Da Fans page was originally meant to be a page to seperate the fans pictures with Shane from pictures of Shane by himself. However, with the growing number of submissions of Shane fan pics, I have decided to ask people to include stories with those pictures. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words, right? Below, you will find various pictures of fans from around the country with Shane, along with the story behind thier experience.

This is a small, but growing page! And, we need your help! If you had the chance to meet Shane and would like your picture posted on the website, please e-mail them to [email protected]! Thanks!


It was a hot, steamy July evening...sounds good so far, well it only gets better! This is the story of my first, and most assuredly not last, Shane Minor concert. I am the program director and midday announcer for a radio station in Southeast Missouri. I have been a fan of Shane's music for quite some time, but had never seen one of his shows, so when I found out he was going to be in Doniphan I knew where I would be on July 7! My best friend, Kyla, who is an account executive at the station, and I hopped in the car...popped in Shane's cd...with visions of Shane dancing in our heads! ;) Now, if you're not familiar with Doniphan, let me just say one thing, sticks! It is in the middle of nowhere and if you aren't familiar with the area it is easy to get lost. Fortunately my roommate in college was from the area, so I had been there a couple of times. Anyway, we finally arrived at the ballpark and much to our delight, the stage was like three feet from the seats! There wasn't a bad seat in the whole place. The opening act, Iron Mountain, was really great, but we were a little anxious to see Shane. We joined up with some of our listener friends who had also made the trek for the show. It was hot, we were all dancing around, singing, and shouting out words of "encouragement" to Shane, who's shirt was soaked. (OOOOHHHHH he was way too sexy!) We heard all of our favorites, "I Think You're Beautiful", "Slave to the Habit", "Sliver of the Moon", as well as my new favorite version of the song "Feel Like Makin' Love"! ;) Though it was hot, the bugs were out in full force, and most of the crowd just didn't get it...our little group had a blast! I was surprised I had a voice left the next day!

Well, after the show, Shane signed for the folks in the audience. He was wonderful with everyone, making sure each person who went through the line felt special. Then it was mine and Kyla's turn. Well, he had actually heard we were coming and was expecting us. He thanked us for playing his music (while playing with our hair and rubbing our backs, how I didn't faint is beyond me!) He signed my poster, the one you get from the record label..you know...Shane in those hot, black, leather pants with that beautiful smile) with "Christina, you hotty! Love ya Shane Minor XXOOOX"! After Kyla and I got our autographs and our pictures with him seperately, I asked if we could do a sort of silly shot for my station's website. I suggested Kyla and myself kissing him on the cheeks...Shane was all for it! Thus the photo you see with this story. With the taste of Shane's sweat on our lips and the fond memories of his gracious and sweet self, we headed back to Sikeston. We were like school girls the entire way home, we were giddey and dazed by our great adventure. I have always been a supporter of Shane and his music on my station...but I assure you that now his air time will double. I just can't wait for some new stuff! Kyla and I are already planning our next trip to one of Shane's shows. We have on good authority, Shane Minor, that he will be back in St. Louis...well watch out baby because these two crazy radio girls are coming your way. Can't wait to see you again and thanks for being such a wonderful guy to us. If you would like to check out more pics from the Doniphan show check out our website. LOVE YA SHANE!!!! Kisses, Christina and Kyla

