
I like his music, don't follow his career closely, but meeting him was truly a great experience.

Gordon Lightfoot

Gordon's album release information
is not current as of this time


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On The High Seas
(from Dream Street Rose)

Lightfoot threw in a mention of Hornepayne in this song

Was it someone she met
that's so hard to forget
Was it some kind
of an ocean of changes
I don't remember
where she said she would be
And since I don't know
let me guess
Was it somewhere in Michigan
or the Lake of the Woods
Up in old Montreal or
Toronto the good
Somewhere in Reno or somewhere in Rome
And when all is said and done
Will she leave me alone

I don't want to get so low
And as for my sadness
it comes and it goes
I don't remember where
she said she would be
Back in the city
or on the high seas

Was it up in Hornepayne where the trains run on time
Was she drinking champagne when she made up her mind
North of the border
or down in South Bend
And when all is said and done
Is there no rainbow's end

I don't want to own the key
To some ghostly mansion where souls are set free
I don't remember where
she said she would go
Straight for the highway
or down the low road
I don't remember where
she said she would be
Back in the city
or on the high seas...

Gord's albums

1966 Lightfoot!
1967 The Way I Feel
1968 Did She Mention My Name
1968 Back Here On Earth
1969 Sunday Concert [live]
1970 Sit Down Young Stranger (If You Could Read My Mind)
1971 Summer Side of Life
1972 Old Dan's Records
1972 Don Quixote
1974 Sundown
1975 Cold On The Shoulder
1976 Summertime Dream
1978 Endless Wire
1980 Dream Street Rose
1982 Shadows
1983 Salute
1986 East of Midnight
1993 Waiting For You
1998 A Painter Passing Through
1999 Songbook

Compilations, Boxes
1969 Early Lightfoot, British release of Lightfoot!
1970 The Best of Gordon Lightfoot
1971 Classic Lightfoot: The Best of Gordon Lightfoot
1974 A Lightfoot Collection / The Very Best United Artists
1975 Gord's Gold
1975 Two Originals of Gordon Lightfoot
1976 Hudba a slova, czech release of Cold on the shoulder
1976 Early Morning Rain
1977 Fantastic Gordon Lightfoot, Vol I + Vol II
1985 Songbook Pair
1987 Over 60 Minutes with...
1988 Gord's Gold II
1989 The Best of Gordon Lightfoot
1991 Lightfoot! / The Way I Feel
1993 The United Artists Collection
1993 Sunday Concert Plus
1993 Did She Mention My Name/Back Here on Earth
1999 Songbook

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Check mark Was it up in Hornepayne?

This picture is reversedI wasn't even really into Gordon Lightfoot way back in 1979. I knew about the Edmund Fitzgerald, but that was about it. I was only 17, a young punk, hanging out in the streets of Hornepayne, a small town in Northern Ontario. Little did I know, Gordon Lightfoot commonly made fishing trips into Ontario's north - and apparently knew some people in this small town. So it was a big event, but I didn't even know he was in town.

A friend and I were just "hanging out" and we heard he was in town and where he was. Well I can be pretty brash and I simply called up the household where we heard he was at. The owner of the home answered, and I simply said, "Can I speak to Gordon Lightfoot?" The man responded, 'hold on a sec'. Hold on a sec? I couldn't believe it.

Another voice came on the line, and sure enough it was that of Gordon Lightfoot. I asked him if my and a friend could come over. What did he say? Simply, "Don't bring a crowd". Woah! My friend and I headed over, and as soon as I rang the bell, my friend took off like a bat out of hell. I still to this day do not know why.

I went in, saw some familiar faces, was offered a beer, and took up a spot in the corner of the living room. Gordon was there, some friends I knew, and the owners of the house and some of their friends. I just took it all in.

The Edmund FitzgeraldVarious people strummed guitars and all was great. Everyone kept goading Gordon to play a tune, but he kept refusing. After maybe an hour, he relented and played 'On the High Seas' (see lyrics at left) and a couple of other tunes. He never did play The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald (see photo).

At one point during the evening I managed to actually sit next to him and have a conversation. I don't remember how that came to be. I don't remember a lot about the conversation either, but I told him I was a drummer. I didn't actually start writing songs on guitar until about two or three years later.

The one thing I do remember quite vividly were the callouses (I don't recall if they were only on one hand or both - likely both). But they were so substantial that I couldn't believe it - they were like tumours on his fingers.

As the gathering wound down, he offered everyone tickets to his annual Massey Hall show. I refused, I guess because I couldn't see how I could actually make it down there. Looking back I should have accepted and asked my parents if they wanted to take a little trip.

GordThe humourous part of this story involves me telling my friends the next day what had happened. They didn't believe me! We were hanging around in the lobby of the motel where he was staying. What happened next is straight out of a fantasy novel - Gordon and his lady came through a door into the lobby to pay their bill!

At first he did not take notice of us, and all my friends were nodding their heads, meaning, "Ya, right!" Seconds later, he turned and looked in our direction, noticed me, and said, "Hey, how's it going?" Oh, there was my crowning moment. My friends realized immediately that my story was true.

I don't know how long Gordon was actually in Hornepayne at that time, but he apparently got around. Over the next couple of days, I heard stories from many people who met him. My dad even met him briefly as Gordon was given a tour of the Canadian National Railway operations, namely the roundhouse. They are not used anymore as far as I know.

A roundhouse is a railway repair facility. It incorporates the use of revolving platform that can direct the train unit to a specific repair bay. Think of it as a lazy susan. The repair bays formed a half circle on one side of the revolving platform, but there may only be two or three tracks leading to the lazy susan. But once the unit is on the susan, it revolves so that the unit can then be driven into one of the numerous repair bays.

I can remember walking around remains of a roundhouse in Parry Sound. All that remained were crumbling walls: no roof, no floor, just portions of walls slowly being enveloped by Mother Nature: the bush.

Hornepayne High School

Horneypayne High School.
It was quite a change from Monklands High School in Montreal.

The train station

Hornepayne looks beautiful in this postcard,
showing a middle-of-the-winter, minus 40-degree night.

Gord's autograph

This has got to be the worst scan job ever. The original is much better. But it's Gord's autograph from the night I met him in 1979.
It says, "To ken Best Wishes Gordon Lightfoot".

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