The Chronicle

The land Brimlan is 30 miles long and 100 miles broad. And there are in the land two human nations; Hyldons and Gverdons. The first inhabitants were Gverdons, who came from the West of Vetrandus. Their leader was called Corcc, who, with ten longboats sought the land. There he was first beaten in a fight with Elven tribes, who withstandeth him. And he lost a great part of his army. Then he let his men abide with the elven tribes, and they went to the central part of the Land and posessed it and dwelled there.

B.34 . This year was Brimlan found.

B.28 . This year Corcc fought with the trolls in Miasma and slew many.

B.25 . This year Corcc fought with the Elven tribes and slew many of them.

B.23 . This year Corcc fought with the Elves near the Hills of Melville; where he lost almost all his army. He afterwards entered into a treaty there. He then found the City of Dun Gramaich (known later as Grand City) on the land where he had forst bet The Elves.

0 . This year the sun eclipsed, on the tenth of Muinn and Cynefrid The Holy foresaw an omen from the Fifth Living God.

2 . This year Corcc and his brother Murtagh took a host of two hundred footmen and ten chariots to the north from Dun Graimach, fought with the goblins there, and pursued them as far as the Mythos Mountains.

30 . This year was the Castle of Mag Lemna built, and Corcc sent his brother Murtagh to rule it on his behalf.

41 . This year Egfrid, the King of Southern Riverland in Vetrandus began to reign.

89 . This year died Corcc the leader of Gverdons and Tadc succeeded him.

102 . This year Egfrid, King of Southern Riverland, ruler of Hyldons went with an army into Brimlan, where he slew innumerable host of the Gverdons, and subdued Dun Gramaich and a large part of the land. Tadc, ruler of Gverdons was slew and so was his brother Aethan and his son Ceol. Dun Graimach was named as Grand City.

114 . This year was Cwenlin of Gverdonia, daughter of Tadc, wed to Prince Leof, son of Egfrid the Hyldon. This same year were all the Gverdons and Hyldons subjected under the same rule and the Kingdom of Brimlan was found.

115 . This year died King Egfrid and Prince Leof succeedeed him.

120 . This year was the Grand Temple of Bel built in Grand City.

128 . This year was a child born to King Leof and Queen Cwenlin. She was baptized Delight.

137 . This year happened the dark omens. The year's harvest was almost totally lost, eaten by black crows. Later did a corpse of an enormous sea serpent drift onto the shore of Brimlan. These were declared as true omens by Belian church assembly.

138 . This year were the dark omens redeemed. Kingdom was attacked by a drow host of several hundred footmen. King Leof met the enemy at the gates of Grand City with fifty footmen and twenty armed citizens. After vicious fighting The City was saved, albeit many losses were incurred. The City, whilst busy with post-battle matters, fails to adequately protect the Grand Temple and an drow group lead by Leader L'Ruen loots the holy Book of Ages. And Great Bel hid his face from his people and so began the dark times of chaotic epoch and long night.

And the long night lasted five months, whilst King Leof sent men to every corner of Brimlan to find the Book of Ages. Captain Alric of Hyldon, with fourty soldiers and able citizens finally slays L'Ruen the drow, but the Book of Ages is yet again seized by warriors from The Citadel of Torm. The Citadel was stormed, and the Book retrieved, but most of the seekers and Alric himself slewn.

154 . Many of the good citizens were turned into animals by a wicked witch. It was reported that at some cases the spell lasted several years.

170 . This year died Lord Murtagh of Mag Lemna, at the age of one hundred and sixtytwo, and Lord Conor Succeeded him.

171 . This year died King Leof of Hyldon, the ruler of Brimlan. The good Queen Cwenlin reigned alone from now on until the end of her days.

193 . This year died Queen Cwenlin of Gwerdon, The ruler of Brimlan, and Princess Delight succeeded her.

222 . This year Queen Delight fought the invading army of Muntronia, which sailed at the coast of Hyldon. She met the enemy fleet at Viapori, where it was defeated with high cost and forced to retreat into an island called Savonville. From there the attacking forces made numerous strikes on the coast towns of Hyldon until the wrath of Bel deluged the whole island of Savonville and all the soldiers that liveth there.

243 . This year were Brimlan attacked by an orc tribe led by their Captain Mil'Amber. The orcs came from Vetrandus to our shores with a sail they captured from the harbour of Muntronia. The attacker burned a village inhabited by gnomes at the coast side and then raised their arms against the Kingdom. Queen Delight defeated the enemy with help of the allying Elven nation called Evelan. The retreating orcs captured several dwarves for slaves as they retreated back to the sea.

245 . This year did our ally the Elves from Evelan sail to Vetrandus and assault the Muntronia. They looted over seventy-seven-thousand gold coins before retreating back to their homeland. The attack was lead by Deon the Elf.

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Edited by Seandr
September 15, 2002

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