Christina Lewis, Sikeston, Missouri


Yet, another Lynn story. I will try to be brief. I had the privilege of seeing Shane on Thursday, 12/30 in Atlantic City, NJ and then again on Friday, 12/31 in Southington, CT. In AC we waited in line for about 2 hours before the doors opened. It was a very small place. I was right on the floor, thanks to my new friend John, so naturally, I was happy. That night was the first night the band had played together since before the holidays. There was alot of joking around, and it was really great to see how well they get along. The show was totally awesome, and we even got treated to a rendition of White Christmas. He did a beautiful job with it. It was so quiet while he sang it, you could've heard a pin drop. After the show, while Shane was signing, I got to meet most of the band members. They are all great. I decided to go last to see Shane because I had quite alot for him to sign. While I was in line, he kept looking up and smiling.! Then, he said something about I see Lynn over there. He remembered me by name for the first time. That was a great feeling. We got to talk for awhile after the show and I was finally able to tell him how much his music means to me. He was very happy to hear it. I also had the chance to speak with his girlfriend, Susan. She is every bit as nice as Shane. And, of course, I was able to speak with Donna,too. I can't say enough good things about her. Shane is lucky to have her in his corner. Shane knew he would be seeing me the next night and we left. So, now it's New Years Eve. Everyone is all dressed up, and I just knew Shane would be, too. I wasn't disappointed. He wore black pleather pants and a dark shiny blue shirt. WOW!!! My husband and I got right in front of the stage. So, Shane comes on and does a few songs and then has Amber do her thing. Then he starts talking to the crowd. He turns to me and says "Hi Lynn, How are you doing?" I said "Good Shane, How are you?" He says ! "Good, now come on up here". I just shook my head, I didn't know what to do. Shane says, "Get up here and give me a hug!" So, up I went. In front of all the people there, he announces that I'm his #1 fan and how I flew to LA etc, etc. I couldn't believe I was on stage with Shane. You'd think after meeting him 6 times, I'd be over the excitement, but not in this case. He did 2 sets that night, and in between, he invited us onto his tour bus. That's where I gave him the special gift I had for him. I had a star named after him with The International Star Registry. No one else can ever have that star. They sent a framed certificate and that's what I gave him, along with the coordinates. He was very touched, almost speechless, which we all know is rare for him. We went back inside, and they were just counting down to midnight, so we were on stage with the band when the clock struck 12. There was plenty of kissing and hugging going around between the band and us. Then, Shane did his! second set. He then changed his clothes and mingled with the crowd signing and taking pictures. Susan told me that Shane had a fever and scratchy throat and thought he had the flu. You would've never guessed it. He stayed until about 2:30am making sure his fans got what they wanted. What a trooper. I will never forget those 2 nights. Shane made alot of my dreams come true, and I will always treasure the memories. There's no one else like him and I for one, will be a fan forever. Shane's Da Man!!!

Cheryl's Story

Cheryl Sergeant, Cinncinatti, OH I first hear of Shane Minor last May. I keep telling my husband that whenever he came to town I WAS GOING! I didn't care where it was or what night it was I WAS GOING! Well, he came to Covington, KY for Octoberfest. My husband took me (he even provided a babysitter) My husband pushed me all the way to the front of the stage right as Shane was coming on. Had a wonderful view. The only bad part to the whole evening is when Shane announced he was sick and the doctors wanted him to cancel. Since he wouldn't cancel the show he had to cut it short. A twenty minute show was just not long enough. I was trying to get an autograph and he didn't get to me until the show was over so he pointed to behind the stage. He was extremely nice and signed my CD and shook our hands. I felt sorry for him because he was really hoarse (he still sounded great when he sang, he just did not talk to well)and everybody was pushing and pulling him an!d trying to tell him to go here and there. He never got upset, he just kept smiling and talking to people. He ended up signing autographs and taking pictures for what seemed like forever. From that show I decided I had to see him again. When they announced he was coming to Cincinnati to play with Shania at the Firstar Center I almost jumped out of my chair (I was at work). I ended up getting tickets before they went on sale (very expensive, but well worth it). My husband decided he had to go too (go figure). Well the show was awesome but Shane only got to play for about 30 minutes. Shania was good too. I have never been to a concert where the stars sign autographs during and after the show, this was a new experience for me. I can't wait for Shane to come back to Cincinnati. I will be there. My only hope is that they allow him to play for a long time.


Yes, it's me again. I saw Shane yet again in Hartford on Sat. 11/27. It's the first time I've seen him in a large arena like this. I'm used to the upclose and personal shows. I have to admit, I like them better. But, on to the days events. I had heard on the radio earlier in the day that they would be doing a live interview with Shane from inside the coliseum about 2 hours prior to showtime. I had to make sure I was out of work in plenty of time to be there for that. We arrived at about 6pm. They had this huge merchandise booth of all of Shania's stuff, but no Shane stuff that I could see. That was okay, I was wearing the T-shirt I got in LA.

