Available extras

On top of the two classes, you can have an extra attribute (only one at the time). Posessing such allows you to have additional skills and talents that may be very helpful. Currently implemented extras include:







Vampires hide in the dark and usually keep to themselves, but when disturbed will summon their minions to help rid of the area of adventurers forever. Vampires can fly and also regenerate hit points quicker than some other races. Of course since vampires are undead, they are immune to poison. On the other hand wooden stake can be very lethal to them.


Werewolves hide in the dark and usually keep away from direct contact with humans, but they detect no difference in the taste of human flesh and animal flesh. Werewolves regenerate hit points quicker than some other races.

A werewolf can be in three different forms: mortal, werewolf and wolf. When in werewolf or wolf form they are very vulnerable to silver. The werewolves are not all alike, but come from different families. And each family is rumored to possess unique magical powers.


Dragons are very noble creatures. Dragons spend their lives collecting treasure, for what purpose they do this, no-one knows. They are fierce creatures and are very dexterous, strong, and highly intelligent. Dragons have large wings with which they can fly. Dragons spend a large amount of time sleeping, but be warned they have a great sense of smell, and can detect even the smallest scent a long distance away.

Almost all dragons have the ability to breathe a special substance, the most common of which is fire. In order to breathe fire a special firestone is needed. During their long lives, dragons learn to cast many spells, making them a very tough opponent to defeat.


Smiths are implemented as an extra attributes. Smiths can forge swords, armour and jwellery depending on school one represents. Every smith has a master who teaches the skills to the apprentice during the process of learning.

In order to forge something one needs raw material, an anvil and proper hammer. The raw material must be hot before forging. Normally it is placed in forge where a fire heats it. To light a fire one needs a light and material which burns. Currently following types of smiths are known:


Ninjas are very skillful fighters specialiazed in killing and moving quickly and unnoticed. There are two known schools of ninjas: white and black ninjas. The schools teach same basic skills and have some unique features. Only monks and assassins are able to learn the ninjitsu - other classes should not bother (although legends tell there are exceptions).


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Edited by Sender
December 13, 1999

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