20. TAZZ (-)

PPVs main-evented: 1 (Royal Rumble Match, Royal Rumble). Top Ten Finishes: 0. Highest Ranking in 2001: 16.

Tazz may be a surprise entry in the year-end rankings, given his lack of qualifications. However, I think I too often over-looked Tazz while doing my bi-weekly rankings so I decided to make up for it now. The reason why he was overlooked is the same reason I'm ranking him now: he recognised an opportunity and snatched it when he took over for Jerry Lawler as commentator on Smackdown. This hurt him in the rankings, because I rarely rank commentators (except in the infamous number twenty spot, ironically where Tazz is now), but helped increase his exposure as he was now on two full TV programs (Heat and Smackdown), as well as his featured bouts on Raw and PPVs and his role on Tough Enough. In fact, I doubt any superstar had more television minutes this year than Tazz. He was rewarded for helping the WWF out of a tough spot (at the sacrifice of his career) with a match at Wrestlemania X-Seven (with the APA against the RTC), as well as a recurring role within the Alliance. Near the end of the year, when he began showing up on the rankings regularly, Tazz would generally be part of every broadcast, even when he stopped commentating, proving his value to the Federation. This was a big year for Tazz, who was able to re-invent himself and gain popularity despite being all but ignored at the end of last year, and therefore he makes the top twenty for the year 2001.

HONOURABLE MENTIONS: Here are a list of WWF Superstars who just missed the cut: Rhyno (U.S. Champion, 3X Hardcore Champion, King of the Ring semi-finalist, main-evented Invasion), Raven (11X Hardcore Champion), Trish Stratus (Women's Champion), Christian (IC Champion, European Champion, King of the Ring semi-finalist), Jeff Hardy (IC Champion, 2X Hardcore Champion, Light Heavyweight Champion).

19. TAJIRI (-)

Titles Held: U.S Title (13 days), Cruiserweight Title (70 days), Light Heavyweight Title (13 days). PPVs main-evented: 0. Top Ten Finishes: 1. Highest Ranking in 2001: 10.

It was a tough call between Tajiri and Rhyno, but I decided to give it to the Japanese Buzzsaw because he finished out the year (which didn't really give him more time than Rhyno because Rhyno started in the WWF before Tajiri, I guess this is more of a "what have you done for me lately?" ranking). Actually, the real reason I ranked Tajiri over the likes of Rhyno and Raven is that I like Tajiri. Hey, they're my rankings. Still, while Rhyno was hovering around the top in feuds with guys like Jericho, I was never all that excited about him. The guys in charge in the WWF got behind him (like Paul Heyman), but I'm not sure that fans did. On the other hand, the WWF kept Tajiri back a few months, then hid him with Regal, but could not stop the fans from getting behind him. Only then did the WWF give him a push, teaming him with a young hottie like Torrie Wilson and feuding him with guys like... Rhyno. All in all, I decided to rank Tajiri on the year-end rankings because he is quite simply one of the most exciting and unique in-ring performers to have come along in years.

18. THE BIG SHOW (12)

Titles Held: Hardcore Title, 2X (29 days). PPVs main-evented: 2 (Royal Rumble Match, Royal Rumble; Winner Takes All Match, Survivor Series). Top Ten Finishes: 2. Highest Ranking in 2001: 7.

Ahhh... The Big Show, the first competitor on the rankings to return from last year's rankings (and the only one on this page). Obviously, this year was a drop off for the Show, last year he came in as champ, came in second in the Rumble, fought The Rock at No Way Out, and main-evented Wrestlemania. Then he completely fizzled and the WWF sent him to the minors to get in shape and learn, essentially, how to wrestle. This year he never contended for the WWF Title, his biggest PPV match was against Shane McMahon at Backlash (which was a stunning match, by the way), and often had to pair with lesser performers such as Spike Dudley and Billy Gunn. Still, I think 2001 was a better year for the Show, despite his lower ranking. Why? Because he finished the year on a positive, joining the best in the WWF at Survivor Series and beginning to forge a real personality that fans could get behind (something he never did in his two previous years in the WWF, even when he was champion).

17. ROB VAN DAM (-)

Titles Held: Hardcore Title, 3X (104 days). PPVs main-evented: 2 (Triple Threat Match for WWF Title, No Mercy; Winner Takes All Match, Survivor Series). Top Ten Finishes: 4. Highest Ranking in 2001: 4.

The man they call "Mr. Pay Per View", "Mr. Monday Night", and "The Whole Dam Show" (and used to call something a little more offensive) finally got his chance to dance with the big boys on a full time basis and left me asking one simple question: "what took so long"? This guy can entertain in the ring like few others in the business, so well that his in-ring performances cover for his complete inability to cut a promo. Not being able to promote your own matches or storylines generally prevents a wrestler from getting over, but in the case of RVD, nothing could prevent him from getting over. It began with two show-stealing matches with Jeff Hardy for the Hardcore Title at Invasion and Summerslam and continued until WWF fans practically willed Van Dam into the main event versus Steve Austin and Kurt Angle at No Mercy. By then, his performances had stimulated crowds to the point where it did not matter when in a Pay Per View RVD wrestled, it would be the high spot of the event. Rather than fight the phenomenon in favour of storylines, the WWF capitalized and RVD was fighting the big boys like The Rock, Stone Cold and The Undertaker.

16. EDGE (-)

Titles Held: Intercontinental Championship, 3X (93 days), U.S. Title (52 days- Edge unified the two titles), WWF Tag Team Titles (with Christian), 3X (39 days), 2001 King of the Ring. PPVs main-evented: 0. Top Ten Finishes: 3. Highest Ranking in 2001: 8.

Some might have expected Edge to have been ranked higher, given his littany of successes this year, but since that he only started fighting solo around the half-way mark of the year (by winning the King of the Ring) he only ranked as a soloist for half a year. So his entire year is not represented here, for the whole story check out the Year End Tag Team Rankings section. With that in mind, sixteenth place ain't bad. I would say that with his half year of fighting on his own for a full year, Edge managed to reach the top of the second tier of the WWF, being the ideal Intercontinental Champion and having memorable feuds and matches with Christian, Test, and William Regal. Look for Edge to be an impact player in the WWF next year if, and this is a big if, the WWF stops bringing in outside talent to clog the top and instead allows some of its own superstars that are ready for the jump shine.

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For more WWF content on this site, click on any of the following:

THE YEAR 2000- YEAR IN REVIEW- See how the superstars of the WWF stacked up using my rankings system for the entire year 2000. Who was number 1, The Rock or Triple H? Who were the top tag teams? Also, the title pictures for each belt from the WWF Championship all the way down to the Light Heavyweight Title, with my own commentary on each reign.

LITA- ONE MAN'S OBSESSION- I admit, I am in love with Lita. I also admit that this behaviour has become a bit of an obsession. See pictures of the Team Extreme Diva, biographical info and random career facts, while I attempt to come to terms with the fact that I am in love with someone I see on TV.

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