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Instructions to Authors

Please observe the following manuscript formatting requirements.

Manuscript format

Paper size: The text should be on A4 paper. The first page should include the title of the paper; names(s) of author(s) and affiliation(s); full address for correspondence, including email address.
Type setting
The manuscript must be in Word (DOC or RTF) double spaced 12 point throughout in Times New Roman.
Numbering of pages
Numbering of pages should be consecutive and should appear on the top right corner of each page.

Manuscript text

There should be no line spaces between paragraphs. The first paragraph of the article, and of new sections should not be indented; subsequent paragraphs should be indented.
Headings and subheadings
Use section numbers for headings and subheadings: 1, 1.1, 1.1.1. Section numbers should start with 1. Limit to three levels of headings ( is not allowed).
First-level headings should be 12 point, initial caps, bold and centered. Leave one line space above the heading and 1/4 line space below the heading.
Second-level headings should be 11 point, initial caps, bold, and on the extreme left. Leave one line space above and 1/4 line space below the heading.
Third-level headings should be 10 point, initial caps, bold, and on the extreme left. Leave one line space above the heading, but no space after the heading.
Illustrations, figures, tables, and graphs
All figures, tables and graphs must be submitted in clean, camera-ready form. Captions 'Table' should be spelt out in full but 'Figure' should be contracted to Fig. (with full point); both should have an initial capital. The number of the table/figure should not be followed by a full point. The caption itself should have the first word capitalized, and should not be followed by a full point, unless it consists of more than a single sentence, e.g. Table 1 Classification of questions in Hindi
Fig. 3 Lexical representations
Number tables consecutively; place the table number and title (in 10 point) above the table with one line space above the caption and one line space below it. Number figures sequentially, placing the figure number and caption, in 10 point, after the figure with one line space above the caption and one line space below it.
Linguistic Representations
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Notes, acknowledgements, references and appendices
The order of items after the main text should be:
All notes should be given at the end of the article, single spaced and numbered consecutively throughout the text, with numbers inserted above the line, e.g. 1. They should be listed in numerical order at the end of the main text:
1. Bresnan, J . . .
2. These results . . .
3. This is what Chomsky would call as ...
Acknowledgements of people, grants, funds, etc. should be placed in a separate section before the References.
At the end of the manuscript, except in book notices provide a full bibliography, single spaced, beginning on a separate page with the heading References, using roman type throughout.
  • Arrange the entries alphabetically by surnames of authors, with each entry as a separate hanging indented paragraph. List multiple works by the same author in ascending chronological order.
  • Use suffixed letters a, b, c, etc. to distinguish more than one item published by asingle author in the same year.
  • If more than one article is cited from one book, list the book as a separate entry under the editor's name, with crossreferences to the book in the entries for each article.
  • Each entry should contain the following elements in the order and punctuation given: (first) author's surname, given name(s) or initial(s); given name and surname of other authors. year of publication. Full title and subtitle of the work. For a journal article: Full name of the journal and volume number inclusive page numbers for the entire article. For an article in a book: title of the book, ed. by [ full name(s) of editor(s)], inclusive page numbers. For books and monographs, the edition, volume or part number (if applicable) and series title (if any). Place of publication: Publisher.
    For examples click here: |Example Reference List|
    Appendices Only one appendix is allowed and it should be headed Appendix, followed by its title.
    Appendix: Title of the appendix

    Book review guidelines

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