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Stealing Our Thunder

History:   Although I've been reading fanfiction from different fandoms for years, I've had multiple obsessions with fictional characters, and I like writing, I'd never even considered writing any of my own. Then one day, I was finally motivated to start an account on, because the muses descended upon me and inspired me to write a masterpiece...well, actually, it was because I thought that Orlandu was too ridiculously cheap and overpowered, and that a fic about killing him would be funny. Yes, those are the romantic roots of my writing career.

So this was my first fanfic ever. Besides the fact that it averages about three ellipses per sentence (and I've actually cut some out recently!), let me put it this way: my sense of humour is very "unique". Just take a look at this witty dialogue from the original version of the fic:

Agrias: And did you notice that Ramza's a rabid Final Fantasy VII fanboy?
Orlandu: Well, he does have an "I Heart Sephiroth" T-shirt, but...

Okay, before you make fun of me, that was eight whole months ago. I was young and inexperienced. I didn't know any better! Anyway, I eventually changed Orlandu's line to "Off course", but I don't think one person got it. I've edited the fic quite a bit since then. I also gave useless responses to every reviewer (what, it was my first fic, and I was surprised that people were even reading it. Don't judge me!). However, I cannot guarantee that "Stealing Our Thunder" is 100% free of corny jokes; I've always had my suspicions about "why couldn't you be a Libra?"

Stealing Our Thunder

~Evil Mina

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