"Because spells work with cosmic energy and because we view that energy as divine, we create sacred space by casting a circle around ourselves before casting a spell. In this way we put ourselves physically into a ring of magick, an environment filled with the very energy we work with" - Laurie Cabot ("Love Magic")

One aspect being the magick circle, a lot of early Wiccans practicing at home for the first time do not seem to be fully aware of the reason or importance of the circle. So, where exactly does the idea of a circle come from then? Well, Witches, Magickians and Occultists have long used the magick circle as a form of protection from outside influences to guard and protect themselves and their spells. The magick circle is of ancient origin and has been used in Babylonian magick, and also was used by Ceremonial Magickians of Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Native Americans have also used circles although perhaps for slightly different reasons. Once inside the boundaries of the magick circle Witches can commune with the deities, Otherworld entities etc and raise power. I feel that there are two very important facts that I need to point out here, firstly the term "circle" can be misleading as it is not a circle, but a SPHERE that we create, the circle merely marks the point where the sphere cuts into the earth and goes beneath us as well as over our heads like a dome. Another important thing to remember is that there are two types of circle, the circle used by Ceremonial magickians and the type used by Wiccans. A Ceremonial Magickian casts a magick circle to guard and protect him/herself from the powers he/she raises. Wiccans cast the circle as a way of creating a sacred place where humans can be brought closer to the Gods. A lot of Wiccans cast a circle for both of these reasons, only the circle is not to protect ourselves from our own forces but from outside influences and energies that may conflict with the goal we are aiming to achieve.

The circle is an excellent way of deepening our spiritual awareness, we are closer to the deities and the distractions of the outside world are shut outside leaving us with a sense of peace. When i'm in the circle i forget about college and study, about the people in my life (unless i'll be working magick for them) my thought is focused on my magickal goals. In my opinion to get the best results out of the magick circle visualisation is the key. The basic outline for casting a circle is walking around the space to be used for the ritual (the circle can be as big or as small as you want, the most accepted size is 9ft in diameter, but it's really up to you) with your sword or athame. The athame is most commonly used as it is a projective channeling tool. I personally use my wand, but this is just a matter of preference. The athame/wand is held in the projective hand (the hand you write with) and aimed down and outwards at the perimeter of the circle. This is where the visualisation comes in, you now visualise your personal energy flowing out through your tool and forming the circle as you move around. The energy is often visualised as being electric blue (Iuse this one) or a brilliant white light. When walking around the circle perimeter, most Wiccans walk round it three times, beginning facing the east and then moving clockwise through to north. While walking the circle the Wiccan will usually recite something to the effect of asking that the circle is cast in the names of the Goddess and God (any particular deities they may work with) and that the circle may act as a barrier where only love can enter.

Most Wiccans like to make a physical representation of the circle as it definitely helps! a lot of covens will use a long piece of rope that acts as the barrier, some will use stones, rocks, a chalk circle, crystals, tarot cards...basically anything. I personally use cyrstals. Most Wiccans will advise you to place a candle at each of the cardinal points (north, south, east and west). The candles are usually of a colour corresponding to the element they represent i.e a red candle in the south for fire, a blue candle in the west for water, a green candle in the north for earth and a yellow candle in the east for air. I build my physical circle out of crystals and often will not bother with candles at each cardinal point. I use a pile or a single crystal at each cardinal point e.g i use citrine, carnelian, red jasper and tiger's eye gemstones in the south to represent fire. Between each of the cardinal points I will place a clear quartz crystal. Another good, inspiring idea would be to have a picture at each of the cardinal points of something to symbolise that element, for example a picture/painting of an animal associated with that element like a bull for north, bird for east, lion for south, fish/dolphin etc for water. I love using images as they aid in visualisation and are very inspirational.

I like using images that are personifications of the elements. No watches are permitted within the circle as are no other devices which tell the time. When you are inside the circle you are outside time and you need to let go of the restraints of time. Many Wiccans including myself have had experiences where it feels like they've been in the circle half an hour at the most, but then come out of the circle only to discover two hours have gone by. I found this a little scary and unnerving at first, but you get over it. Another rule when inside the circle is that you cannot walk through the barrier as this messes things up for everyone, the energy is lost, plus some Wiccans may argue that you could be put at risk. You should only leave the circle if it is absolutely necessary, if you do you need to "cut open a doorway" this is usually achieved by either tracing an opening in the sphere with your athame or by placing your hands together and opening/parting a space to go through (like a curtain).Always return to the circle as quickly as possible and dont make a habit of leaving the circle because everytime you leave the circle you lose a little portion of the energy that you have raised

The circle of a witch is a place were Ritual and magical workings take place. The concept of using a circle(actually more like a sphere of energy and power) came from Ceremonial Magicians who used a triple circle to protect themselves from what he or she raised up.
The circle defines the ritual area, holds personal power, shuts out distracting energies, and basically creates the proper atmosphere for the rite. When the circle is cast correctly, the rites can begin. And if you cast it right, you will know because you will be able to sense the boundary of the circle, and the air inside will become hot and sticky. You will know when it has been properly cast.

Mark the four directions of the elements with something which is sacred to them:

North: pentacle, a bowl of salt, or an object from the Earth
East: burning incense, a feather, or an object that represents Air
South: a red candle, an oil lamp, a lava rock, or an objects that represents Fire.
West: a cup or bowl of water, a sea shell, or any object that represents Water

Light the candles at each of the four quarters.
Build up energy within & create the circle by walking around it, separate the air three times with the Athame or your staff , releasing your energy & saying:

"Here is the boundary of this circle.
Naught but love shall enter, naught but love shall emerge.
Charge this by your powers."

Sprinkle salt & water around the circle. Call upon the Elements to protect the circle; do this in each direction:

"O Spirit of the North, Ancient one of Earth, I call you to attend this circle. Charge this by Your powers."

"O Spirit of the East, Ancient one of Air, I call you to attend this circle. Charge this by Your powers."

"O Spirit of the South, Ancient one of Fire, I call you to attend this circle. Charge this by Your powers."

"O Spirit of the West, Ancient one of Water, I call you to attend this circle. Charge this by Your powers."

Now you can do your ritual or what ever you want to do.


To leave the circle for any reason after the circle has been cast, requires a doorway to be "cut" into it. This is done with the Athame. Visualise a doorway being cut and the energy being absorbed into the handle of the knife. To reform the seal, release the energy and reseal along the same cut.


Face North with the wand held the same as the calling of the elements and say:

"O Spirit of the North, Ancient one of Earth. Thank you for your presence on this night. Go in Power."

"O Spirit of the East, Ancient one of Air. Thank you for your presence on this night. Go in Power."

"O Spirit of the South, Ancient one of Fire. Thank you for your presence on this night. Go in Power."

"O Spirit of the West, Ancient one of Water. Thank you for your presence on this night. Go in Power."

Repeat for each element. Now, take the Athame and pierce the sphere at waist level and move clockwise around the circle. Feel the energy being pulled back into the knife and handle. When you come back to the North, the circle is no more.


Principles of Witchcraft

The Wiccan Rede

13 Goals of a Witch

Amulets and Charms

Burning Times

Candle Magic

The Chakra



Dragon Magic

Feather Magic


Flower Magic

Gems, Stones and Crystals

Herbal Magic

Incense and Oils

Magical Names


Moon Magic




Traditional Witchcraft

Types of Witches

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