Gemstones of the Zodiac

Each of the signs of the zodiac are said to rule a particular gemstone. Wearing the particular stone of your sign is intended to focus the energies of the sign through the gem, enabling their expression in your daily life. The energy of the sign is channelled through the planet (usually the Sun) placed therein; this is expressed and focused through the corresponding gem. Yet no stone is wholly composed of the energies of one single sign, or planet (no stone is pure Aries, nor pure Mars, for example). Each natural material, each crystalline structure comprises a blend of correspondences. We should also bear in mind that the planets may not readily express the energies of the signs, if poorly placed or aspected. Wearing a birthstone can bring great difficulties into our lives, should this be the case. The acceleration of karma brings the potential for increased consciousness, but at the risk of considerable hardship.

Every gemstone has its own unique properties: colour, crystalline structure, hardness and so on. Each stone has its own unique character and abilities too. Some stones are healers; others are aids to concentration; some are warriors; some are good for business. You need to get to know and understand your friend from the mineral kingdom. Match the stone wisely with the radiance of your horoscope; only then can you experience prosperity, happiness, growth and other benefits.

The idea of a birthstone connected with the month of your birth is based in astrological correspondence. However, our calendar has been revised and the months no longer correspond exactly with the signs. Hence some confusion has arisen. This table shows some widely-accepted modern, traditional and mystical rulerships for each sign, but in truth each sign rules many stones.


Astrological sign of Scorpio

Alexandrite is a variety of Chrysoberyl. The mineral exhibits the color green by sunlight and red-violet by artificial light. This stone has been used to provide for synthesis between the 3rd eye, heart, and base chakras, and have produced excellent results in astral travel via the spectrum of Colo. Use of these crystals can help one to return to the origin of time and to connect with the beginning of ones development; this facilitates the understanding of, and the sensitivity to, that which remains to be learned and provides for insight into the effortless way to attain higher realization. Alexandrite is a rare gemstone regarded as having regenerative power. It enhances the rebirth of both the inner and the outer self, providing impetus to expedite the changing of ones world while producing the qualities of expansiveness, creativity, and awareness in the realm on manifestation. This stone can assist one in centering the self, reinforcing self-esteem, and augmenting ones ability to experience joy and to both acknowledge and appreciate the interconnected-ness of all nature. It can also be used to facilitate the alignment of the mental, emotional, and etheric bodies, creating a more balanced emotional state. In the orient, it is regarded as a magical gemstone bringing good fortune to its owner. It has been used in the treatment of disorders of the spleen, testicles, and pancreas, and in the regeneration of neurological tissue on the cellular level. It has helped to improve dis-eases of the nervous system, to treat disorders which are associated with leukemia, and to enhance the assimilation of protein. Vibrates to the number 5.


Ranges from almost clear to dark purple.
Ametrine is made from Amethyst and Citrine together.


Spirituality, Enhances energy, Healing, Protection, Intellect, Cleanses the Aura, Stability, Strength, Invigoration, peace, Meditation, Psychic Awareness, Protect against Psychic attack, Serenity Common sense, Flexability, Business, Prosperity, new ideas, new beginnings, love, Habits,

Healing Properties:

All healing but these in particular: Hearing, Skeletal system, Nervous system, Endocrine glands, Digestive problems, Heart, Stomach, teeth, Cellular disorders, Stress, Anxiety,

Vibrational number:


Chakras it helps:



astrological sign of pisces

Cowrie is a shell from the sea and is recognized as an ancient symbol for creation, birth, and re-birth. It is said to inspire the creativity of excellence, to provide for both intuitive and intellectual control, and to promote achievement in aesthetic and artistic endeavours. It has been reported to be useful in stimulating ones learning and retention capabilities, to provide initiative to the user to advance in scholarship and to assist in the recognition of the self as a vehicle for understanding. The cowrie shell has been used in the are of manifestation and has been said to bring both good fortune and affluence to the user. It was used, in ancient times, by the Native American Coastal Indians to indicate wealth. It can be used to enhance fertility, to treat disorders of the reproductive system, and to aid in the assimilation of iodine, vitamins A and D, calcium, and magnesium. Vibrates to the number 1


astrological sign of Gemini

Howlite is usually in the form of a white stone, that has gray "cracks" running through it. There are some versions of Howlite that are a similar color to Turquoise, those have been dyed.

This mineral can be used to calm communication, to facilitate awareness, and to encourage emotional expression. It tends to combine the power of reasoning with observation and patience, providing for discernment, retentive memory and a laudable desire for knowledge, bringing progress marked with triumph. It spurs one toward the ambition to reach ones goals and assists in eliminating hesitation with respect to action. It dispels criticalness, cold selfishness, and facetious-ness, bringing both strength and innocence to immediate confrontations. It builds an innate decency within ones character, encouraging those attributes which are the building blocks to spirituality. Howlite can be used to eliminate pain, stress, and rage; hence, it is quite nice to have around. It can help to lessen rudeness and boisterousness, and can provide for a reflection of the offender to the offender. It discourages impertinent behavior and encourages subtlety and tact. This mineral can be useful in balancing calcium levels in the body, both stimulating increase or decrease dependent upon the area. It can also be used in the treatment of disorders of the teeth, bone structure, and soft tissues. Vibrates to the number 2.



