
Meditation is not as difficult as it may sound, however neither is it as cut and dried either. The purposes for meditating vary and are many but to me there are several that are of the utmost importance. Please keep in mind this is my opinion and what works for me does not work for all, for like all individuals their higher power is also unique.

The basic ideas for meditation are not difficult to grasp. If one wishes to perform witchcraft, magic, or any other term you might use for thus they need to be able to clear their mind, they also need to be centered and balanced. Someone who is not that attempts to do such may not get the results they want if any results at all.

While each individual is unique so should be their way of meditating, there are few basic concepts however one must do this on a level they're comfortable with.

the basics are as follows:

find a comfortable sitting position (when lying down one tends to get drowsy and fall asleep), with feet placed firmly on the floor to ground you, legs uncrossed, arms down on the lap with palms open facing up to absorb the energy.

you may choose to focus on an object or not, whichever is more suitable for you, but focus you must. Eyes can be closed or open.

clear your mind, take each thing you are thinking and one at a time grab them mentally, picture yourself doing this, form them into a ball, as the ball gets fuller it will get heavier, then walk to a ravine, bridge, even the toilet and drop the ball watching it disappear along with your worries.

now, relax, each person has their own way to do this.

Allow yourself to be drawn into your inner self, open closed doors, and look around. As you begin this you may picture yourself walking in a garden or by a stream, but as you walk begin to feel a warmth overcome you, feel the light from your higher power start to cover you slowly until you are completely immersed in it.

Take your time.

When you reach the place you wish to be, where you feel at peace then ask your higher power to show you the way and teach you, feel their warmth, listen for the soft voices, don't discount them as people normally do they are there to guide you.

listen, and experience what they are telling you. You may do this as long as you wish.

To break the meditation is simple as well, just bring your mind back to where your reality is, but do not pick up the worries you discarded instead enjoy the inner peace.

This simple method will allow you to make clearer decisions, stay centered when the world crashes in around you, and focus on a higher level of understanding, however; it will not keep bad things from happening nor will it erase the negative emotions that come with them, it will help you to keep a calmer and more peaceful perspective when troubles come. It will also as you continue to practice this make you a stronger being with a closer connection to your higher power and a deeper understanding of the why's.


Principles of Witchcraft

The Wiccan Rede

13 Goals of a Witch

Amulets and Charms

Burning Times

Candle Magic

The Chakra

Circle casting


Dragon Magic

Feather Magic


Flower Magic

Gems, Stones and Crystals

Herbal Magic

Incense and Oils

Magical Names


Moon Magic




Traditional Witchcraft

Types of Witches

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