Northern Gent

Alcohol Reviews


I loves me some alcohol. Not in a bad, end up in the street begging for change sort of way, but certain types of drinks can make amazing compliments to just about anything. Grilling up a nice steak for dinner? Try a quality red wine with it. My personal favorite is any good cabernet sauvignon with prime rib. Give it a go next time you're out. You're welcome.

It's not all about wine though. There are some great beers and alcohols that will pair up wonderfully with anything from steak to cigars. Pop in to my alcohol reviews every so often to see what I've been drinking. If you want to know what I've got on deck, head over to my calendar to see what I plan on drinking. Just bear in mind life happens, so I may not always be where I say I am or drinking what I say I will.

Hennessey Pure White

Pure White

I was clued into this cognac by a couple of my soldiers while I was in Afghanistan. It isn't sold regularly in the states, and when it is you can't find it cheaper then $100 on a good day. I was able to snag a bottle for $50 from the Dominican Republic vacation I took few months back. Vacation is such a strong word, it was more like a week of food poisoning and sunburn after being horribly downgraded in room size (private villa to single hotel by the resort.

Anyway this cognac is exceptionally smooth and has quite a young taste to it. I enjoyed it like I do most drinks, on the rocks after dinner with a decent cigar (a Montecristo Media Noche No. 2 to be exact). The Pure White went back amazingly smooth with hints of fruit and flowers in both the aroma and taste profiles. It wasn't the most amazing thing I've ever had, certainly not worth over $100, but the next time I'm in the Caribbean I'll snag a few bottles.

As far as the pairing with the cigar was concerned, I was a bit underwhelmed at first. Bear in mind my cigar palette is still young and unrefined so I do not pick up some of the subtleties some other may, but after the first third of the cigar the full, leathery smoke really enhanced the drink considerably. If you have access to the Henney and the Media Noche give it a whirl.

Jameson Irish Whiskey

John Jameson & Son's triple distilled Irish whiskey. It may not be the fanciest of alcohols, but you can never go wrong with it in my book. This is my go to drink more often then not for nearly any occasion. Three fingers poured over a slow melting giant ice ball, chilling the drink and adding just enough water to really open up the bouquet of flavors and smells. I love it so much just writing this made me go pour one. Uisce Beatha, the water of life. Those 5th century Irish Monks weren't wrong.

Jameson has a light, clean taste with hints of malt, vanilla and citrus. It's hard to place the after taste flavors, but grassy and fruity are in there somewhere. Many people are turned off by the distinct alcohol taste that Jameson has over some other Irish whiskeys like Bushmill's, but I revel in it. Growing up in a rather chilly part of the states, anything that warms up the tummy is great in my book.

I've paired Jameson with too many cigars to count, but I will just leave it at it should pair well with nearly anything you like. I believe my last was a Macanudo Cafe Hyde Park, a fairly light cigar that went well with the light flavors of the whiskey.

Dogfish Head 60-minute IPA

I would be remiss if I did not include perhaps my favorite beer, at least at the moment, in these reviews. Based in Milton, Delaware, Dogfish Head is one of the largest micro-breweries in the country and has been featured on a few TV shows like Beer Wars and Brew Masters. Their 60-minute India Pale Ale offers an amazing hoppiness infused with fruit and citrus. It's a great summer beer.

Drew Estate, a company famous for it's flavor infused brands, has a Smoking Monk line of cigars that were blended to compliment certain types of beer. One of these types is an IPA. While I have yet to smoke one of these cigars, I am definitely curious about how it would pair with the DFH 60, or any IPA for that matter. The same goes for their other lines: Triple Belgian, Hefeweizen, Imperial Stout, and Porter; all types of beer I enjoy. If anyone were to feel so inclined to send me a sampler with each just let me know *wink.