Paparazzi Glantri

Stories & Anecdotes

“You may know every rumor and secret and foul truth in Glantri, but what can you do about it?”

—Sir Boris Gorevitch-Woszlany, Representative of Prince Morphail of Boldavia

There are many tales to be told in the Principalities. Some are impressive. Many are intriguing. All are interesting. But are any of them true? Perhaps that is not what matters in Glantri. Perhaps what matters are the lessons one learns from them.

Tales from the Principalities

Treachery and Tea A tale of intrigue set over Fenswick tea. The mystery of Dame Diane de Moriamis is discussed by Noussoir du Marais and Princess Dolores Hillsbury.

Intrigas Belcadices What happens when a Princess and the Paparazzi do not see eye to eye? Follow this series of letters to unravel a plot of scandals, secret, blackmail and revenge. 

Special thanks to Marquesa Valerya de Belcadiz y Virayana

The Death of Lamberto Fulvina Too many Glantrian wizards die in laboratory accidents every year. More so if a noble rank and title is at stake. Here is the story of one Caurenzan nobleman and his mysterious death. 

Special thanks to Signor Giovanni Fulvina and Signor Giampaolo di Malapietra.

The Truth About Noussoir Until AC 1014, no one had heard of Prince Malachie du Marais’ younger brother. This is a tale about that mysterious young Glantrian, which not only digs up his unlikely origins, but also many of the secrets and intrigues of House Marais.

Tales from the Paparazzi

Paparazzi Rising The first in the chronology of these tales, this story reveals how seven not-so-innocent Glantrians were gathered not-so-unknowingly to become the Paparazzi Glantri. New!

Murder at the Cosmopolitan In AC 1017, the Paparazzi Glantri is witness to the assassination attempt of Princess Dolores Hillsbury of Fenswick at the Cosmopolitan Theatre. They are called to investigate the affair and uncover the truth—in their own particular scheming style. New!

The Midsummer Night’s Ball Yes! Princess Carnelia de Belcadiz has the most fabulous parties! And the summer season party of AC 1017 is one that is particularly memorable. Hear the account of the Paparazzi Glantri (who unlike most of you) were there! New!

Paparazzi Burning In AC 1017, the Paparazzi Glantri came under fire—literally! They go undercover to find this mysterious enemy, among many, many suspects! New!

The Trouble With Clerics In the aftermath of the Alexander Day Massacre of AC 1017, the Paparazzi investigate the underground activities of a most hated group in Glantri: clerics! New!


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