Suzanne's Large Families Website


"The happiest moments of my life have a been the few which I
have passed at home in the bosom of my family."

     - Thomas Jefferson


I am raising a larger than average family.  People don't even realize that America has zero population growth. There are more people becoming old and retiring than there are being born. That's one reason the Social Security retirement program is doomed. It's based on the current working population to pay into the program to support those currently receiving assistance. With more people retiring than being born, those working and coming into the workforce cannot support those retired, as was planned. What will happen to the elderly? Will they be forgotten about and pushed off into a corner? Will the government pay to cover their care expenses? Either way, there is no doubt that the repercussions will be felt by everyone. Knowing this, you would think society would praise those who are having and raising children rather than condone and criticize them. These children will grow to become the workforce of the next generation...the help the current workforce when they retire. But, many don't realize this and the one and two children families have become the norm.


Of course, not everyone can have several children and any can't have any at all. But for the majority, it is an option, but one whose importance is not realized. So, I definitely give thumbs up to large families. This does not mean be irresponsible and breed like rabbits. If a parents cannot "handle" raising their own children, not to mention several of them, and this could lead to abuse situations then obviously it would be best for them to have the size family that fits their abilities. Assistance should be made available to help parents of large families should they need it. Anyone who has experienced any amount of hardship can tell you that the so-called assistance programs just don't exist. I'm not talking about handing money left and right but making opportunities available for families to raise their children with healthy food, clean clothes and safe housing. This should apply not only to large families but all families in general. Family values in this country have gone down the toilet. Talk is one is doing anything to actually help. Hopefully this attitude will change in the future.


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