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Speck's Little Blog

A brief outline of the life of a cat named Speck, who has travelled all over Canada.

Thursday, October 30, 2003

How about that crazy photo of me that Adam took last night. I behaved, mostly because he gave me some of his dinner. Meat pie! Mmmmm. He's good like that.

Something called "Halloween" is happening though nobody will tell me what that is. If it means more silly photos I can tell you: count me out. Short of putting a hat on my head, Adam's gone insane - and he even has a new camera which appears to be solely just for the purpose of taking my picture! It's getting a little out of control.

Spent some time digging around on the iMac, now that Adam finally installed the new OS. Pretty swanky. I notice my fiscal reports run just that much faster. We'll see if it's up to snuff. I'm no designer so I'll probably never see the real meat of this system. Adam seems to like it though.

Adam's friend Ana has been experiencing the crazy fires in San Diego (where she lives. I have no idea where that is.) Adam's worried. Hopefully that gets better soon.

I have to go. I'm behind on my email.


# posted by Speck @ 3:49 PM

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