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Potential Danger In Moon's Garden Of Eden

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PART-TWO "Is Another Jonestown Possible?"

~Why is Sun Myung Moon building an "Ideal World" in a remote and isolated region of South America? Why is he doing that? And why now?

To know the answer to this question in the most complete sense would require full knowledge of the inner workings of the mind of Sun Myung Moon. We cannot hope to discern every thought of an individual as complicated and disturbing as Moon. What we can do....what we must do, is to arm ourselves with all available resources and documents and filter these through common sense and reason. Where should we start? We must start with the Unification Church and Sun Myung Moon. We must first consider the reason....the reasons, that they themselves claim to be so feverishly working on a project so vast, so clothed in secrecy, as New Hope East Garden, a place that members of Moon's church are calling The Garden of Eden and The Kingdom Of Heaven On Earth.

~Below, I want to detail the various reasons that have been offered both publicly and privately by the Unification Church to explain it's operations in South America. Each of the these explanations will then be critiqued, and a disturbing pattern begins to emerge. The pattern is, that most of the explanations offered by the UC do not fit the facts.

Explanations By The Unification Church

1) They are working to help an impoverished South American city.

~This has been offered as one of the reasons the UC is investing millions of dollars into Jardim, Mato Grasso do Sul, Brazil. This has been stated in the official newspaper of the Unification Movement (Unification News) as well as by Unification Church representative Phillip Schanker in an interview with The Edge, with Paula Zahn on theFoxNews Cable Channel. This cannot be the truth. Why do I say that? Because Sun Myung Moon has a long and sordid history of telling his members that he cares so much about starving people (usually Starving Africans, is his favorite cause to use) and that he is working so hard to help these people, yet his score card of actual achievements, always comes up nearly empty. Decades ago, he initiated a major fundraising campaign among his members. He told them.....he warned them...that something terrible would happen if the money was not raised. One member during that period, told me that Moon had said that God wanted them to raise the money to save and feed starving Africans. The members responded faithfully. They worked, they sold, they collected donations, and ultimately, they met the goal. And after their considerable and successful efforts to raise those funds were realized, what was it that Moon did to help the starving Africans? According to that former church leader, Moon promptly purchased his vast estate in upstate New York. A multi-million dollar mansion that he named East Garden. No food for starving Africans was ever grown there. But Moon certainly seemed to enjoy his new digs, purchased by his members blood, sweat and tears. The amazing thing, is that Moon had to move out of his other mansion Belvedere, which had only been purchased a short time before for Moon's residence. Similarly, a vast estate in Texas, called Crawford Farms was the next supposed providential place that Moon was going to grow his heavenly crops to save the starving Africans. This vast estate contained more than 1200 square kilometers of land. That would certainly seem large enough for a huge produce farm. The members expectations ran high again, they were really going to help those Africans now! Members were selected to watch over the estate, which also contained a mansion the size of several football fields. Reports would come out sporadically about the plans they were making to help those poor starving Africans, but alas, not one row of corn was produced for the poor hungry Africans. What was the huge estate used for? By most accounts, both in the major media and from members I have talked to, is that it became a personal vacation spot for Moon's family. They would go there and go hunting, and occasionally entertain their personal friends or guests. There was a member that had as part of his heavenly assignment, the responsibility of ensuring that the huge Bar remained well stocked with alcohol. The figures I have been told was, over $10,000 dollars of the best alcoholic beverages available, and consumed after being poured in expensive pure crystal stemware. Moon was pleased, but the Africans stayed hungry, and the members remained exhausted from their substantial efforts at raising the funds. Finally, after nearly a decade of use as a personal vacation hideaway, the property was a 1.6 million dollar loss from what it was purchased for.

~Moon has made other promises. Many in fact. He has told his members that he was also going to save starving Africans with his fishing enterprises, but sadly, like Crawford Farms, not one starving African has tasted any of Moon's fish, though personally, he has profited nicely as fees per pound for the salmon his fishing fleet collects in Alaska has multiplied hundreds of percent in cost. In one speech, Moon actually told his own members that he cared so much for starving Africans that he now only washes his underwear once per week to save money for them. (As God is my witness, this is what he told them!). I may have been at one time, as teary eyed as the members probably were that heard that speech, thinking "Oh, father is so caring, look at how he sacrifices even his own personal hygeine for starving Africans!" but now?...Now, with my critical thought and reason back in place, the first question that enters my mind from Moon's statement is: "Gee Rev. Moon, if you really cared about starving Africans, then, rather than only saving a few pennies on your laundry each week, how about not living in mansions that cost tens of millions of dollars? I could be wrong, but I bet that tens of millions of dollars would buy alot more food for starving Africans, than dirty underwear could accomplish!" Aside from all this, of course, is the reality that Moon has wasted vast sums of money on businesses that went under, and a motion picture that costs millions and flopped in the box office, etc.. Moon has certainly had the financial resources for decades now, to have impacted hunger in a good way. He has never done so, and it is doubtful that he is being honest about his efforts now either.

