South Asian Language Review

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South Asian Language Review - Journal Cover View Current Volume

Editor: Omkar N. Koul, Indian Institute of Language Studies, India.
Associate Editor: Umarani Pappuswamy , University of Pittsburgh.

Paperback. ISSN 0971-0485

The South Asian Language Review (SALR) is a biannual journal published in January and June w.e.f. January 1991. It publishes papers on theoretical as well as applied aspects of language and linguistics and book reviews with special reference to South Asian languages. The first twelve volumes of the journal were published by Creative Publishers, New Delhi. The IILS has taken up its publication w.e.f. 2003.

The South Asian Language Review News

The South Asian Language Review has commenced on-line publications on June 19, 2006. Volume XIII, Nos. 1 & 2, 2003 are now on-line.SALR looks forward to your support as we help advance and promote research in linguistics and language research. Proposals are invited from potential researchers to guest edit thematic volumes.

View the first e-volume of SALR


Papers and book reviews should be submitted to the editor by email. Authors should provide hard copies if necessary. Manuscripts should be written in English.The title of the paper should follow the name of the author with his/her affiliation (name of the university/institution) and a brief abstract of the paper in about 150 to 200 words. Tables, graphs, diagrams, charts etc. should be sent formatted within the text. References to the published works should be made in the body of the paper and not in footnotes. References given in parenthesis should include the name of the author, the year of publication and page numbers (if necessary) as follows: (Masica1991: 35). All works referred to in the paper and other relevant titles should be listed under References at the end of the paper in the alphabetical order.

Book reviews should include the name of the author, title, the name of the publishers along with the year of publication, total number of pages, and price. The name of the book reviewer along with affiliation should be given at the end of the book review. Papers, book reviews and communication regarding editorial matters may be sent to: Omkar N.Koul and/or Uma Pappuswamy



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US $200 (Individual) Air Mail

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