Yoga- the art of human harmonious development
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Yoga - the art of human harmonious development.

By Andrei Shkarubo.


Dedicated to those who in their quest of Truth pass 

through Death...


The first thing the human being encounters, entering this world, is his own body and mind. It’s through them that he comes to know the world. Therefore the first part of the book is devoted to them.




1.    Introduction.

2.    The main idea of the work.

3.    Yoga – a path to God, through self-sacrifice and harmony.

4.    The nature and role of information potential.

5.    Balance of informational and physical potentials.

6.    Transformation of reality into information.

7.    Role of perception barrier.

8.    Functions of mind and energy body studied by various yogas.

9.    Tasks of yoga.

10.                        Inertia of the oscillating mind.

11.                        World of energies: human charkas, their functions.

12.                        Fluctuations of consciousness of longer periods.

13.                        Big breathing cycle of physical and energy bodies.

14.                        Image manipulated breathing.

15.                        Energy manipulated breathing.

16.                        Visual instrument breathing.

17.                        Energy body work.

18.                        The factor of will.

19.                        Energy body manipulation to reach enlightenment.






              1. INTRODUCTION.


 Numerous books on yoga, esoterica and religion contain vast amount of exercises, instructions and commandments as well as general information concerning the man’s psycho-physical development and spiritual growth.


Unfortunately, this staggering diversity makes it difficult, almost impossible, to detect unity and agreement behind it. That common to all, universal mechanism, the principle, which, being applied to the concrete moment and situation, determines this staggering diversity.


The yogic sources do not disclose this principle, the fact indirectly admitted by those authors who warn bluntly that one can practice yoga only under guidance of a teacher with the direct link to the Creator.

The fate of those who use printed materials as their guide is unenviable: the majority of them give up their practice soon either because of the absence of any practical results, or because the results achieved happened to be opposite to the expected ones (if not tragic).

And few ones, having gone the arduous and long road of the trial and error, find their path to Knowledge.1




 The aim of this book is to

1)    reveal and demonstrate on the example of the work of both our mind and body this common principle, the single mechanism, and thus

2)    outline the technology of physical and spiritual development

3)    explain the choice of means and methods, i.e. to expound not so much as to what’s to be done, but, first of all, why, how, when and under what circumstances this ought  to be done.


The aim of this work is to reduce the inevitable period of trial and error to a minimum, and to remove the shroud of mysticism from yoga, get rid of the notions and terms unintelligible, obscure to a contemporary because they, first, reflect the reality and knowledge of civilizations which disappeared thousands of years ago, second, this knowledge, so far, has not been intended for a broad audience, therefore the mystic and obscure nature of the terms and notions.


Now, that our civilization has penetrated down to the foundation of the Creation, it would be both stupid and risky to hold back the knowledge.


To a modern, educated person yoga becomes a mere branch of applied physics where our minds and bodies are the main instruments and objects of research in our general quest for Universal Truth.


One should note, though, that


 whatever heights of knowledge might be reached by the man, he cannot avoid the effect of polarities, therefore:


He, who goes after power and glory, is to experience ignominy and impotence,


He, who pursues knowledge, is bound to fathom his own ignorance,


He, who seeks Eternity, is to pass through Death!



2. The main idea of the work.


The human being, like any complex system, presents a trinity of his components:

1) informational (psyche, consciousness);  2) energy (energy body, its chakras and energy channels) 3) material (physical body).


While the impact of the material component, physical body, on the 2 former ones is quite obvious, the reverse effect (the triumph of mind over matter) is often questioned.


Because, firstly,  the periods of consciousness transformation are too long while human life-span is hardly sufficient to establish the fact that deep and permanent changes in psyche cause equally deep and permanent changes in physical body;

secondly, the inertia of the physical body prevents immediate changes in it, after changes in consciousness took place.


My own 30-year-long experience of observations, tests and trials allows to conclude that the mind, energy and physical bodies function and develop in oscillatory regime (in cycles), according to the very same laws of physics which describe the inanimate world. The knowledge of which allows to control and conduct the work of the mind in a sustained balancing regime and to significantly accelerate transformation of various psychic processes, states and attributes and consequently detect and direct corresponding transformations in the physical body.


As energy entity, the human being can be viewed as a bipolar system with informational and physical polarities, and energy-information circulating between them.

Obviously, the balance of such system (its health) is determined by achievement and maintenance of the ‘designed’ primordial tension (the one present between the Earth and Space polarities).

The circulation of the energy-information between those two polarities has 4 phases: informational phase, physical, or ‘matter’ phase, and 2 transitory, energy phases;

each of those phases, in turn, have 3 periods: a) tension-acceleration b) peak-resonance c) relaxation-deceleration


To increase the circulation of the energy-information between the “information-matter” polarities, that is, increase tension there, one must reduce the time of 3 periods in each phase (in other words, lower to a minimum the inertia of the physical and energy bodies, as well as the mind).


 At the physical plane, the main oscillatory circuit one can control, is breathing;

at the energy plane – contraction and expansion of the energy body;

at the informational one – fluctuations of the mind (verbal thinking, perception, senses).


Therefore, during physical phase of energy-information circulation, it’s breathing which is taken under control.

To be more specific, during tension-acceleration period of physical phase, breathing is deliberately accelerated to follow the trend of this period;

during peak-resonance period, breathing is brought to maximum amplitudes and made even, rectilinear;

 during deceleration-relaxation period, breathing is slowed down, brought to a near stop, thereby ending the physical phase in the energy-information circulation.


After which a short interval of calm sets in (a kind of ‘sluice passage’) when external aspect of consciousness, attention, stops its oscillatory movements in the material plane and starts moving-ascending to a qualitatively higher, i.e. energy level.

The same manipulations are repeated there, but with the other oscillatory circuit (say, after breathing, it’s the energy body which is dealt with).

The same recurs on the informational plane, then energy plane, and thereby goes on and on, in cycles until the oscillations (frequency of circulation) of energy-information in the information-matter polarities of our body reach the frequency level (or level of tension) existing between the polarities of the Earth-Space external system.


To accelerate-decelerate-stop oscillations in the circuit one should follow the principle of ‘swings’: first, they sway-accelerate them so as to determine their own frequency and amplitude: i.e. where and when the swings slow down, stop and reverse. Only after this they start exerting inhibiting influence on them. Complete stoppage of fluctuations is achieved by changing the vector of the sway: neither right nor left; but either up or down.


In practice the lowering of inertia of the physical and energy bodies as well as the mind, acceleration of the energy-information circulation between “physical body-mind” polarities leads to integral perception, functional thinking (i.e. the person doesn’t think unless it’s necessary) and dialectic approach; in the physical plane to absolute health and energy-efficient processes.

Thus during rest or sleep heart and lung activity of a yogi is significantly lower in comparison with a ‘normal’ person, and sometimes can cease altogether. Whereas during physical exertions, activity grows not at the expense of a rise in frequency of contractions-expansions, but primarily due to the increase of their amplitude.

The amount and frequency of food consumption also drop dramatically. Consumer’s priority shifts from product’s quantity to its quality.


Unlike a large variety of known techniques in psycho-physical training which do not disclose the single universal principle, which determines the reason and sequence of their use, this work offers such principle and the appropriate plan of its implementation.


This universal principle of this work is based on the cyclical nature of all processes, which allows us to use an oscillatory circuit model to analyze the work of human physical, energy bodies as well as the mind in order to outline the general strategy of human harmonious development, and choose the necessary ways and means of its achievement.


Besides, the knowledge of this principle no longer limits the practitioner to mastering certain ‘tricks’ but gives a chance to turn any and  every-day psycho-physical activity (thinking, sleeping, walking, eating, and what not) into means of achievement of the final goal, thus greatly accelerating the whole process.






3. Yoga – a path to God, through self-sacrifice and harmony.


Yoga is a path of transformation of a human being into God, or rather an entity which  different yoga schools and religions call differently, thus underlining the entity’s various aspects.

Some use the name “God”, underlining personality aspect, others, like Buddha, call it “the Void”, emphasizing the opposite: absence of form and passion.


The cause for calling, perceiving, the very same entity differently is explained by difference in outlook and approach, by difference of the paths leading to God.


But different as these paths are, the principles, the laws of following them are the same. The main one is the law of “Sacrifice-Self-sacrifice” (The love of God is Christ’s main commandment).


He who wants to become all must sacrifice all, and become a nothing.


This is the prerequisite for those who seek to find the single source in the multiform, manifest material world perceived by the humankind fragmentarily as an endless chain of polarities.

With the observation of the main law of sacrifice the discovery of the other general principles becomes a simple matter of time.


