The Dungeon

As you ascend the old stone steps you find the passageway getting cooler, the torches on the walls begin to flicker as a soft, musty breeze blows against your skin leaving a slight chill in your bones. You aren't sure if the chillis from the wind or.....perhaps the soft sounds you are barely able to make out up ahead.

You begin to see the outline of a larger wooden door, a vague shadow of light peaks from underneath the crack and you notice the sound while still muffled is more audible now. On the door is a large sign engraved in red, another chill passes through you.

The Sign Reads "Beware to all who dare to tread here, for your fate will be at the mercy of the Mistress"

You knock

A small hunch backed man opens the door slightly, just enough for you to get a glimpes inside and in a raspy voice says "Have ye come to see the Mistress or is there something else ye wish to see?" as he opens the door just enough to let you in.

As you enter the main chamber you notice three doors, one to the East, one to the West and one in front of you. Each one with red engraving above the handle, you get closer to look.

The old man hands you a torch and chuckles demonically speaking low "choose thy path wisely, for what appears to be is not always so" and locks the door leading out as he turns and disappears into the shadows

East Wing
Torture Chamber, Prison

West Wing
Calliope's Private Chambers

Lower Dungeon
Children of the Night, Demons

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