At about 6:30pm, I just happened to look up, and Shane was standing right above the booth. I said, there's Shane, and my husband was like, where? Shane wasn't dressed for his show yet, so he was very casual and wearing a baseball hat. No one else noticed. My husband couldn't believe I spotted ! him like that. We got up as close as possible to where he was. I didn't think he would be signing after his show as usual, so I wanted to see if we could snag him after the interview. I had brought my picture from LA just in case. My husband held it up for Shane to see during his interview. He saw it. Then we made a mad dash for the stairs to try to catch him, he was swarmed. We managed to follow him to another set of stairs where no one but crew was allowed and my husband handed Shane the picture over the wall. Shane said, "Yeah, I saw it". Gerry asked him to sing it, which he did. Obviously, it wasn't personalized, but I can rectify that next time I see him. I was too short to see Shane over the wall, so I didn't get to talk to him, but I heard someone call my name, and it was none other that our favorite webmaster, Donna. She recognized the picture and looked up and saw me. So she introduced herself. That was cool, but we didn't have a chance to chat. We then went in and found our seats, which were way up top. That was very hard for me to deal with. I've never been more than 3 rows away from Shane. I was feeling disappointed because I had gotten so close to him, but I didn't get to talk to him. Then the DJ came on and announced that Shane would be signing for a very limited time after his show at a merchandise booth. Only until Shania came on. I immediately felt better. We left while Shane was singing his last song, so we could make it to the booth. We did, and I was able to buy another t-shirt and a baseball cap. Then, he was there. He was wearing all black and he was all sweaty. Boy, I don't think anyone ever looked sexier. Finally, it was my turn. I asked Shane if he remembered me, and he said yes. I could tell he wasn't sure from where, so I told him we were the ones who flew to LA to see him. Then he remembered and said "Yesssssssss!!" He gave me a hug and squeezed me so tight. I was in heaven. He signed my shirt "I "love" U Hotstuff!". I t! old him I'd be seeing him again in Atlantic City and then Southington, and was like, Yeah, Come on. Then I asked if we could take a quick picture and of course he obliged. He put his arm around me and then my husband started fumbling with the camera. Shane was so cool about it. He just kept his arm around me while Gerry was figuring out the camera, and he signed for someone else at the same time. I was in my glory since his arm stayed around me. Then he took the picture, and he gave me one last squeeze and then I kissed him on the cheek. He said he'd see me in a few weeks. I was so excited because I didn't plan on meeting him that night, that I rushed out of line. My husband then told me he also wanted a picture. Since we were at almost the end of the line. we waited for him to finish and then I asked him if he would take a picture with him. They were dragging him away since Shania had started, but Shane, being the absolute sweetheart that he is, let me take the picture. You c! an tell, he does not want to disappoint his fans, and he surely doesn't!! He makes everyone feel like they're special, that they are the only one in the room. He has a fan for life in me, and I look forward to meeting him again.


Greenboro, NC show

At 8:00 Shane came out he was really great & cute :)* he did I guess around a 30 min or so set & it was great! He did mostly all his songs. Wow what moves he does on stage! Man can he move!!!! He was *****HOT*****. Thoose jeans , those eyes , that voice , oh sorry better not go no farther he he. I think he is just such a cutie though! After he left the stage I asked the guard if he'd be signing autographs & he said yes go to section 103 so I got my cd cover , told my mom where I was going & took off. I got to section 103 & they pointed me in the direction of one of the merchandise set ups. There he was!!! He is even sexier up close *Sighs* *L*! Shane was oh so sweet! I told him how much I had been wanting to meet him & all & he signed my cd "Joann, #3 is for you!"! By the way song #3 is "I Think Your Beautiful"!!! He is by far the sweetest male artist I have met & the cutest :)* He hugged me to & one of the pics of me & him was took when we were right next to each other!

