Paparazzi Glantri

The Princes of War

“The Princes of Glantri have waged wars against armies of humanoids, legions of undead, hordes of rampaging barbarians, and hosts of wizards from the sky, but it is still the daily clashes in the political battlefields that do the most damage.”

—Prinz Jaggar von Drachenfels of Aalban, Warden of the Marches

Isidore d’Ambreville, Princess of Nouvelle Averoigne

Prince Étienne’s sister-in-law ascended the Averoignese throne at the end of the Great War, but not without having to contend with the rest of the d’Ambrevilles, particularly Henri, Étienne’s ambitious brother. Henri even succeeded in wresting power from Isidore, not once, but twice! But despite her tumultuous rise and tenuous grip on princedom, Isidore has proven herself to be a competent politician and a stalwart ruler for her Principality. Ruled AC 1009-1010, 1011-present.

Harald Haaskinz, Prince of Sablestone

They say, those who can’t, teach. If that is true, then this teacher has no business ruling a principality. Granted, as an academician, Prince Harald unquestionably deserves his title as the Grand Master of the Great School of Magic. But as a politician, he seems to serve no purpose, except perhaps as a blank space in the complex game of musical dominions. He does not even possess any entertainment value in social circles (unlike her rather air-headed sister, Lady Tereis). Prince Harald’s main purpose in politics seems to be maintaining the status quo and avoiding the slightest involvement in any Glantrian scandals (read: all affairs Glantrian), making him just a bit blander than the boring Princess Carlotina of Erewan, if such a thing is possible. Ruled AC 1004-present.

Urmahid Krinagar, Prince of Bramyra

As if one Ethengar Prince is not enough! What could have the other Princes been thinking in introducing a former spy who has spent more time in the barbarian steppes than within our civilized Principalities into their ranks. Rumor has it that Prince Urmahid’s espionage days came in useful in securing many of his votes. (Rumor also has it that Prince Urmahid has a problem with the odor of yak.) Yet, inexplicably—Blame it on the eccentric Glantrian tastes for the exotic!—Prince Urmahid seems to be faring well in ruling his little dominion—that is, until the Khan destroyed it in AC 1015. Ruled AC 1003-present. 

Malachie du Marais, Prince of Morlay-Malinbois

A most peculiar and radical Prince of Glantri. Besides his outlandish looks of albino-white skin and pale pink eyes, hidden behind his trademark obsidian spectacles, Prince Malachie is known for his peculiar policies and radical rulings—much unlike the eternally unchanging d'Ambrevilles of Nouvelle Averoigne from whence his power came. An unorthodox rise to princedom through a totally implausible political marriage, a drastic immigration plan to populate his woodland dominion, unpopular viewpoints on clerics, lycanthropy, and other such controversial issues mark Prince Malachie’s unusual brand of politics. That is not to say he is well-liked—at least, for more than his entertainment value. Ruled AC 1005-present.

Juliana Vlaardoen, Princess of Bergdhoven

Once known as the youngest and least experienced Prince of Glantri, Princess Juliana has since lost that honor to Prince Ralindi Virayana—not that Juliana has grown any wiser. The only progress that the little Flaemish Princess may have achieved would probably be—no, not an astute grasp of statesmanship, nor a mastery of her fiery magic—a change in her choice of men. Once an aficionada of the juvenile, foppish dilettanti of every principality but Bergdhoven, Juliana now has her sights on none other but the national hero du jour of Glantri, the Black Eagle of Karameikos, Herr Ludwig von Hendriks. Whether she will have her eye on ruling her dominion anytime soon—and put the shade of her much-hated father to rest—remains to be seen.

Dolores Hillsbury, Princess of Fenswick

Following the death of Duchess Margaret Hillsbury, “The Old Dragon of Fenswick,” her brave, dragon-slaying daughter Dolores entered the scene of Glantrian politics and breathed into it a new vibrancy and panache much needed after the Great War. Charming yet enigmatic, the Lady Dolores won the hearts of many Glantrians, including Prinz Jaggar of Aalban for a time, and even won for herself a new principality. After all, not only is she a natural in the Glantrian games of political intrigue, she is also the inheritor of Prince Volospin Aendyr’s legacy (Yes, she makes no secret of being the less than legitimate daughter of the former Chancellor of Princes!). Her meteoric rise to political stardom is a sure sign of glory days to come for her and for Glantri. Her mother and father, were they with us, would be proud of her!

Kol XIV, Prince of New Kolland

The face of the Glantrian Prince, even in its most inhuman times, has never been so monstrous. The butt of endless jokes in Glantri (“What do you get when you put together Brannart’s good looks, Carnelia’s height, Urmahid’s natural aroma, Vanserie’s hirsutism, Étienne’s  megalomania, Carlotina’s sense of humor…?”), Prince Kol might actually have the last laugh by merely surviving the jungle that is Glantrian politics. Though his political style has been called everything from feral to wild to primitive, his crucial participation in the War with Ethengar has been often hailed a pure and simple genius—until, of course, we remember that it was not actually Prince Kol who lead the army hordes of humanoids, but Prinz Jaggar von Drachenfels and Kol’s lieutenant, The Black Eagle, Ludwig von Hendriks. Ruled AC 1011-present.

Angus McGregor, Prince of Klantyre

What has the Principality of Klantyre come to, to enthrone a mere boy of 10 as their ruler? Glantri in itself is dangerous enough for the common wizard, but to put a mere child, magical as he may be, in the very heart of the turmoil and troubles of our great land, amidst the Grand Masters and archmagi of our realm, has only proven that the McGregors, as a clan, are truly insane. And yet, strangely, young Angus has survived the Council of Princes so far. But analysts point out that this is not due to any true power on Angus’ part, but due to the amusement of the Princes at the Child-Prince of Klantyre. And when he loses his entertainment value, the Princes will take off the kid gloves and put down the iron gauntlet.

Ralindi Virayana, Prince of Krondahar

The newest addition to the Council of Princes as of AC 1016, Ralindi is the eldest son of the deceased Prince Jherek IV and his second wife, the venomous Lady Aleah. Perhaps his first achievement at Council was to secure the singular distinction of being the youngest and most inexperienced Prince of Glantri ever (a dubious honor previously held by Princess Juliana of Bergdhoven). Cynics have criticized that Ralindi is a mere child, still hiding beneath his mother’s skirts. But alas, if Ralindi had any of Lady Aleah’s savvy and cunning, perhaps he might stand a chance in Glantrian politics. Even his father’s once ally, Prince Urmahid of Bramyra, is unimpressed, knowing the boy has more interest in magic and books rather than ruling and affairs of states.


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