Thus, the readiness for the self-sacrifice leads to detachment, dispassionate, balanced judgement and conduct, pursuit of Harmony.

Harmony as an ascertained correspondence between the part and the whole, the man and the Nature, God (in whose likeness and image the man was created)  which lead to a state of balance.

Harmony, as an integration and proportion of components, resulting in their accord and inner calm.



In esoterica harmony and symmetry are presented by a cross. The usual cross is a symbol of harmony of all that exists, of God; St. Andrew’s cross – of a human being; a cross with a horizontal bar shifted upwards is a symbol for all those, moving toward the Creator.




The truths of the path of knowledge I have told you,

Listen now to the truths of action.

These two together can break the fetters of karma.  




4. The nature and role of information potential.


The man’s perception of the surrounding world, of its unity and diversity, is fragmentary, in oppositions: black and white; right and left; good and bad, etc.


The cause of this lies in the fact that the surrounding world - in reality a stormy ocean of energies - is heterogeneous: the energies it radiates have different speed, dimension and other characteristics, thanks to which the energies are radiated in a pulsating, vibrating way.


Thus energy conveys dual, opposing qualities:


1)motion, change;            2) inertia, preservation;


 and realizes a dual role:


1) locomotive, executive 2) informative, instructive.


If the man feels the energy vibrations, he experiences either tension or relaxation, if not – calm.

Tension (contraction of form, internal structures) is relieved by motion, action (visible change). If by motion, it must be rectilinear, proportionate. If by action, it too must have a linear structure: the beginning and end.


If the tension, and correspondingly the action, tend to be regularly repeated, the structure becomes closed, because the end of one action signals the start of the other. With constant repetition action turns into its opposition – state.


Thus with numerous repetitions the circulating energy forms sustained circular structures: memory, reflexes, intellect, etc.

Compared with the action, linear structure, the circular structures (memory, intellect) are its opposite and pertain to a state.[1]


While change is an attribute of action, preservation, inertia is an attribute of a state, like memory, reflexes, etc.

So, the realization of physical potential brings about its opposite, information potential.


The role of information potential-polarity is ensuring speedy and adequate response to a familiar stimulus.


5. Balance of informational and physical potentials.


Information potential-polarity (memory, reflexes, habits, intellect, etc) plays a positive role (swift response to a familiar stimulus) only for a certain period, as long as information potential corresponds with physical potential.


 If this balance is broken, activity declines. For example, an overblown memory requiring an increasing amount of energy to sustain its circular structures, leaves little energy for physical activity. Thus inhibition gradually develops. Memory, previously an accelerator becomes its opposite, an inhibitor. Physical activity becomes its opposite, passivity.


With inhibition the cyclical actions cease: the end of one action no longer signals the resumption of another.

Physical tension becomes its opposite, relaxation.

With the physical relaxation, information tension reaches its peak, the memory volume gets compressed: the circular structures break open, the superfluous information is deleted, annihilated, and discharged as energy; after which the structures close again.

But these new structures are more compact and consume less energy.

The sudden release of energy creates physical tension again, the latter one being higher than the former. Therefore it must be neutralized by a higher activity.


Further fluctuations between physical and information potentials-polarities lead to structuring of information, creation of such inert structures as reflexes, intellect, etc.

They evolve following the same principle, but have much longer periods, being a step higher in the process of evolution: while memory is estimated by its volume and speed, and it responds to the question “what?”, the intellect is estimated by its flexibility (power to abstract) and selectivity, and it responds to the question “how?”.



Brain rhythms correspond to those periods of activity-passivity: physical tension and physical activity (state of wakefulness) correspond to beta and alpha rhythms. Physical inhibition and relaxation correspond to theta and delta rhythms (drowsiness and dreaming, and deep sleep).

Delta rhythm is replaced by theta (dreams) when physical activity stopped and physical relaxation is replaced by its opposite: information tension and energy-information movement. Deletion, annihilation, of information and discharge of thereby released energy takes place during theta rhythm, dreaming , in which the human being reviews and relives (heart-beat and respiration increase) his or her  ‘records’ made during the wakeful state. Compression, re-recording of information takes place during delta rhythm.



Unawareness and failure to follow the change of phases, attachment to one of “tension-relaxation” polarities, i.e. increase of one polarity to the detriment of the other (physical potential to the detriment of informational and vice versa) lead to the organism’s aging, physical and even spiritual degradation.

Thus, a sportsman’s failure to observe his training regime, continued increase of physical exercise, whereas his body enters a phase of inhibition and relaxation will lead to energy loss and muscle spasms.


Attempts to ignore the information phase during which obsolete information ought to be released-deleted lead to serious problems: The unnecessary information will be deleted anyway, but continued exertions will turn the process of information deletion into destruction of elementary base, human cells.


It manifests itself usually in a slight inflammation, or hemorrhage. Hence folk remedies like hot-bath, blood-letting and fasting.

This is the first warning (besides emotional swings) that unless the requirements of information phase are observed (physical relaxation) further changes in the human organism will be more devastating and long-lasting.


Our age of information explosion is prone to the opposite extremity though, when an overbearing information pressure leaves the human-being incapable either to “digest” information, or “pass” it. (Again mostly due to ignorance of, or unwillingness to follow the cyclical trends, the requirements of a particular phase and period).

If such requirements are ignored, the information release-deletion takes place at the expense of the wanton destruction of genetic code, degeneration.


While our forefathers used to suffer from gout and hemorrhoids our contemporaries – from never-ending intermittent informational constipations and informational diarrheas. 


Absence of informational synthesis (understanding) results in a physical and spiritual degradation.


6. Transformation of reality into information.


To illustrate the previously examined phases of transformation of “information-matter” (unmanifest-manifest) polarities one could use the following diagram:

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Similarly, following the same scheme, one form of energy is transformed into the other. That�s why the work of the mind and body could be compared to the work of a hydroelectric power station, or a galvanic cell.


In other words, to make the energy flow work, they, just like in the case with the water flow,

a) divide (polarize) it, by decelerating-accelerating it;


b) link it, creating a chain of control (The old principle of �Divide and rule�).


While the water flow is divided by a dam, creating polarities: potential (static) and kinetic energies; the reality, its energy flow is divided by the mind�s perception barrier, splitting the flow of reality into polarities a) information, i.e. static picture of reality and b) energy, its dynamic picture.


Then the water flow is linked by a reactor (turbines, and so on), while the energy-information flow of reality is linked by human energy body (chakras, energy channels, etc).

The information flow, just like the water flow, has different levels: the upper level and the lower level perceived by the mind as information tension � information relaxation. The difference between those two potentials makes the mind oscillate, contracting and expanding.

It�s these mind oscillations, i.e. closed circular structures taking form of the inner speech, stereotypes of thinking, behavior and other patterns, which actually form the barrier of perception.


7. Role of Perception Barrier.


Limiting the energy-information exchange between reality, Cosmos, and the physical body, the perception barrier makes the reality flow look static.

On the one hand, the perception barrier saves the weak flesh from the instant annihilation by the high energies of Cosmos, on the other, it may create energy deficit in the physical body, sometimes choking it to death.

In the latter case, the mind starts concentrating, focusing, compressing, reaching the

peak of information pressure, during which the inner speech stops, then information

pressure is replaced by information relaxation, during which the mind loses its focus,

expands, partially destroying-deleting the old circular structures, i.e. removing the perception barrier and, thus, letting the flow of reality, in a controlled  but this time greater volume, enter the mind and fill the energy and physical bodies with new energy-information.


 Then the newly obtained energy-information is modulated to characteristics fitting the

customer. In our case, the human energy body, his chakras, modulate the energy-

information to characteristics proper for the work of the physical body.


The physical body, using the energy-information acquired by the mind, transforms the primordial forms of the matter into forms fit to sustain its life.


The more complete, balanced and integrated the mind�s reflection of reality, the more adequately this picture of reality would be realized, and therefore, the more

stable would be the balance reached between polarities �information-matter�.


8. Functions of Mind and Energy Body Studied by Various Yogas.


In view of the key role of the mind, energy and physical bodies, all kinds of yogas are devoted to the study of this trinity, but pay special attention to some particular aspect, function.


Thus, Raja-yoga, devoted to the mind, pays its special attention to the mind�s two functions: 1) restrictive, (focusing-tuning) and regulating tension, i.e. the speed and volume of the reality flow, splitting it into energy and information

2) transformational: reception, information processing, singling out what�s important, its re-assembly, synthesis (understanding), and annihilation of the insignificant.


All exercises on concentration are devoted to the 1-st function, the aim of which is to stop the inner speech, the verbal thinking, (notions, judgements, conclusions and other stereotypes of thinking which pose as a barrier between the mind and the flow of reality.


