


A talisman with a mystical or Magickal property.



A rarely used tool, a bundle of herbs to sprinkle water with.



1. Of the stars.

2.Of the heavens.

3. The Plane of existence closest to you.



The Art of divining using the location of celestial bodies.



To make something go away and keep it from coming back.



A ritual instrument. Often used to invoke the Goddess in a ritual, or rung to ward off evil spells and spirits, halt storms, or to evoke good energies.� Placed in a cupboard or hung on the door, it guards the home.� Any type of bell can be used, although some Wiccans choose not to ring a bell as they believe it scares the fairies away.



The broom often is used to purify space before a circle is cast. It is related to the element of Water and is used in many water spells involving cleansing. It also historically has been used to protect the home by laying it across the door. To make a magick broom, it is suggested that you use an ash staff, birch twigs and a willow binding.(ash is protective, birch cleansing and willow sacred to the Goddess.)

Burning Times


The The Burning Times were a period from about 1000ce until 1951 in which millions of Witches and people accused of being Witches were killed. Although by 1951 Witches were no longer being executed, we choose to believe that the Burning Times ended with the repeal of the last law against Witchcraft in England, in 1951.The Ending of the Burning Times began the Age of Modern Wicca, and the publication of Gerald Gardner's Witchcraft Today (1954) we became a voice that has grown steadily louder. 1951 is also Year 0 of WE, Wiccan Era, a date used to replace CE (Common Era) in some traditions. CE and BCE are the scholarly replacements for "AD" and "BC" (which can't be proven).



The cauldron is a symbol of the Goddess and corresponds to the element of Water. It is used in ritual as a container in which magickal transformations can occur and is often a focal point of a ritual. During spring rites, it can be filled with water and fresh flower petals and in winter, fires can be lighted within the cauldron to symbolize the rebirth of the Sun. It can also be filled with water and used for scrying into the future.



is an incense burner.� The censer represents the element "Air". � Many types of incense smells and blends can be used, each having a different meaning or purpose.



A large iron or brass pot used in rituals.



An indigenous people of Europe, especially Ireland, Northern and southern Great Britain, France and Spain.

Chalice or Goblet


The chalice or cup is used on the altar to represent the Female principle of Water. Another chalice or cauldron is sometimes placed in the West as well.

Cone of Power


The manifestation of raised energy within a Circle.



is a piece of cord used as a belt on a robe (also be called a 'girdle').� Can be used in binding and releasing magick.



One who is not Wiccan, but pretends to be... a wannabe.


A ceremony held to mark a woman's transition from Mother to Crone, the final phase of a woman's life.



1. The "stuff" by which one sticks to something until they're done.

2. A ceremony acknowledging something or someone, most often a purpose, change in purpose of alteration of one's life's path.



A person, if they exist, who follows Eris, if she exists, but disguises her in a male facade to further confuse the public, a patriarchal plot, no doubt.



1.One older than (s)he coining the term.

2. A Wiccan Priest(ess) of ten or more years.

3. A Semi-poisonous plant.



1. Rules.

2.Morally/Spiritually sound rules.



An animal, usually a cat, with whom a witch establishes a special psychic/magical relationship. Familiars offer help, companionship, protection, and usually unconditional love as well.

Great Rite


The The ritual in which procreation is celebrated by the ritual sex of the Priest and Priestess, also called the sacred marriage. Best done in private.

Green Man


The Wiccan God, or Green Man, a figure often incorporated into the design of churches as a male face made of foliage.



The Book which includes all non-ritual information, particularly metaphysical information.



A sacred place, often a group or circle of trees. a group of Druids



One Who watches over something.
Guardians of The Quarters


A group of Spirits invoked in some Wiccan ceremonies to protect the circle. What possible ritual would call for such protection is beyond me.

Guardians of The Watchtowers


A strange occurrence in Wicca, I've yet to figure out what the Watchtowers and spirits of Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley's works have to do with Casting a Wiccan Circle...Sure enough, this appears to be an aspect of Enochian Wicca. "Don't ask me, I just work here."



The end to a handfasting.



One who studies Herbs and their uses.

Horned God


Another name for the Wiccan hunter God.



Water Magick



Either the force which tallies your debts or the debts and payments of Karma, see The Five Points of Wiccan Belief, Chapter One, Book One.

