Canary.  Walker, like the other nominees, is no stranger to winning. Remember that little underrated yet expensive show called Santa Barbara?

Martha Byrne (LILY/ROSE, ATWT).  Byrne could win another prize this time for being the leading woman.  She won before for being the younger leading woman in the 80s, and was nominated in the 90s for supporting.  At this point,
Byrne could win for playing two different characters.  This, combined with leading man Jon Hensley, and her show that has a lot of noms this year, she could win.   Never underestimate a dark horse!  Annie Dutton #1 (played by
Cynthia Watross), please come on down (in 1998). 

Susan Flannery (Stephanie, B&B).  Flannery won last year for this character. Like her leading man, Flannery’s campaign should be saved for next year or some other year, as this year wasn’t as good as last year for that gang in LA!
Who’s not here?
                Hillary B. Smith, OLTL
                Catherine Hickland, OLTL
                Linda Dano, OLTL
                Finola Hughes, AMC
ALL MY CHILDREN.   Well written characters, badly played stories.  If AMC wins this award, then there’s something wrong with the universe.   This is usually AMC’s strength, and could show to the biz that kids are not always a safe bet.  But then again, late in the year stories could prove the opposite.

AS THE WORLD TURNS.  Extremely well-written.  If the same show that wins this award wins best directing, you’ll know who wins best show.  This and directing are the prizes to win to achieve that.   Then again, a nod in every category proves you maybe all hype.

PASSIONS.   A surprise, but welcomed nevertheless.  The show looks good on paper, and if you follow the less flashy stuff and really see what Reilly and company are trying to sell as a show, you know that anything’s possible. Remember, Reilly helped revive DAYS in the 1990s.

THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS.  No surprise here.  As the saying goes:  Slow and steady wins the race!
Who’s not here?
                GENERAL HOSPITAL
                DAYS OF OUR LIVES
                ONE LIFE TO LIVE
                GUIDING LIGHT
ALL MY CHILDREN.  A well put together show, which like the writing on a good year, is the Kid’s strong suit.   Writing is one thing, directing is

AS THE WORLD TURNS.  Good writing and good directing along with good acting. Any questions?

GENERAL HOSPITAL.  If not in writing, it must be in directing or the acting! Everyone remembers Sonny’s shooting at the steps of PCPD?  I do!  I do! Like Meatloaf said, Two out of Three isn’t bad!

PASSIONS.  No surprise here.

THE YOUNG AND THE RESTLESS.  Again no surprises here.

Who’s not here?
                DAYS OF OUR LIVES
                ONE LIFE TO LIVE

PORT CHARLES.  If it’s an opening, this show has got hands down.  Rosie’s cheap graphics look like something I could do, but with the advancement of Multimedia presentation software, and the integration of tools as a whole, the opening to this progressive drama deserves the award its due!

Who’s not here? Who cares who’s not here? All in all, the Emmy awards look pretty routine.  More comments next week.  Some categories look straight forward, but don’t count out the surprises. Remember, it’s just a view from a watcher’s point of view… Namely mine!

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