Some facts were taken from GAVIN, a music industry trade publication, a recent interview and WRKN chat.

Label: RCA

Current Album: Shane Minor

Released Singles: "Ordinary Love" and "Slave to the Habit" (both top 20 hits!)

Award Nominations: Semi-Finalist in T-N-N Awards Discovery Award Category (2000)

Billboard Music Video Awards Country Clip of the Year Nominee for "Ordinary Love" (1999)

Billboard Music Video Awards New Country Artist Clip of the Year (1999) for "Ordinary Love"

Hometown: Modesto, CA

Current Residence: Nashville

Age: 32

Birthdate: May 3, 1968

Height: 6 ft

Stats:13-year-old son Shane

Famous Relatives: Wyatt Earp!

Musical Influences: Merele Haggard, Eagles

First performance: At age 4 in church

Favorite Music to Listen to: Frank Sinatra, The Eagles, soul music

Favorite Shane Minor Song: "I Think You're Beautiful

Instruments: Rythym guitar

Pastimes: golfing (16 handicap), running, hiking and horseback riding (sometimes with Shania!)

Current Ride: a 1993 Chevy 4x4 Z71 pickup

Dream Car: a new Chevy Pickup or Dodge Durango

Former Occupations: L.A police officer and bullrider

Famous "victims" while on LAPD: Pulled over Rodeney Dangerfield

One thing I cook great: Tacos

Favortie Star Wars Character: Hans Solo (And Chewy, too!)

One food I absolutely hate is: oysters

Favorite Libation: Margaritas

I never leave home without: my American Express card

Ultimate Vacation: Caribbean

If I had $5 left, I'd spend it on: My son

The country song that best describes my current romantic status: "I like it, I love it"

Question: Dwight Yoakum, tell me about Sharon Stone and Dennis Rodman, tell me about Carmen Electra

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