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Speck's Little Blog

A brief outline of the life of a cat named Speck, who has travelled all over Canada.

Tuesday, July 08, 2003

Where did all these boxes come from?!

On Sunday (the 6th, usually my reading day) I woke up with Adam and he fed me. Then we watched a bit of TV. And then! THEN! A rather huge truck pulled up outside our apartment. When Adam saw it, he shooed me into our room. I felt pretty tense. So did Jerry. Hm.

After two hours or so: there was all this.... stuff! Everywhere! Actually I later discovered (after much sniffing) that it was our stuff from years ago! Where did it go? My scratching post was back! So was my sofa. Oh thank God.

So now I'm okay with it, but at the time I must tell you: it was highly traumatic.

Still not eating the same times as I'm used to. Neither is Jerry. Hey: neither are Adam and Joanne. We're all very stressed out now I think. I just love that I have bigger windows to look out of. Very impressed at their choices.

The new Jewel is a bit of a letdown. I'm glad Adam has his Sinatra back. I layed down by the stereo listening to "I've Got The World On A String" and man: everything was allllllright.

I have to go again. Gotta keep checking up on the Dow. It's a war-zone out there.


# posted by Speck @ 1:48 PM

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