Paparazzi Glantri

The Truth About Noussoir

Part 1. Rendezvous at Morlay

“Don’t move, Madame Comtesse, or I swear, by Rad’s head, I will shoot you dead!”

Suzanne cocked her crossbow, making sure the Comtesse and her henchmen heard it.

The air inside the tent was heavy with sweat and blood and the smell of the hunt. One henchman stood frozen beside the sick bed, his hand on the handle of a dagger still in its sheath. The other was behind the Comtesse, in no position to attack nor defend.

Suzanne stood at the opening of the tent, a good two feet away from the Comtesse, poised motionless with her crossbow. 

Only the shallow breathing of the bandaged man lying in the bed could be heard.

“Mundaner! How dare—”

“Quiet!” commanded Suzanne, reminding the Comtesse du Touraine that social rank meant nothing at that moment. “No moving. No speaking. I have been around wizards enough to know about spellcasting.”

Suzanne saw a muscle bulge on the Comtesse’s smooth cheek, showing she was biting hard. Suzanne thought, better have her gnashing her teeth than whispering some spell.

Madame, this crossbow is aimed at your throat. Even the least skilled of marksmen could make the shot,” Suzanne explained.

Then, as Suzanne slowly moved sideways, to let the guards enter the tent, she reminded her target, “And I assure you, madame, my skill is quite considerable.”

The men from the hunting party cautiously entered the cramped tent. Comtesse Geneviève de Sephora saw what she knew all along: they were not really human, but werewolves, wild, shaggy wolf-men standing on two feet, with powerful arms that ended in claws, and lupine faces full of hair and fangs.

The Comtesse realized they would be outnumbered. But with her henchman still at the bedside, she still held the upper hand—if he didn’t lose his nerve. Already, the Comtesse’s other henchman was shaking, as the closest of the wolf-men bared his teeth, and let his saliva drip from his snout, like a rabid dog.

Suzanne knew that the nervous often acted brashly. She quickly resumed her negotiation.

Madame, the bolt in this crossbow is magical. It will penetrate any magical protection you may have, and it is enchanted with a mage-slayer spell which will kill you instantly.”

Behind her crossbow, Suzanne was staring at the Comtesse eye to eye.

“And even if I were bluffing, as you think I am,” continued Suzanne, “the bolt will go through your throat anyway. Even if you do not die with that, you will not be able to cast yours spells. My men can easily kill you with their swords... or claws.”

Suzanne saw the Comtesse’s neck tense up, and then relax. Suzanne knew the Comtesse had surrendered.

“Tell your assassin to step back slowly and leave this tent. The other may follow. You may leave after them. My men will escort you out of our camp.”

The Comtesse gave the assassin a stern look, then cocked her head towards the exit. He eased his way away from the sickbed and disappeared behind the opening flap of the tent.

The fidgety henchman did not wait to be told, and gingerly made his way to leave. He was careful to avoid any contact with the wolf-men guards, but almost jumped when one werewolf gave a small snap of his sharp teeth.

When he reached the exit, Suzanne ordered the Comtesse, “You may go now. Slowly.”

The Comtesse stood at her full height and attempted to regain what little dignity she had left, after being threatened at crossbow-point. With subdued magnificence and seething indignance, Comtesse Geneviève regally strode out of the tent. The werewolf pack surrounded her and herded her out.

At once, Suzanne rushed to the bedside, her eyes brimming with tears.

“Malachie!” she cried, trying to rouse the injured man.

“Suzanne,” he assured her weakly, “I am alright.”

“Malachie!” Suzanne repeated, as she lay her head on his bandaged chest.

Merci.” he whispered. Though he was too weak to do anything else, Malachie comforted her with a gentle hand on her hair.

“I had better fashion you one of those enchanted bolts, ma chérie.”

The two lovers were oblivious to the sounds of the screaming and howling outside the tent.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Epilogue

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