(Joann also got the chance of a lifetime at the show!! She was one of the lucky audience members that got a Polaroid with Shania!! What a great 19th birthday present!! To read Joann's full story, with the Shania stuff, click here! )


I first noticed Shane on CMT with his Slave to the Habit video. He was someone I had to meet. When I heard he was going to play here in Tampa Florida I bought the tickets right away.When he came out and sang a few songs he pointed to me and called me up on stage. He asked me my name and I said Laura and that I was a big fan of his which was an understatement. I had purchased his CD a month before and learned all the words so I could sing along. I then brought him a rose and when he had finished singing he bent down, took the rose and he gave me a kiss on my neck.

When he was perspiring under the hot lights and trying to keep the sweat out of his eyes, I brought him napkins to wipe his brow. He was very thankful of course.I couldn't wait to meet with him again in the autograph line. He remembered me and signed my CD, To Laura " I Think you're Beautiful" He also signed a poster I had of him. I wished I had stayed longer and maybe could have gotten a tour of his bus.


There are two stories to tell here...The first is about Fan Fair...This picture was taken the second day Shane was signing autographs at the Mercury Records booth. Me and my friends were the first ones in line. There were 8 of us, all from Nashville. Of course my roommate Michelle was first in line. The people at the booth were playing Shane's music, and we were all singing along, waiting on Shane. We also were holding a poster of Shane and this man took a picture of us...well that picture ended up in the August issue of Music City News. Shane finally arrived, and we started to sing "I Think You're Beautiful"...he was really suprised! That day at Fan Fair was the second time I have met Shane (I met him at the Country Radio Seminar). He treated each and everyone of us like we really meant something to him...he really seemed to enjoy meeting each one of us. Shane was the best thing about my Fan Fair 1999. We saw him three times that week.

Now to the Florida story...My roommate Michelle and friend Pam's birthdays were in September, and we found out that Shane was playing the Wildhorse in Orlando, so we decided to drive from Nashville to celebrate. We met a friend Jan from Florida at the Wildhorse that afternoon and saw the band do soundcheck. His whole band, road crew and manager were great. We had a birthday cake for Michelle with Shane's picture on it. They all loved it!! They couldn't believe we had a picture of Shane on it! When Shane came on stage he was quite shocked to see us all the way from Nashville. Shane's show was awesome and energetic. We sang right along with him. When he sang "Sliver of the Moon", he jumped off the stage, told the crowd Michelle was from the same hometown as him and got a picture taken with her. When he saw the cake, he was quite suprised about it...We also gave him a sign that said, "The Minor Maniacs from Nashville, TN love Shane and we think you're beautiful!" He took the sign and put in front of the drums so everyone could see it. After the show was over, he signed autographs for everyone. I had him sign a scrapbook that was nothing but him in it. He was suprised about that, and I was shocked that he remembered my name! He told us all we were crazy for coming all the way from Nashville to see him, but he's worth it!!

Oh yeah! Shane was the first to get a piece of Michelle's cake! And he was so worth seeing, we saw him again in Evansville, Indiana on October 9th, and the next day Pam and Michelle went to Louisville, Kentucky to see him, and then Michelle went to St. Louis to see him! Talk about being dedicated!

Speaking of dedicated...Lynn has the next story...read about her long voyage to see Shane!