Cancer, Libra, and Scorpio

Chemical Composition:

Potassium Aluminum Silicate




Diana, Selene, Isis, All Lunar Goddesses






Pink and Green







Moonstone comes from India and Australia Use moonstone for Moon, Earth, Air and Venus Magick

Moonstone is one of the birthstones for June. Its color ranges from white to nearly clear, with refracted colors. It can be used for all lunar workings, for intuition, balancing the emotions, harmonizing with the natural cycles of life and of the body, psychic perception and wishes.

Moonstone, also called the "Mother Earth Stone", is a stone of feminine and lunar energy. It supports the intuitive (female) side of the user's nature, rather than the logical, reasoned (male) side. It is good for relieving PMS and anxiety, while helping keep the emotions in balance (wow, wonder stone, right girls). It aids in attuning with feminine wisdom and with goddess energy, divination, friendship, romantic love, beauty, fertility, artistic ability and helps in remembering good dreams.

Moonstone can ease stings, bites or burns and help in circulatory disorders. Sometimes called the travelers stone, it is used for protection on journeys and is a talisman for good fortune. Moonstone can also open your heart to love.

Moonstone amulets are extremely potent when used by Cancers. According to an ancient grimoire of the magickal arts, placing a moonstone amulet in your mouth on the night of a full moon will allow you to see into the future. Use a moonstone amulet to attract a soul mate, inspire tender passions or protect a love. Carry a moonstone in a charm bag to attract good luck or prevent nervousness.


Astrological sign of Saggitarius

Obsidian is a lustrous volcanic glass. The color range and related names are varied. The intrinsic properties of the numerous forms of Obsidian include the reflection of ones flaws and the promotion of a clear picture of the changes which are necessary to eliminate the flaws. The energies of Obsidian produce very blunt answers, focusing ones inner vision, and, actually, stimulating a picture or vision of the required course of action. Obsidian is an excellent grounding stone and provides for a connection from the base of the spine to the heart of the Earth. It is an excellent protective stone, stabilizing internal and external energies and gently protecting one from that which could bring physical and/or emotional harm. It provides a shield against negativity, transforming negative vibrations within an environment. Carrying/wearing obsidian further disperses those unloving thoughts which arise from within the self or are directed toward ones physical form. It is quite useful in healing, providing both the healer and subject with clarity with respect to both the cause and the amelioration of the dis-ease. Vibrates to the number 1

The following types of Obsidian are listed to reflect the inclusion of additional properties.

Apache Tear

Astrological sign of Aries

The Apache Tear, a variety of Obsidian, is volcanic glass and is usually found in a vitreous form of black, black/clear, black/smokey/clear, black/mahogony, and, occasionally black.violet or black/green. The shape is somewhat spherical with conchoidal markings. The following properties are in addition to those of OBSIDIAN. Apache tear has been traditionally considered to be one of the tears of Native American women, mourning for the warriors driven from a cliff by the cavalry. It has been used to comfort in times of grief; it, metaphorically, "sheds" the tears for one in times of sorrow, allowing for true understanding of the distress in order to provide insight and acceptance. It allows ones comfort zone to "remain at large". It provides an energy to stimulate analytical capabilities and precision. It also promotes a forgiving attitude and a release of grievances which have been held against another. The Apache tear stimulates spontaneity and facilitates the removal of barriers which are self-limiting. It is said to expel the venom of snakebite. It can be used to enhance the assimilation of vitamins C and D, to aid in the elimination of toxins from the body, and to alleviate muscle spasms. Vibrates to the number 6.

Black, Gray Brown Obsidian

This Obsidian is, additionally used for "gazing" and to produce sincerity in action, and insight into future scenes and symptoms. This Obsidian is also used in Shamanic ceremonies to aid in the removal of the disorder from the body; one travels with the Obsidian to the affected area of the body and visually brings the affectation to the surface, surrounding and transmuting it into white light. Black Obsidian, inducing creativity in all endeavors vibrates to the number 3; Gray Obsidian, inducing tact and cooperation in all situations, vibrates to the number 2; and, Brown Obsidian, stimulating initiative and independent thought and action, vibrates to the number 1.

Blue Obsidian

Blue Obsidian is also used for stimulation of the throat chakra, to enhance ones communication skills, and to assists one in oration, in articulation, and in the comprehension and pronunciation of new languages. It has been used in telepathic endeavors to maintain connection with an object. It has also been used to increase knowledge and understanding during the utilization of Tarot Cards, "gazing", and other fortune-telling attendants. It is an excellent mineral for astral travel, affording purpose and direction during same. It has also been used for protection and for directional knowledge during physical travel. It can be used in the treatment of disorders of the eyes, to assist in speech therapy, to ameliorate and alleviate pain, and to bring mental clarity during disorders associated with Alzheimer's dis-ease, schizophrenia, and multiple-personality confusion. Vibrates to the number 5.

