Paparazzi Glantri

Murder at the Cosmopolitan

Part 1. Kassar's Story

Thaumont 6, AC 1017. The Cosmopolitan Theatre, Glantri City.

It was the gala night of the newest Glantrian opera, The Doom of Alphatia. The crème de la crème of Glantrian society, the nobles and the culturati, all awaited for the curtains to rise on the grand spectacle, while the other less worthy personages simply waited for the opportunity to hobnob with the Glantrian elite.

And at least one of them awaited the chance to murder a Prince of Glantri.

Kassar Krinagar, half-brother of Prince Urmahid Krinagar of Bramyra, and Cultural Correspondent for the Paparazzi Glantri, made his way to the backstage of the Cosmopolitan Theatre (The doorman was an old friend of his).

The backstage was abuzz with stagehands, actors, dancers, musicians, costumers, directors, theatre wizards, and not a few admirers and patrons. One patron he recognized from afar by his rich Vyonnese tunic and his wide and stocky frame.

“Michel!” greeted Kassar, as he approached the plump patron.

“Kassar, mon ami!” responded Michel d’Ambreville of the ruling house of Nouvelle Averoigne. “What are you doing, snooping around backstage? Sniffing out some fresh gossip for the Paparazzi Glantri again eh?”

“Michel, you are too suspicious! You have been staying with the rest of your weird family for too long!”

All smiles, like a cat that has cornered a mouse, Michel turned to the petite woman with him, and in all gallantry introduced her to Kassar.

“Kassar Krinagar, this is my cousine, Monique d’Ambreville.”

Kassar stood frozen, as Monique, forgiving his faux pas, raised a delicate hand to be kissed. Kassar regained his composure and responded with a weak “Enchanté.”

Michel beamed at the red-faced Kassar and said, “We just came from seeing Grégoire Beaucourt. My cousine has been a great admirer since his performances in Vyonnes.”

Oui! He is a great acteur,” exclaimed Monique, but quickly added, “But, Michel, there is something wrong about him… The way he looked at me…”

“Perhaps, you mean, the way he did not look at you, Monique,” chided Michel, urging Kassar to join in a conspiratorial laugh.

Monique looked all the more perturbed, until Kassar gave her an explanation.

“I think what your cousin is referring to, madesmoiselle, is that Monsieur Grégoire already has his eyes on a handsome young wizard from the Great School...”

“Ah! I see…” sighed Monique, understanding and a bit dismayed.

Mon ami, ever on top of the latest gossip!” scolded Michel, jokingly.

“Of course, Michel! What am I in the Paparazzi Glantri for?”

“Ah, we best get going, Kassar! The show will start soon.”

“What? So soon?” said Kassar in mock surprise, “It is only quarter past the hour? What with Catalya Erewan as the prima donna, we should still have a good half-hour of backstage dramatics yet!”

“Ha-ha! But, mon ami, I heard someone slipped a bit of hastening potion in her drink earlier, so her dramatics are running at double the speed and half the time! Can’t you hear that bird-like twittering coming from her room? She will be done with her tantrums soon enough! We must get back to our box!”

Kassar and Michel shared another bout of laughter as they parted, with Monique joining her cousin with a disconcerted look on her face, as if she noted something else was wrong.

Kassar continued through the backstage. As the Correspondent on Culture and Arts, he did not really have a specific agenda for this event, save to detail who will be in attendance, how the show will go, and how the audience will receive it.

Kassar found himself at the door of the private room for Signor Maximiliano Pampinei, the virtuoso tenor who will be playing the lead male role. The door was ajar, and Kassar could not help to take a peak.

Inside, with his back to the door, Signor Pampinei was kneeling on the floor. His hands were clasped together, and he was mumbling to himself an endless litany in Thyatian. Kassar could only make out a few words, through his thick Caurenzan accent.

“…Asterius, grant me grace and nimbleness on stage… Valerias, Patroness of Beauty and Passion, may my passion as an artist and a performer please you… Tiresias, The Immortal Bard of Pandius, Patron of All Bards and Singers…”

Kassar had heard that Maximiliano Pampinei had a secret ritual before every performance that would be considered taboo by many Glantrians. Kassar also knows that Signor Pampinei’s mother was a Caurenzan from northern Darokin, who was reputed to be a very religious woman. It seemed that Signor Pampinei’s mother had greatly influenced him in this respect—something Kassar will take note of for the Paparazzi Glantri.

After Kassar quietly closed the door, he nearly bumped into a Krondaharan woman passing him in the hall.

“Vilma!” Kassar exclaimed, recognizing his niece.

“Uncle Kassar!” greeted Vilma Virayana, the new Theatre Manager for the Cosmopolitan Theatre.

“What are you doing backstage? Shouldn’t you be mingling with the important guests outside?”

“No,” explained Vilma, “Catalya Larkstryll is starring in this show, so I should be in her room, trying to placate the histrionic diva to get this show started. Actually, I just came from there. I slipped some potion of speed in her voice tonic, to speed up her tantrums, but now I seem to have misplaced the rest of the potion.”

Kassar took a moment to admire his headstrong niece who was the daughter of his headstrong sister, Lady Lan-Syn Virayana. He was proud she had overcome the misogynist Ethengarian traditions that restricted the roles of women. Vilma had achieved the esteemed position as Manager of the premiere theatre of Glantri City, and was doing a very good job at it.

“And you, Uncle Kassar,” said Vilma, putting on an authoritative tone, “what are you doing backstage? Kibitzing for the Paparazzi, I suspect. Come let me show you to your seats. You are here with mother and Uncle Urmahid, I guess?”

Vilma lead her snooping uncle out to the main theatre with a surprisingly forceful arm, as Kassar tried to catch his final glimpses of the backstage hubbub.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Epilogue

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