Suzanne's Pets



I must admit that I am not a cat person, even though we own four cats.  I am more of a dog person, and we own four of them too.  I got Roman from the local animal shelter when I was 15 years old.  He was only 8 weeks old.  He is part German Shepherd and part Doberman Pinscher.  Then we added Bobbie to our family 3 years later.  She is Ron's dog.  Ron found a stray German Shepherd while he was working and after unsuccessfully finding the owner, we kept him as our own.  Ron named him Moocho.  We were under the impression that Moocho couldn't have babies because he only had one testicle, but we were wrong.  Bobbie gave birth to a litter of puppies in 1993.  She delivered six - two died at birth and one died four weeks later from a hiatal hurnia and pneumonia.  The surviving puppies were Cheyenne, Cyrus, and Brandy.  I had planned on keeping all of the puppies but decided they would be better off in new homes.  So we chose to keep Brandy because of her calm distemperment and sold Cheyenne and Cyrus to what we thought were good homes.  Cheyenne did go to a good home and her owner has brought her back to see us several times.  Cyrus, on the other hand, did not.  A year after we sold him, I found Cyrus in a local swap & sell it guide.  They were giving him away for free.  The ad said "not good around children" so I was worried that he might be a biter or something.  I called and asked some questions and went up to see him later that night.  He was not a biter at all...he was a jumper.  They had kept him on a chain hooked to a dog house and he would jump on their children and tangle them up.  That is why they were getting rid of him.  We decided to take him back and picked him up the next morning.  He doesn't jump anymore and is one of the best dogs we have.  He still prefers to be outside though.

Moocho passed away from complications of epilepsy.

As far as cats, we have Phoenix, Sammy, Eli and Casper.  Phoenix was born at our house in 1991.  Sammy is Ron's cat.  He is black and crazy!  Eli and Casper are brothers.  They are both pure white...with long hairs, which drive me crazy because it sticks on your clothes and stuff.  Yuck!  We got Eli and Casper in 1998.



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Bobbie Brandy Cyrus


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Eli & Casper


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