Blue/Green Obsidian

Blue/Green Obsidian combines the qualities of the Blue Obsidian and the Green Obsidian and further promotes stimulation of the heart and throat chakras concurrently to enable one to speak from the heart and to understand communication with the heart. It has also been used to assist in energy transfer during Reiki healing, to increase spiritual awareness via the creation of balance between the mind, body, and spirit, and to assist one in gentle communication with others. In addition, it has been used to assist in the assimilation of Vitamins A and E, to ameliorate skin disorders, and to enhance night-vision. Vibrates to the number 9.

Electric-Blue Sheen Obsidian

Electric Blue Sheen Obsidian a black Obsidian which contains a radiance of electric-blue, ranging from a powder blue [sometimes with a powder pink] to a deep indigo blue. It is an excellent stone for "gazing" and for "journeying". It has also been applied extensively in many of the lay-outs which have been reported within the text of this guidebook. Used alone, it further assists one in accessing the bases of any difficulties which one is experiencing. It emits an energy conductive to balance the energy fields [personal and those with which one experiences contact] and to assist in the suspension of actions which are ineffectual and/or unavailing. In "gazing" activities it has been applied to the shamanic and healing arts, providing for the recognition of the areas within the emotional, physical, and/or intellectual bodies which are creating dysfunctional events/conditions. It further acts to cleanse the mind of contrary and discussing thoughts of the self and of others, assisting in the promotion of patience and tolerance. "Electric-Blue", configured into spherical formations has served to enhance the activities of "gazing" and "journeying"; the energy transfer, being simultaneously in all directions, has facilitated the trance state, and has enhanced all activities associated with psychic communication, astral travel, future-telling, and past-life ascension. It has also promoted a direst access to communication with those of other planetary realms, providing for a direct link to those which whom one *needs* contact. It is an excellent 3rd eye stone, stimulating visionary experiences and providing for the activation and energizing of the 3rd eye chakra. It assists one in traveling deeply within the inner being and in maintaining the depth while integrating the myriad of visual images which are made available. It assists the energy from the 3rd eye to be transported throughout the body, producing an intuitive understanding of the complete cellular structure. "Electric-blue" stimulates intuition and enhances awareness. It provides for freedom in accessing pre-determined sites during astral travel and assists one in both lucid dreaming and dream recall. It is an excellent grounding stone [when consciously applied to that purpose]. It has also been applied to the amplification of the auric field, and, via testing with Kirlian photography, has been shown to increase the range and to both intensify and brighten the energies. It can be used in the application of radionic techniques, enhancing the attunement of the radionics operator and the subject, and enabling the user to more easily recognize the response. Used as a pendulum, during diagnostic research, the energy of the mineral acts to interfere with the energy of the user and indicates the areas which are involved, as well as, the problems which are implicated [the recognition of the problems is usually expedient]. At this time, spherical configurations have been used primarily in all applications, the smaller pieces of the mineral, when fashioned for the 3rd eye and additional chakra locations, also work quite well. Jewelry has also been created which includes the "Electric-Blue" - wearing the mineral assists one in maintaining a protective field which not only shields one from negativity, but also transforms any negativity to either a positive "thing" or to that which is both meaningless and harmless. The mineral is of immense benefit in furthering the receptivity of the subject during healing exercises. It has been used in the treatment of disorders of spinal alignment and to ameliorate the arrangement of impaired vertebrae. It has been used in the treatment of circulatory disorders, to disseminate and disperse growths, to ameliorate toxicity, to enhance and strengthen the structure of the veins, and to allay spasmodic conditions. It can also be used to improve the eyesight; an elixir, taken internally, is recommended for this application. "Electric-Blue" is currently being applied to deficient immune systems and dysfunctional cellular structures. Vibrates to the number 7.

Gold Sheen Obsidian

Astrological sign of Sagittarius

Gold Sheen Obsidian is also used for "gazing" and acts to provide information concerning the "root" of the problem or situation. The energy seems to pierce the outer layers of a problem, allowing for the heart of the problem to become evident. This mineral also assists in producing a definition of the bases for ones path of action. It is an excellent vehicle for "gazing", usually used by those advanced in the Shamanic and healing arts. Gold Sheen Obsidian allows one to attain communion with the source of all being. It emits energy to prompt one to allow beauty to come forth from the inner being as one travels in and through the world of experiences accessed via the sheen. The energy can further be used to balance the energy fields and to assist one in the elimination of ego conflicts and feelings of futility. Gold Sheen Obsidian also reflects that which is needed in ones life; it does not *give* that which is needed but, instead, provides insight to the avenues available which could bring fruition to those needs. Vibrates to the number 9.

Green Obsidian

Astrological sign of Gemini

Green Obsidian stimulates the heart chakra and provides for cleansing of the area, removing not only extraneous matter and "muddiness", but also gently removing the "hook-up" cords of others. The relief from the removal of these cords can provide for an openness and state of well-being that is likened to euphoria. It also protects the holder from future "hook-ups" and re-directs the cords to an endless vessel filled with white light. It can be used in the treatment of disorders associated with the heart and gall bladder. Vibrates to the number 5.

