Paparazzi Glantri

The Glitterati

“Do you even know who you are addressing?”

—Prince Kol XIV of New Kolland to a Karameikan not used to humanoids as nobility

The Princes of the Millennium The Council of Princes in AC 1000 defined what a Prince of Glantri is, not just for the people of Glantri, but for the peoples throughout the Known World. Know them now as most Glantrians know them.

The Princes of War Two great wars in the last two decades have adversely changed the face of the Council of Princes, like no battles in the Glantrian political arenas ever have. Meet the fresh faces, the newcomers, and the ingénues of the Glantrian game of Princes in AC 1016.

Prince Claimants & Aspirants What does it take to become a Prince of Glantri? Some have struggled all of their lives and still have not achieved that elusive position. Some were born to become Prince in the future and only Time stands between the fulfillment—or disappointment—of their destiny. And yet some others become Prince out of pure happenstance or whim of the Immortals. Meet the characters who have aspired, and have claimed, and are destined to become a Prince of Glantri. Those who were, who will be, and who will never be.


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