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High Mountain
Atacama Desert

Salt and Lagoons
Copiapó Valley

Make your first 6000 m...
Nevado Tres Cruces
Nevado Incahuasi
Copiapó Volcano (6050 m)


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II Shelter, Ojos del Salado Andes Explora Expediciones:

Andes Explora Expediciones it´s a group of high mountain guide with coarse experience in ascensions in the Altiplano, III Region, Atacama Desert, Chile.

We Offers Transport, food, guides,  and alternatives, like trekking in salt flats and altiplanics lagoons . . .

Andes Explora also offers documentation services and information, like photos, slides, maps, videos y its processes the permits of ascension to the "Ojos del Salado Volcano".

Trekking to Laguna Verde
Maricunga Salt flats
Santa Rosa Lagoon

Volcán Doña Inés Expedition:
Reaches 5.070m/16.623 ft
High Santuary Inka.

Nevado Tres Cruces Expedition:
(6.753 m/22.140 ft) overlooking Santa Rosa lagoon.

Trip to the Copiapó Valley.

Ojos del Salado Expedition:
(6.893 m/22.600 ft) highest Active Volcano in the world.

Make your first 6000 m

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Juan Martinez 562, Copiapó-Chile Phone: ++( 09 ) 5790173
© 2001 Andes Explora Expeditions ©
Last Updated: Thursday, May 3, 2001 - 8:00 p.m. Pacific Time

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