Mahogany Obsidian

Astrological sign of Libra

It can be used to stimulate growth of the physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual centers, and to provide strength in times of need. It further provides vitality to ones lifework and/or to the fulfillment of ones aspirations. It can also be used in the elimination of energy blockages and to assist in the relief of tension. Vibrates to the number 4.

Purple Obsidian

Astrological sign of Virgo

Deep purple Obsidian, additionally, enhances the growth of the spiritual self and provides for spiritual awareness during participation in the activities which occur on the earth plane. It is sometimes found as a sheen occurring with the black Obsidian. It stimulates clairvoyance and encourages introspection. It provides for a connectedness between the intellect and the intuition, allowing for adequacy in communication of that which is experienced. It opens and activates the crown chakra while providing for grounding via the innate connection to the center of the earth, thus

providing a euphoric energy during the meditative state. Vibrates to the number 8.

Purple Sheen Obsidian

Astrological sign of Sagittarius

Purple Sheen Obsidian is also good for "gazing" and acts to provide information concerning the "root" of the problem or situation. The energy seems to pierce the outer layers of a problem, allowing for the heart of the problem to become evident. This mineral also assists in producing a definition of the bases for ones path of action. It is an excellent vehicle for "gazing", usually used by those advanced in the Shamanic and healing arts. Purple Sheen Obsidian assists in bringing one toward the enlightened state and to assist one in seeing beyond the immediate reality. It tends to fill ones mind with clarity and brings the mechanisms of psychic ability to initiation and actualization. This mineral had been used to stimulate clarity for mental accomplishments and to assist in removal of apprehension and confusion. It has been used in the treatment of Alzheimer dis-ease and to reduce the stress related to daily living. Vibrates to the number 5.

Rainbow Obsidian Astrological sign of Libra

Rainbow Obsidian bring light and love to ones life, allowing for the recognition of the spiritual side of ones nature. It is also used for "gazing", especially in the areas of love matters, relationships, and total development of ones etheric and physical forms. It is a "stone of pleasure", bringing gratification and enjoyment to ones life. Vibrates to the number 2.

Red Obsidian

Astrological sign of Leo

Red Obsidian also stimulates physical energy and provides for a balancing of the male/female energies. It further enhances the stability in ones physical attributes and brings validity to ones being. It provides for an endowment of the richness of change, seeking to attract gentleness and to awaken dormant qualities. It can be used in the treatment of disorders of the blood and spleen. Vibrates to the master number 55.

Red and Black Obsidian

Astrological sign of Sagittarius

The combination of the colors red and black in this form of Obsidian stirs the flame of the spirit to initiate the raise of the Kundalini. It also provides for vitality and virility and brings a connected-ness to the "brotherhood" of humanity, eliminating the need to perceive oneself as an individual and/or as a unique unit of consciousness. This further allows for both the expansion of ones identity and the creation of the "Life you would love to live". It can be used in the treatment of fever and chills. Vibrates to the number 3.

Red, Black and Snowflake Obsidian

Astrological sign of Sagittarius

This Obsidian combines the qualities of the Red, Black and the Snowflake Obsidian, and further acts to bring automatic grounding during meditation, to open the crown chakra, to stabilize the movement of the Kundalini, and to enhance ones energy fields. It produces a softness to ones activities and to ones communication to the self and to others. It has also been used in the treatment of disorders of the skin, blood and the ears. It further has been used to ameliorate inflexibility of bones. Vibrates to the number 1.

Silver Sheen Obsidian

Astrological sign of Sagittarius

Silver Sheen Obsidian is also used for "gazing" and acts to provide information concerning the "root" of the problem or situation. The energy seems to pierce the outer layers of a problem, allowing for the heart of the problem to become evident. This mineral also assists in producing a definition of the bases for ones path of action. It is an excellent vehicle for "gazing", usually used by those advanced in the Shamanic and healing arts. Silver Sheen Obsidian assists in bringing one "the advantage" throughout life. It can also be used as a mirror to the soul, one to stimulate seeing the self as the others see you. That which is seen is not always complementary, but can always be utilized, by the aware individual, to guide one to further refinement and progression of ones personal actualization. It enhances patience and perseverance in the tasks chosen and allows one to understand the underlying reasons for the tasks. Silver Sheen Obsidian also produces a very strong connection between the physical and astral bodies, assuring that one may always "come home". Vibrates to the number 2.

Snowflake Obsidian

Astrological sign of Virgo

It allows one to recognize the unnecessary patterns which remain in ones life and to re-design ones thought patterns to provide relief from undesired conditions. It assists one in actualizing the serenity of the isolated state, when isolation is manifested, stimulating the surrender to the totality of the meditative state and further promoting a sensitivity to the most vital powers in the universe - love and beauty. It is a "stone of purity", bringing both purity and balance to the body, mind and spirit. It can be used in the treatment of disorders of the veins and the skeletal structure. It can also be used to smooth the skin [an elixir is recommended and to clear the eyes. Vibrates to the number 8. rier,


Astrological sign of Leo

Onyx is an excellent stone for initiating the modes of centering and alignment of the total person with the higher powers. It can also be used to banish grief, to enhance self-control, to stimulate the powers of wise decision-making, and to encourage happiness and good fortune. It helps one to absorb, from the universe, those energies which are needed.