2) We are working to protect an environmentally sensitive area of the world

~This one, is one of the most blatant lies they have offered. What is incredible, is that they actually even held a conference where notable personalities were invited and attended, the Rev. Jerry Falwell among them. In this conference, they explained how the Pantanal, is an untouched and pristine area of major environmental importance. They suggested that Rev. Moon really deserves a debt of gratitude for his work to protect this environmental treasure. More than a mistake made of ignorance, this was an outright lie. The plans of The Unification Church, which have been very secretive until recently, and still are, to a great extent, have nevertheless revealed that rather than protecting the Pantanal, the Unification Church's plans will work toward the destruction of the environment there. As is so often the case, the Unification Church has made plans and deceived the public as to the true nature of those plans. In a speech to Unificationists which was also printed in the January 1999 Unification News, Joon Sung Kim revealed many of the church's dubious plans while admitting that even his own fellow church members are only being allowed to know "10% at best" of what they are planning for the region. What he did express of those plans were bad enough! He proudly explained how the church would promote tourism and fishing and agricultural production on a large scale, and shockingly, that they would work to build many factories including industrial factories in the same region they are telling others they want to preserve and protect! To most of us, it would be immediately apparent that industrial factories bellowing pollution into the atmosphere would not be compatible with an environmentally sensitive and rishly diverse area. Industrial factories are not compatible with nature preserves. But beyond even that, I have discovered that the very activities they are promoting, are also the very same ones listed as the most threatening to the environment in that area by an independent research team of German and Brazillian scientists. The initial reports of the joint research team which is assesing ways to protect the environment there, found that the worst threats to the region were Industrial Sewage and Waste, Increased Tourism, Increased Fishing and Agricultural Development. Incredibly, these are the very activities that the Unification Church claims to be persuing to their members privately! Right down the list, the Moonies are doing and planning the things that will most adversely affect the area, not preserve it! Once again, the Moonies are lying, and they have not become environmentalists suddenly. So, this explanation also, doesn't hold water. (Research this yourself, so you will see that I am not making this up. Here are two links: One for A Moonie Article detailing the plans I spoke about, and the true Environmentalist Article, detailing the threats to the region's natural environment.)

3) We are building the foundation for a world of peace through Rev. Moon's vision.

~This is not worth going into detail about. Not because world peace is not a goal that should be worked toward and sought after, but because it is irrational to believe that Sun Myung Moon would be the best candidate for leading others to that goal. It was not long ago that the Moon family seemingly publicly endorsed as authentic, a man from South Africa that claimed to be Moon's reincarnated Korean son that had died in a car accident. In Nan Sook Hong's book: In The Shadow Of The Moons she reveals that this large African Unification Church member, went around violently beating people for the sins he made them confess to him. She reports that Moon would laugh out loud, when a report came back that a leader that had fallen out of favor, had been beaten especially hard. Finally, this person was sent back to Africa after reports in The Washington Post brought public attention to the violence, and after one of Moon's most loyal leutenants, Bo Hi Pak reportedly suffered some brain damage from his own beating by Moon's reincarnated son. Nan Sook also reported her own sufferings as a victim of domestic violence, and how in a cocaine induced rage, her husband even punched her pregnant stomach, screaming that he would kill her baby. Other former church leaders, have told me of many other instances of UC violence, at the hands of several of Moon's sons. Recently, reports have also come out, of Moon's second youngest son committing suicide in Reno Nevada. Why are these events significant? Because it is foolishness to believe that a man could bring peace to the world, when he cannot even foster peace in his own family. As the Bible so appropriately asks: 1 Timothy 3:5 (For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?) ... or the world, for that matter. No, peace is not forefront on Moon's agenda.

4) We are building a model for an ideal world

~I believe that this, hits closest to the truth. No, they are not truly building any kind of real model for an ideal world, but they are building a Model World. Yes indeed, I believe this is what Sun Myung Moon is doing. He is building a Model of the World but what kind of model? And why? These are the questions, I believe I may have an answer for:

Why Is Moon Building A Model Of The World?