Let me start by saying that I flew six hours from CT to LA just so I could see Shane again. Our flight arrived in LA at about 11:30am on Oct. 24, 1999, and by the time we got to the Universal Ampitheatre, it was almost 2pm. The KZLA show started at 3pm, but they let everyone in at 2pm. Since I had never been to this kind of show, I wasn't sure how it would be set up. We walked in and immediately found the outside stage where all the newcomers would be playing. Then we got our hands on a program. Shane would be going on at 4:30pm. All the artists were allowed to play for a half hour. The show started promptly at 3pm with Yankee Grey starting off, they were awesome. They really rocked. Then Jason Sellers and newcomer Jennifer Day were next. Jason was good, but Jennifer is very young and still very green. In between sets, the radio personalities came on and were throwing some towels with their logo on it out to the crowd. I happened to catch one. It was right before Shane came on. Well 4:30pm came and went and no Shane. We could see his band behind the stage, we even caught a glimpse of his son. We were only about 3 rows back. We found out the reason for the delay was technical. Shane finally came on at 4:45pm. He looked incredible. He had on tight faded blue jeans,a long sleeve buttondown denim shirt, black leather wristbands, and sunglasses.(It was sunny and 85). He opened with "Too Much", then went on to "I Will Be True", "Tell Me Now","I Give Em What They Want". Then it looked like he was going to do "I Think You're Beautiful", but he said, no, he felt like doing "Ordinary Love" instead.And of course, he did "Slave to the Habit". He finished about 5:15pm. Jessica Andrews was up next, but we hightailed it to where Shane would be signing. He signed for about an hour and a half. We only waited about a half hour. When it came to my turn, I gave him the blown up picture of us from NJ and asked him to sign it. He looked at it and said it was cool. He asked my name and I told him, then I mentioned how in NJ he wanted to write Phyllis for some reason, and he said "That's because all those girls in line were giving me a hard time". He remembered. I couldn't believe it. Then I told him how we flew in that morning from CT just to see him, and he just looked at me and said "Come over here and give me a hug!" I happily obliged and then he kissed my neck. He then looked me right in the eye and told me how much it meant to him more than once. He was floored. He thanked me profusely and also thanked me for buying one of his shirts. It felt like we talked for hours, even though it was only minutes. I stepped out of line after getting another picture taken, and I just stayed and watched him finish signing. Well, there were these 2 girls there who asked me if I would take their picture with Shane because they didn't have a camera with a flash. I said I would and when they got their turn, she told Shane what I was doing, and he told her I was from CT and came all that way to see him. My husband yelled out "I'd love to have your job!" and Shane turned around and said "You've got a hot one there yourself, buddy!" I couldn't believe it. I could've died and gone to heaven right then and there. When he was done, I went up to him to say goodbye, and he gave me another hug and I gave him a kiss on the cheek. I told him he was great, and he said I was and that he'd see me in CT. Needless to say, I haven't come down from my high yet!!! The six hour flight was well worth it. Shane Minor is a real class act and I can't wait to see him again.

Lynn Bennett, Wolcott, CT


Time: Friday Aug 27th Place: Rock & Rodeo - Farmingdale I'm playing with opening act for Shane Minor. Expecting typical treatment from Headliner. When they show up we meet the greatest group of guys I ever met. We couldn't have been treated any better. Shane signed our CD's, hats, flyers, whatever. He took pictures with Us (I don't have them yet). Invited us into Tour Bus. No ATTITUDE whatsoever. I just want to thank them all for a GREAT night at Rock & Rodeo

Al (w/Dakota Myles) from Island


My best friend Sarah and I met Shane three times fan fair week '99...He knew who we were right after the first time...he was too sweet.. we made him a sign for the Mercury show that said "Shane We think you're beautiful...love Nicole and Sarah..." which he told us the next day that he had hung up our sign in his bus! Every time we met him, he always told us how much he loved us and how much he apprecited his fans...he is the most appreciative male singer I have ever met!

Nicole Spaller, Smryna, TN


I met Shane Sept. 3 at our county fair. I really wasn't a big fan until last night. I thought he was a very nice person. He is also very talented. I got to visit with a few of the band members and enjoyed that alot. They are the coolest bunch of guys and girl. The drum player (Traci) is definitely one of the coolest. I am going to buy the CD today. I hope to see them in Tulsa. Well, just thought I would share this.

-Aleah Fayetteville, AR


I recently met Shane at the Indiana State Fair this summer. He hugged me and gave me a kiss on the cheek. He is the most down to earth guy that I have ever met. I also received his autograph. He doesn't act like he is better than everyone else because he is a famous country music singer. Just wanted to let everyone know that I love Shane. He is such a sweet guy.