Kitchen Witch


One who practices basic charms but not much else Magickal, often a Fam-Trad practitioner.



One who practices Magick without the benefit of a Moral Code, also "Mage."



An ancient Pagan phallic symbol danced around to this day to raise power and celebrate the earth..



Stepping in-between the parties of an argument.



The The secular and ordinary world.



Literally a "new pagan." Considered a bit of a slur in the Wiccan set, a Neo-Pagan is a "New Age" term meaning "any one practicing a non-Christian religion I haven't heard of."



Divining by breaking everything down into numbers.



That which cannot be seen or must be hidden, in modern usage, "New Age. " or "Satanic." I actually have seen occult used as a descriptive term as in something "is an occult," that is hideous grammar. Properly, if something is hidden its nature is occult, but it is a secret.



A group or family of Gods of a specific culture, as in "Greek pantheon" or "Nordic Patheon"



To give something up. In Wicca, we sacrifice Wine, food, money, trinkets, stones and time, but never, ever anything living.



The sickle is used to cut sacred herbs at certain moonphases. It represents "Cronehood" and is often given to a menopausal covener as a recognition of a new life phase. I think the modern usage of the sickle as the "Grim Reaper's" tool makes this a bit too morbid, but many feminist Wiccans disagree. Used instead of: Bolline, Atham�.



A personal seal or emblem with a punch of power, Seals of Gods and dead Mages are also in common usage.



Clad naked.



In European practices, herbs were thrown on the fire to produce clouds of scented smoke. Smudge, which is either a bundle of herbs for burning or the ash of sacred herbs used for anointing, is borrowed from Native American Practices and can usually be held in the hand instead of thrown on a fire. For a nice change, burn rosemary instead of the traditional sage or sweetgrass. Stick incense can be used as burning smudge, it'll do in a pinch, but the ash is fairly worthless. Used instead of :Censer, oil.



The motion in and out of life, The double spiral, the double helix, DNA.



The staff is a very important tool in some traditions. It is used to mark quarter points or as a "stang" to hold banners representing elements or other unique symbolic flags. The staff may be used in much the same manner as the wand. It is usually matched "to your measure"- which means it reaches to your shoulder- making it easy and comfortable for you to handle without either knocking yourself upside the head or having it trip you up from behind. Any such incident will amuse your friends, but do little to enhance your image in the magickal community!



The place where we rest after death, between incarnations.



With the coming of the modern "Celtic Revival", the sword has become a very popular-and quite showy- magickal tool. It can used in place of, or in addition to, the athame. Most groups who hold rituals indoors usually limit the use of the sword to just one for the Priest/Priestess. Ten five- foot swords in a small room could get a bit messy! However at festivals and outdoor rituals, Wiccans often bring their own swords to mark the boundaries or quarter points of the circle.

Talisman Charm


Something worn with a Magickal property. Religious: A Symbol or item sacred for religious reasons. Totemic: A relic of your family/clan's animal protector or your animal guide.

Thurible or incense burner


A container used to contain a hot coal for burning incense. This is best made from a fire resistant or fire proof material. The most common are the "mini-cauldrons' of iron and the various brass types which come in wonderful shapes and sizes. Some even hang on a chain. The incense itself represents the element of Air while the fire (charcoal) represents Fire. The combination of these two elements are used to purify ritual areas, other tools or the circle itself.



A sect or division within Paganism/Wicca/Magick. The use of tradition as "sect" is not a new use, nor is "new tradition" an oxymoron.





the "waiting room" of the after life.



Feelings off of someone/something..."good vibes" "bad vibes."



What you never call a male Wiccan. It means "Oath-breaker."



"Witchy" and Feminist term for Networking

Witch War


A dispute between coven leaders, very often silly things with episodes of "I'm gonna ward you right off this plane." No real, self-respecting Wiccan over the age of four participates in one.


Principles of Witchcraft

The Wiccan Rede

13 Goals of a Witch

Amulets and Charms

Burning Times

Candle Magic

The Chakra

Circle casting


Dragon Magic

Feather Magic


Flower Magic

Gems, Stones and Crystals

Herbal Magic

Incense and Oils

Magical Names


Moon Magic




Traditional Witchcraft

Types of Witches

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