Thanks to Lynn Bennett of Wolcott, CT for the three preceding pictures of Shane performing at Whiskey Cafe in Lyndhurst, NJ.

The above three pictures are from the Indy State Fair. Thank you Michelle Gookin from Tennesee for the pics!

Thanks to Lindsay Perkins for the preceding three photos from a show in Saginaw, Michigan.

Shane peforming at the KAT 103.7 Fun Fest in Nebraska. Thank you Deidra for the cool pictures.

The next set of pictures is from Karin Dorman and her daughter Katie, from Northeast Pennsylvania. These photos are from Waynesboro, PA.

Shane in the recording studio

Shane during an interview for an EPK (electronic press kit.)

Shane shooting his video for "Slave to the Habit"

Shane performing in Waynesboro, PA, compliments of Karin Dorman.

Shane performing at Mercury show at Fan Fair 1999, compliments of Lindsay Perkins!

A worked up Shane, after his big home run at the Wrangler/City of Hope Celebrity softbacll challenge during Fan Fair 1999 (compliments of Lindsay Perkins.)

Shane being "mobbed" by the country music media on field at Greer Stadium at the 1999 Wrangler/City of Hope Softball game. (taken by Donna)

Shane with teammates and fellow new country stars Andy Griggs and Brad Paisley. (from

Shane on-stage during his Mercury performance. (from

Hey! If you have any pictures with or of Shane and you'd like them on the site, you can e-mail them to [email protected]! Thanks!

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