Being aware of each moon phase is very important when dealing
with magick, different kinds of magick can be performed.

Waxing Moon

Means that the Moon is getting larger in the sky, moving from
the new moon to the full moon. This is the time to do spells that attract. Such as
love, health, luck During this time when using candle magick, when you anoint
your candle, work from each end of the candle towards the middle. In this way
you are attracting and gathering the energy needed to do the spell.

Full Moon

This is the time that the moon has reached a full and perfect sphere.
at this time any magick that is performed will have more power. If there is
something special that you have wanted to do well now is the time to do it!
Just being outside and gazing at the moon you can feel its pull on you. Breath
in the magick it offers. Doing your magick under a full moon would give it
more energy, but for those of us that live in a colder climate for half the year
this isn't always an option! This is also a good time to do spells for self-
improvement, doing psychic work and fertility. Again if you are doing candle magick, anoint the candle from both ends to the

Full moons for the year 2000

January 20

February 19

March 19

April 18

May 18

June 16

July 16

August 15

September 13

October 13

November 11

December 11

Waning Moon

This is the time that the moon is decreasing in size. Moving
from the full moon to the new moon. This is the time to do spells that banish
or release, weight loss spells are done at this time. If you need to break a bad
habit, or if someone you know is caught up in an addiction, now is time to do
the magick to help them. When using a candle during the waning moon, , anoint the candle by starting
in the middle and working your way out to both ends. By doing this you are
pushing the negative energy away from you.

There will be times when you are in need of doing a spell, to either help your-
self or someone else and it can't wait for the moon to be in the right phase.
Gather as much energy into yourself as you can and put all of it into the spell.
Granted you will be a lot more tired than usual, but this will help your spell to
be all the more effective. Learning how to raise energy and directing it into
your magick will take practice. Keep track of all the spells you do, this way
you will be able to tell what you might have done wrong, or done right so that
next time you can make the appropriate changes if necessary.

New moons for the year 2000

January 6

February 5

March 6

April 4

May 3

June 2

July 1

July 30

August 29

September 27

October 27

November 25

December 25

In the Pagan religion, every Full Moon is known as an Esbat. These are celebrations of the blessings of the Goddess. Here's some ideas for an Esbat ritual:

Start with a purification bath

a clean body always makes me feel more "magical"! Then fumigate your ritual space with sandalwood and frankincense incense using a charcoal burner. A white altar cloth may be used, along with silver objects, crescent moons, a moonstone, white flowers, anything that represents the Moon Goddess to you. Cast your Circle and invoke the Goddess. Meditate on the Moon - try thinking of fertility, healing, love, and beauty. Then earth the power, thank the Goddess, and release the Circle.

Moon Goddess Chant

Wondrous Lady of the Moon
You who greets the dusk with silvered kisses;
Mistress of the night and of all magics,
who rides the clouds in blackened skies
and spills light upon the cold Earth;
O Lunar Goddess, Cresented-One,
shadow maker and shadow breaker;
Revealer of mysteries past and present;
Puller of seas and ruler of women;
All-wise Lunar Mother,
I greet Your celestial jewel
at the waxing of its powers
with a rite in You honor.

I pray by the Moon, I pray by the Moon, I pray by the Moon...


Principles of Witchcraft

The Wiccan Rede

13 Goals of a Witch

Amulets and Charms

Burning Times

Candle Magic

The Chakra

Circle casting


Dragon Magic

Feather Magic


Flower Magic

Gems, Stones and Crystals

Herbal Magic

Incense and Oils

Magical Names






Traditional Witchcraft

Types of Witches

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