The first priority in yoga is to take control of the verbal thinking, i.e. to learn to switch off the inner speech, which makes it possible to control the speed and volume of energy-information entering the mind.


The deeper is the achieved level of concentration, the more energy, previously spent to sustain the barrier of perception, is switched to the isolated object of concentration. Consequently, the less energy is spent to sustain inner speech (circular structures). The barrier becomes so thin that it caves in under the pressure of the energy-information flow.


The other way to destroy the barrier of perception is to drastically limit the power of energy-information flow (sensorial isolation).  In such case the energy of attention is turned to the perception barrier, - in practice it often takes a form of various hallucinations, i.e. the person begins to see, hear, smell, etc. the junk his brains are stuffed with.

This time the perception barrier is broken by the inner pressure.

That�s why they resort to such �tricks� as seclusion, concentration on one�s dreams, recollections, fasting, etc.


The pressure of the energy flow of reality is usually perceived as tension. The deeper the concentration is the stronger the tension (of facial muscles in particular) is felt.

Finally, the perception barrier (circular structures) collapses and the person is flooded with the flow of energy-information (the object of concentration is no longer perceived).


Now the mind switches from concentration to its 2nd function: meditation.

Meditation sets in when the mind becomes aware of the reorganization of the person�s information content (inert circular structures: notions, judgements, thinking stereotypes, etc).


The result of meditation, or rather its goal, is synthesis, understanding, i.e. the growth of consciousness, spiritual growth.

Which manifests itself in a change of the person�s tastes, interests, values, priorities, ways of thinking and behavior, etc�

The tension felt during concentration is replaced by relaxation during meditation. The face of a meditating person is serene.


Concentration is characterized by selectivity, focusing of attention.

Meditation has none of those features.

Concentration could be compared to a narrow ray of a flash-light in the darkness of a room, stopping by turns on one object, then the other, in other words, allowing to see and examine an isolated number of objects.

To see the whole interior one has to switch on the lights in the room, i.e. a source with no focus, selectivity. This is meditation.


If concentration proved shallow and the barrier of perception remained intact one is left with the feeling of exhaustion.

If the barrier collapses, one feels flooded with energy, power.

Unless concentration is replaced by meditation, synthesis, (excitement is replaced by quiet) the rush of energy will bring destruction. Instead of spiritual growth � spiritual degradation (in our mundane life leading to alcoholism, addiction, violence, etc).


The next stage in studying the trinity is the work of the energy body (bodies) which focuses on chakras, and their role of 1) reception 2) transformation of information  flows coming from Space (high frequency small amplitude energies) into energy flows (low frequency, big amplitude energies) good for the use by the physical body 3) relaying them through physical body to the Earth. As well as the reception, transformation, and relay of the energies of the Earth to Space.


Thus the person�s physical and spiritual well-being depends on a free flow (circulation) of energy-information between the two polarities �the Earth � Space�. Classic meditation on the earth, water, air and fire is devoted to the �Earth � Space� (matter � information, or �fire�, polarities) and the links between them (water-air), relaying their energy-information.


The work with the energy bodies and their chakras is conducted in various regimes: active-passive; reception- transmission; fast-slow; smooth-pulsating, forced-relaxed, etc.

As the 1st and 2nd chakras are responsible for the maintenance (material form, structures) of the body and its activity, so attention is mainly focused on them.


The above-mentioned exercises relate to the unmanifest world of energy-information.


In the manifest world the work is conducted with the physical body: hatha yoga; yoga devoted to the development of muscles (the one which degraded in the West to body-building), physical activity (various martial arts, dances).

The regimes of the work with the physical body are the same as those cited above, including static-dynamic, left-right side regimes.


Yoga devoted to breathing reflects most harmoniously the trinity of information-energy-matter. Though, depending on a stress made (goals, states, etc), an innumerable variety of types and regimes of breathing are possible.


There are also mixed types of yogas, like music (energy and emotional aspects), singing (emotional-physical), ethic, regulating both thinking and behavior censorship), etc.

The choice of this or that type of yoga depends on the person�s individuality (the path of one�s heart).


9. Tasks of Yoga.


Irrespective of the choice, the yogi�s priority is to learn to stop the inner speech, that is, remove the barrier of perception and perceive reality, the information flow, in its integrity, not fragmented.


The ability to stop the inner speech (give up accumulated experience, stereotypes of thinking) makes it possible to respond quickly and precisely to changing reality.

Thus, a yogi with such ability knows for sure what exercise is to be done, in what regime (innumerable number of options) at a certain moment, in a certain situation, with a certain purpose.


Initially, keeping a pause in the inner speech demands some tension-concentration, replaced by relaxation-meditation during which the heart-beat and breathing stop.


When the pause in the inner speech lasts sufficiently long enlightenment comes (perception barrier is removed).

Enlightenment is perceived as a complete absence of tension, both physical and informational. The very division into physical and informational tension disappears. This takes place on condition that all stages of spiritual development have been conscientiously passed, otherwise � death.


After the enlightenment mediation-relaxation will prevail over concentration-tension. While earlier to switch the thoughts off required straining; now it takes straining to switch them on. Thoughts-wishes become a tiresome chore.


Following the enlightenment, the road becomes divided for a while into 2 paths: either the yogi, having acquired the integrity of perception, chooses solely the path of knowledge, ignoring the laws of physical body (which results in its speedy decay), or he continues his balancing act between knowledge and action, between unmanifest and manifest worlds, balancing till he leaves this world with his body.


His choice depends on his abilities and the tasks imposed on him.


10. Inertia of the oscillating mind.


So the main subject of yoga�s study is the trinity of the mind, energy and physical bodies, i.e. the unity of polarities: material form and its energy-informational content.


�Form-content� polarities have opposite qualities: preservation-change.

Polarity preservation-inertia, manifests itself as a time lag between the impact and its visible effect (response to a stimulus), i.e. between the cause and effect.


Inertia results due to difference in frequency, inner speed, characteristics of form and content. Which in turn brings about such phenomenon as oscillations.


The usual example of inertia is the oscillatory circuit consisting of induction coil (form) and condenser (content).

In psychology, perception, reception of sensory signals and their processing, awareness, play the role of such oscillatory circuit.

The awareness of the perceived may significantly lag from the perception.

Indeed, one may look but see not; listen and hear not. Cinema is a good example. But for the inertia of the mind, we could see what there actually is: flicking pictures.


That�s why those who are looking with wide-open eyes, wishing to see the world of reality, not illusion, must raise their level of consciousness, that is, to get rid of its inertia (stereotypes of thinking, behavior, etc).


Prior to this, let�s examine inertia�s outward manifestations, oscillations, for example: the movements of a swinging pendulum, breathing (oscillations of physical and energy bodies) and fluctuations of the mind (perception-awareness swings).

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1st Phase: The pendulum is in the left upper position. At this moment its unmanifest energy is maximal,  manifest energy is down to zero.

The pendulum starts moving in the vertical (unmanifest) and horizontal (manifest) planes.  Initially the main changes take place in the unmanifest plane. Approaching the lowest point, on the contrary, the main changes take place in the manifest, horizontal plane.


The same happens with the human breathing - the oscillatory circuit consisting of physical and energy bodies.

1st Phase: Breathing muscles, physical body are expanded to a maximum, energy body is maximally compressed (the state is perceived as tension, similar to a surplus pressure in a balloon. To restore the balance the surplus inner pressure is released. Thus the compressed energy body is expanding, whereas the physical body, balloon, is contracting.

At the start of the movement, expiration, the main changes take place in the unmanifest plane, i.e. tension falls faster (energy body expands faster) than the physical body contracts �inertia�s effect. Approaching the middle point of breathing, on the contrary, the main changes take place in the manifest plane: physical body contracts faster than energy body expands.


The swings of the mind between the subject and object of perception are similar:


1st Phase: Perception without awareness (felt as tension), resulting from the inner speech barrier. At the start, the barrier is strongest, awareness is absent.

The tension is neutralized by movement: attention begins switching from the subject to the object of perception (moves outwards).

The inner speech becomes weaker, the awareness starts rising. The increase of awareness of the object of perception is hindered by the inner speech, connected with the subject of perception (inert circular structures: feelings, thoughts, etc).

At the start of the 1st phase the decline of inner speech proceeds faster than the rise of awareness, the reverse takes place by the end of the phase.


2nd Phase: The pendulum is at the lowest point. At this moment its unmanifest energy is at zero level, the manifest one is maximal. At the start of the 2nd phase the main changes take place in the manifest plane; by the end of the phase, vice versa, the main changes take place in the unmanifest plane.