Gina Pelfry, Indiana


On Friday August 20th, i had the exterime pleasure of seeing The Minor Crew in concert. It was just a small concert, outside in Saginaw, Michigan. Me and my son were in the front row. Towards the end of an awesome show my 4 year old son got up and started dancing in front of the stage. Shane spotted him and started smiling and pointing him out to the rest of the band. Pretty soon the whole band saw almost laughing at how cute he was. Then my son noticed them looking at him and got shy. After the show we went backstage to get Shane's autograph and the band kept saying "Hey, it's the dancer." and telling him he was soooo cute. It's a day he will remember for a long time. It made me love Shane and the band even more than I already did.

Andrea Hopkins, Alma, MI


Michelle, getting Shane's autograph at Mercury Nashville's booth at Fan Fair 1999

Michelle with Shane at Fan Fair.

Michelle with Shane at the Indy State Fair

"My name is Michelle Gookin. I live in Goodlettsville, Tennesee, a suburb of Nashville. My hometown is Oakdale, California, a city 20 minutes away from Shane's hometown, Modesto. I never knew Shane back then. I once saw him as part of a trio at a country fair. Naturally, he was great, but his style was far from what it is now. In 1996, I moved to TN. My dad was always sending me newspaper articles about a guy named Shane Minor. It turns out my dad went to the same high school and played football with Shane's step-dad. My dad was always asking me if I had seen or heard of this Shane guy who was somewhere in Nashville trying to break into the music business. I kept telling him no up until the day I went to hang out at thr Country Radio Seminar with some friends. His "Slave to the Habit" video had just come out and I wasn't sure if I would recognize him. Just incase, I took an article from Shane's hometwn, you know, something to get autographed. And, sure enough, the minute I left the room to visit the "Little Girl's Room", he walks into the lobby. Thankfully, one of my friends recognized him and stopped him. My friend showed him the article and he got all excited and was shouting, "Well, where is she?" Naturally, this is when I reappear from the bathroom. Needless to say, I about fainted right there in the Rennaisance Hotel's Lobby! After gaining my composure, we started talking about our fathers playing high school football together, rodeos and mutual friends we had in college. Wow!! What a great talk. He made a fan and a friend for life that day. Since then, I have seen him at Fan Fair and the Indy State Fair. Both times he made me feel special. What can I say? He's the sweetest person I have ever known..."

Michelle Gookin, Goodlettsville, TN


Lynn with Shane at the CMT Booth at Fan Fair 1999.

Lynn with Shane at the Whiskey Cafe in Lyndhurst, NJ.

I was fortunate enough to be able to see Shane twice(3 times if you count the Charity of Hope softball game). Obviously, I first met him at Fan Fair. I have to be honest, I really didn't know much about him at that time, but I was really impressed by him. He was so sweet and he really paid attention to what you were saying to him. After I got an autograph and picture I ran right over to the booth where they were selling music and bought his tape. That way we could play it in the car. I loved it immediately. I must play it 3 times a day and I never get sick of it. I was hooked on Shane, no doubt about it. Then I was able to see him on 8/29/99 in Lyndhurst, NJ at the Whiskey Cafe. I was right in front of him, center stage. If I had been any closer, I would have been on stage with him. He was great about making eye contact with the fans and he even brought a little girl up on stage with him and sang "A Girl Like That" to her. He shook! hands with me at the end of thd show. That's when I got in line to get my picture from Fan Fair signed. A funny thing happened. It was my turn to see him and he turned around to talk to someone else for a good 2 minutes or so. Well, I was waiting patiently, and when he turned around we talked a little and I asked him to sign my picture. Well, for some reason I didn't know until later, he started writing Phyllis on the picture. He got as far as the "P-H" and he stopped to verify the spelling. I politely told him that my name was Lynn not Phyllis. I was confused because he never even asked my name. So, my picture now has Ph on it and Shane says to just give him a minute to think and he'd fix it. Well, fix it he did. He ended up writing "Lynn, I'll phone ya baby!" I thought that was a really good save and I told him that. I then proceeded to get another picture with him(which I'll get signed New Years Eve). After we left, I told my friend about the name thing and she said while I w! as waiting, someone else in line had yelled "My name is Phyllis and I'm waiting", and because Shane never turned around, he assumed I said it. I hope he realized that later. Anyway, He was totally awesome and I can't wait to see him again.