It can be used to cleanse the intuitive receivers such as that one may feel the connection to the whole while continuing to be aware of the many opportunities available for use of intuitive guidance.
It also furthers the quality of sentience of the instincts, helping one to both see and feel the guidance.

Onyx can also help one to see the duality of ones nature and to synthesize the yin and yang into the whole. It can be used to provide glimpses of that which lies "beyond", while providing for activation of the memory with respect to ones "roots" and reality. It further helps one to follow the path alone, promoting the recognition of personal strengths and assisting one in the understanding of the reality of the moment. It helps one to become the master of ones own future.

It is used in the treatment of disorders of the bone marrow, soft tissue structure and the feet.
Vibrates to the number 6

Petrified Wood

Petrified wood is an ancient wood which has been replaced and hardened by another mineral. The two minerals usually involved in the displacement activities are agate and quartz. Petrified bog is an ancient wood which has first become a bog prior to petrification.

The 'agatized wood' exhibits properties of agate and chalcedony in addition to providing access to past lives via meditation with the stone. 'Silicified wood' is the one replaced by a form of quartz.

It should also be noted that some forms of agatized and silicified wood are also opalized.

Silicified wood can assist in the removal of trifling annoyances by bringing one to the actions required to eliminate the situation. It can also aid in the elimination of worries concerning those things of little importance, bringing with it the motto to 'change what you can, and worry not about the rest'.

It provides strength in all areas of ones life and is also a stone for grounding.

It provides access to, and explicit information concerning past-lives; this action is furthered via meditation with the stone.

Silicified wood can be used in the treatment of athrophied portions of the body, paralysis, and disfunctional ambulatory capabilities.

It can be used to strengthen the back and to provide alignment to the skeletal structure of the body. It can aid in the treatment of hearing loss and incontinence, and to eliminate odors uncommon to ones environment.

It also provides support to one who is coming through the crisis period of a disease; it provides insight into why the suffering has occurred and into the lessons which can be learned and, hence never repeated.


Stone for all astrological signs.


Healing, amplify energy, store energy, Clarity of thought, Harmony, reflection, placed on heart helps restore self love and self acceptance, purification, protects against radiation, wisdom, emotional release, Meditation, helps balance both hemispheres of the brain, helps one to recognize the cause of a dis-ease, Protection,


Thyroid and Parathyroid glands, respiratory system, sore throat, Thymus, Immune system, Galandular swellings, Fever, Pain relief, kidneys, digestive problems, bladder infections.
Vibration number



Sunstone is a form of Oligoclase [a type of Feldspar] and cystallises in the form of masses and tabular crystals. The color range includes gray green, yellow, brown, orange, pink, peach, and red. Sunstone, usually, shows brilliant reflection due to inclusions [usually goethite or hematite]. This mineral can be used to both clear and energize the chakras. It can also provide for a brightening of the chakras, allowing one to exhibit a floral freshness and a feeling of being "squeaky clean". It assists in gently removing the "hook-ups" which have infiltrated the energy centers, returning them to the source after surrounding them with both love and positive energy. It can be used to dissipate fearfulness to alleviate stress, and to increase vitality. It has been used to encourage independence and originality and to provide "luck" in games. In ancient Greece, it was thought to represent the Sun God, bringing life and abundance to those fortunate enough to carry/wear it. It was often used as an ornamental on goblets and plates and was believed to counteract poison and to produce strength. In ancient India, it was believed to provide protection from the destructive forces of the other realms. Sunstone is quite helpful with chronic sore throats. It has been used to reduce stomach tension and to relieve ulcers. It can also be used in the treatment of cartilage problems so often suffered by athletes. It was used by ancients for rheumatism [one sits in the sun surrounded by a circle of Sunstone]; aching feet and spinal problems were also relieved by physical contact with a large specimen.
Vibrates to the number 1


Colour range:

colourless to blue or purple


3rd eye, crown

Star sign:

Sagittarius, Gemini, Libra.

Vibrational number:



Communication, psychic power, visions, decisions, protection, magickal powers.


Star signs:

Aries, Aquarius

Vibrational number:





Helps to "sort things out" in mind, calming, mental attunement, memory, originality, dispels heat from body, balancing Yin Yang energies, magnetic qualities, focusing, negativity, peace, happiness, love, meditation, grounding, clarity.