2nd Phase. Similar moment in the human breathing cycle: Physical and energy bodies are in a state of correspondence with each other, so the general feeling of tension and heaviness is replaced by its opposite: relaxation, lightness.

While tension dropped to zero, the manifest energy is maximal, which means that breathing muscles are relaxed and contracting with a maximum speed.

(In other words, the pressure inside the balloon has dropped to the level of the pressure outside, but the balloon�s inertia keeps it contracting).

Initially, the physical body, �balloon�, contracts faster than its content, energy body, expands.

The reverse takes place at the end of the phase: The energy body expands faster than the physical body contracts. The feeling of tension grows at the expense of the lower pressure inside.


The 2nd phase of the mind swings is similar to the examples cited above. At this moment tension (inner speech) is absent, awareness of the perceived object is maximal.

Further on the awareness of the object is sustained by emerging inner speech (inert circular structures: feelings, thoughts, linked this time with the object of perception).

By the end of the 2nd phase the increase of tension (inner speech) is quicker than the decline in awareness.


3rd � 4th  phases: Characteristics of the pendulum�s movement are the same as in the 1st and 2nd phases, only the movement�s direction switches to the opposite one.


3rd-4th phases of breathing.  The only change is the direction of movement: expiration of the 1st � 2nd phases is replaced by the inspiration.


3rd-4th phases of the mind oscillations. The start of the 3rd phase: the subject of perception is perceived without awareness due to the inner speech barrier (feelings, thoughts, linked with the object of perception). Which creates tension. Which, in turn, is alleviated by motion: attention starts switching (concentrating) on the subject of perception (i.e. moves inwards).

At the start of the 3rd phase the drop of the inner speech goes faster than the increase of awareness. By the end of the phase the reverse occurs.

Approaching the start of the 4th phase, tension (inner speech) is absent, awareness of the subject of perception is maximal. Further on the flow of awareness is kept by the emergence of the inner speech (inert circular structures: feelings, thoughts, linked with the subject of perception)�



Different phases of oscillations have different application aspects:


For example: by the end of the 2nd phase the energy body expands faster than muscles (abdominal) contract. If during this expiration period one should suddenly pull in the abdomen muscles, this sharp braking would bring out a shock wave � a sharp expansion of the energy body.

Masters of martial arts use this effect: the shortest possible, powerful, expiration (reinforced by scream) and stressed strike performed in unison. The shock wave of the energy body, not the physical impact, would prove most destructive.

In our everyday life we use this effect knocking ketchup out of the bottle (bottle �physical, ketchup � energy bodies).

Naturally, if a soft, therapeutic effect is intended, one should �apply the brakes� slower.


While the end of the 2nd phase is used to discharge energy into environment, the start of the 3rd one � for its intake from the environment.


The end of the 4th phase is used to saturate the body, its internal organs, with energy. 


The start of the 1st phase � to discharge the old (used) energy-information out of the internal organs into the body.

Still, as the main goal of yoga is to reach the state of inner silence and get rid of the mind�s inertia which makes it possible to find the golden mean quickly and precisely, i.e. restore the balance between the human being and rapidly changing environment, between the inner, unmanifest and outer manifest worlds,


as switching off the inner speech is the priority in all exercises for the physical and energy bodies as well as the mind, special attention is paid to the lowest point of the pendulum�s movement, i.e. the end of the 1st � the start of the 2nd phases of breathing, the mind swings, etc; the point of relaxation, quiet, the point of balance between the inner and outer, manifest and unmanifest.


Concentration on this point inhibits oscillations, be it breathing or fluctuating mind. But all attempts to achieve a complete stop, complete relaxation would fail unless maximal tension, maximal realization has been achieved. (Should there be a complete stoppage, breathing stops too, the �frozen� mind �minds� either itself or both the subject and object of perception simultaneously).


While the stoppage of oscillations leads to insight, understanding of the inner layout, their increase leads to the realization (trial in practice) of understanding. (This function of realization corresponds to the start of the 1st and 3rd phases � the points of will: maximal tension and change of direction.) Therefore at the initial stage of education the mind must learn to observe the changing phases of oscillations.


 Whereas the whole process of raising consciousness could be compared to a human being who, prior to swimming across the river, must a) learn to keep himself afloat b) learn to swim with the current, i.e. to use the current�s energy, because (for the time-being) his own energy is meager, wherever it might carry him.

For example, if he got dragged into a whirlpool,  he mustn�t resist the drag to get saved, but following the current, must quickly reach the bottom so as to reappear on the surface as soon as possible.

He who chose to cross the river swimming across the flow must be not just a strong swimmer, but also have an expert knowledge of the current�s possible twists and turns1.


11. World of energies: human chakras, their functions.


The unity and diversity of the visible, material world perceived by the human being fragmentarily as an endless chain of polarities, corresponds to the invisible, formless world of energy fields, represented only by 2 polarities; high-low frequencies; big-small amplitudes.


The human being, his energy body and the world connected with them are represented by 7 frequency bands with their own control centers-chakras.


Therefore, the mind fluctuations between the polarities of the visible, material world correspond to the oscillations in frequency and amplitude.

The level of consciousness is determined by a frequency band (chakra) on which the bulk of the energy-information exchange between the human being and his worlds takes place.

The 1st chakra, of the ether body, (corresponding to the area between coccyx and genitals, responsible for integrity of the human form, structure of the physical body, its �purity�) is concentrated on (its frequencies are used) to heal the physical wounds, injuries, various somatic diseases, to kill pain, inflammation, expel foreign bodies, like poison, bacteria, etc.

Low frequencies are also used to make contacts with non-organic world.


Moaning of the wounded, stroking of an injured organ, the baby�s request to blow on his bruise are the examples of subconscious use of this chakra, or rather its frequencies.


The predominant use of the 1st chakra determines such human features as lasciviousness and other �animal� instincts.


2nd chakra, control  center of the ether body, in the area about 2 inches below the navel, which works as an energy reactor to break down crude and thin (low and high) energies, determines human vitality;  if used excessively, increases aggressiveness.

3rd chakra, of the astral body, in the area between the kidneys, accumulating astral energy, gives power. 

4th chakra, control center of the astral body, in the mid-breast area, called �the voice of conscience�, responsible for contacts with other fellow-humans, makes people spiritual and kind.

5th chakra, of the mental body, situated in a throat area, registering cause and effect sequence, information on karma, brings up the sense of justice.

6th chakra, control center of the mental body, in a mid-forehead area, controlling thoughts, mental spheres, makes one cool and rational.

7th chakra, outside all energy bodies, in a place corresponding to the crown area, is coordinating all human functions, balancing physical form and its energy-information content, harmonizing the human being with the environment, linking him with God; it gives the person wisdom, enlightenment.


The method of raising one�s consciousness by working with the energy body is similar to the use of �swings� principle: one should observe fluctuations of the mind till it grinds to a halt.

Oscillations in frequency are observed on chakras, up and down off the main chakra, the one determining the level of consciousness.

Oscillations in amplitude are observed on a chakra, moving attention inside the chakra (feeling tension), on its surface (relaxation), then outwards (tension) and so on.

Or one can observe these oscillations by the rhythms (frequencies) of vibrations the chakras emit-receive in all regimes possible and the strength of vibrations (amplitude). All this corresponds roughly to traditional work with mantras

The feeling of an increased energy flow (resonance effect) is a sure sign that fluctuations are observed property.


The work with vibrations produces speedy results but requires deep concentration and a good �inner� ear.


12. Fluctuations of Consciousness of Longer Periods.


There are examples of consciousness oscillations of longer periods, among which religion is the one with the longest period.


For a layman observing fluctuations of his mind, even in the manifest world, is a hard task because of his poor concentration and rapid swinging of his mind. He can observe fluctuations of an individual consciousness between polarities �subject-object of perception� only during a longer period, like a life cycle.

A familiar example is relations between parents and children. The mind of a 2-3 year-old child turns inward (ego-centered), then moves to an outward object, parent (now he loves them). During  adolescence period, when his physical capabilities make it possible for him to satisfy his own wishes, his consciousness centers back on himself which manifests itself in the teenager�s self-confidence, but the deficit of knowledge and experience make the child�s mind move to an outside object again (this time an older, more experienced friend).

The mind stops swinging and the child reaches understanding only with maturity. Usually, when �the child� himself turns parent.


