Northern Gent

Cigar Reviews


While it may seem silly to read about or watch videos of other people smoking cigars, other people and professional reviewers can be enormously helpful. If you find a reviewer that has a similar palette to your own, you can often find suggestions for new smokes you may never have heard of. Here are a few of my favorite reviewers. You can find more reviews if you just google it.

On occasion I will post some of my own reviews up as well. However for now my palette isn't refined enough, and I haven't smoked anything worth reviewing in quite some time now.

Cigar Obsession

Bryan Glynn over at is one of my favorites. I haven't the slightest clue as to why, by Bryan makes me laugh. He is always reviewing all sorts of cigars from different manufacturers all over the world. Plus he does awesome stuff like this:

I wish someone sent me some of those care packages while I was deployed...

Delecia the Cigar Vixen

Cigar Vixen

A beautiful woman, a fine smoke, and a good drink. Any man's dream. Delicia at is that dream. She is the brand ambassador for Cigar & Spirits Magazine, world traveler, and one hell of a reviewer. Her YouTube Channel takes you all over the world going to events and trying new cigars.

If that isn't enough, she has a 7 day Nicaraguan Cigar and Rum vacation planned for November 2015 that you can join her on. That's just awesome. A guided vacation of rum and cigar production in a tropical paradise guided by an industry professional, who just happens to also be a model. Difficult to say no to, especially when she offers a discount to military and first responders. Almost makes me wish I hadn't spent all my money on cigars... Head over to her site for details.