Tiger eye:

comes in Red, Brown, Gold, Cream, Black and Blue

Star sign of Capricorn


Grounding, Earth energies, Meditation, Clarity, Intelligence, Brings order to cluttered thought patterns, Psychic abilities, emotional discipline, Solar energy, Practicality, conflicts, helps one to see the beauty in life, Wealth, Prosperity, Protection, Courage, Luck, Divination, Soothing, Calming,

Healing properties:

Depression, Balances Yin Yang energies, Balances both brain hemispheres, Perception, Eyes, Night Vision, Throat, Reproductive System, Spinal Column, helps mend broken bones.
Vibrational number 4

Chakras it helps:

3rd eye, Base, Solar Plexus


Astrological signs of Sagittarius, Pisces and Scorpio

Turquoise strengthens and aligns all chakras, meridians, and subtle bodies. It actually elevates all chakras and can facilitate attunement between the physical level and the higher planes of exsistence It can bring any and all energies to a higher level. It does, however, primarily stimulate the throat, heart, and navel chakras, bringing communication skills to emotional issues, to creativity, and to intuition, while allowing for the application of love in all issues. It is excellent for spiritual attunement, for healing and cleansing of both the energy centers and the physical body, and for providing protection. It has been said that Turquoise changes color to warn of impending danger and/or to indicate infidelity in thought or action. It can be used to protect against environmental pollutants as well. It is valuable for grounding and can help to prevent one from losing touch with the conscious mind during deep meditations; This facilitates a "no mind" medative state, but provides the unconscious mind with a "knowing" of the protective mechanism which has been initiated. It can be used for attunement between those of the physical plane, as well as between one and the spirit world. It is valuable to provide strength and protection during vision quests and astral travel, and from the etheric plane. It is also a stone of Earth-grounding; Hence, one can remain grounded during spiritual "work". It acts to improve meditation and to further peace of mind. Turquoise is a healer of the spirit, providing for a soothing energy. It has also been known to guide one through the unknown, protecting while promoting ones independence in action. It was used in ancient times to insure property and to protect against accidents. It has been esteemed, by the Tibetan Shamen, as holding both a spiritual and protective property. It has been used in Shamanic ceremonies and in the sacred valley of Shambhala. It has also been considered, by the Native American Indians, to be both a protective stone and a bestower of goodness. It can be used to balance the male/female aspects of ones character, bringing forth the qualities of mental clarity and spiritual clarity, and providing for the balancing of energies. It also provides for a bit of an increase in ones psychic powers, and can help to develop ones natural powers. It is said to assist one in communication activities, both written and oral, such that, that which is relayed to others is direct and correct. It acts to induce wisdom and understanding, and to enhance trust, kindness, and the recognition of beauty. It is said to promote spontaneity in issues of romance and to stimulate the initiation of romantic love. It is a master healer, emanating a purifying energy which tends to dissipate negativity. It can be used for emotional, mental and physical problems. In ancient times it had been used to heal eye problems, to strengthen work animals, to strengthen the body, and to Combat all diseases and disorders. It can aid in the absorption of nutrients, can help the regeneration of tissue, and can act to increase circulatory flows to the muscular tissue. It has been used in the treatment of headaches, and in the repair of physical damage which has impacted the body. Turquoise crystals provide a doubling effect of the properties and produce a total polarization of the physical with the subtle bodies. Vibrates to the number 1.

Known as"The Sky Stone", it is excellent for both Spiritual attunement and healing of the energy centers and the physical body, valuable for grounding as well as for vision quests and astral travel, purifies all levels of being and is capable of handling strong negativity, also used for wounds and for damage to bones

Stones Of The Goddesses










Amethyst, Moonstone, Pearl



The Great Mother

Amber, Coral, Geodes, Holed Stones




Coral, Emerald, Lapis Lazuli, Moonstone, Pearl

Kwan Yin







Lapis Lazuli


Lava, Obsidian, Peridot, Olivine, Pumice


Moonstone, Selenite




Emerald, Lapis Lazuli, Pearl

Stones Of The Gods












Onyx, Sardonyx




Holed Stone


Beryl, Pearl, Aquamarine


Tiger's Eye


Zodiacal Table of Gemstones

***** Mystical


***** Sapphire

*** Alexandrite

***** Moonstone

*** Peridot,Jade
***** Diamond


***** Jasper

***** Pearl

*** Turquoise
****Lazuli Lapis
***** Onyx





The Cells in the human body vibrate, as do the cells in crystals, which contain the same elements (water, iron, silica, etc) We can bring our bodies back into harmony, by bringing crystals and stones into our lives to vibrate and resonate with our body cells at the perfect rate.

The colour of a crystal is an important clue to its purpose. Outlined below are the crystals and their properties, listed under the colour of the crystal, for easy access and if you may have forgotten the name of your crystal. (some of them are tricky!!) Some information Taken from "CRYSTALS MADE CLEAR" - by Kay Ford

Crystals are minerals which naturally come from the Earth. Of which many are formed into spectacular natural geometric shapes. They are universally revered as objects of power and beauty. Crystals are literally hundreds of millions years old. Some quartz crystals are estimated to be about 450 million years old and thought to have taken 200-300 thousand years to form.

The crystal has been used throughout history as tools for divination and healing. They have been valued by many civilizations such as the Mayans and ancient Egyptians, and their use has been recorded in the Iron Ages. Each crystal is unique and carries it's own frequency and each individual person responds differently to a crystal. Many people including Witches wear crystals as jewelry for their beautiful colors and also for their healing powers.