Lynn Bennett, Wolcott, CT


Kaleena from Michigan, who runs the YAHOO! Shane Minor Club, met Shane at a free show in Michigan.

I had been totally in love with Shane Minor every time I saw Slave to the Habit on CMT. I thought he was so cute! But then, when I heard (and saw) Ordinary Love, I knew this guy had talent (and was some tasty eye candy, too!) So I started a club for him, Shane Minor Club on yahoo at http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/shaneminorclub NE how, I heard on my fave radio station that SheDaisy and SHANE MINOR! were coming to Saginaw. I was so excited, I couldn't believe it, until I heard the day. They had announced it would be on Friday, and I had plans to travel all the way across the state to Michigan's Adventure that weekend. I was so bummed. Then, the Tuesday after that Friday, I typed Shane Minor into a search engine and came across a Saginaw Gears website and wondered why he'd be on it. There I got the scoop that he was coming to Saginaw Friday AUGUST 20TH!!! not the previous Friday! So I wrote down everything, then I printed it up to show my mom. I was so happy. Then my dad forgot about it, and on Thursday, I brought it up again, and we got the info the next afternoon (Friday!) when 98 FM KCQ was INTERVIEWING SHANE LIVE!!! I wrote it down, and packed a lunch, and since I only live about 45 minutes away in the Thumb, I persuaded my dad to take me and my sister and cousin. So we went! I got there, and when Andi Lynn gave us permission to get the "good seats" I took my chair and rammed my way through to the front "row" and center!!! I was completely lucky! I thought that was unbelievable (but compared to what else happened later, it wasn't!) My dad or sister couldn't get up there, but whoa, I had the camera, and during Ordinary Love, I was practically the only one singing, and he saw me and did that thing where he waves his fingers down when he's dancing with his "woman", and he did that to me and smiled with a look of happy surprise. I was ecstatic. He talked about being with the LAPD and bullriding and stuff. Then he sat down and sang I Think You're Beautiful. Cause he said Saginaw was full of beautiful sexy women. Well, I took a bunch more pictures and figured that would be it. HAHA! His violinist, Amber Randall, was talking to some people behind me, and I asked her if I could have her autograph, and she said sure, and laughed cause no one had ever done that before! Then, a few minutes later, I asked her if she knew of any way I could get Shane Minor's autograph. She said, yeah, if he isn't in his bus. So I said really? And she said yeah. And I said could you? and she said yeah. And I asked would you? and she laughed and said sure. Then I'm like Right now? and she's like yup. So I'm like, let's GOO! So she took me back there, and Shane saw me with her and said, so Amber, you brought back a shy one. (how'd he know I was shy?!)I laughed nervously and said hello (I couldn't think to say anything more!) Then I asked him for his autograph, and he's like Sure babe,What's your name, and I said Kaleena, and obviously he asked, how do you spell that? I told him (it was funny cause the only paper I had in my purse was my school schedule, that I had picked up that day! So he signed it on that!) he put Kaleena, Love Shane Minor and then I asked him if he'd take pictures with me (I didn't even tell him that I started a club for him; if he'd known, he'd have been ecstatic!) And when we got the first one he was joking and being crazy and stuff and he was playing with my hair. And he had such a stupid strict look on his face, so he said, that one was really bad, let's get another one. So we did, and it is this one. And that's about all I can remember besides walking away shrieking to the violinist!

Kaleena from Bad Axe, Michigan


Lindsay Perkins travelled all the way from Gladwin, Michigan to attend Fan Fair 1999. There, she had the chance to meet Shane Minor! Thanks for the photo and story Lindsay!

Lindsay with Shane her second time meeting hin in Saginaw, Michigan.

First of all I would like to thank Donna for allowing me to share my "shane story" and for posting my pics on her web page. THANKS AGAIN DONNA!

Aug. 20th 1999 was one of the most memorable days of my life! I had been waiting to meet Shane again. I first met him at fan fair 99, Nashville, TN. He was so AMAZING! I was then hooked on him(as they say!)He really had an impression on me!