Similar fluctuations of an evolving collective consciousness can be observed in history which has much longer cycles. This was reflected in a cast system, created by Lord Krishna, where untouchables corresponded to a baby period, shudras � childhood, vaishyas � adolescence, kshatriyas �youth, brahmans �maturity. Passing all these casts-classes the consciousness learned: ability to discriminate as untouchable; devotion to his master, as shudra; skillfulness and perfection � as vaishya, courage and wisdom � as kshatriya; devotion to the Master � as Brahman.

It learned sacrificing its energy-labor, the fruits of its labor, body and knowledge. While the sacrifices of 3 lower casts were mainly of contract (give and take) nature, the sacrifices of the highest cast had to be unselfish, waiting for nothing in return.


Whatever forms of a collective consciousness one should examine, the character of their fluctuations is the same, be it a class, national, religious or civilization consciousness.


However widely the pendulum of collective consciousness might swing, whatever polarities and extremes it might enter, its fluctuations will die down sooner or later. This is inevitable and necessary phase which individual consciousness perceives as a crisis, economic, political, etc. Whereas this crisis (a period of information tension) is vital for a collective consciousness, helping it cast away the old experience, notions, stereotypes in the form of class, national and religious prejudices.


Educating consciousness, one should bear in mind that individual and collective consciousnesses are interconditional, though the individual consciousness is only a part of collective one (unless it�s reached Cosmic level).

Yoga raises individual consciousness, religion collective. Yoga takes nothing at its face value, but learns the truth through practice, whereas religion, appealing to the mind�s emotional subconscious component, relies on faith, takes the truths at their face value, following them blindly in practice.

While yoga is a harmony of knowledge and practice (word and deed), religion always creates tension between faith (unless it�s absolute) and practice because it lacks understanding.

If  faith is strong (i.e. tension is high) believer is forced to watch his every step, every thought, until full understanding of religious commandments comes and tension disappears, for the consciousness of Cosmic level experiences no tensions.

If no understanding is reached, truths turn into dogmas, the blind following of which leads to physical destruction, and thereby tension relief, or spiritual death in the form of hypocrisy.

The other way of tension relief is to renounce all truths and commandments and set on the path of promiscuity � fast spiritual death.


13. Big Breathing Cycle of Physical and Energy Bodies.


All we see on a physical, material plane is nothing but a reflection of what�s hidden from us on the energy and information planes. The human physical body, its functions, breathing in particular, are no exception. It�s determined by the �breathing� of the energy body (bodies), which in turn, is determined by the nature of oscillatory movements of the mind.


The mind can swing in the information plane from one desire to the other, its opposite, from one flow of thoughts to the other, opposite one. Thus creating excitement in the man�s mental field (the tension on its polarities: 6th and 5th chakras).


When fluctuations die down on the information plane, the mind switches to the opposite, material, plane and starts swaying from one material object to the other, from one of its qualities to the other, opposite ones.


At the energy plane which links the information and material planes, all these fluctuations and the switches of the mind are perceived as a fluctuation of a kind of �tension center�, fluctuating from one chakra to the other, moving from one energy body to the other.

The fluctuation movements of the mind, �tension center�, are subject to their own laws, the force of external factors doesn�t cancel them, but obliges to make certain corrections. Therefore, to get a better understanding of those internal laws, one first has to limit the impact of the external factors.


The interdependency of the physical and energy breathing and mind fluctuations, their various phases and transfers are monitored


1) on physical plane:

a) by sensory signals coming from muscles� contractions-relaxations b) by the depth of air penetration in lungs c) transitional physical-energy option: feeling of suction, absorption � discharge, radiation


2) on energy plane - by a feeling of a rising then ebbing flow of energy


3) on information plane - by the image (visual, audio, etc).


The monitoring-management by the image is the most difficult, as well as the most effective, way because image is a product of memorizing, analysis and synthesis of  the accumulated, rather vast experience.

Thus, observing the fluctuations of the �tension center� in the energy body (bodies) of the man, one can conclude that breathing, like any other repetitive, cyclical process, has, beside a small cycle of expiration-inspiration, a big cycle, consisting of 4 phases (informational, physical and 2 transitional �energy phases) with 3 periods in each phase: period of tension-acceleration, period of resonance, or peak activity, and period of deceleration-relaxation.

 This division, like any other, is relative and conditional and explained by the fragmentary nature of human perception, which is inevitable in a fluctuating mind.1


Here�s a classic example of a big cycle of breathing (in a state of calm and relaxation):


Physical phase, tension period: The center of tension moves from the astral body to the 1st chakra of the ether body, which sets off �abdominal breathing�: diaphragm, stomach and abdominal muscles contract, the breast takes no part in it. While tension is experienced, the expiration period is longer than inspiration, a pause after expiration is possible.


Peak activity period: The tension center fluctuates between the 1st and 2nd chakras of the ether body. The feeling of tension disappeared; the expiration and inspiration become calm and balanced and gradually reach maximal amplitudes.


Relaxation period: the tension center gradually moves to the 2nd chakra � inspiration becomes longer than expiration � its fluctuations die down. So does the �abdominal breathing�. Relaxation sets in.


Energy phase, tension period: The tension center moves from 2nd chakra of the ether body to 3rd chakra of astral body.

The invisible transfer from one energy body to the other on a physical plane is expressed by a sigh, i.e. extended inspiration and shortened expiration, after which a pause is possible. Breathing kind of �climbed� from a lower step to a higher one.

 After which the stomach muscles are relaxed and the breast�s rib muscles come into action, making it contract and expand.

While tension is felt, breathing is accelerated with extended expiration period. The tension center fluctuates between 3rd and 4th chakras of the astral body.


Peak activity period: The feeling of tension disappears, inspiration-expiration become calm and balanced and gradually reach maximal amplitudes.



Relaxation period: The tension center gradually moves to 4th chakra �inspiration is slightly longer than expiration �its fluctuations die down. So does the middle �rib-cage� breathing. After which the tension center moves from 4th chakra of the astral body to 5th chakra of the mental one. At the physical plane this transfer is marked by a sigh (extended inspiration-shortened expiration with a possible pause).

After which


Information phase of breathing, tension period, sets in, carried out by the upper part of the breast, moving up and down. The breathing is fast, with extended expiration.


In the peak activity period, the center of tension fluctuates between 6th and 5th chakras, inspiration-expiration are balanced, gradually reaching maximal amplitudes.


Relaxation period: the center of tension moves to 6th chakra. The upper breathing dies down. The air circulates in the nasal cavity.

To stop breathing completely attention is switched from the physical body to mental one, namely to the surface of 6th chakra so as to stop fluctuations of the tension center. Verbal thinking disappears.

If you start falling asleep, which means that the tension center is moving further upward, to the area 2 inches up from the hair line, the area responsible for dreaming and image thinking � in such case, shift your attention to this area and try to detect all fluctuations of the tension center in this area. 

So that one day you could shift your tension center to 7th chakra. All sort of thinking disappears then, and so does breathing.

The energy-information exchange with the Space begins.


After which a deep sigh follows (extended inspiration, shortened expiration by the upper part of the breast), then a pause.

The tension center moves from the mental body to astral one.  With the next inspiration the air penetrates into the middle part of the breast, starting the

energy phase of breathing, with its periods of tension, activity and relaxation.


The transfer from the energy to physical phases, i.e. from the middle breathing to abdominal breathing is implemented in the same way as described above: deep sigh (extended inspiration, shortened expiration) and a pause following. The tension center moves from the astral body to the ether one (its 1st chakra) triggering in the physical body a feeling of tension.


Thus the big cycle of breathing comprising 12 periods, or 4 phases, ends, and a new one starts.

This is a classic example of the big breathing cycle, but depending on different internal or external factors of influence, different variations-modifications of the classic example are possible.

For example, in the morning, following the awakening, the physical phase will be predominant; the reverse takes place at night: before and during sleep, it�s the informational phase which is to dominate.


Such factor as tension may lead to a replacement of abdominal breathing, during physical phase, by full breathing; further increase of tension, in all kinds of breathing, will extend the expiration phase and cut the phase of inspiration.


The big cycle of breathing is studied so as to feel, by observing different aspects of the physical body breathing, the breathing of energy body, fluctuations of the tension-center, in order to make this center mobile and controllable, in order to finally shift it to the 7th chakra, and set up a contact with Cosmos, during which all breathing ceases.


Of course, this must be done in a smooth way, avoiding any tension. The longer is the breath stoppage, the deeper is the energy-information exchange with Cosmos.

Such contacts lead to the final goal of lowering the internal tension to �natural�, primordial, level which existed at the time of the man�s creation, i.e. the tension, existing between the two main polarities in which we live: the Earth and Cosmos (and thereby restoring the balance between physical body (form) and mind (its energy-information content).