Every civilization is recorded as prizing crystals for their beauty, magical powers and healing qualities. Decorative or talismanic crystals and stones have been discovered in France that date back to 25,000 BC. Aristotle's successor Theophrastus, wrote about the medicinal values of gems in the third century and Pliny's works of the first century greatly influenced medieval European thought on the healing properties of crystals. North American Indians carry medicine pouches and carve fetish animals out of indigenous stones. Bowls made of dark stone dating back to ancient times have been found globally - these were filled with water and used for "scrying", long before gazing into a crystal ball. Healing and divination with crystals is by no means a new phenomenon. Below are a listing of many different crystals and what some of their uses are.

Crystals are very receptive and pick up energies like there's no tomorrow. For this reason, whenever you obtain a new crystal and every once in a while you should cleanse your crystals. Cleansing a crystal is getting rid of any unwanted energies that may have gathered on your crystal. Just think of the kind of energies your crystal could have picked up from the shop keepers, customers entering the shop and touching them etc for a crystal to work properly it needs to be nice and clear to receive your energies and undivided attention in what you would like the crystal to help you in. There are many methods of cleansing your crystals, although I feel I must add that there are methods which are only suitable for certain types of crystal, for example the common method of bathing crystals in salt and water can damage the appearance of some as tiny salt particles can fill up any cracks in the crystal which can damage it's appearance. Here are some methods of cleansing your crystals taken from the book "Wicca Candle Magick" by Gerina Dunwich

Place the crystal directly in the light of the sun (not through a window glass - could cause a fire) for several hours to absorb solar and prana energy and to transform any negative energy within the crystal into positive energies of light and love.

During a waning moon, place the crystal with it's point downwards in a glass, china or ceramic bowl filled with sea salt and water. Allow the crystal to cleanse for three days and nights.

Hold the crystal with it's point facing downward under cool runing water as you visualize a sparkling stream of positive energy flowing into the crystal, transforming all negative energies. (Do not use hot water to cleanse your crystals as they are very fragile to temperatures and heat is likely to shatter them!)

Pass the crystal through the smoke of any of the following incenses to purify it and clear it for healing: Frnkincense, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Patchouli, Rose, Saffron, Sandalwood.

Charging your crystals

Once your crystal has been cleansed/cleared of any past associated energies and vibrations you should be able to feel it vibrate in a more rythmic, clear way. I now suggest that you keep the crystal close to you for a while, perhaps go to sleep at night with it close to you or carry it around with you. this is so that the crystal's energies can become accustomed to your own so that when you charge it it will take in your energies better. After all, if you just bought a puppy dog, you wouldn't expect it to be able to fetch sit and heel straight away, the dog would have to get used to you and feel comfortable and at ease before hand. To charge your crystal you focus your intentions into the appropriate crystal, for example if you want help finding a new love, you would focus loving energies into a piece of rose quartz - THE love crystal! Focusing your intention into the crystal can be done in many ways, some Witches whisper over and over like a chant instructing the crystal how you would like it to help them or the person they are doing it for. Some Witches might have a conversation with the crystal saying why they feel they need help and what they would like the crystal to help them achieve. Whichever method you choose it should be the one you feel most comfortable with, also you should be in a relaxed state where you can focus purely on your intentions. I usually find that the success of my crystals depends upon how much time i've invested in my focusing, why not make a ritual of it? cast a circle around yourself, call the quarters and why not invoke a certain deity form that could help you and ask for their blessings on the crystal and for them to charge it with their divine energies. Instilling the divine energies of a deity into something is not just for crystals but for any tools, amulets etc.










Animals, measels, mumps, chicken pox.


Financial stability, Handling grief.






Grounding, protection, cancer.


Creative visualisation.


Creativity, wieghtloss.


Harmony, cooperatio.


Anti-radiation, self esteem.


Balance, Shamanistic Journeying.


Luck, protection.




Protection, wealth, seeing the truth.


Good fourtune, "sunshine".




Balance, insight, wealth.


Life force:


Weath, Life force.


Health, wealth and Happiness.




"Tough love" Developing ones talents.




"Female" Power.


Renewed Joy in Life.




Love, Self esteem. Burns and Bruises.


Love, Joy.


Overcoming fear of abandonment.


Joy, Heart healer.


Love Healing inner child, Rejuvination.




All Purpose healers.


Overcoming effects of abuse. Stone Sacred to the Goddess




Energy, Action, Courage.


Leadership, Warmth.


Creation. Zest for Life.




Wealth, Cleansing.


Manifestation, Property.


Sunshine, Moodlifter.


Nature kingdom:


Wisdom, Clarity, Courage, Justice, Modesty.


Deflects Negativity. New Beginnings>


New beginnings, Wealth, Growth, Cleansing.




Animals, Past lives.




Eternal Love. Wealth, Eyesight.


Growth, luck, wealth.




Master Healers.


Master healer of this age. Cellular regeneration.


Growth, Gardening, Allergies.


Master Healer of our polluted planet.




Master healer. Creative visualization.


Luck. Meeting Disapointment in a positive way. Calcium retention.


Blood Circulation. Back problems. Creativity.


Gental self expression.


Intuition. Communication.