The night started out in Saginaw Michigan...It featured Shane Minor with SHe DAISY. The concert was held in Morley Plaza Park...It was called "Friday Night Live." Shane was nothing more than AMAZING! He had his fans on their heels the whole night, asking for more! Like Shane said that night,"Saginaw is full of women." Yes, Women lovin' Shane! After his show my mom said,"I am going to see if you can meet Shane." I did not think there was any way I would, but boy was I wrong. We found a lady that worked for Shane and told her about my pics being on DONNA'S web page and she was so excited that I supported Shane. She said,"I know he would love to meet you." She went over and talked to Shane and said," he would love to meet you and he will come over to you in a minute...within minutes Shane walked up to me and said, "Lindsay, Hi! It is so nice to meet you again!" His manager said, "I think she is one of your biggest fans." Shane gave me a hug and said,"sweetie thank you for all you do for me and have done for me." Shane loved the pics on Donna's web page...he could not believe I took them! All his staff LOVED them too! His signed all of my pictures with special messages...HE WAS SO THANKFUL FOR ALL I HAD DONE FOR HIM! He then hugged me AND THE BEST PART OF IT ALL!...he said, "thanks again sweetie I can not express how much I appreciate everything you do for me!" he then KISSED my head THREE times...all these girls started screaming...OH MY GOSH, SHANE MINOR JUST KISSED THAT GIRL 3...TIMES!She better not wash her hair for months...Shane just laughed, with the cutest smile on his face! He then KISSED me on the cheek! It was the GREATEST moment in a girls life! WOW!-is all I could say!

Shane treated me like a "princess"! I will never forget that day...MY WHOLE LIFE! You will never forget meeting Shane! He treats his fans like his "own" family! He is one of the nicest guys in country music! He is what they call "THE MAN"! THANK YOU SHANE FOR ALL YOU HAVE DONE FOR ME! ...ALSO... A thank you to Shane's staff for being great to me and most importantly my mom for getting me backstage to meet "THE MAN" MR. SHANE MINOR! I LUV U MOM!



Deidra Bourne and her friend Becky from Omaha, Nebraska met Shane at the KAT 103.7 Fun Fest on July 25th.

My friend Becki & I got to meet Shane at the KAT 103.7 Fun Country Festival that was sponsored by a local radio station. I had won the tickets & probably wouldn't have been able to convince Becki to pay $8 for the ticket since she's not a big country fan. Shane was the second act that we saw, & we even moved closer to the stage after he started. After his part of the concert, we went out to the car to eat the sandwiches we'd packed & got back just in time for Doug Stone to go on. Shortly after Doug Stone started, I noticed that Shane's fiddle & bass players were talking to the fans inside the fence near the stage. It looked as if people were hading things over the fence to be autographed, but since we didn't have anything to get signed, we didn't even think about going over there. About 5 minutes later, though, I noticed that Shane himself was inside the fence too. That was when we decided to go get our picture taken. I couldn't believe how nice Shane was. He answered most questions that fans asked him & even gave his Mercury Records baseball hat to a boy that asked for it (he even signed it first without being asked to). One lady even asked for his shirt which he said he would have given her if he were allowed to. The experience was definitely worth being embarrassed on the radio the morning I won the tickets less than 5 minutes after I woke up.


The first time I meet Shane was March 1999. My roommate and I went to the Rennissance Hotel where they where they where having the country Radio seminar. we where sitting in the lobby waiting to see the artists and I spotted Shane and my roommate and I walked up to him to talk to him. My roommate and Shane are From the same place in Calif so they really had a lot to talk about Shane was so nice and not to mention gorgeous. Since that time I have seen him a couple of times and he was still the greatest just like he was the first time.

Tammie Bacon, Goodlettsville, TN

Donna and Shane after his free lunch-time concert sponsored by New Country Y-107 at the World Trade Center in New York City on August 26.

Webmaster Donna and Shane after his Mercury show performance at Fan Fair 1999.

Shane and webmaster Donna on-field during "press-time" before the game began.

Donna and Shane on his visit to FROGGY 101, while on his national radio tour.

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