To use the analogy of radio-engineering, the physical and energy bodies of a layman could be compared to a radio working on tubes, whereas the physical and energy bodies of a yogi � to a radio working on transistors.


14. Image manipulated breathing.


To confirm the assertion that �physical� breathing is determined by the �energy� breathing, which, in turn, is determined by information potential (mind fluctuations) one should try to conduct its physical breathing using audio, visual and other images as command signals.


As breathing is of an oscillatory nature, let�s take control over it using �the swings� method: first, observe 1-2 breathing movements (expiration-inspiration), determine their speed, amplitude, and other parameters; remember them and replicate them in our imagination.

The reproduction, recollection of what was memorized defines those characteristics which the next cycle of breathing (the next expiration-inspiration) is to match.

In other words, first, we make breathing movements and at the same time memorize them; second, we reproduce them in our imagination, at the same time in action; and so on.


One should observe breathing with one�s eyes open but unfocused (which is easier) and reproduce, both in imagination and in action, with one�s eyes closed.

The reproduction process takes place between 6th-7th chakras, corresponding the brain�s �dream� area.

The fuller is the perception, observation, the brighter, more realistic is reproduction. As the comprehensive perception is beyond the layman�s powers, one should pay attention to the basic parameters of breathing: the degree of tension, as well as speed and amplitude with which it�s realized. 1

At first, it�s important to memorize everything perceived and to reproduce it as amply as possible (realism), then, when the mind singles out and re-assembles, synthesizes everything significant, only an abstract image will be reproduced (abstraction).


So don�t look surprised if later on, after a period of realism, your consciousness will reproduce on a physical plane breathing visibly quite different from the perceived original.2


In the end, only one parameter is perceived on a physical plane and recollected-reproduced on an informational plane, that is tension.

Its reproduction on an informational plane resembles an echo of the tension on a physical plane.

The weaker, the more distant echo you can hear-recollect-reproduce, the higher is the tension which you will be able to endure or reproduce on a physical plane.


In the next manipulation of breathing one shouldn�t memorize expiration-inspiration, but expiration only. Expiration will be an active movement, while inspiration � its passive reflection, an echo, recollection. Expiration means tension, inspiration � relaxation; expiration means radiation of energy, inspiration � absorption.


First, smooth expiration is done; its smoothness is memorized and recollected-reproduced in inspiration. (The smoothness of movement shows that it�s controlled). This exercise is done until the amplitude of breaths drops, that is, till a relaxation phase starts.

After which, with the start of tension phase, we begin memorizing the length of expiration and echo-reproduce it in inspiration. (The balance of expiration-inspiration indicates the level of calm, absence of superfluous pressure).


As soon as the mind has begun singling out the basic parameters in breathing: tension-relaxation-calm, one can move to the next exercise.


15. Energy manipulated breathing.


Identify the kind of breathing you are currently engaged in. Say, it�s stomach breathing. Concentrate your inner sight on the 2nd chakra and with the start of expiration when the stomach began drawing back toward the spinal column, move your inner sight in the same direction, away from the 2nd chakra toward the spine, with the same speed as that of the stomach, but slightly ahead of it, keeping in mind that it�s not the stomach which determines the movement of the inner sight, but on the contrary, the inner sight which sort of pulls the stomach.

Continue the movement of the inner sight even if the stomach started stopping or already stopped, and an expiration pause began.

The stomach will be pulled in a bit more and you�ll feel tension which is then to start pushing the stomach back in its initial position, followed by the inner sight.

When the stomach stops and an inspiration pause starts, the inner sight, too, will return to 2nd chakra.


Relaxation sets in during the pause, soon to be replaced by tension and the breathing cycle is to be repeated.


When you feel that your physical breathing has been brought under the inner sight�s control, the exercise will become more complicated.


Now, as soon as the stomach wall stops after expiration, while the energy body continues its expansion by inertia, give an imaginary impulse-pull in the stomach movement�s direction, toward the spine. This pull can be reinforced by an equally imaginary audio impulse (shout). The stomach wall will pull in a bit and stop.


This imaginary pull-impulse is similar to an active effort in swaying the swings, and it�s important that this effort is applied with the movement, no matter whether it�s the swings or the energy body you tackle, and under no circumstances against the movement. Otherwise painful experiences are unavoidable.


With the expiration pause you feel tension. And as long as this tension is experienced as stimulating and exciting, the pause is maintained.


Then the inner sight and the stomach move back. Tension is replaced by relaxation. When the stomach and inner sight return to the initial position, you can hear a kind of echo of the shout you gave at the expiration, for a shortest moment the feeling of relaxation will be replaced by calm.


Which is replaced by tension again, and when tension reaches its peak and you feel a signal-impulse for expiration movement, reinforce it with a slight imaginary fillip.


Thus you will sway, i.e. increase the amplitude of your breathing, by two impulses: at the start of expiration and at the end, gradually increasing both the level of tension and amplitude (the force of the stomach muscles� contraction) at the expiration.


The level of tension, the force of the stomach muscles� contraction you can achieve at the expiration without feeling any discomfort, is to indicate the state of your physical health and purity, energy saturation, of your physical body.


You will reach the peak of tension when stomach muscles contract completely, creating a feeling, as well as an effect, of a clicking lock.  The desire to breathe disappears, because this time the physical tension will be relieved not by physical, but by energy movement, i.e. the inspiration will be done by the energy body: Instead of air, a flood of energy will rush in.


Such exercises are good to train the will, which is mostly mastery of energies. But this can be performed if your body is healthy and the mind can control your thoughts-wishes. When the body is purified by fasting, and the mind by prayer-mantra. Otherwise - death.

When the movements of the inner sight from 2nd chakra toward the spine and back die down, and so does the stomach breathing, the relaxation period sets in, with a short interval of calm

After which, when expiration begins, the inner sight will move in the direction opposite to that of the stomach movement, i.e. forward, outside. When the movements of the inner sight and the stomach going in opposite directions stop,  give the inner sight an additional push-impulse, the stomach wall is to draw in a bit more and after a certain pause the stomach wall and the inner sight will start moving toward each other.


When the swinging of breath by the inner sight in this direction dies down, both ways of swinging can be united: first from the 2nd chakra toward the spine and back, then from the 2nd chakra outward and back.


When these fluctuations die down too, move your inner sight with the expiration from the 2nd chakra downward, toward 1st chakra, as far down as possible, then backwards, as far upward as possible. 

Similarly the 1st chakra is worked on, after which the 3rd.


Unlike the lower chakras, the movement of the inner sight from upper chakras stimulates not expiration, but inspiration. For example, the inner sight movement from 4th chakra (breast) ahead and sideways and backwards, from 5th and 6th chakras forward and backward, as well as upward from 7th chakra will stimulate inspiration.


The 1st and 2nd chakras can be stimulated only during physical phase, i.e. during stomach breathing; 3-4th chakras during the transitional energy phase, or rib-cage breathing; 5-6th chakras during informational phase when you breathe by the upper part of your breast.


One should be extremely careful using these methods of stimulation of chakras and corresponding breathing. It�s better to limit oneself to work with 1st and 2nd chakras of the ether body and 5th and 6th chakras of the mental body which carry the bulk of the daily load.

All such stimulation of �swinging� polarities, leads first to increased of tension, then to its decline, relaxation, after which polarities change.


Quiet follows after them all, and lies beyond them all.


Stimulation can only accelerate the achievement of calm, harmony, but it can also accelerate disintegration.


While in the manifest sphere tension is marked by an accelerated movement, relaxation by a decelerated one, the state of calm is marked by a linear, even movement.


Desire to reach the peak of some isolated parameter creates tension, disbalance; whereas taking into account of all parameters creates calm, harmony.

That�s why during breathing exercises� period of tension, no matter what phase it is, one must not concentrate on achieving some maximal parameter: amplitude, length, etc; but on achieving evenness, proportion.

In other words, it doesn�t matter what kind of breathing you breathe as long as it�s at least smooth, and at most even, proportionate.



All 3 types of breathing (stomach, rib-cage and upper ones) can be unified in one full breathing. One should keep in mind, though, that expiration phase (its length and amplitude) will be determined by the level of tension in the 1st and 2nd chakras, whereas the phase of inspiration by the level of tension in the 5th and 6th chakras.


If those two phases are balanced and you�ll be able to move consciously the tension center from 1st-2nd chakras to 5th-6th chakras (during inspiration) and back during expiration, these shifts-slides will turn gradually from smooth to even, rectilinear, so that some day your tension center might move through 7th chakra up and outside, and the calm would turn into enlightenment.


16. Visual instrument breathing.


If breath control by image, inner sight movements, proved difficult and ineffective, especially in achieving a smooth, even breathing, try to use any instrument of visual demonstration, say arms (the way music conductors do it).