~In articles and speeches and statements of leaders of The Unification Church, a plan is being unveiled. Part of that plan involves a potential Mass Immigration (a phrase, in fact used in The Unification News) of Unification Church members worldwide to an isolated region of South America, they are calling The Garden Of Eden. Some of the elements of that plan involve, seperating large tracts of land that Moon has purchased (and continues to purchase) into approximately 160 plots of land. Each plot would be inhabited by, and represent each of the nations in the world. To this effect, there would be an area of land that would represent England and another Korea, etc.. and ideally, they would be populated by members from those very places. In fact, Moon has said (as quoted in The Unification News) that he may have 20,000 of his members immigrate to the land he is purchasing. Recall, that Jonestown involved approximately 900 adults and children, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters and children. This surpasses that experiment substantially in every way, of people, land and scope. But why? Why is Moon trying to assemble plots of land and peoples representing every nation in the world? The answer, I believe, is as simple, as it is bizarre and frightening. Moon is creating a scaled down model of the world. Moon, in fact is creating for himself, the world that he has never been able to control in reality, and building his own scaled down model that he will be able to control. Moon has always stated throughout his life, that he desires to rule the world, that he wants to establish a world theocracy, that he himself would lead as a benevolent dictator. He has not only made these types of statements in the distant past, but also as recently as the '90's. Moon wants to rule the world, but the world has not accepted Sun Myung Moon as it's leader. In a very important glimpse into Moon's very disturbed mind, Nan Sook Hong recounts for us in her book, how Moon staged an elaborate and very expensive ceremony that only the very closest of church leaders and Moon's own family were allowed to attend. As Moon's daughter in law, Nan Sook was permitted entrance into that very secret ceremony. So what happened? In this elaborately staged event, Moon had his closest leaders, dress up as historical figures from the past. For instance, one was dressed as George Washington and another as The Prophet Muhammed, etc.. They formed a receiving line, and one by one, these people came and bowed to the floor in front of Sun Myung Moon's feet. This was not a simple Halloween costume party. On the contrary, according to Nan Sook Hong, Moon's former daughter in law, Sun Myung Moon proclaimed himself and his wife, Emperor and Empress of The Universe. And I truly believe, that in Moon's mind, the people bowing before him were not his Korean leaders dressed up as George Washington, but George Washington himself! I believe that Moon so confuses reality from symbolism or make believe, that they all become the same for him. Moon has not been able to have notable figures such as Ronald Reagan bow before him, so he simply dresses up his own leaders so he can believe these people are actually bowing before him. It may be laughable, were it not for the fact, that this, possibly deranged man, has absolute control over thousands of followers worldwide, that would willingly go to their deaths for him. That is why it is frightening. Now, consider the ceremony that Nan Sook details in her book, and compare it to Moon's plans for his Garden of Eden in Brazil. He will live there, and he will become the leader of the world. Not the real world, just as his Korean leaders were not really George Washington and Jesus Christ, but a scaled down model of the world, where Sun Myung Moon will implement the plans he had reserved for a world domination that never materialized.

~That should alarm anyone that has a loved one involved in the Unification Church or just has compassion for human lives in general. Moon has stated in speeches, some of his vision for a future world, he wanted to control. Among the things Moon has said, is that only people that speak Korean will be allowed to be married. Sun Myung Moon can now implement his spoken wish in Brazil. As the leader of his ideal world, in such an isolated region, who will prevent Moon from not allowing marriage for those that do not learn the Korean language? But a more frightening statement Moon has made, is that women that refuse to marry should be condemned to death. I have the speech, printed by the Unification Church themselves, where he said that. Former church leaders were also in attendance when Moon said that in the future, if a girl had sex before marriage, she would suffer capital punishment. Capital punishment is death, execution. Will Moon also be able to implement these plans in an isolated region of Brazil? A place where he is founder, leader and god? With the Unification Church's history of violence, even in supposedly sacred rituals, it is not unthinkable, that Sun Myung Moon will be responsible for deaths there, whether ritual suicide, or capital punishment or whatever else Moon may conceive in his mind. A mind that seemingly confuses reality and fantasy. A mind that also seems as ravaged by age, as his physical body is. As he approaches 80 years of age, what will stop him from his violent desires? Why would he fear retribution from others? He knows that his time is running out anyway. He knows that he has not achieved the world dominion he sought all his life. He knows these things, and yet he has not given up his goal of ruling the world. It is for this reason, I believe, that he is now pulling capital out of many of his projects and letting them disentigrate, and why he is asking....demanding....that his followers provide him with $16,000 dollar donations if they want citizenship in Heaven. He is pulling up stakes. He is moving his money.....and his followers.....and his deranged Brazil.

May God protect any poor soul that follows him there.

A provoking quote to leave you with, from Rev. Moon...

Eternal Happiness
by Sun Myung Moon
February 25, 1979
Translator: Sang Kil Han

Those who are determined to build eternal happiness are the pioneers, and such people must go through all sorts of experiences. In one sense I am a very loving person, but I am also a person to keep an eye on because if I give a direction there are hundreds of people ready to do impossible things. Yet I am completely unlike the communists or people like Jim Jones; as long as the work of justice needs doing I will proclaim so and go head on.

The free world needs this kind of leadership now. The world needs the person who strives for the ideal that is deep inside himself and who can never be inhibited. There are three kinds of people to be seen in building the kingdom of heaven: the people who really fight with everything they have, feeling no regret and winning victory for history; those who will die fighting because they are short of power; and those who retreat because the fighting is difficult and they are afraid to die.

Is Another Jonestown Possible? [PART-1] [PART-2]




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