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Speck's Little Blog

A brief outline of the life of a cat named Speck, who has travelled all over Canada.

Tuesday, December 02, 2003

Just a short one today: the new curtains? The ones they put up in the living room? Delicious!!

That and Adam has very cool friends. They all came over for some reason and were pretty open to me saying hi. One of them said I smelled good. That was a first! Must be that cologne I found...

Speaking of which: Akka Kappa aftershave is also delicious. Why isn't there a food with that flavor for me? I mean really.

The streets are white again. And it's cold. Can't somebody do something about that? Am I the only one who's alarmed by this?

Off to check the markets. Peets is still doing well and Adam told me they make something called "Coffee". Whatever that means. As long as their 52 week valuation remains steady I'm in.



# posted by Speck @ 2:13 PM

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