Arms movements must be synchronized with breathing.

A typical example: performing full breathing, during inspiration, raise your hands (in front of you, or sideways), during expiration you can lower them.

To increase tension in 1st-2nd chakras you can hold your breath after expiration, tense your toes.

To increase tension in 5th-6th chakras, you can hold your breath after inspiration. Clasping your fingers, with arms overhead, pull your arms slightly aside, thus creating an additional tension.

Those pauses in breath make it possible for you to increase the amplitude and length of expiration-inspiration, while arms serve as a visible indicator of breath�s evenness.


Seeking the movement�s evenness, one should be careful not to mistake evenness for slowness. Still, in order to switch from visual, �mechanical� operation to the operation by image, having performed this exercise a couple of times, try to recollect the performed, reproduce it in your imagination, thus switching to the image operation regime.

As soon as the physical body activity, breathing in particular, lessens, one can switch attention to the energy body breathing.


17. Energy body work.


The task of the energy body is to induce energy in the physical body, the way radio waves induce electric current in an antenna.

The mind plays a tuning role there.

For example, when you are doing some manual work, an external aspect of consciousness, attention, switches to the physical body; while an internal aspect of consciousness, the center of tension, moves to the ether body.

The switch of attention, its concentration, the shift of tension center, all these maneuvers are nothing but the mind�s tuning in frequency and phase to the frequency of the ether body oscillations, or �breathing�; tuning designed to create a resonance effect.

So the ether body (field), so far inducing energy to sustain only internal body functions, now starts resonating and producing energy to perform manual work.

Understandably, when working with the energy body, the only thing one can feel is tension � relaxation and currents of energy, sometimes its suction, or discharge.


Before starting to manipulate the energy body (bodies), one should watch it work, first. Theoretically, it won�t be difficult if you managed to observe the 12 periods of the  big breathing cycle, because it�s those 6 chakras which the tension center passes moving from the 1st chakra to the 6th and back.

At the same time, observation requires deep concentration, which is impossible unless the physical body is in a state of quiet; but in this case the contraction-expansion of chakras (their �breathing�) and appropriately the fluctuations of the tension center, would be miniscule and therefore impossible to detect.


In this case the only solution is to use active tuning in. (We choose passive or active observation the same way they choose passive or active regime of work for their radar or sonar). The work of the energy bodies, their breathing, contraction-expansion of their chakras, is also monitored in two ways: using 1) inner imaginary sight 2) inner, imaginary sound. The latter is easier.


First, a resonance frequency is determined, i.e. a word is chosen (a frequency carrying a certain information load, say, expressing some desire) or just a sequence of sounds without any meaning. The former is used to transmit information or to get rid of one�s thoughts-desires, the latter to receive information undistorted. After which the word (sounds) are repeated to oneself, varying the speed of repetitions (tuning in frequency) increasing-decreasing their volume (tuning in phase and amplitude), varying the rhythm (accentuated � increasing tension; smooth-even � decreasing it).


Tuning in frequency determines what energy body and its chakras are taken under control: Low frequencies (slow and very slow repetition � in this case the word, sound are diffused into a moan) are responsible for the work of the ether body and its charkas; medium frequencies � for the work of the astral body; high and ultra-high frequencies � for the mental body.


In ultra-high frequencies the words and sounds become as blurred as in the low frequencies.

While in the low frequencies of the 1st chakra the sounds blur into a low, relaxing moan, in the ultra-high frequencies 6th chakra and upward, the sounds blur into a high, straining shriek. The loudness of tuning in determines the volume of energy body breathing, the amplitude of contraction-expansion of its chakras.


Taking into account the periods of the physical breathing makes the tuning in frequency and phase easier.

For example, if it�s your stomach breathing, tune in to a frequency band of the 1st-2nd chakras. If during your stomach breathing you breathe out, increase the loudness of tuning, because the energy body began expanding.

If it�s your rib-cage or upper body breathing, the loudness, on the contrary, should be increased during inspiration.

Emergence of a stimulating feeling, exciting tension and energy flow in a chakra indicates the resonance effect, i.e. the right sort of tuning in.


The period of intentional, controlled growth in the loudness (ranging from the weakest to the strongest possible) determines the period of �active radiation�, i.e. the first half of expiration-expansion phase of the energy body. After which the loudness gradually faints (the body expands by inertia) until complete quiet, stop is achieved.


After a pause of quiet the sound signal begins to come back, gradually rising in volume. But its coming back and rising is not deliberate, active, - this is a period of passive reception, the energy body inspiration, and compression. In effect, the passive period, inspiration, is but a mirror reflection, recollection � echo of the active period, expiration. After the energy body�s inspiration a pause of quiet follows again.

Then you hear a very weak, short reflection of the whole breathing cycle (expiration-inspiration): the weakest sound possible emerges, then disappears, reemerges � then complete quiet, calm sets in.


The same effect is observed if you stimulate physical breathing. In your work you again pass 3 periods: tension-acceleration, peak activity, relaxation-deceleration.


The work at one definite frequency, with one definite chakra continues till its oscillations fade. After oscillations� disappearance one perceives a pause of quiet which should be carefully listened to (as any pause in any process) so as not to miss the moment of emerging and rising tension, this time in the other chakra, to a frequency in which you are to tune this time.


Tuning in a new frequency, i.e. a slower or quicker repetitions of words, sounds, is carried out on a principle of the least resistance, that is, if you start increasing your frequency (the speed of your repetitions) and get a feeling of discomfort, resistance, then your frequency must be lowered (repetitions slowed) till a feeling of comfort, a light, pleasant excitement (a sign of resonance) appears.


After you have become skillful in observing the work of the energy body and its chakras, you can switch to their control.


The principles of the energy body operation are based on a simple fact that the energy body chakras play a role of a vibration pump.

An activated 7th chakra (or 6th) (chakra is a spherical-shaped energy vortex, rotating with a certain speed, frequency) sucks in the high energies of Cosmos and passes them, transformed, to the lower chakras.

The lowest, 1st, chakra receives this transformed energy and passes it down to the Earth. It also �sucks up� an opposite current of lower energies, coming from the Earth, and passes them up the chain.


It�s these currents of energies, which make air move in and out the lungs. Thus the activity of the physical expiration-inspiration, their length are determined by a direction, the vector, of the mind and the �tension center�: down to lower frequencies � expiration; up too higher frequencies � inspiration.

For example, during manual work, when 1st-2nd chakras are activated and the energy moves down, it�s the expiration phase, which is dominant in breathing.

Whereas during respite, physical relaxation period, when 5th-6th chakras are activated (7th in the case of the enlightened) and the energy moves upward, it�s the phase of inspiration which dominates in breathing.


Having learned the active tuning in, i.e. how to stimulate the work of chakras, to feel both weak and strong signals and energy currents, one can switch to passive observation.


The passive observation always gives a more precise, undistorted picture of the things, but requires a deeper concentration.

As before, one should first determine the phase of physical breathing (physical, energy or informational) and thereby which of the energy bodies is active.

After which direct your inner sight first at one, then the other chakra of this energy body and determine where the tension center is ( an increased tension,  and activity would be felt in this chakra).

This won�t be difficult if you�ve learned to emit strong signals � create tension � and weak signals �relaxation, during the active tuning in.

As soon as you�ve identified the chakra where tension-center is, and felt the tension-activity there rising, then dropping to relaxation, which indicates that the tension center moved to the other, usually next, chakra, - let the inner sight follow its movements. 


Learn to quickly locate the tension center and follow it constantly so as to determine the link between its activity and its manifestations on the physical plane.


Having mastered the techniques of stimulating chakras by the inner sound (which is facilitated by music lessons, primarily signing scales), and a passive observation of their work by the inner sight, one can switch to stimulating the chakras� work by the inner sight.

As this technique was already used in part to stimulate physical breathing, it must be pointed out that the periods of the energy body breathing, compression-expansion of its chakras, may not coincide with the periods of the physical breathing.

This becomes obvious when stimulation of physical breathing has been carried out, stimulating by the inner sight the corresponding chakra (compressing-expanding it) until the physical breathing dies down.


After which you keep a pause of calm, then slow down the movements of the inner sight by a factor, and consequently, by the same factor increase the scale of the chakras� compression-expansion; increasing-decreasing tension and energy current in it.


In this case the inner sight moves intermittently. For example, moving the inner sight from the surface of 2nd chakra outwardly (expansion) is possible only during the physical expiration and the following pause in breathing.

When inspiration starts the inner sight movement stops till the next expiration. Such step-by-step movement-expansion could be continued as long as it is accompanied by a feeling of energy current (it must be stopped as soon as a feeling of tension-discomfort emerges).