Speaking Ones Truth.


Good for gentle people. Releasing the past.


Calming. Good for hyperactive children.


Meditation. Balance. Inner Bridges.


Angelic guidence. Fear of hieghts or flying.


Angelic guidence. Peace.


Psychic Development.


Third eye. Insight.


Psychic powers. Meditation. Self Knowledge.


Third eye.


Travelling ones true path. Working in groups.


Third eye development. Intuition.


Mood Lifters.


Gentle love. Asertion without aggression.


Natural Tranquiliser. Peace. Acceptance.


Joy. Overcoming addictions.




Spirituality. peace. Continuous connection to the Divine.


Deflects negativity. Intuition.


Following dreams. Anti-stress. Discovering ones Higher purpose.


Communication with the Divine.


Balance. Intuition. Protection in travel. Cycles.


Communication. Travel protection.


Protection in travel.


Communication. Life runs smoothly.


Master healers


Clarity. Stores and amplifies and sends out energy.


Contacting Higher self. Meditation.


Master Healer.


Angelic Guidence. Light and love.


Eneergy amplifier.


Hope and joy.


Magick. Synchronicity.


Divination. Joy. Anti-stress.


Deflects negativity. Emotional independance.


Protection. Serenity.


Perform the following ritual on a night of the full moon to cleanse a crystal of negative influences and to charge it with healing power.

Begin by lighting two white altar candles ( one on each side of the altar). Place a small bowl or cup of fresh rainwater (or melted snow) and a dish of sand, soil or salt on the altar. In the center of the altar, place a censer containing any of the following incenses: frankincense, myrrh, nutmeg, patchouli, rose, saffron or sandalwood.

Take the crystal in your right hand and pass it through the smoke of the incense as you say:

By the power of the Goddess and by the ancient and mystical element of air I consecrate and dedicate this crystal as a magickal tool of healing.

Gently place the crystal in the dish of sand, soil or salt, and say:

By the power of the Horned God and by the ancient and mystical element of earth I consecrate and dedicate this crystal as a magickal tool of healing.

Sprinkle a few drops of water on the crystal, and say:

By the power of the universe and by the ancient and mystical element of water I consecrate and dedicate This crystal as a magickal tool of healing.

Once again, take the crystal in your right hand. Move it in a sunwise circle around the flame of each candle as you say:

By the power of love and by the ancient and mystical element of fire I consecrate and dedicate this crystal as a magickal tool of healing. May this crystal stone of power work for my good and for the good of all. So Mote it Be!

After the consecration ritual has been performed, cup the crystal between your hands and allow it to harmonise with your aura and spiritual consciousness. Breathe gently upon the crystal as you direct your thoughts and intentions into it. The charged crystal will respond to the energy of your will.




**Tones, strengthens body, mind and spirit


**Soothes nervous system.


**Brings joy and upliftment


**Healing, soothing and harmonizing


**Enhances psychic abilities


**Calms nerves, purifies the body, enhances clarity of mind


**Aids in releasing anxiety and fear


**Facilitates clear meditation


**Stimulates inner guidance


**Reduces stress, emotional balancer


**Enhances attunement with inner self


**Reduces stress, aids personal creative expression


**Power, communication, joy and emotional balance


**Fertility, calming, balancing, brings out inner talents


**Enhances body's own healing energy


**Helps detoxify the body


**Master healer, dispels negativity


**Peace of mind, prosperity, well being


**Enhances dreams


**Grounds excess energy


**Love, compassion, imagination


**Attracts positive energy into Aura.


**Dispels negativity, grounding, protection


**Enhances inner vision


**Emotional balancer


**Powerful healer


**Aids in healing depression


**Enhances communication

*Lapis Lazuli

**Enhances psychic abilities


**Aids sleep, enhances expression of one's inner joy


**Aids sleep, brings in abundance and prosperity


**Helps reveal past lives


**Aids alignment with Higher self


**Aids birthing process, female problems


**Grounds spiritual energy, absorbs and dispels negativity


**Balances male and female energies


**Emotional balancer


**Purifies body


**Influences a positive outlook on life


**Dispels negativity, stimulates energy


**Heals emotional wounds


**Brings love into action and manifestation

*Rose Quartz

**Aids development of love, forgiveness and compassion


**Activates movement on all levels, courage, power

*Rutilated Quartz

**Eases depression


**Stimulates psychic abilities


**Aids power of concentration


**Relates to the moon, subconscious, female aspect

*Smoky Quartz

**Aids depression


**Brings clarity and truth


**Emotional balancer

*Tigers Eye

**Good Luck stone, enhances clarity


**Emotional balancer


**Grounding, balance


**Protection, concentration, inspiration


**Enhances meditation


**Self confidence, abundance, soothing


**Emotional balance, self esteem


Principles of Witchcraft

The Wiccan Rede

13 Goals of a Witch

Amulets and Charms

Burning Times

Candle Magic

The Chakra

Circle casting


Dragon Magic

Feather Magic


Flower Magic


Herbal Magic

Incense and Oils

Magical Names


Moon Magic




Traditional Witchcraft

Types of Witches

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