Paparazzi Glantri

Prince Claimants & Aspirants

“Welcome! Surely a demon-child such as yourself will fit right in with all the bickering elves, humanoids, werewolves, barbarians, vampires, and one-armed cripples in our little Circus of Princes!”

—Princess Dolores Hillsbury, welcoming Angus McGregor upon his becoming the new Prince of Klantyre

Henri d’Ambreville, Prince Claimant of Nouvelle Averoigne

The ambitious younger brother of Prince Étienne d’Ambreville, Sire Henri has on several occasions tried to wrest control of Nouvelle Averoigne, first from Étienne, then later from his sister-in-law Isidore. Details of his most recent coup are not spoken of outside of the family, but rumor has it, the plot involved kidnappings, magical duels, vengeance from the dead, impersonations, a werewolf or two, a Belcadizan witch, an imprisoned dwarf, lots of poison, and several murders. Apparently, Sire Henri is better at plotting out a classical Glantrian scandal than at achieving the title of Prince. Too bad he died before we could find out.

Lan-Syn Virayana, Former Princess of Krondahar

The stylish Lady Lan-Syn, first wife of former Prince Jherek Virayana IV, is a noblewoman of the highest class, and her ascension as the Princess of Krondahar thrilled many Glantrians, who believed the Council was in dire need of more respectability and élan. But, alas, she fell victim to the uncouth and boorish politicians, who on one hand spouted forth concern over “the growing Ethengar monopoly” (Lady Lan-Syn is the sister of Prince Urmahid Krinagar of Bramyra), while on the other hand promoted misogyny and chauvinism in the name of “preserving Ethengar traditions.” Though at present, she seems to have lost any place of import in Krondahar, she is still a powerful and popular personality in the rest of the Principalities, proving that at least she has left those other barbarians in the Steppes, and has truly arrived in Glantri.

John Beaumarys-Moorkroft, Archduke of Westheath, Prince Aspirant

The rise of Lord John, from the obscurity of a Fenswick villager to the stardom of an archduke of Glantri, is both phenomenal and yet only natural, considering the cold calculated moves of this master statesman. Many laugh at Lord John for the incident in AC 1012 when he became Prince of Morlay-Malinbois for about a day and a half, after which, the rightful Prince Malachie turned up alive and took his place. But Lord John would admit that even he found it incredulous, as it was not in his grand scheme; if anything, that political faux pas only proved just how close he is to becoming the next Prince of Glantri. It is said, Lord John has designs on the Principality of Fenswick, perhaps to fulfill his childhood dream of a Fenswick nation, or perhaps to get the final laugh at Lady Margaret Hillsbury and her daughter, Princess Dolores, both of whom have greatly insulted him (the latter, politically, the former romantically).

Griseo Fulvina, Visconte di Verazzano, Prince Aspirant

Though quite unremarkable before the Great War, and the considerably weakened politically with the destruction of Caurenze, Signor Griseo is now gaining popularity and following with his recent promises and ambitions of establishing a Nouva Caurenze. Political players are advised to make connections and forge alliances with him (or against him) now rather than later. Signor Griseo belongs to the old school of Caurenzan politics (trained under wing by no less than Innocenti di Malapietra, former Prince of Caurenze), where deception, treachery, violence and assassination are routine, if not essential.

Isabella de Montebello, Baronesa del Egorn, Princess Aspirant

Doña Isabella is one of the rare Belcadizan nobles not claiming to be a first cousin to Princess Carnelia de Belcadiz. But her loyalty to La Princesa was recently put under question, when word had spread that she had plans for a new elven principality in western Glantri (The plan was foiled with the enfeoffment of the Principality of Sablestone in the same area). Spies have reported that La Baronesa still continues to develop her small community of elves, most of who espouse separation from the Belcadizans.

Does Glantri really need another elven principality? History has shown that even with merely two principalities, one is bound to perish, and that it is most likely not Belcadiz.

Monique d’Ambreville, Heiress Apparent of Nouvelle Averoigne

Of the youngest generation of the long-lived d’Ambrevilles, only Monique, Princess Isidore’s daughter, has shown promise both as a mage and as the future ruler of Nouvelle Averoigne. But what a befitting choice she is, as Monique shows much of her mother’s keen intelligence and charms, but without the Princess’ vexatious affectations. She was also a favorite of her uncle, Prince Étienne, who would no doubt approve of this choice of heir, if he were still with us today.


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