The movement back to the 2nd chakra is also intermittent, though it stops during expiration and pause and moves during inspiration and the pause.

The reverse is true for the 4th-7th chakras: expansion during inspiration and pause; compression during expiration and pause. One should be extremely careful using this technique, because it creates huge swings in tension-relaxation.


A period of the energy body breathing can differ from a period of physical breathing by a factor of 10 squared or more. For example, the energy body can expand for over 24 hours. In this case one can observe only the direction of the energy body movement: movement outside, expansion, radiation, expiration; movement inside, reception, inspiration.


For the mental body, its outside movement is accompanied by physical inspiration and a feeling that the physical body sucks in the energy like a sponge.

For the ether body, on the contrary, its movement outside, expansion, is accompanied by a feeling of energy radiation and a physical expiration, whereas the movement back by a feeling of energy suction and physical inspiration.


The ability to operate the energy body using a visual image is useful when it�s necessary to quickly rectify the work of its energy body or influence the energy body of someone else. To achieve enlightenment it�s easier to use the audio image.


18. The Factor of Will.


The notion that a gradual liberation from thoughts and wishes, the ability to switch off the inner speech and thereby to passively observe the reality would automatically lead to the enlightenment is not quite true.


The problem is that the absence of the inner speech indicates only the absence of the verbal thinking, but there is still basic image and active demonstrative thinking.


A switch from verbal thinking to image one implies only a weakening of the thoughts-desires, so drastic that a person is turned into a passive, ambivalent observer.

Although, the ability for observation increases so drastically that this person acquires insight, the understanding of many things. One might have an impression that he has already reached enlightenment through complete abandonment.


But the path of complete resignation, complete submission of one�s own will to the will of the Creator is potent when you start observing not only the essence of things, but also notice that things start happening around you without your intention or participation; that your passive presence works as a catalyst for the events taking place.


If this is so, the path you have chosen is correct. It means that you�ve cast off your own will and accepted the will of God. If this is not so, then you haven�t abandoned your will but simply stopped exercising it.

The atrophied will, the absence of the organizing entity would lead to a speedy physical, if spiritual, degradation.


Therefore, the only guarantor of a qualitative change in human consciousness is the will, active entity organizing a target-oriented transformation and capable to withstand sustained pressure.

Only the will is capable of achieving complete resonance in the physical and energy bodies, during active tuning in, with the aim of reaching enlightenment quickly:


19. Energy Body Manipulation to Reach Enlightenment.


First, one starts radiating a sound image, beginning with medium frequencies, then gradually moving into higher ones, after which lower, in other words, gradually accelerating the repetition of a word-sound, then slowing it down;

after which accelerating it to a higher level, and slowing down to a lower yet.


Thus, each time moving the tension center from the 3rd chakra as high as possible, and as low as possible, gradually increasing the range and speed of the tension center�s fluctuations - until the tension center moves to the 6th chakra, the frequency of which is to become the main working frequency, with intermittent drops to the medium and low frequencies of 3rd and 1st chakras and rises to 7th chakra, in the areas responsible for dreaming and image thinking. 


Those frequencies between 6th and 7th chakras can be discriminated from the frequency of the 6th chakra only by their pitch. That is, whereas in the medium band frequency, the word repetition is distinguishable, in the 6th chakra it blurs into a sound which, with the rise of the tension center toward 7th chakra increases in pitch, turning into a shriek. If tension center approaches 1st chakra, the sound turns into a moan.


When the speed of the tension center�s fluctuations between the 1st and 7th chakras increases so that these fluctuations become indistinguishable, after this the energy body blows up.

The sound of the explosion resembles the sound of a Buddhist bell, and corresponds roughly to aum-amen mantra.

(May be because the tongue is drawn back and pressed to an upper part of the palate).


The heartbeat and breathing disappear. The physical and energy bodies reach resonance in which the vibrations of each cell are felt.

The compressed energy will rush upwards through the 7th chakra, making the body feel as if it were disintegrating. Which cannot be excluded, but usually things are limited to setting, as mathematicians might say, correspondence between the part and the whole, or expanding an individual consciousness to Cosmic one. 


Regular fasting and cyclical physical exercises facilitate the achievement of resonance. Otherwise it would resemble an epileptic fit.


If you failed to reach resonance immediately by active method, continue swinging the tension center in various energy bodies, frequency bands, at the same time gradually lowering the volume of the repeated word-sound to a minimum, until all dies down. In other words, you must switch from tension and activity to relaxation and passivity. After which the phase of quiet and calm sets in, as usual.

Listen carefully to this quiet. If the energy failed to rush then, right after the active effort of will, it may rush now as a passive recollection, an echo of that effort.


If you failed to reach resonance again, it means that the structures of your physical and energy bodies as well as your consciousness are not ready for it.

Therefore, right after the state of calm resume sound radiation, but this time make sure that this radiation be even.  This transfer to calm and evenness is necessary so as to rebuild, perfect the structures of the physical and energy bodies as well as the consciousness.


To reach resonance in those 3 components you�ll have to repeat continuously the whole cycle: tension and its manifestations, activity; relaxation and its manifestation, inhibition; calm and its manifestation, evenness.

This cycle must be identified and realized in any activity, you are engaged in. The mind�s passage of these 3 states: tension-relaxation-calm and 3 corresponding processes: acceleration-deceleration-evenness is comparable to 3 flight regimes of an eagle: tension �climbing altitude, search of the necessary air current; relaxation � adaptation of the inner structures to the current; calm � controlled use of the current�s energy, gliding.

Gradually, when the knowledge of ascending and descending currents becomes perfected, the calm � gliding will dominate.


Good Luck!

1 (The knowledge of the single mechanism turns our life, no matter which daily mental and physical activities it consists of, into a round-the-clock yoga practice.)

[1]  There are numerous examples of the fact that circular, closed structures correspond to inertia, the function of preservation, like the form of an egg, a seed, an embryo � corresponding to information phase when physical tension in the system drops to a minimum.

With the start of the physical phase,  the tension in the system starts growing, closed circular structures break open, turning into linear ones. Linear structure correspond to the function of realization, activity:, an egg bursts, a seed, an embryo start growing.

That�s why Mother-Nature gave the head round form, while hands and legs are linear. The same principle determines the form of male and female genitals, and their involuntary technical replicas: a radar, with its active emitter and passive reflector.

In ancient time the knowledge of structure-function correspondence was widely used in the acupuncture, if one energy channel needed strengthening, the other weakening. Initially, the rings, ear-rings, bracelets and chains were used solely for therapeutic purposes.


1 This is a universal principle, applicable in the most improbable of the situations: say, instructions for a pilot of a heavy plane which got into a spin demand that he mustn�t pull the control stick back to stop the dive, but let the dive continue till the plane gathers enough speed, then use the control stick. Or for a person whose behavior is affected by a panic: To resume control he shouldn�t resist fear but consciously let fear carry him, watch himself panic till his senses return to him.

1 This conditionality is not so apparent if one examines more extended cycles, not of man�s breathing, but of the Earth (4 seasons with 3 months in each) or space (12 periods-signs of zodiac denoting 4 elements-phases: the Earth (physical plane), the Fire (information plane), Water and Air (transitional energy phases), or 4 world periods (yugas), called Brahma�s breathing: Brahma�s expiration (or day) � period of the world�s creation, comprising Golden and Silver Ages; inspiration (night) � destruction, comprising Bronze and Iron Ages. These very 4 periods of the Big Cycle �create� 4 directions, 4 main forces in physics, 4 races, etc.

1 Only one parameter at a time is memorized-reproduced, say, length of breathing movement. When you feel that breath amplitude has dropped, and thereby the period of relaxation sets in, you start working with the other parameters appropriate to this period, like slowness of breath, and so on until all parameters are examined: speed, amplitude, length, tension, relaxation, smoothness, evenness, radiation, absorption.


2 The mind gradually creates its own image of breathing and will use it in conducting breathing in the auto-pilot�s regime, that is, without interference of your will. Control by image is more effective as image presents a virtual, integral picture-scheme of the event, of all its interconnections. Though at a certain moment in management process, the mind may �light up� only this part of the scheme-image which is vital only at this very moment for implementing only this very maneuver.

This is similar to the stages in human control over technical means: 1) direct observation-control 2) control by the instruments (isolated parameters) � and when the man proved no longer able to focus his gaze on the multitude of instruments, 3) an integral approach emerged with a computer presenting at the right moment the right image-scheme and transferring the control mostly into an automated regime.

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2000.                    Andrei Shkarubo


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